Generated non-stationary Data and auto.arima in R - r

I generated my own fictional Sales Data in order to execute a time series analysis.
It is supposed to represent a growing company and therefore i worked with a trend. However, I read through some tutorials and often read the information, that non-stationary time series should not be predicted by the auto.arima function.
But I receive results that make sense and If I would difference the data (which i did as well) the output doesn't make much sense.
So here comes my question: Can I use the auto.arima function with my data, that obviously has a trend?
Best regards and thanks in advance,
eps <- rnorm(100, 30, 20)
trend <- seq(1, 100, 1)
trend <- 3 * trend
Sales <- trend + eps
Using the forecast function allows us to plot the expected sales for the next year: plot(forecast(auto.arima(ts[1,]),h=12))
Using the forecast function with our automated ARIMA can help us plan for the next quartal
another way would be to use the autoplot function
The next step is to analyze our time-series. I execute the adf test, which has the null-hypothesis that the data is non-stationary.
So with the 5% default threshold our p-value would have to be greater than 0.05 in order to be certified as non-stationary.
The output suggests that the data is non-stationary:
The autocorrelation is decreasing almost steadily, this points to non-stationary data also. Doing a kpss.test should verify that our data is non-stationary, since its null-hypothesis is the opposite of the adf test.
Do we expect a value smaller than 0.05
We receive a p-value of 0.01, further proving that the data has a trend

To answer your question - yes, you can use the auto.arima() function in the forecast package on non-stationary data.
If you look at the help file for auto.arima() (by typing ?auto.arima) you will see that it explains that you can choose to specify the "d" parameter - this is the order of differencing - first order means you difference the data once, second order means you difference the data twice etc. You can also choose not to specify this parameter and in this case, the auto.arima() function will determine the appropriate order of differencing using the "kpss" test. There are other unit root tests such as the Augmented Dickey-Fuller which you can choose to use in the auto.arima function by setting test="adf". It really depends on your preference.
You can refer to page 11 and subsequent pages for more information on the auto.arima function here:


Match "next day" using forecast() in R

I am working through the "Forecasting Using R" DataCamp course. I have completed the entire thing except for the last part of one particular exercise (link here, if you have an account), where I'm totally lost. The error help it's giving me isn't helping either. I'll put the various parts of the task down with the code I'm using to solve them:
Produce time plots of only the daily demand and maximum temperatures with facetting.
autoplot(elec[, c("Demand", "Temperature")], facets = TRUE)
Index elec accordingly to set up the matrix of regressors to include MaxTemp for the maximum temperatures, MaxTempSq which represents the squared value of the maximum temperature, and Workday, in that order.
xreg <- cbind(MaxTemp = elec[, "Temperature"],
MaxTempSq = elec[, "Temperature"] ^2,
Workday = elec[,"Workday"])
Fit a dynamic regression model of the demand column with ARIMA errors and call this fit.
fit <- auto.arima(elec[,"Demand"], xreg = xreg)
If the next day is a working day (indicator is 1) with maximum temperature forecast to be 20°C, what is the forecast demand? Fill out the appropriate values in cbind() for the xreg argument in forecast().
This is where I'm stuck. The sample code they supply looks like this:
forecast(___, xreg = cbind(___, ___, ___))
I have managed to work out that the first blank is fit, so I'm trying code that looks like this:
forecast(fit, xreg = cbind(elec[,"Workday"]==1, elec[, "Temperature"]==20, elec[,"Demand"]))
But that is giving me the error hint "Make sure to forecast the next day using the inputs given in the instructions." Which... doesn't tell me anything useful. Any ideas what I should be doing instead?
When you are forecasting ahead of time, you use new data that was not included in elec (which is the data set you used to fit your model). The new data was given to you in the question (temperature 20C and workday 1). Therefore, you do not need elec in your forecastcall. Just use the new data to forecast ahead:
forecast(fit, xreg = cbind(20, 20^2, 1))

Auto.arima() function does not result in white noise. How else should I go about modeling data

Here is the plot of the initial data (after performing a log transformation).
It is evident there is both a linear trend as well as a seasonal trend. I can address both of these by taking the first and twelfth (seasonal) difference: diff(diff(data), 12). After doing so, here is the plot of the resulting data
This data does not look great. While the mean in constant, we see a funneling effect as time progresses. Here are the ACF/PACF:.
Any suggestions for possible fits to try. I used the auto.arima() function which suggested an ARIMA(2,0,2)xARIMA(1,0,2)(12) model. However, once I took the residuals from the fit, it was clear there was still some sort of structure in them. Here is the plot of the residuals from the fit as well as the ACF/PACF of the residuals.
There does not appear to be a seasonal pattern regarding which lags have spikes in the ACF/PACF of residuals. However, this is still something not captured by the previous steps. What do you suggest I do? How could I go about building a better model that has better model diagnostics (which at this point is just a better looking ACF and PACF)?
Here is my simplified code thus far:
beer <- read.csv('beer.csv', header = TRUE)
beer <- ts(beer$Production, start = c(1956, 1), frequency = 12)
# transform data
boxcox <- # 0 in confidence interval
beer.log <- log(beer)
firstDifference <- diff(diff(beer.log), 12) # get rid of linear and
# seasonal trend
plot(armasubsets(firstDifference, nar=12, nma=12))
# fitting the model
auto.arima(firstDifference, ic = 'bic') # from forecasting package
modelFit <- arima(firstDifference, order=c(1,0,0),seasonal
=list(order=c(2, 0, 0), period = 12))
# assessing model
resid <- modelFit$residuals
acf(resid, lag.max = 15)
pacf(resid, lag.max = 15)
Here is the data, if interested (I think you can use an html to csv converter if you would like):
There are a few things going on here.
Instead of logs, we used the tsay variance test which shows that the variance increased after period 118. Weighted least squares deals with it.
March becomes higher beginning at period 111. An alternative to an ar12 or seasonal differencing is to identify seasonal dummies. We found that 7 of the 12 months were unusual with a couple level shifts, an AR2 with 2 outliers.
Here is the fit and forecasts.
Here are the residuals.
ACF of residuals
Note: I am a developer of the software Autobox. All models are wrong. Some are useful.
Here is Tsay's paper

