Increasing the value of elements in a vector by a given sequence/statement - r

I want to create a sample dataset for an analysis:
d <- data.frame(ID=rep(1:10, each = 8),
AGE=rep(sample(20:40, size=10),each=8),
YEAR=rep(2011:2014, 10, each = 2),
HAND=rep(c("LEFT","RIGHT"), 40),
OUTCOME=(rnorm(80)) )
> d[1:8,]
1 1 26 2011 LEFT 1.7150650
2 1 26 2011 RIGHT 0.4609162
3 1 26 2012 LEFT -1.2650612
4 1 26 2012 RIGHT -0.6868529
5 1 26 2013 LEFT -0.4456620
6 1 26 2013 RIGHT 1.2240818
7 1 26 2014 LEFT 0.3598138
8 1 26 2014 RIGHT 0.4007715
ID would be subject, AGE is the age of the subject, YEAR is the year the measurement was taken, HAND is left or right hand, OUTCOME is some measure of outcome.
Now I realized that the AGE for each subject should ideally increase by one year for each YEAR the subject has been measured, i.e.:
I came up with this solution:
age <- unique(d$AGE)
for(i in 1:10){
a <- rep(age[i]+0:3, each=2)
AGE2 <- c(AGE2,a)
d$AGE2 <- AGE2
> d[1:8,]
1 1 26 2011 LEFT 1.7150650 26
2 1 26 2011 RIGHT 0.4609162 26
3 1 26 2012 LEFT -1.2650612 27
4 1 26 2012 RIGHT -0.6868529 27
5 1 26 2013 LEFT -0.4456620 28
6 1 26 2013 RIGHT 1.2240818 28
7 1 26 2014 LEFT 0.3598138 29
8 1 26 2014 RIGHT 0.4007715 29
Question: I was wondering if there is a more efficient way to do this? For example would it be possible to add the "corrected" age right away in the data.frame() function above?

We can do this with duplicated
res <- d %>%
group_by(ID) %>%
mutate(AGE2 = AGE + cumsum(!duplicated(YEAR))-1)
# <int> <int> <int> <fctr> <dbl> <dbl>
#1 1 26 2011 LEFT 1.7150650 26
#2 1 26 2011 RIGHT 0.4609162 26
#3 1 26 2012 LEFT -1.2650612 27
#4 1 26 2012 RIGHT -0.6868529 27
#5 1 26 2013 LEFT -0.4456620 28
#6 1 26 2013 RIGHT 1.2240818 28

Using dplyr you can simply group by ID and HAND:
d %>% group_by(ID, HAND) %>% mutate(AGE2 = AGE + (0:(length(AGE)-1)))
Source: local data frame [80 x 6]
Groups: ID, HAND [20]
<int> <int> <int> <fctr> <dbl> <int>
1 1 26 2011 LEFT 1.7150650 26
2 1 26 2011 RIGHT 0.4609162 26
3 1 26 2012 LEFT -1.2650612 27
4 1 26 2012 RIGHT -0.6868529 27
5 1 26 2013 LEFT -0.4456620 28
6 1 26 2013 RIGHT 1.2240818 28
7 1 26 2014 LEFT 0.3598138 29
8 1 26 2014 RIGHT 0.4007715 29
9 2 35 2011 LEFT 0.1106827 35
10 2 35 2011 RIGHT -0.5558411 35
# ... with 70 more rows

With data.table, you could use rep and a little algebra.
d[, AGE2 := AGE + rep(0L:((.N-1)/2L), each=2), by=ID][]
1: 1 26 2011 LEFT 1.715064987 26
2: 1 26 2011 RIGHT 0.460916206 26
3: 1 26 2012 LEFT -1.265061235 27
4: 1 26 2012 RIGHT -0.686852852 27
5: 1 26 2013 LEFT -0.445661970 28
6: 1 26 2013 RIGHT 1.224081797 28
7: 1 26 2014 LEFT 0.359813827 29
8: 1 26 2014 RIGHT 0.400771451 29
9: 2 35 2011 LEFT 0.110682716 35
10: 2 35 2011 RIGHT -0.555841135 35
11: 2 35 2012 LEFT 1.786913137 36
12: 2 35 2012 RIGHT 0.497850478 36
Here, AGE2 is constructed by adding AGE to rep(0L:((.N-1)/2L), each=2) which counts 0 through the number of observations, minus 1, divided by 2. The by statement repeats this for each ID.


