How do you get the Discriminated Union Type from a Case instance? - reflection

Given these two Discriminated Unions I'd like to get the DeclaringType from a case instance.
type SingleCaseUnion =
| One
type MultiCaseUnion =
| Two
| Three
An example for each case would be as follows:
getDiscriminatedUnionType One = typeof<SingleCaseUnion> // true
getDiscriminatedUnionType Three = typeof<MultiCaseUnion> // true
My first attempt was to get the case type and get it's base class, this works because in F# a subtype is created for each case.
MultiCaseUnion.Two.GetType().BaseType = typeof<MultiCaseUnion> // true
However, for a single case union this doesn't work because no nested types are created.
SingleCaseUnion.One.GetType().BaseType = typeof<SingleCaseUnion> // false
My second attempt, which aimed to get a more robust solution was to use the FSharp Reflection helpers.
This does work for all cases but it has to generate UnionCaseInfo instances for each case which seems somewhat unnecessary.
Is there Something built in that I may have missed? Something like:

How about
open FSharp.Reflection
type FSharpType =
static member GetUnionType t =
let ownType = t.GetType()
assert FSharpType.IsUnion(ownType)
let baseType = ownType.BaseType
if baseType = typeof<System.Object> then ownType else baseType
(FSharpType.GetUnionType MultiCaseUnion.Three).Name //MultiCaseUnion
(FSharpType.GetUnionType SingleCaseUnion.One).Name //SingleCaseUnion


Is it bad practice to provide your own setter or should I use setproperty?

Suppose if I had the following Employee struct:
mutable struct Employee
function Employee(_id::Int64,_first_name::String,_last_name::String)
# validation left out.
If I wanted to implement my own setproperty!() I can do:
function setproperty!(value::Employee,name::Symbol,x)
if name == :_id
if !isa(x,Int64)
throw(ErrorException("ID type is invalid"))
if name == :_first_name
if is_white_space(x)
throw(ErrorException("First Name cannot be blank!"))
if name == :_last_name
if is_white_space(x)
throw(ErrorException("Last Name cannot be blank!"))
Have I implemented setproperty!() correctly?
The reason why I use setfield!() for _first_name and _last_name, is because if I do:
if name == :_first_name
setproperty!(value,:_first_name,x) # or value._first_name = x
it causes a StackOverflowError because it's recursively using setproperty!().
I don't really like the use of setproperty!(), because as the number of parameters grows, so would setproperty!().
It also brings to mind using Enum and if statements (only we've switched Enum with Symbol).
One workaround I like, is to document that the fields are meant to be private and use the provided setter to set the field:
function set_first_name(obj::Employee,first_name::AbstractString)
# Validate first_name before assigning it.
obj._first_name = first_name
The function is smaller and has a single purpose.
Of course this doesn't prevent someone from using setproperty!(), setfield!() or value._field_name = x, but if you're going to circumvent the provided setter then you'll have the handle the consequences for doing it.
Of course this doesn't prevent someone from using setproperty!(), setfield!() or value._field_name = x, but if you're going to circumvent the provided setter then you'll have the handle the consequences for doing it.
I would recommend you to do this, defining getter,setter functions, instead of overloading getproperty/setproperty!. on the wild, the main use i saw on overloading getproperty/setproperty! is when fields can be calculated from the data. for a getter/setter pattern, i recommend you to use the ! convention:
function first_name(value::Employee)
return value._first_name
function first_name!(value::Employee,text::String)
#validate here
value._first_name = text
return value._first_name
if your struct is mutable, it could be that some fields are uninitialized. you could add a getter with default, by adding a method:
function first_name(value::Employee,default::String)
value_stored = value._first_name
if is_initialized(value_stored) #define is_initialized function
return value_stored
return default
with a setter/getter with default, the only difference between first_name(val,text) and first_name!(val,text) would be the mutability of val, but the result is the same. useful if you are doing mutable vs immutable functions. as you said it, the getproperty/setproperty! is cumbersome in comparison. If you want to disallow accessing the fields, you could do:
Base.getproperty(val::Employee,key::Symbol) = throw(error("use the getter functions instead!")
Base.setproperty!(val::Employee,key::Symbol,x) = throw(error("use the setter functions instead!")
Disallowing the syntax sugar of val.key and val.key = x. (if someone really want raw access, there is still getfield/setfield!, but they were warned.)
Finally, i found this recomendation in the julia docs, that recommends getter/setter methods over direct field access

