using lambda.min to extrace coefficients from model trained with glmnet - r

I am using glmnet to train the logistic regression model and then try to obtain the coefficients with the specific lambda. I used the simple example here:
fit = glmnet(x, y, family = "binomial")
coef(fit, s = c(0.05,0.01))
I have checked the values of fit$lambda, however, I could not find the specific values of 0.05 or 0.01 in fit$lambda. So how could coef return the coefficients with a lambda not in the fit$lambda vector.

This is explained in the help for coef.glmnet, specifically the exact argument:
This argument is relevant only when predictions are made at values of s (lambda) different from those used in the fitting of the original model. If exact=FALSE (default), then the predict function uses linear interpolation to make predictions for values of s (lambda) that do not coincide with those used in the fitting algorithm. While this is often a good approximation, it can sometimes be a bit coarse. With exact=TRUE, these different values of s are merged (and sorted) with object$lambda, and the model is refit before predictions are made.


Does the function multinom() from R's nnet package fit a multinomial logistic regression, or a Poisson regression?

The documentation for the multinom() function from the nnet package in R says that it "[f]its multinomial log-linear models via neural networks" and that "[t]he response should be a factor or a matrix with K columns, which will be interpreted as counts for each of K classes." Even when I go to add a tag for nnet on this question, the description says that it is software for fitting "multinomial log-linear models."
Granting that statistics has wildly inconsistent jargon that is rarely operationally defined by whoever is using it, the documentation for the function even mentions having a count response and so seems to indicate that this function is designed to model count data. Yet virtually every resource I've seen treats it exclusively as if it were fitting a multinomial logistic regression. In short, everyone interprets the results in terms of logged odds relative to the reference (as in logistic regression), not in terms of logged expected count (as in what is typically referred to as a log-linear model).
Can someone clarify what this function is actually doing and what the fitted coefficients actually mean?
nnet::multinom is fitting a multinomial logistic regression as I understand...
If you check the source code of the package, and, you will see that the multinom function is indeed using counts (which is a common thing to use as input for a multinomial regression model, see also the MGLM or mclogit package e.g.), and that it is fitting the multinomial regression model using a softmax transform to go from predictions on the additive log-ratio scale to predicted probabilities. The softmax transform is indeed the inverse link scale of a multinomial regression model. The way the multinom model predictions are obtained, cf.predictions from nnet::multinom, is also exactly as you would expect for a multinomial regression model (using an additive log-ratio scale parameterization, i.e. using one outcome category as a baseline).
That is, the coefficients predict the logged odds relative to the reference baseline category (i.e. it is doing a logistic regression), not the logged expected counts (like a log-linear model).
This is shown by the fact that model predictions are calculated as
fit <- nnet::multinom(...)
X <- model.matrix(fit) # covariate matrix / design matrix
betahat <- t(rbind(0, coef(fit))) # model coefficients, with expicit zero row added for reference category & transposed
preds <- mclustAddons::softmax(X %*% betahat)
Furthermore, I verified that the vcov matrix returned by nnet::multinom matches that when I use the formula for the vcov matrix of a multinomial regression model, Faster way to calculate the Hessian / Fisher Information Matrix of a nnet::multinom multinomial regression in R using Rcpp & Kronecker products.
Is it not the case that a multinomial regression model can always be reformulated as a Poisson loglinear model (i.e. as a Poisson GLM) using the Poisson trick (glmnet e.g. uses the Poisson trick to fit multinomial regression models as a Poisson GLM)?

How to identify the non-zero coefficients in final caret elastic net model -

I have used caret to build a elastic net model using 10-fold cv and I want to see which coefficients are used in the final model (i.e the ones that aren't reduced to zero). I have used the following code to view the coefficients, however, this apears to create a dataframe of every permutation of coefficient values used, rather than the ones used in the final model:
tr_control = train_control(method="cv",number=10)
formula = response ~.
model1 = caret::train(formula,
metric = "Accuracy",
family = "binomial")
Then to extract the coefficients from the final model and using the best lambda value, I have used the following:
data.frame(as.matrix(coef(model1$finalModel, model1$bestTune$.lambda)))
However, this just returns a dataframe of all the coefficients and I can see different instances of where the coefficients have been reduced to zero, however, I'm not sure which is the one the final model uses. Using some slightly different code, I get slightly different results, but in this instance, non of the coefficients are reduced to zero, which suggests to me that the the final model isn't reducing any coefficients to zero:
data.frame(as.matrix(coef(model1$finalModel, model1$bestTune$lambda))) #i have removed the full stop preceeding lambda
Basically, I want to know which features are in the final model to assess how the model has performed as a feature reduction process (alongside standard model evaluation metrics such as accuracy, sensitivity etc).
Since you do not provide any example data I post an example based on the iris built-in dataset, slightly modified to fit better your need (a binomial outcome).
First, modify the dataset
set.seed(5)#just for reproducibility
irisn <- iris[iris$Species!="virginica",]
irisn$Species <- factor(irisn$Species,levels = c("versicolor","setosa"))
fit the model (the caret function for setting controls parameters for train is trainControl, not train_control)
tr_control = trainControl(method="cv",number=10)
model1 <- caret::train(Species~.,
family = "binomial")
You can extract the coefficients of the final model as you already did:
data.frame(as.matrix(coef(model1$finalModel, model1$bestTune$lambda)))
Also here the model did not reduce any coefficients to 0, but what if we add a random variable that explains nothing about the outcome?
irisn$new1 <- runif(nrow(irisn))
model2 <- caret::train(Species~.,
family = "binomial")
var <- data.frame(as.matrix(coef(model2$finalModel, model2$bestTune$lambda)))
Here, as you can see, the coefficient of the new variable was turning to 0. You can extract the variable name retained by the model with:
Finally, the accuracy metrics from the test set can be obtained with

mgcv: Error Model has more coefficients than data, related to the argument by in the gam()

