How to delete element from reactiveValues()
For example, when I run the code:
server=function(input, output, session) {
values <- reactiveValues(val1 = 1, val2 =2, val3 = 3)
values$val1 <- NULL
output$table1 <- renderPrint(reactiveValuesToList( values) )
The output is:
$val1 NULL $val2 [1] 2 $val3 [1] 3
Instead of:
$val2 [1] 2 $val3 [1] 3
Thank you!
If you still want to use the assignment to NULL to remove values, you can assign the reactive value to be a list. See below for a simple modification to Zygmunt Zawadzki's answer. Then operate on the list in the usual R way to reflect the changes in your data.
ui <- fluidPage(
actionButton("delete", "delete"),
server=function(input, output, session) {
values <- reactiveValues(data=list(val1 = rnorm(1e7), val2 =2, val3 = 3))
values$data$val1 <- NULL
output$table1 <- renderPrint({
res <- capture.output(gc())
cat(res, sep = "\n")
# No reactiveValuesToList needed
# x <- reactiveValuesToList(values)
I'll try to addres this:
I would like to delete elements from a reactiveValues object because I am using it to store user-defined list objects that can be quite large individually. My concern is that if the user creates too many such objects in a single session it will cause the app to crash due to insufficient memory.
When you assign NULL to the value R will remove the element from memory. See the app below - when you click delete button the memory is released:
ui <- fluidPage(
actionButton("delete", "delete"),
server=function(input, output, session) {
values <- reactiveValues(val1 = rnorm(1e7), val2 =2, val3 = 3)
values$val1 <- NULL
output$table1 <- renderPrint({
res <- capture.output(gc())
cat(res, sep = "\n")
x <- reactiveValuesToList(values)
The two images below show you the state before clicking the delete, and after -> note that the value used by R has changed.
Those missing 80mb is the size of the val1 vector.
# 80 MB
I am trying to create a Shiny App which can be used in the R workspace to create a user friendly front end to some code- so that someone can just type in and click some boxes instead of creating lists and dataframes themselves- and then what they input will be stored in the workspace in R to do the code. I have basically adapted someone else's code but can't work out how I save the dynamically created UI called col - which makes text inputs so if people type something in this is saved.
When I try to add some way of saving it I get an error Operation not allowed without an active reactive context. (You tried to do something that can only be done from inside a reactive expression or observer.). The code is below, is there a way I can save the information from the text input?
CrossBreakUI <- function(id, number) {
ns <- NS(id)
column(4, numericInput(ns("n"), "Number of Groups in Cross-Break", value=5, min=1), uiOutput(ns("col")))
variables <- function(input, output, session, variable.number){
output$textInput <- renderUI({
ns <- session$ns
label = "")
col_names <- reactive(paste0("col", seq_len(input$n)))
output$col <- renderUI({
ns <- session$ns
map(col_names(), ~ textInput(ns(.x), NULL))
# Create Pair: variable and its value
df <- data.frame(
"variable.number" = variable.number,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
ui <- fixedPage(
CrossBreakUI("var1", 1)
server <- function(input, output) {
add.variable <- reactiveValues()
add.variable$df <- data.frame(
"n" = numeric(0),
"col" = character(0),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
var1 <- callModule(variables, paste0("var", 1), 1)
observeEvent(input[[NS(paste0("var", 1), "n")]], {
add.variable$df[1,1] <- input[[NS(paste0("var", 1), "n")]]
observeEvent(input[[NS(paste0("var", 1), "col")]], {
add.variable$df[1,2] <- input[[NS(paste0("var", 1), "col")]]
assign(x ="CrossBreak", value=add.variable$df, envir= .GlobalEnv) })
Second revision
If my understanding is correct, I think this gets close to what you want. You have a numericInput. The UI presents a series of textInputs. The number of textInputs changes in response to changes in the numericInput's value. The values of the textInputs are saved to a variable in the global environment (and the value of this global variable is printed to the console as the app terminates). Values already entered in the textInputs are preserved when the UI updates.
