I am using SkypeWebSDKOnlineSample. I have hosted locally and running successfully.
Some of functionalities are not running
Self (Error: NoResourceFound)
Conference (UI appeared But Functionality not working)
Join Meeting (Even UI does not appear)
Although,I have given all delegated rights for Skype for Business Online.
When I am decoding the token, It will give me only 2 scopes in scp key.
Is it need to follow the prerequisites steps for it?
When I am creating anonymous meeting,It will throw the error.
Source code:
var uri = 'sip:kunjal.bhatt#example.com;gruu;opaque-app:conf:focus:id:1WRB13D2';
name: 'Robin',
meeting: uri
at Object.Exception (https://latest-swx.cdn.skype.com/v/1.72.36/js/skype-web-sdk.js:18961:31)
at BaseModel.pm_command [as signIn] (https://latest-swx.cdn.skype.com/v/1.72.36/js/skype-web-sdk.js:20147:37)
at <anonymous>:1:34
How to enable the Join Meeting Option?
I am trying to geocode some addresses with python
so I created a freemium account on https://developer.here.com
my code is this
here = Here(here_config.app_id, here_config.app_code, timeout=5)
I am getting the following error message:
HTTP Error 401: Unauthorized
my doubt comes from the difference between the terms "app_code" on my code sample and "app_key" on my credential screen.
Is there another step I need to do in order to get a "app_code" or is my "app_key" already supposed to be it?
P.S. on that same screen Here provides me an option of getting JAVASCRIPT keys, HERE SDK FOR IOS (PREMIUM EDITION) [this option cleary has a button that says "generate app_key and app_code", however, I am not developing a cellphone app, but a python program.
What am I missing ?
App ID and App Code have been replaced. We encourage all users to switch to API Key or OAuth 2.0 (JSON Web Tokens) authentication. Please be aware that as part of adapting to the new authentication method, some endpoints have also changed.
please check the new domains here
You can either use your ApiKey or App_Id/App_Code.
for example like this-
I'm building an Azure web app for a client that will be provisioned into many other directories for their customers. This app will call a web API in my client's directory, which will then call back to another web API in the customer's directory. Something like this:
Other Customer AAD1 --------- My client AAD2
App --------------------------------> Web API 2
Web API 1 <-------------------------- Web API 2
We have been able to get the first call to work. This requires a corresponding App Registation for Web API 2 in AAD1. We figure that we could get the callback to work by following the same pattern, with a registration for Web API1 in AAD2. However, that might be a LOT of these 'proxy' registration in my client's AAD, so we're looking at alternatives.
We are exploring using Managed Service Identity, which we think will allow us to get tokens that are valid for resources in other tenants. If there's a better way, I'm certainly interested in knowing about it.
I've followed the code example from here using the Microsoft.Azure.Services.AppAuthentication library: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/app-service/app-service-managed-service-identity#obtaining-tokens-for-azure-resources
// In Web API 2
using Microsoft.Azure.Services.AppAuthentication;
// ...
var azureServiceTokenProvider = new AzureServiceTokenProvider();
string accessToken = await azureServiceTokenProvider.GetAccessTokenAsync(
"https://<App ID URI for Web API1>");
Web API2 is configured to have a Managed Service Identity.
I'm currently running this on my local machine, and I've installed Azure CLI and I'm logged in. I've tried 'az account get-access-token', and I get a valid token.
When Web API2 tries to get the token to be able to call Web API1, I get an exception:
Parameters: Connectionstring: [No connection string specified], Resource: , Authority: . Exception Message: Tried the following 2 methods to get an access token, but none of them worked.
Parameters: Connectionstring: [No connection string specified], Resource: , Authority: . Exception Message: Tried to get token using Managed Service Identity. Unable to connect to the Managed Service Identity (MSI) endpoint. Please check that you are running on an Azure resource that has MSI setup.
Parameters: Connectionstring: [No connection string specified], Resource: , Authority: . Exception Message: Tried to get token using Azure CLI. Access token could not be acquired. ERROR: Get Token request returned http error: 400 and server response: {"error":"invalid_grant","error_description":"AADSTS65001: The user or administrator has not consented to use the application with ID '04b07795-8ddb-461a-bbee-02f9e1bf7b46' named 'Web API 1'. Send an interactive authorization request for this user and resource.\r\nTrace ID: f5bb0d4d-6f92-4fdd-81b7-e82a78720a00\r\nCorrelation ID: 04f92114-8d9d-40c6-b292-965168d6a919\r\nTimestamp: 2017-10-19 16:39:22Z","error_codes":[65001],"timestamp":"2017-10-19 16:39:22Z","trace_id":"f5bb0d4d-6f92-4fdd-81b7-e82a78720a00","correlation_id":"04f92114-8d9d-40c6-b292-965168d6a919"}
What's interesting is that there's no application with ID '04b07795-8ddb-461a-bbee-02f9e1bf7b46' in either AAD1 or AAD2. Is this a known Azure app? I thought that it might be the Service Management API, but I'm not sure.