Repeating annual values multiple times to form a monthly dataframe

I have an annual dataset as below:
year <- c(2016,2017,2018)
xxx <- c(1,2,3)
yyy <- c(4,5,6)
df <- data.frame(year,xxx,yyy)
year xxx yyy
1 2016 1 4
2 2017 2 5
3 2018 3 6
Where the values in column xxx and yyy correspond to values for that year.
I would like to expand this dataframe (or create a new dataframe), which retains the same column names, but repeats each value 12 times (corresponding to the month of that year) and repeat the yearly value 12 times in the first column.
As mocked up by the code below:
year <- rep(2016:2018,each=12)
xxx <- rep(1:3,each=12)
yyy <- rep(4:6,each=12)
df2 <- data.frame(year,xxx,yyy)
year xxx yyy
1 2016 1 4
2 2016 1 4
3 2016 1 4
4 2016 1 4
5 2016 1 4
6 2016 1 4
7 2016 1 4
8 2016 1 4
9 2016 1 4
10 2016 1 4
11 2016 1 4
12 2016 1 4
13 2017 2 5
14 2017 2 5
15 2017 2 5
16 2017 2 5
17 2017 2 5
18 2017 2 5
19 2017 2 5
20 2017 2 5
21 2017 2 5
22 2017 2 5
23 2017 2 5
24 2017 2 5
25 2018 3 6
26 2018 3 6
27 2018 3 6
28 2018 3 6
29 2018 3 6
30 2018 3 6
31 2018 3 6
32 2018 3 6
33 2018 3 6
34 2018 3 6
35 2018 3 6
36 2018 3 6
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I'm new to R and I can see how I would do this with a loop statement but was wondering if there was an easier solution.
Convert df to a matrix, take the kronecker product with a vector of 12 ones and then convert back to a data.frame. The can be omitted if a matrix result is ok. %x% rep(1, 12))