My solution differs from yours in that you have one module attempting to control every textInput and a main server that attempts to interrogate each textInput to obtain its value. I use multiple instances of a single module, one for each textInput. Each module instance manages the persistence of its textInput's value independently of all the other instances.
groupList <- list()
# Module to define a self-contained "write-my-value" textInput
writeMyValueTextInputUI <- function(id, idx) {
ns <- NS(id)
textInput(ns("groupName"), paste0("Group ", idx))
writeMyValueTextInput <- function(input, output, session, id) {
ns <- session$ns
# Initialise
observe ({
id <- as.numeric(id)
if (id <= length(groupList)) updateTextInput(session, "groupName", value=groupList[[id]])
observeEvent(input$groupName, {
# Note global assignment
groupList[[id]] <<- input$groupName
rv <- reactive ({
ui <- fluidPage(
titlePanel("Crossbreak demo"),
numericInput("groupCount", "Number of groups in cross-break:", min=1, value=5),
server <- function(input, output, session) {
onStop(function() cat(paste0(groupList, collapse=", ")))
ns <- session$ns
controllers <- list()
output$groupList <- renderUI({
textInputs <- lapply(
function(x) {
id <- ns(paste0("text", x))
controllers[[x]] <- callModule(writeMyValueTextInput, id, x)
return(writeMyValueTextInputUI(id, x))
), textInputs)
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
I haven't tried running your code (it's not really a simple self-contained example), but the following is just one way of running an app from the console. (is that what you mean when you say "from the global environment?)...
myList <- list(
ui = bootstrapPage(
numericInput('n', 'Number of obs', 100),
server = function(input, output) {
output$plot <- renderPlot({ hist(runif(input$n)) })
if (interactive()) runApp(myList)
I based my code on this page which also has other examples...
Note that you can't do this if you're running an R script in a batch job, as the batch job has no context in which to display the app. Hence if (interactive())...
OK. Responding to OP's clarification, here's a really crude demonstraion of one way of doing what she wants. Note the use of the global assignment operator (<<-) in the observeEvent.
x <- NA
print(paste0("globalValue is currently: ", x))
myList <- list(
ui = bootstrapPage(
numericInput('n', 'Please give me a number', 100)
server = function(input, output) {
observeEvent(input$n, {x <<- input$n})
if (interactive()) runApp(myList)
print(paste0("globalValue is now: ", x))
On my system, stepping through these statements in the console gives:
> x <- NA
> print(paste0("globalValue is currently: ", x))
[1] "globalValue is currently: NA"
> myList <- list(
+ ui = bootstrapPage(
+ numericInput('n', 'Please give me a number', 100)
+ ),
+ server = function(input, output) {
+ observeEvent(input$n, {x <<- input$n})
+ }
+ )
> if (interactive()) runApp(myList)
Listening on
> print(paste0("globalValue is now: ", x))
[1] "globalValue is now: 104"
Obviously, this isn't a realistic production solution. Possible solutions might include:
Writing to a temporary Rds file in the app and then reading it in once the app terminates.
Using session$userData to store the required information whilst the app is running and then using onStop to do custom processing as the app terminates.
I'm sure there will be others.
[OP: As an aside, look at the length of my code compared to yours. Put yourself in the shoes of someone who's willing to provide solutions. Whose question are they most likely to answer: yours or mine? Providing compact, relevant code makes it far more likely you'll get a useful reply.]
I am wondering, why assign function is not working inside the reactiveValues? I need to apply a function that will define reactiveValues (zeros) to all elements in a vector. Those elements are not known in advance, because they are column names of all variables from initially opened csv file. So I cannot simply set values one by one. Any suggestion is highly appreciated.
ui <- shinyUI(fluidPage(
actionButton(inputId = "add_one", label = "", icon = icon("plus"))
tabPanel("Simple example",textOutput("test1"))
server <- shinyServer(function(input, output) {
col_names <- c("A", "B")
# Assign zeros to all elements from col_names
# Please, use the assign function to do that!
rv <- reactiveValues(
# 1 How can I assign the initial value of zero to all column names?
# This is easy:
A = 0, B = 0
# But, in reality, in my app I do not know the variable names in advance, I just extract them and save
# in the col_names vector. Now, I need to assign initial value of zero to all column names
# I thought this might work, but no luck: All arguments passed to reactiveValues() must be named.
#for (k in 1:length(col_names)){
# assign(col_names[k], 0)
# Sure, I will later have to figure out how to define observeEvent(s) for the unknown number of column names, but I am not there yet...
observeEvent(input$add_one, {
rv$A <- rv$A + 1
observeEvent(input$add_one, {
rv$B <- rv$B + 1
# Output text
output$test1 <-renderText({
paste(rv$A, rv$B)
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
You could do:
rv <- reactiveValues()
for(colname in col_names){
rv[[colname]] <- 0
I'd like to be able to use results of an input in the Ui part of my shiny app, to set the default value and the maximum of a numericInput.