In any case, I'm not sure of the proper way to grant permission. I've tried building different content URLs like this into my browser, but none of them seem to have done the trick:
https://login.microsoftonline.com/(AAD1 ID)/adminconsent
?client_id=(App ID)
&resource=(App ID URI for Web API1)
https://login.microsoftonline.com/(AAD1 ID)/adminconsent
&resource=(App ID URI for Web API1)
(This last one tells me that the reply URL is incorrect; since it's not one of my apps, I can't find the reply URL)
Note that the tenant is AAD1.
Am I missing something, or am I not using this feature correctly?
Thanks in advance.
AzureServiceTokenProvider uses Azure CLI (among other options) for local development. For a scenario where a service calls an Azure Service, this works using the developer identity from Azure CLI, since Azure services allow access to both users and applications.
For a scenario where a service calls another custom service (like your scenario), you need to use a service principal for local development. For this, you have two options:
Login to Azure CLI using a service principal.
First, create a service principal for local development
Then login to Azure CLI using it.
az login --service-principal -u 25922285-eab9-4262-ba61-8083533a929b --password <<pwd>> --tenant 72f988bf-86f1-41af-91ab-2d7cd011db47 --allow-no-subscriptions
Use the --allow-no-subscriptions argument since this service principal may not have access to any subscription.
Now, AzureServiceTokenProvider will get a token using this service principal for local development.
Specify service principal details in an environment variable. AzureServiceTokenProvider will use the specified service principal for local development. Please see the section Running the application using a service principal in local development environment in this sample on how to do that. https://github.com/Azure-Samples/app-service-msi-keyvault-dotnet
Note: Ths is only for local development. AzureServiceTokenProvider will use MSI when deployed to App Service.
I've encountered a challenge regarding internet-facing deployment installation for CRM using a AD FS server. After the setup is complete, users are able to access the CRM server - but when trying to run custom pages the following error message is prompted:
"The authentication endpoint Kerberos was not found on the configured Secure Token Service!"
I've found several solutions on the internet for this issue:
First I found a KB article from Microsoft providing a possible
solution, this involves updating MEX endpoints by running a provided
PowerShell script.
But this doesn't seem to be the issue.
Another solution could be to update the CRM rollup version (currently have version 14 installed, latest is version 18) - this is something that I want to avoid as it might lead to further issues.
Have anybody else encountered a similar issue, and in that case how did you solve it?
I have just spent last few days to figure this exact same error message and it turned out that it was the "Domain" attribute in crm connection string. Copied my answer to my own question at the Microsoft Dynamics CRM community forum here:
"Well, I found the culprit - it was the Domain attribute in the connection string:
For connecting from outside the domain, it does not like to have a Domain in the connection string:
Connection string format 1 (without Domain attribute): "Authentication Type=Passport;Server=https://devcrm.myco.com;Username=devuser#myco.com;Password=pwd" - this works both inside and outside the domain "myco.com"
Connection string format 2 (with Domain attribute): "Authentication Type=Passport;Server=https://devcrm.myco.com;Domain=myco;Username=devuser#myco.com;Password=pwd" - this only works inside the domain myco.com but NOT outside (exception: The authentication endpoint Kerberos was not found on the configured Secure Token Service!)
The key is in the Xrm.Client.CrmConnection.ClientCredential:
If Domain is NOT specified in the connection string, when connecting from outside domain, Xrm.Client.CrmConnection.ClientCredentials.UserName is populated whereas the ClientCredentials.Windows.ClientCredentials.UserName is empty.
But if the Domain is specified, Xrm.Client.CrmConnection.ClientCredentials.UserName becomes null and Xrm.Client.CrmConnection.ClientCredentials.Windows.ClientCredentials.UserName populated, which led to the service trying to authenticate user as a Windows AD user so of course it would fail when running app from outside Windows domain. And it explains why the same app works inside the domain even with Domain specified in the connection string.
For more detail, refer here for my original post asking for help in Dynamics CRM Forum
OpenAM version -12 , Agent version 3.5 and 3.3 , tomcat version 7
I have tried to follow the link https://forums.alfresco.com/forum/installation-upgrades-configuration-integration/authentication-ldap-sso/sso-openam-06052012 to set up my J2EE Agent. Let me paste the steps after asking the question(see at the end)
but I am getting the error as asked below
Not able to configure J2ee agent on adding my customized data store for users
I have tried to use 3.5 version installed and uninstalled multiple times and tried previous version.
There is a nice discussion on this topic at http://database.developer-works.com/article/16009911/%22Cannot+obtain+Application+SSO+token%22+error
but it did not help me much.
I am using LDAP so I have used LDAP realm and subjects are showing up ok. Also I am observing that the policy tab has changed quite a bit from how it is described in the Blogs.
Now with the roadblock I am not sure how to proceed as the error is not giving me any clue what to do. I even added the file named AMConfig.properties in the classpath with username and password of the agent and tried the username and password of the OpenAM admin too as suggested in the discussion mentioned. but that too did not help.
