RMySQL cannot insert new data - r

I try to insert new data to MySQL using RMySQL. Only for this case I always fail and always get the same warning message. The message was:
Warning message:
In value[[3L]](cond) : corrupt resultSet, missing fieldDescription
Although it just a warning, I never find my data show on MySQL.
Complete code and warning message shown as below:
Please advise any solution.

enter image description here
Oh, Please, don't forget to un-comment library(RMySQL) [ line : 1 ].
Please, add query in lieu of "select age from Customers". [ line : 9 ].
Maybe, it'll works fine.
[ Sorry, for my bad English. ]


MariaDB SphinxSE not accepting weights parameter

If I try this query:
select * FROM sphinx.products where `query` = "test";
it works. But if I try to give it weights it returns an error:
select * FROM sphinx.products where `query` = "test;sort=extended:#weight DESC;weights=3,1,1,1";
Fails with error:
Error in query (1430): There was a problem processing the query on the foreign data source.
Data source error: searchd error: invalid deprecated unordered_weight count 4 (expe
(Error reported by MariaDB gets truncated there, but I believe it says "expecting 0")
select * FROM sphinx.products where `query` = "test;sort=extended:#weight DESC";
Fails with error:
Error in query (1430): There was a problem processing the query on the foreign data source.
Data source error: searchd error: index 'sku_products': sort-by attribute '#weight'
(Again, error returned by SphinxSearch gets truncated by MariaDB)
All the documentation I find about SphinxSE tells me to query the index this way, yet it does not work, but nobody in the Internet seem to have met this error since nobody is asking about this anywhere...
Am I doing something wrong?
Well, the option weights= didn't work, but it accepted fieldweights=sku,90,partnumber,30,barcode,20,name,10.
(I.e., fieldweights=<field1_name>,<field1_weight>,...)
Results came ordered by weight even without specifying sort=extended:#weight DESC, so I dodged both errors and got what I needed.
Hope this helps anyone in the same situation.

Slackr: x Problem with `id` - Cannot send messages

I am not an admin so I can't change the scopes. I can send slackr_bot messages to a channel I set up in the creation of the app in UI but doing the below does not work. Has anyone found a solution to this?
I created a txt file called: test.txt
Within that txt file it looks like this:
api_token: xxxxxxxxxxxx
channel: #channel_name
username: myusername
incoming_webhook_url: https://hooks.slack.com/services/xxxxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Then I want to simply send a message but eventually I would like to run the function
ggslackr(qplot(mpg, wt, data=mtcars))
slackr_setup(config_file = "test.txt")
my_message <- paste("I'm sending a Slack message at", Sys.time(), "from my R script.")
slackr_msg(my_message, channel = "#channel_name", as_user=F)
Here is the error message:
Error: Join columns must be present in data.
x Problem with `id`.
Run `rlang::last_error()` to see where the error occurred.
In addition: Warning message:
In structure(vars, groups = group_vars, class = c("dplyr_sel_vars", :
Calling 'structure(NULL, *)' is deprecated, as NULL cannot have attributes.
Consider 'structure(list(), *)' instead.
Edit #2:
Okay, I learned some things regarding packages. If I had to do this over, I'd have gone to their github repo and read the issue tracker.
The reason is that it appears that slackr has a few issues related to changes in Slack's API.
And also since there has been a large updating of R (version 4.x) a lot of packages got broken.
My sense is that our issue is with a line of code inside a slackr function (slackr_util.r--iirc) that calls a dplyr join that is looking for a particular id that does not exist.
So, I'm going to watch the issue tracker and see what comes of it.
Edit: Try slackr_bot(my_message,channel = "#general")
worked as advertised!
But ggslackr continues to fail.
I'm having the same issue. I've found in another thread a debugging start:
When I run that,
1. slackr::slackr_msg(my_message, channel = "#general")
5. slackr::slackr_chtrans(channel)
6. slackr::slackr_ims(api_token)
8. dplyr:::left_join.data.frame(users, ims, by = "id", copy = TRUE)
9. dplyr:::join_mutate(...)
10. dplyr:::join_cols(...)
11. dplyr:::standardise_join_by(by, x_names = x_names, y_names = y_names)
12. dplyr:::check_join_vars(by$y, y_names)
So, step 8 there is a join effort by id, which I suppose this implies that 'id' is missing.
yet, if I run from github issue tracker : slackr::slackrSetup(echo=TRUE) I get the following:
"SLACK_CHANNEL": ["#general"],
"SLACK_USERNAME": ["slackr_brian"],
"SLACK_INCOMING_URL_PREFIX": ["https://hooks.xxxxxxx"],
"SLACK_API_TOKEN": ["token secret"]
I'm not sure where to go from here as the issue tracker conversation makes mention of confirming webhooks going to the correct channel and becomes very user specific.
So, that's as far as I have gotten.

Create table in multiple databases with flyway

I'm trying to connect to the multiple databases and create tables, but when migrating flyway gets syntax error.
This is the migration file I'm trying to run:
\c testdatabase;
CREATE TABLE testtable1;
\c testdatabase2;
CREATE TABLE testtable2;
Flyway gives this output:
Error Code : 0
Message : ERROR: syntax error at or near "\"
Position: 1
Line : 1
Statement : \c testdatabase
It seems like flyway does not support meta-commands like "\c" for connecting to the database. Is there any other way to do connect to the databases and create a table?
The error comes (as indicated in the error input) from the comment lines preceding your two SQL statements in the script: \c testdatabase; which are not valid SQL syntax for comments.
You could simply correct those faulty lines like the following: -- testdatabase, and generally, the error input already gives you a hint as to where lies the problem.

sqlite3 syntax error that I cannot find

The line of code is the following:
conn.execute('''CREATE TABLE summury (set , avarageApproxAlg1Opt, optFound, maxApprox, range1, range2, range3, range4);''')
It's in a Python script and it complains about my sintax:
sqlite3.OperationalError: near "set": syntax error
I'm not experienced in SQL and I cannot understand what's wrong there.
Sorry for the quality of the question, but.. any help?
Thanks in advance.
set is a keyword in SQL. Either rename the column, or put it in "double quotes".

How to capture execution error (stderr connection) into a string variable?

With stdout connection we can use [capture.output][1] function. But what about error messages?
This will of course require some form of try block. But FAIK the try block doesn't provide a way to access the string of actual error messages that were repressed.
Can anyone help me, please?
use tryCatch and conditionMessage
tryCatch(stop("oops"), error=function(err) conditionMessage(err))
Provide a reproducible example for more help.
You can use geterrmessage to retrieve the last error message:
stop("Hammer Time")
Error: Hammer Time
[1] "Error: Hammer Time\n"