Here is the "idea" of the ui part i'd like :
ui <- (
numericInput("n21","choose input1",min=0,max=100000,value=5107,step=1),
numericInput("n22","choose input2",min=0,max=2000,value=1480.3/40),
# here i'd like to define value and max with the result of inputs (n23)
numericInput(inputId="nb_rows","Number of rows to show",value=n23,min=1,max=n23)
tableOutput(outputId = "data")
And the server part :
server <- function(input,output,session){
RE <- reactive({
n21 <- input$n21
n22 <- input$n22
n23 <- n21%/%n22
return(head(data, n=input$nb_rows))
output$data <- renderTable({RE()})
Any suggestions?
You will need to use the observe function to change the numericinput that you want to change so we will do:
`server <- function(input,output,session){
RE <- reactive({
n21 <- input$n21
n22 <- input$n22
n23 <- n21%/%n22
` observe({
x <- RE()
# Can use character(0) to remove all choices
if (is.null(x))
x <- character(0)
# Can also set the label and select items
updateNumericInput(session, "nb_rows",
label = "Number of rows to show",
value = x,
min = 1,
max = x
And then you re-make the output table function
I hope it helps.
within the server for my shinyApp, I created a dataframe based on the inputs. However, I want to add a new column that utilizes two of the columns of that dataframe.
server <- function(input, output, session) {
l.out <- reactive({
BatchGetSymbols(tickers = input$stock, = Sys.Date() - as.integer(input$length), = Sys.Date())
stock_info <- reactive({
stock_info()$return <- reactive({
rep(0, length(stock_info()$
stock_info()$return <- reactive({
for (i in 2:length(stock_info()${
stock_info()$return[i] <- ((stock_info()$price.close[i] -
stock_info()$price.close[i - 1]) / stock_info$price.close[i - 1])
I have tried it like this, and it works up until I try to create stock_info()$return, where I keep getting the error that NULL left assignment.
Any tips?
I'm not familiar with the BatchGetSymbols package, but the concepts in the example below should be applicable for your use case as well.
First things first, for lack of an elegant way to say this, I'm pretty sure the expression...
stock_info()$return <- reactive({
rep(0, length(stock_info()$
...just isn't really how shiny reactive objects and the associated syntax work.
It looks like you could simplify your code a lot by condensing a bunch of your intermediate steps into a single expression. If you only have one set of reactive data you will use in all of your outputs, this might be a more straight forward approach.
ui <- fluidPage(
sliderInput('length', 'length', min = 1, max = 10, value = 5),
server <- function(input, output, session) {
## This will update whenever either input$length or input$stock change
stock_info <- reactive({
length <- as.integer(input$length)
temp_stock_info <- data.frame(stock = input$stock,
foo = seq_len(length),
bar = rnorm(length))
temp_stock_info$baz <- paste("xxx",length)
## Return an output
output$my_table <- renderDataTable({
shinyApp(ui, server)
However, if you are using the intermediate object l.out for a variety of end outputs, it might make sense to make it a reactive object of it's own. Then, we can update l.out whenever a relevant input changes, and then use that intermediate variable to cascade updates through the other downstream reactives.
In addition, we can update downstream reactive objects like stock_info based on other conditions that don't affect l.out without re-running l.out every time.
ui <- fluidPage(
sliderInput('length', 'length', min = 1, max = 100, value = 50),
sliderInput('displayLength', 'displayLength', min = 1, max = 20, value = 5),
server <- function(input, output, session) {
## l.out will change with input$length and input$stock
## but NOT input$displayLength
l.out <- reactive({
data.frame(stock = input$stock,
foo = rnorm(input$length),
l.out_update_time = Sys.time())
## stock_info will update whenever l.out changes or the displayLength changes.
## l.out will NOT be updated if only input$displayLength changes
stock_info <- reactive({
tmp_stock_info <- head(x = l.out(), n = input$displayLength)
tmp_stock_info$stock_info_update_time <- Sys.time()
## Return an output
output$my_table <- renderDataTable({
shinyApp(ui, server)
I have successfully updated UI dynamically through renderUI(). I have a long list of inputs to choose from. The check boxes are used to dynamically add numeric inputs. So, to implement this, I used lapply. However, I have used values of selected check boxes in checkboxgroup itself to populate IDs of the dynamically added numerical input instead of using paste(input, i) in lapply.
