syntax for reusable function types in function declarations - flowtype

This is how you annotate a variable / constant as holding a function of a particular type:
declare type TFunction = () => any;
const foo: TFunction = function foo() {};
What is the syntax when one declares a function:
function boo() {}

There's no way to put: TFunction on your function boo() declaration. However, you can flow check it by writing the no-op statement (boo: TFunction); afterward. The only drawback is this evaluates boo at runtime.
Probably the best way to do it though is to not worry about explicitly declaring that boo is a TFunction, and instead just rely on Flow to check it any time you use boo where a TFunction is expected.
Here's a more concrete example of what I mean: (Try flow link)
/* #flow */
type ArithmeticOperation = (a: number, b: number) => number;
function add(a: number, b: number): number {
return a + b;
function concat(a: string, b: string): string {
return a + b;
function fold(array: Array<number>, operation: ArithmeticOperation): number {
return array.reduce(operation);
fold([1, 2, 3], add); // ok because add matches ArithmeticOperation
fold([1, 2, 3], concat); // flow error because concat doesn't match

Coming late to this question, but if you are talking about declarations in the sense of "compile-time declarations, separate from code, that use the declare keyword", then per the Flow declarations docs, you should be able to declare globals like this:
declare var boo: TFunction;
or scoped items as members of their containing module or type:
declare class FunctionHolder {
boo: TFunction;


How do I specify a type for a function parameter that optionally includes a given method?

Updated Question
I want to define a function named bsearch() to do binary searches against arrays of arbitrary object types. When I invoke the function, I want it to check whether or not the Type of the array contains a compare() method and use it, if it does. If it does not, I want it to fall back to using < and === (so it will work with strings and numbers).
What should the function declaration look like? (I don't need an actual implementation, just the syntax for a type-safe solution.)
Or maybe I'm going about this all wrong? How can I create a function that uses a method built into a parameter type if it exists, or use some other function when it doesn't?
Original Question
This is the original question, but I've replaced it with the above as it seems this wasn't getting my point across.
I want to define a function named bsearch() to do binary searches against arrays of arbitrary object types. So I'd like to do something like this:
type Comparator = <Type>(a: Type, b: Type) => -1 | 0 | 1;
static bsearch<Type extends { compare?: Comparator }>(
ary: Type[],
value: Type
): number { ... }
My goal is to specify that Type must extend a type that may or may not include the compare method. In my function, I will check whether the compare method exists on the value parameter and call if it does, or use a generic function (that uses < and ===) if it does not.
The definition of bsearch() does not produce any warnings or errors, but attempts to invoke it from my unit test does:
class Person {
name: string;
length: number;
compare: Comparator<Person>; // What goes here?
describe('Utils tests', () => {
const arrayOfInt = [10, 20, 30, 40];
const arrayOfStr = ['Alfred', 'Bob', 'Chuck'];
const arrayOfPersons: Person = [
it('can find integer in an array of integers', () => {
let search_for = 30;
let result = Utils.bsearch(arrayOfInt, search_for)
it('can find string in an array of strings', () => {
let search_for = 'Bob';
let result = Utils.bsearch(arrayOfStr, search_for)
it('can find Person in an array of Persons', () => {
// This one uses to do the search.
// The previous two tests used the fallback technique.
let search_for = {name:'Fred',length:6};
let result = Utils.bsearch(arrayOfPersons, search_for)
The error message is:
TS2345: Argument of type 'number[]' is not assignable to parameter of type '{ compare?: Comparator | undefined; }[]'.   Type 'number' has no properties in common with type '{ compare?: Comparator | undefined; }'.
I would appreciate pointers to other techniques if there is a better way to accomplish this (I'm still a TypeScript newbie).
Your generic is:
Type extends { compare?: Comparator }
Which means that Type must fulfill { compare?: Comparator } type. While passing object value, for example { name: 'Barney', length: 2, comparator: /* snip */}, is obviously correct, it's not the case for primitives like 10 and Bob. You need to include information about primitive types in the generic, for example:
Type extends ({ compare?: Comparator }) | number | string
Also, you'd probably want to enrich a bit the object typing:
{[key: string]: unknown, compare?: () => void } | number | string
Because, based on your description, you'd also want to accept also objects that do not have compare function in their type signature at all. If it does sound strange, I recommend reading about excess property checking.