Recursive type definition in flow

I'm trying to use flow 0.53.1. Could you please help me explain this weird behavior?
This code sample:
/* #flow */
type AnySupportedType =
| AnySupportedPrimitive
| AnySupportedObject
| AnySupportedArray;
type AnySupportedArray = Array<AnySupportedType>;
type AnySupportedObject = { [string]: AnySupportedType };
type AnySupportedPrimitive = boolean | number | string | void;
type DataID = string
type Data = {
id: DataID
const y: Data = { id: "123" }
const x: AnySupportedType = y;
Renders this error:
17: const x: AnySupportedType = y;
^ object type. This type is incompatible with
17: const x: AnySupportedType = y;
^ union: AnySupportedPrimitive | AnySupportedObject | AnySupportedArray
Link to web-based example to play with.
Actually, this has to do with mutability. Flow cannot allow this code, since you could write = 5 (after the appropriate type refinements), since the AnySupportedType type allows you to set any supported type, including a number as a property.
To solve this, you need to make the object properties covariant, effectively making them read-only:
type AnySupportedObject = { +[string]: AnySupportedType };
Note the addition of the +.
Once you do this, Flow allows the original assignment but prevents you from setting properties on x.
Check out the complete example on try.
The answer is that Flow has two ways to type Objects. One, your AnySupportedObject, treats the object as as dictionary where you can find an item by any key (similar to Map<string, whatever>.
The other way is as a record, where there are a specific set of known keys and each key can point to its own type of value (for example, {a: number, b: string}.
Those two types have very different meanings, though often either one can apply to a specific object. The type system keeps them distinct and forces you to treat an object in one way or the other to avoid generating type errors.

Duplicate items in Set

In Kotlin, I have a MutableSet of a data class. The data class does not override equals() or hashCode(). I've been encountering bugs involving duplicate objects in the set, and I noticed that calling foo.containsAll(foo) returns false for the set.
I went through each item in the set and only a handful return false for foo.contains(foo.toList()[i]). For those that do, calling foo.toList()[i] == foo.toList()[i] returns true. So, equality checking works.
What is going on here?
I believe the only way this is possible (short of reflection, etc.) is if your data class contains something mutable and an instance changing state after being added to the set, etc. e.g.
data class Foo(var int: Int = 0)
data class Bar(val string: String, val foo: Foo = Foo())
val bars = mutableSetOf<Bar>()
bars += Bar("")
bars += Bar("")
println(bars.containsAll(bars)) // true
bars.first() = 12
println(bars.containsAll(bars)) // false
This is because the result of hashCode() is being used in the set to identify it but if the state changes in an instance of your data class then it will likely have a different hash value causing issues like this.
In general elements in sets and keys in maps should be immutable to avoid this issue.

F# map and distinct objects

I have some nondescript but distinct objects (specifically, unnamed variables in logic expressions) that I want to put in a map that associates them with their values. As I understand it, map needs to distinguish objects by some ordered field, so I can't just have
type Term =
| Var
as this would not allow different variables distinguishable from each other. Instead I could presumably have
type Term =
| Var of int64
and then have a new_var function that increments a global int64 counter and returns a new variable with the incremented value. This seems slightly inelegant, but should work.
Is the global counter the recommended way to handle this, or is there a more idiomatic method?
It's not really a "map having to distinguish objects" thing - when you declare a type like this:
type Term =
| Var
you have a type with a single valid value - Var. If you're saying you want to have objects that are distinct - this is not what you want. You can still use that type as a key in a map - not a particularly useful one though, since it will have at most a single element.
Using a counter is a good enough way to handle it. If you don't want a "global" one, you can roll it into a function using a ref cell to hold it:
type Term =
| Var of int
let make =
let counter = ref 0
fun () ->
counter := !counter + 1
Term.Var (!counter)
Or use GUIDs if you don't care about the values and want the counter out of the picture:
type Term =
| Var of System.Guid
let make () =
Term.Var (System.Guid.NewGuid())

Can I insert into a map by key in F#?

I'm messing around a bit with F# and I'm not quite sure if I'm doing this correctly. In C# this could be done with an IDictionary or something similar.
type School() =
member val Roster = Map.empty with get, set
member this.add(grade: int, studentName: string) =
match this.Roster.ContainsKey(grade) with
| true -> // Can I do something like this.Roster.[grade].Insert([studentName])?
| false -> this.Roster <- this.Roster.Add(grade, [studentName])
Is there a way to insert into the map if it contains a specified key or am I just using the wrong collection in this case?
The F# Map type is a mapping from keys to values just like ordinary .NET Dictionary, except that it is immutable.
If I understand your aim correctly, you're trying to keep a list of students for each grade. The type in that case is a map from integers to lists of names, i.e. Map<int, string list>.
The Add operation on the map actually either adds or replaces an element, so I think that's the operation you want in the false case. In the true case, you need to get the current list, append the new student and then replace the existing record. One way to do this is to write something like:
type School() =
member val Roster = Map.empty with get, set
member this.Add(grade: int, studentName: string) =
// Try to get the current list of students for a given 'grade'
let studentsOpt = this.Roster.TryFind(grade)
// If the result was 'None', then use empty list as the default
let students = defaultArg studentsOpt []
// Create a new list with the new student at the front
let newStudents = studentName::students
// Create & save map with new/replaced mapping for 'grade'
this.Roster <- this.Roster.Add(grade, newStudents)
This is not thread-safe (because calling Add concurrently might not update the map properly). However, you can access school.Roster at any time, iterate over it (or share references to it) safely, because it is an immutable structure. However, if you do not care about that, then using standard Dictionary would be perfectly fine too - depends on your actual use case.