ui code snippet :
checkboxGroupInput(inputId = "checkboxgrp", label = "Select types",
fluidRow(column(12, verbatimTextOutput("value")))
server code snippet :
numInputs <- length(input$checkboxgrp)
wellPanel("No transaction selected")
lapply(1:numInputs, function(i){
list(numericInput(input$checkboxgrp[i], min = 0, label = input$checkboxgrp[i],
value= input[[x[i]]] ))
output$value <- renderPrint({
numInputs <- length(input$checkboxgrp)
lapply(1:numInputs, function(i){
print(input[[x[i]]]) ## ERROR
I have used input[[x[i]]] as to instantiate value to be retained after adding or removing a numeric input. But, I want to extract values from input$x[i] or input[[x[i]]] into a vector for further use which I'm unable to do.
*ERROR:Must use single string to index into reactivevalues
Any help is appreciated.
using 3 different ways of extracting values from input generate 3 different errors:
Using print(input$x[i]) # ERROR
Using print(input[[x[i]]]) # ERROR
Must use single string to index into reactivevalues
Using print('$'(input, x[i])) # ERROR
invalid subscript type 'language'
If I understand you correctly, you want to access values of dynamically generated widgets and then just print them out.
In my example below, which should be easy to generalise, the choices are the levels of the variable Setosa from the iris dataset.
The IDs of the generated widgets are always given by the selected values in checkboxGroupInput. So, input$checkboxgrp says to shiny for which level of setosa there should be generated a widget. At the same time input$checkboxgrp gives IDs of generated widgets. That's why you don't need to store the IDs of "active" widgets in other variable x (which is probably a reactive value).
To print the values out you can do the following:
output$value <- renderPrint({
activeWidgets <- input$checkboxgrp
for (i in activeWidgets) {
print(paste0(i, " = ", input[[i]]))
This line print(input[[x[i]]]) ## ERROR yields an error because x[i] (whatever it is) is not a vector with a single value but with multiple values.
Full example:
ui <- fluidPage(
titlePanel("Old Faithful Geyser Data"),
checkboxGroupInput("checkboxgrp", "levels", levels(iris$Species))
column(6, uiOutput("dynamic")),
column(6, verbatimTextOutput("value"))
server <- function(input, output) {
output$dynamic <- renderUI({
numInputs <- length(input$checkboxgrp)
wellPanel("No transaction selected")
lapply(1:numInputs, function(i){
list(numericInput(input$checkboxgrp[i], min = 0, label = input$checkboxgrp[i],
value= input[[x[i]]] ))
output$value <- renderPrint({
activeWidgets <- input$checkboxgrp
for (i in activeWidgets) {
print(paste0(i, " = ", input[[i]]))
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
You could tweak the lapply part a little bit (mind <<- operator :) )
activeWidgets <- input$checkboxgrp
val <- 0
lapply(activeWidgets, function(i){
val <<- val + 1
list(numericInput(i, min = 0, label = i,
value = val ))
Edit 2 In response to a comment:
server <- function(input, output) {
output$dynamic <- renderUI({
numInputs <- length(input$checkboxgrp)
wellPanel("No transaction selected")
activeWidgets <- input$checkboxgrp
val <- 0
lapply(activeWidgets, function(i){
val <<- val + 1
list(numericInput(i, min = 0, label = i,
value = val ))
allChoices <- reactive({
# Require that all input$checkboxgrp and
# the last generated numericInput are available.
# (If the last generated numericInput is available (is not NULL),
# then all previous are available too)
# "eval(parse(text = paste0("input$", input$checkboxgrp))))" yields
# a value of the last generated numericInput.
# In this way we avoid multiple re-evaulation of allChoices()
# and errors
req(input$checkboxgrp, eval(parse(text = paste0("input$", input$checkboxgrp))))
activeWidgets <- input$checkboxgrp
res <- numeric(length(activeWidgets))
names(res) <- activeWidgets
for (i in activeWidgets) {
res[i] <- input[[i]]
output$value <- renderPrint({