Stationary test error in Time Series using R

I have half hourly data for 5 years measuring the electricity load.
I checked for stationary with acf, which shows it is non stationary. But when I used adf.test to check stationary, it showed opposite result:
# Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test
# data: tsr1$LOAD.MW.
# Dickey-Fuller = -9.7371, Lag order = 11, p-value = 0.01
# alternative hypothesis: stationary
Warning message:
In adf.test(tsr1$LOAD.MW., alternative = "stationary") :
p-value smaller than printed p-value
What should I consider? Though I have feeling that it is non stationary. If it is, how to make it stationary using R? Also I tried using command
decompose(tsr). It showed an error:
ERROR : time series has no or less than 2 periods
What is the issue?
The first step should be to visually examine your time series to see if it is stationary, and thereafter use the ADF-test to "formally" test for stationarity. This is more or less the standard procedure, at least in finance literature. (You could of course use another test like the KPSS or PP)
When plotting the ACF or PACF functions you mainly examine the AR and MA representation of your series.
As your series seems to be stationary according to the ADF-test you don't have to "make it stationary". However please keep in mind that these tests might give you the "wrong" answer when dealing with small sample data, seasonality or structural breaks.
If you don't want to soley rely on the ADF-test, you also could consider the KPSS test which have the opposite null-hypothosis.

Is it possibile to arrange a time series in the way that a specific autocorrleation is created?

I have a file containing 2,500 random numbers. Is it possible to rearrange these saved numbers in the way that a specific autocorrelation is created? Lets say, autocorrelation to the lag 1 of 0.2, autocorrelation to the lag 2 of 0.4, etc.etc.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
To be more specific:
The time series of a daily return in percent of an asset has the following characteristics that I am trying to recreate:
Leptokurtic, symmetric distribution, let's say centered at a daily return of zero
No significant autocorrelations (because the sign of a daily return is not predictable)
Significant autocorrleations if the time series is squared
The aim is to produce a random time series which satisfies all these three characteristics. The only two inputs should be the leptokurtic distribution (this I have already created) and the specific autocorrelation of the squared resulting time series (e.g. the final squared time series should have an autocorrelation at lag 1 of 0.2).
I only know how to produce random numbers out of my own mixed-distribution. Naturally if I would square this resulting time series, there would be no autocorrelation. I would like to find a way which takes this into account.
Generally the most straightforward way to create autocorrelated data is to generate the data so that it's autocorrelated. For example, you could create an auto correlated path by always using the value at p-1 as the mean for the random draw at time period p.
Rearranging is not only hard, but sort of odd conceptually. What are you really trying to do in the end? Giving some context might allow better answers.
There are functions for simulating correlated data. arima.sim() from stats package and simulate.Arima() from the forecast package.
simulate.Arima() has the advantages that (1.) it can simulate seasonal ARIMA models (maybe sometimes called "SARIMA") and (2.) It can simulate a continuation of an existing timeseries to which you have already fit an ARIMA model. To use simulate.Arima(), you do need to already have an Arima object.
type ?arima.sim then scroll down to "examples".
fit <- auto.arima(USAccDeaths)
lines(simulate(fit, 36),col="red")

Evolution of linear regression coefficients over time

I would like to observe the evolution of the linear regression coefficients over time. To be more precise, let's have a time frame of 2 years where the linear regression will always use the data set with a range of 1 year. After the first regression, we move one week further (i.e. we add a new week, but one is also subtracted from the beginning) and do the regression again as long as we reach the final date: altogether, there will be 52 regressions.
My problem is that there are some holidays in the data set and we can not simply add 7 days as one would easily suggest. I would like to have some wrapper function that would do aforementioned for many other functions from different packages, for example forecast.lm() from the forecast package or any function that one can think of: the objective in every case would be to find the evolution of the linear regression parameters week-by-week.
I think you might get more answers if you edit/subdivide your question in a clear way. (1) how do I find holidays (it's not clear what your definition of holidays is)? (2) how do I slice up a data set accordingly? (3) how do I run a linear regression in each chunk?
(1) find holidays: can't really help here, as I don't know how they're defined/coded in your data set. library(sos); findFn("holiday") finds some options
(2) partition the data set according to inter-holiday/weekend intervals. The example below supposes holidays are coded as 1 and non-holidays are coded as zero.
(3) run the linear regression for each chunk and extract the coefficients.
d <- data.frame(holiday=c(0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0),
per <- cumsum(c(1,diff(d$holiday)==-1)) ## maybe use rle() instead
dd <- with(d,split(subset(d,!holiday),per[!holiday]))