In case a, the gam code in mgcv R package is working well.
dat <- gamSim(1,n=400,dist="normal",scale=2)
num_knots = nrow(dat)
fit <- gam(y~s(x0, bs = "cr", k = num_knots, m=2),data=dat)
But after I added the argument by in the gam(), it reported the error "Model has more coefficients than data".
fit <- gam(y~s(x0, bs = "cr", k = num_knots, m=2, by = x1),data=dat)
The error confuses me because I thought adding the by argument to create the interaction between the smoothing term and the parametric term should not increase the number of unknown coefficients, though it turns out that I am wrong. Where was I wrong?
When you pass a continuous variable to by, what you are getting is varying coefficient model where the effect of x1 varies as a smooth function of x0.
What is happening in the first case is that because of identifiability constraints being applied to the basis expansion for x0, you requested num_knots basis functions but actually got num_knots - 1 basis functions. When you add the intercept you get num_knots coefficients which is OK to fit with this model as it is a penalised spline (though you probably want method = 'REML'). The identifiability constraint is applied because there is a basis function (or combination) that is confounded with the model intercept and you can't fit two constant terms in the model and have them be uniquely identified.
In the second case, the varying coefficient model, there isn't the same issue, so when you ask for num_knots basis functions plus an intercept you are trying to fit a model with 401 coefficients with 400 observations which isn't going to work.

Predict fitted Probabilities for gmnl regression

I'm using the gmnl function to fit a mixed multinomial logit model.
Since I'm further interested in the predicted probaliities of that model, I want to obtain them by applying something like the predic function.
m4=gmnl(int_choice ~ 1+fico+annual_inc+int_emp_length+| time +grade+ last_fico |0, data = mldata, model="mixl",R=50,panel=TRUE,correlation = TRUE,ranp=c(annual_inc="n",int_emp_length="n"))
## how to mimic predict??
Any suggestions?
What you are looking for is a simple conversion rule like this:
Convert a logit (glm output) to probability by computing exp() of the coefficients, which will give you the odds.
Convert the odds into probability using this formula: prob = odds / (1 + odds).
Very good explanation with examples can be found here:
The solution can't be found in the vignette but is documented in the help-file. Typing help("fitted.gmnl") yields the following:
fitted(object, outcome = TRUE, ...)
if TRUE, then the fitted and residuals methods return a vector that corresponds to the chosen alternative, otherwise it returns a matrix where each column corresponds to each alternative.
I type str() over the gmnl model
I find an internal attribute called prob.alt that gives choice - residuals
So in your case m4$prob.alt gives some usefull values, (find the max by row gives the predicted choice)
(In my case (a latent class mnl) this do not help since it has the predicted latent class probabilities)

Difference between glmnet() and cv.glmnet() in R?

I'm working on a project that would show the potential influence a group of events have on an outcome. I'm using the glmnet() package, specifically using the Poisson feature. Here's my code:
# de <- data imported from sql connection
x <- model.matrix(~.,data = de[,2:7])
y <- (de[,1])
reg <- cv.glmnet(x,y, family = "poisson", alpha = 1)
reg1 <- glmnet(x,y, family = "poisson", alpha = 1)
**Co <- coef(?reg or reg1?,s=???)**
summ <- summary(Co)
c <- data.frame(Name= rownames(Co)[summ$i],
Lambda= summ$x)
c2 <- c[with(c, order(-Lambda)), ]
The beginning imports a large amount of data from my database in SQL. I then put it in matrix format and separate the response from the predictors.
This is where I'm confused: I can't figure out exactly what the difference is between the glmnet() function and the cv.glmnet() function. I realize that the cv.glmnet() function is a k-fold cross-validation of glmnet(), but what exactly does that mean in practical terms? They provide the same value for lambda, but I want to make sure I'm not missing something important about the difference between the two.
I'm also unclear as to why it runs fine when I specify alpha=1 (supposedly the default), but not if I leave it out?
Thanks in advance!
glmnet() is a R package which can be used to fit Regression models,lasso model and others. Alpha argument determines what type of model is fit. When alpha=0, Ridge Model is fit and if alpha=1, a lasso model is fit.
cv.glmnet() performs cross-validation, by default 10-fold which can be adjusted using nfolds. A 10-fold CV will randomly divide your observations into 10 non-overlapping groups/folds of approx equal size. The first fold will be used for validation set and the model is fit on 9 folds. Bias Variance advantages is usually the motivation behind using such model validation methods. In the case of lasso and ridge models, CV helps choose the value of the tuning parameter lambda.
In your example, you can do plot(reg) OR reg$lambda.min to see the value of lambda which results in the smallest CV error. You can then derive the Test MSE for that value of lambda. By default, glmnet() will perform Ridge or Lasso regression for an automatically selected range of lambda which may not give the lowest test MSE. Hope this helps!
Hope this helps!
Between reg$lambda.min and reg$lambda.1se ; the lambda.min obviously will give you the lowest MSE, however, depending on how flexible you can be with the error, you may want to choose reg$lambda.1se, as this value would further shrink the number of predictors. You may also choose the mean of reg$lambda.min and reg$lambda.1se as your lambda value.