A running sum for daily data that resets when month turns

I have a 2 column table (tibble), made up of a date object and a numeric variable. There is maximum one entry per day but not every day has an entry (ie date is a natural primary key). I am attempting to do a running sum of the numeric column along with dates but with the running sum resetting when the month turns (the data is sorted by ascending date). I have replicated what I want to get as a result below.
Date score monthly.running.sum
10/2/2019 7 7
10/9/2019 6 13
10/16/2019 12 25
10/23/2019 2 27
10/30/2019 13 40
11/6/2019 2 2
11/13/2019 4 6
11/20/2019 15 21
11/27/2019 16 37
12/4/2019 4 4
12/11/2019 24 28
12/18/2019 28 56
12/25/2019 8 64
1/1/2020 1 1
1/8/2020 15 16
1/15/2020 9 25
1/22/2020 8 33
It looks like the package "runner" is possibly suited to this but I don't really understand how to instruct it. I know I could use a join operation plus a group_by using dplyr to do this, but the data set is very very large and doing so would be wildly inefficient. i could also manually iterate through the list with a loop, but that also seems inelegant. last option i can think of is selecting out a unique vector of yearmon objects and then cutting the original list into many shorter lists and running a plain cumsum on it, but that also feels unoptimal. I am sure this is not the first time someone has to do this, and given how many tools there is in the tidyverse to do things, I think I just need help finding the right one. The reason I am looking for a tool instead of using one of the methods I described above (which would take less time than writing this post) is because this code needs to be very very readable by an audience that is less comfortable with code.
We can also use data.table
setDT(df)[, Date := as.IDate(Date, "%m/%d/%Y")
][, monthly.running.sum := cumsum(score),format(Date, "%Y-%m")][]
# Date score monthly.running.sum
# 1: 2019-10-02 7 7
# 2: 2019-10-09 6 13
# 3: 2019-10-16 12 25
# 4: 2019-10-23 2 27
# 5: 2019-10-30 13 40
# 6: 2019-11-06 2 2
# 7: 2019-11-13 4 6
# 8: 2019-11-20 15 21
# 9: 2019-11-27 16 37
#10: 2019-12-04 4 4
#11: 2019-12-11 24 28
#12: 2019-12-18 28 56
#13: 2019-12-25 8 64
#14: 2020-01-01 1 1
#15: 2020-01-08 15 16
#16: 2020-01-15 9 25
#17: 2020-01-22 8 33
df <- structure(list(Date = c("10/2/2019", "10/9/2019", "10/16/2019",
"10/23/2019", "10/30/2019", "11/6/2019", "11/13/2019", "11/20/2019",
"11/27/2019", "12/4/2019", "12/11/2019", "12/18/2019", "12/25/2019",
"1/1/2020", "1/8/2020", "1/15/2020", "1/22/2020"), score = c(7L,
6L, 12L, 2L, 13L, 2L, 4L, 15L, 16L, 4L, 24L, 28L, 8L, 1L, 15L,
9L, 8L)), row.names = c(NA, -17L), class = "data.frame")
Using lubridate, you can extract month and year values from the date, group_by those values and them perform the cumulative sum as follow:
df %>% mutate(Month = month(mdy(Date)),
Year = year(mdy(Date))) %>%
group_by(Month, Year) %>%
mutate(SUM = cumsum(score))
# A tibble: 17 x 6
# Groups: Month, Year [4]
Date score monthly.running.sum Month Year SUM
<chr> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int>
1 10/2/2019 7 7 10 2019 7
2 10/9/2019 6 13 10 2019 13
3 10/16/2019 12 25 10 2019 25
4 10/23/2019 2 27 10 2019 27
5 10/30/2019 13 40 10 2019 40
6 11/6/2019 2 2 11 2019 2
7 11/13/2019 4 6 11 2019 6
8 11/20/2019 15 21 11 2019 21
9 11/27/2019 16 37 11 2019 37
10 12/4/2019 4 4 12 2019 4
11 12/11/2019 24 28 12 2019 28
12 12/18/2019 28 56 12 2019 56
13 12/25/2019 8 64 12 2019 64
14 1/1/2020 1 1 1 2020 1
15 1/8/2020 15 16 1 2020 16
16 1/15/2020 9 25 1 2020 25
17 1/22/2020 8 33 1 2020 33
An alternative will be to use floor_date function in order ot convert each date as the first day of each month and the calculate the cumulative sum:
df %>% mutate(Floor = floor_date(mdy(Date), unit = "month")) %>%
group_by(Floor) %>%
mutate(SUM = cumsum(score))
# A tibble: 17 x 5
# Groups: Floor [4]
Date score monthly.running.sum Floor SUM
<chr> <int> <int> <date> <int>
1 10/2/2019 7 7 2019-10-01 7
2 10/9/2019 6 13 2019-10-01 13
3 10/16/2019 12 25 2019-10-01 25
4 10/23/2019 2 27 2019-10-01 27
5 10/30/2019 13 40 2019-10-01 40
6 11/6/2019 2 2 2019-11-01 2
7 11/13/2019 4 6 2019-11-01 6
8 11/20/2019 15 21 2019-11-01 21
9 11/27/2019 16 37 2019-11-01 37
10 12/4/2019 4 4 2019-12-01 4
11 12/11/2019 24 28 2019-12-01 28
12 12/18/2019 28 56 2019-12-01 56
13 12/25/2019 8 64 2019-12-01 64
14 1/1/2020 1 1 2020-01-01 1
15 1/8/2020 15 16 2020-01-01 16
16 1/15/2020 9 25 2020-01-01 25
17 1/22/2020 8 33 2020-01-01 33
A base R alternative :
df$Date <- as.Date(df$Date, "%m/%d/%Y")
df$monthly.running.sum <- with(df, ave(score, format(Date, "%Y-%m"),FUN = cumsum))
# Date score monthly.running.sum
#1 2019-10-02 7 7
#2 2019-10-09 6 13
#3 2019-10-16 12 25
#4 2019-10-23 2 27
#5 2019-10-30 13 40
#6 2019-11-06 2 2
#7 2019-11-13 4 6
#8 2019-11-20 15 21
#9 2019-11-27 16 37
#10 2019-12-04 4 4
#11 2019-12-11 24 28
#12 2019-12-18 28 56
#13 2019-12-25 8 64
#14 2020-01-01 1 1
#15 2020-01-08 15 16
#16 2020-01-15 9 25
#17 2020-01-22 8 33
The yearmon class represents year/month objects so just convert the dates to yearmon and accumulate by them using this one-liner:
transform(DF, run.sum = ave(score, as.yearmon(Date, "%m/%d/%Y"), FUN = cumsum))
Date score run.sum
1 10/2/2019 7 7
2 10/9/2019 6 13
3 10/16/2019 12 25
4 10/23/2019 2 27
5 10/30/2019 13 40
6 11/6/2019 2 2
7 11/13/2019 4 6
8 11/20/2019 15 21
9 11/27/2019 16 37
10 12/4/2019 4 4
11 12/11/2019 24 28
12 12/18/2019 28 56
13 12/25/2019 8 64
14 1/1/2020 1 1
15 1/8/2020 15 16
16 1/15/2020 9 25
17 1/22/2020 8 33

How to lump sum the number of days of a data of several year?