The issue is the Tomcat now is not starting and giving error that AMConfig.properties properties are needed
I know the OpenAM Realm setup is good as I am able to login via this realm to another application (Liferay) where I just have to give the URL for use OpenAM integration. but after uninstallation of the agent the tomcat starts without any error and i am able to login to the application
-------------------Step copied from 1st link(modified)--------------------------
1. Configure your OpenAM agent (tried both 3.5 and 3.3 version on tomcat 7)
a. Log into OpenAM as the admin user and navigate to "Access Control -> (Your Realm) - where in my case LDAP Realm (other application using it without issue)
b. Select Policies -> New Policy
c. Enter Share as the policy name and then create 2 new URL Policy agent rules
d. 1st Resource Name = http://:/share/*
e. 2nd Resource Name = http://alfresco.domain.com:8080/share/*?*
f. Add a subjects - already part of LDAP Realm
g. Now select Agents -> J2EE - > (your J2EE agent)
h. Select the Application tab
i. Login Processing -> Login Form URI - add /share/page/dologin
j. Logout Processing -> Application Logout URL - add Map Key = share - Corresponding Map Value = /share/page/dologout
k. Not Enforced URI Processing - Add 2 entries - /share and /share/
l. Profile Attributes Processing - Select HTTP_HEADER and add Map Key = uid - Corresponding Map Value = SsoUserHeader (This is what I called my header in the alfresco-global.properties file - see below)
Auth chain
SSO settings
NOTE- It does not seem possible to configure SSO where the Guest login has been disabled. There are webscripts used on the Alfresco repository that need guest login.
That concludes the setup for Alfresco and OpenAM
For Share you need to have the following section uncommented in your share-config-custom.xml
Alfresco Connector
Connects to an Alfresco instance using cookie-based authentication
Alfresco Connector
Connects to an Alfresco instance using header and cookie-based authentication
Alfresco - user access
Access to Alfresco Repository WebScripts that require user authentication
Notice I am not using the SSL cert and in my alfrescoHeader connector I have used SsoUserHeader (as setup in OpenAM) and the endpoint uses the alfrescoHeader connector
Now you need to add the OpenAM filter to the Share web.xml file
Add the following filter just before the Share SSO authentication support filter
Add the following filter mapping to the filter-mapping section
----- End ----------
The error message is a bit misleading: the Cannot obtain application SSO token in general means that the agent was unable to authenticate itself. When you install the agent, the agent asks for a profile name and a password file, those values need to correspond to the agent profile configured within OpenAM.
To test if you can authenticate as the user, you could simply try to authenticate as the agent by making the following request:
curl -d "username=profilename&password=password&uri=realm=/%26module=Application" http://aldaris.sch.bme.hu:8080/openam/identity/authenticate
In the above command the realm value needs to be the same as the value for the "com.sun.identity.agents.config.organization.name" property defined in OpenSSOAgentBootstrap.properties (under the agent's install directory).
Having bad username/password combination is only one of the possible root causes for this exception though. It is also possible that during startup the agent was unable to connect to OpenAM to authenticate itself. In those cases the problem could be:
network error, firewall issues preventing the agent from contacting OpenAM
SSL trust issues: agent's JVM does not trust the certificate of OpenAM's container (only problem if you've installed the agent by providing OpenAM's HTTPS URL and the certificate is self-signed or just simply not trusted by the JVM)
I have recently moved a project over to another server. The domain name is the same, it has just been pointed to the new server. The URL is exactly the same. Since moving the project over however I get this error when the app tries to connect to googles OAuth api.
"name": "Error calling GET https:\/\/www.googleapis.com\/analytics\/v3\/management\/accounts\/~all\/webproperties\/~all\/profiles?key=AIzaSyBKUP8JriiOnFnbJm_QYt_bHTMuHf-ilAI: (403) There is a per-IP or per-Referer restriction configured on your API key and the request does not match these restrictions. Please use the Google Developers Console to update your API key configuration if request from this IP or referer should be allowed.",
"url": "\/analytics\/statistics.json"
The obvious reason (based on the error message) would be that I haven't added the new server IP into the list of allowed IP's in the devlopers console under APIs & auth->Credentials->Key for server applications.
I have added the IP. I've checked the domain has propagated by pinging it and the new IP comes up which has been entered in the console so i'm struggling to work out why it doesn't work.
Has anybody come across this before that may be able to help me solve it?
Go to Project -> APIs & Auth -> Credentials -> API Key -> Create New Key -> Browser Key. It may take upto 5 minutes to reflect changes.
And it worked for me.
After you added your new server IP you need to generate a new API key from the Console. This message shows up when access in not properly configured. Look here and scroll down to "accessNotConfigured".
So, go to your developer console, Project -> APIs & Auth -> Credentials -> Public API Access -> Create New Key -> Server Key. Use this new key and you should be good to go.
I've had this problem for a while as well but finally solved it:
I noticed when trying wget http://bot.whatismyipaddress.com/ from my server it would actually return an IPv6-address, when on the API key's config page I had entered the IPv4-Address of my server. Once I added the IPv6-Address, my requests where finally accepted.
Go to Project -> APIs & Auth -> Credentials -> Public API Access -> Create New Key -> Server Key >> Accept requests from these server IP addresses (Optional) section,
then remove all the IP Address and Update it first, then try it. And, later you can add the specific IP address which did weirdly work for me.