I have data similar to this. I would like to lump sum the day (I'm not sure the word "lump sum" is correct or not) and create a new column "date" so that new column lump sum the number of 3 years data in ascending order.
year month day
2011 1 5
2011 2 14
2011 8 21
2012 2 24
2012 3 3
2012 4 4
2012 5 6
2013 2 14
2013 5 17
2013 6 24
I did this code but result was wrong and it's too long also. It doesn't count the February correctly since February has only 28 days. are there any shorter ways?
cday <- function(data,syear=2011,smonth=1,sday=1){
year <- data[1]
month <- data[2]
day <- data[3]
cmonth <- c(0,31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31)
date <- (year-syear)*365+sum(cmonth[1:month])+day
for(yr in c(syear:year)){
op10$ <- apply(op10[,c("year","month","day")],1,cday)
I expect the result like this:
year month day date
2011 1 5 5
2011 1 14 14
2011 1 21 21
2011 1 24 24
2011 2 3 31
2011 2 4 32
2011 2 6 34
2011 2 14 42
2011 2 17 45
2011 2 24 52
Thank you for helping!!
Use Date classes. Dates and times are complicated, look for tools to do this for you rather than writing your own. Pick whichever of these you want:
df$date = with(df, as.Date(paste(year, month, day, sep = "-")))
df$julian_day = as.integer(format(df$date, "%j"))
df$days_since_2010 = as.integer(df$date - as.Date("2010-12-31"))
# year month day date julian_day days_since_2010
# 1 2011 1 5 2011-01-05 5 5
# 2 2011 2 14 2011-02-14 45 45
# 3 2011 8 21 2011-08-21 233 233
# 4 2012 2 24 2012-02-24 55 420
# 5 2012 3 3 2012-03-03 63 428
# 6 2012 4 4 2012-04-04 95 460
# 7 2012 5 6 2012-05-06 127 492
# 8 2013 2 14 2013-02-14 45 776
# 9 2013 5 17 2013-05-17 137 868
# 10 2013 6 24 2013-06-24 175 906
# using this data
df = read.table(text = "year month day
2011 1 5
2011 2 14
2011 8 21
2012 2 24
2012 3 3
2012 4 4
2012 5 6
2013 2 14
2013 5 17
2013 6 24", header = TRUE)
This is all using base R. If you handle dates and times frequently, you may also want to look a the lubridate package.

unlist and merge into a single dataframe in r

I have a list of dataframes that I need to be combined into a single one.
I now want to unlist this dataframe and get
> head(df)
year v1 v2
1 1990 1 20
2 1991 2 21
3 1992 3 22
4 1993 4 23
Note that my question is different from the solution provided in a similar question, where the solution to that question was: `df <- ldply(ldf, data.frame)
Because what I am essentially looking for, is a more automatic way of doing this: df<-merge(df1,df2, by="year")
With more number of list elements, a convenient option is reduce with one of the join functions
ldf %>%
reduce(inner_join, by = "year")
# year v1 v2
#1 1990 1 20
#2 1991 2 21
#3 1992 3 22
#4 1993 4 23
#5 1994 5 24
#6 1995 6 25
#7 1996 7 26
#8 1997 8 27
#9 1998 9 28
#10 1999 10 29
#11 2000 11 30
Is there anything wrong with:
df <- merge(ldf[[1]], ldf[[2]], by="year")
Or for a long list:
df1 <- ldf[[1]]
for (x in 2:length(ldf)) {
df1 <- merge(df1, ldf[[x]])
# year v1 v2
# 1 1990 1 20
# 2 1991 2 21
# 3 1992 3 22
# 4 1993 4 23
# 5 1994 5 24
# 6 1995 6 25
# 7 1996 7 26
# 8 1997 8 27
# 9 1998 9 28
# 10 1999 10 29
# 11 2000 11 30

How to remove subjects with missing yearly observations in R?

num Name year age X
1 1 A 2011 68 116292
2 1 A 2012 69 46132
3 1 A 2013 70 7042
4 1 A 2014 71 -100425
5 1 A 2015 72 6493
6 2 B 2011 20 -8484
7 3 C 2015 23 -120836
8 4 D 2011 3 -26523
9 4 D 2012 4 9923
10 4 D 2013 5 82432
I have the data which is represented by various subjects in 5 years. I need to remove all the subjects, which are missing any of years from 2011 to 2015. How can I accomplish it, so in given data only subject A is left?
Using data.table:
A data.table solution might look something like this:
dt <-
dt[, keep := identical(unique(year), 2011:2015), by = Name ][keep == T, ][,keep := NULL]
# num Name year age X
#1: 1 A 2011 68 116292
#2: 1 A 2012 69 46132
#3: 1 A 2013 70 7042
#4: 1 A 2014 71 -100425
#5: 1 A 2015 72 6493
This is more strict in that it requires that the unique years be exactly equal to 2011:2015. If there is a 2016, for example that person would be excluded.
A less restrictive solution would be to check that 2011:2015 is in your unique years. This should work:
dt[, keep := all(2011:2015 %in% unique(year)), by = Name ][keep == T, ][,keep := NULL]
Thus, if for example, A had a 2016 year and a 2010 year it would still keep all of A. But if anyone is missing a year in 2011:2015 this would exclude them.
Using base R & aggregate:
Same option, but using aggregate from base R:
agg <- aggregate(df$year, by = list(df$Name), FUN = function(x) all(2011:2015 %in% unique(x)))
df[df$Name %in% agg[agg$x == T, 1] ,]
Here is a slightly more straightforward tidyverse solution.
First, expand the dataframe to include all combinations of Name + year:
df %>% complete(Name, year)
# A tibble: 20 x 5
Name year num age X
<fctr> <int> <int> <int> <int>
1 A 2011 1 68 116292
2 A 2012 1 69 46132
3 A 2013 1 70 7042
4 A 2014 1 71 -100425
5 A 2015 1 72 6493
6 B 2011 2 20 -8484
7 B 2012 NA NA NA
8 B 2013 NA NA NA
9 B 2014 NA NA NA
10 B 2015 NA NA NA
Then extend the pipe to group by "Name", and filter to keep only those with 0 NA values:
df %>% complete(Name, year) %>%
group_by(Name) %>%
filter(sum( == 0)
# A tibble: 5 x 5
# Groups: Name [1]
Name year num age X
<fctr> <int> <int> <int> <int>
1 A 2011 1 68 116292
2 A 2012 1 69 46132
3 A 2013 1 70 7042
4 A 2014 1 71 -100425
5 A 2015 1 72 6493
Just check which names have the right number of entries.
## Reproduce your data
df = read.table(text=" num Name year age X
1 1 A 2011 68 116292
2 1 A 2012 69 46132
3 1 A 2013 70 7042
4 1 A 2014 71 -100425
5 1 A 2015 72 6493
6 2 B 2011 20 -8484
7 3 C 2015 23 -120836
8 4 D 2011 3 -26523
9 4 D 2012 4 9923
10 4 D 2013 5 82432",
Tab = table(df$Name)
Keepers = names(Tab)[which(Tab == 5)]
df[df$Name %in% Keepers,]
num Name year age X
1 1 A 2011 68 116292
2 1 A 2012 69 46132
3 1 A 2013 70 7042
4 1 A 2014 71 -100425
5 1 A 2015 72 6493
Here is a somewhat different approach using tidyverse packages:
df <- read.table(text = " num Name year age X
1 1 A 2011 68 116292
2 1 A 2012 69 46132
3 1 A 2013 70 7042
4 1 A 2014 71 -100425
5 1 A 2015 72 6493
6 2 B 2011 20 -8484
7 3 C 2015 23 -120836
8 4 D 2011 3 -26523
9 4 D 2012 4 9923
10 4 D 2013 5 82432")
df2 <- spread(data = df, key = Name, value = year)
x <- colSums(df2[, 4:7], na.rm = TRUE) > 10000
df3 <- select(df2, num, age, X, c(4:7)[x])
df4 <- na.omit(df3)
All steps can of course be constructed as one single pipe with the %>% operator.