How to specify a list of generics of unknown/arbitrary size

Note: I started a discussion on Github about this subject.
I have a zip function, for now it is typed for iterables of the same type T. I would like to have this typed for arbitrary mixed input type but still conserving the matching output type, for example, if the input type [Iterable<T>, Iterable<U>] I want the output type to be Iterable<[T, U]>. Is it possible to have this for arbitrary input size? I basically want to say, if you have this list of type as input you'll have them as output.
Here is the current version of my zip:
export function *zip<T>(...iterables:Array<Iterable<T>>): Iterable<Array<T>> {
const iterators = => iter(iterable));
const items = =>;
if (items.some(item => item.done)){
yield (( => { return item.value }): Array<any>): Array<T>);
export function *iter<T>(iterable:Iterable<T>): Iterator<T> {
yield* iterable;
Current best solution by AndrewSouthpaw:
declare function zip<A, B>(Iterable<A>, Iterable<B>): Iterable<[A, B]>;
declare function zip<A, B, C>(Iterable<A>, Iterable<B>, Iterable<C>): Iterable<[A, B, C]>;
declare function zip<A, B, C, D>(Iterable<A>, Iterable<B>, Iterable<C>, Iterable<D>): Iterable<[A, B, C, D]>;
export function *zip<T>(...iterables:Array<Iterable<T>>): Iterable<Array<T>> {
const iterators = => iter(iterable));
const items = =>;
if (items.some(item => item.done)){
yield (( => { return item.value }): Array<any>): Array<T>);
It works as expected when called with 4, 3 or 2 iterables, when called with 5 or more arguments flow will simply say that zip can only be called with 4 or less arguments. Of course we could add as many function signature as we like to get it to work for 5, 6 or any number N of arguments, but that would require to declare N distinct signatures (which is a bit ugly). On the other hand this strategy does not allow to have an unbounded number of arguments (like the spread operator does). I'm still looking for that.
This raised a more general question, is there any language in which this exists?
I really have the feeling that this can be done in theory (not necessarily in flow), on the other hand I can't recall of a statically typed language in which I've done/seen that (I would also be interested in seeing this kind of type checking in any language).
To be a bit more specific, my feeling is that if you have a type checking system in which (by definition) all types are statically known (any variable has a known type x) then function f: Array<Iterable<x>> -> Iterable<Array<x>> is always called on a known type x. Therefore we should be able to statically decide what type f will return given x (whether x is a single generic type or a list of generic types).
The same goes for the function itself, if you have a type x as input, then you only need to check that your function preserve type x.
Maybe this needs to be defined recursively in some languages, that would also be interesting to see.
We've only been able to accomplish this through overriding the function signature declaration. This might help:
declare function zip<A, B>(Iterable<A>, Iterable<B>): Iterable<[A, B]>
declare function zip<A, B, C>(Iterable<A>, Iterable<B>, Iterable<C>): Iterable<[A, B, C]>
declare function zip<A, B, C, D>(Iterable<A>, Iterable<B>, Iterable<C>, Iterable<D>): Iterable<[A, B, C, D]>
export function zip(a, b, c, d) {
/* ... */
Here is the working solution. All credit goes to jbrown215 from Flow team, he found the idea of using $ReadOnlyArray<mixed> here:
export function *zip<T: $ReadOnlyArray<mixed>>(...iterables:Array<Iterable<T>>): Iterable<Array<T>> {
const iterators = => iter(iterable));
const items = =>;
if (items.some(item => item.done)){
yield (( => { return item.value }): Array<any>): Array<T>);
export function *iter<T>(iterable:Iterable<T>): Iterator<T> {
yield* iterable;

Is it possible to define a Maybe Function in Flow?

I want to declare a parameter type as Maybe a function with a default value of undefined.
However I am getting Flow errors as neither undefined or null are considered to be of type function.
Is there are way to do this?
This is how I would implement a function that executes a given function, unless the given function is undefined:
function maybeExecute<A: *, R>(f: ?(...args: A) => R, ...args: A): ?R {
if (f) {
return f(...args)
That type-checks in Flow v0.64.0. The use of the ? indicates that f might be undefined or null. The if (f) { /* ... */ } check narrows the type of f so that inside the body of the if Flow can guarantee that f is a function.
You can get a little fancier and declare multiple signatures to make maybeExecute an overloaded function like this:
declare function maybeExecute<A: *, R>(f: (...args: A) => R, ...args: A): R
declare function maybeExecute(f: null | void, ...args: mixed[]): void
function maybeExecute(f, ...args) {
if (f) {
return f(...args)
With the overloaded version if Flow is able to infer that the given function was defined then it may be able to infer that the return value of maybeExecute is also defined.

Declare a function using a type alias

I would like to declare the type of a function using a type alias. Something like this:
type F = (_: number) => number;
function f:F (a) { return a; }
^ Unexpected token :
declare function f:F;
^ Unexpected token :
The reason I want this is that I have a bunch of functions with the same (rather long) type declaration and I'd like to save the typing and improve the clarity.
Is it possible to do this in Flow? If no is there a feature request open for this?
I found a satisfactory answer using declare. It's just I had to use declare var instead of declare function (which makes some sense):
type F = (_: number) => number;
declare var f:F;
function f(a) { return a; }
Using :F inline would be ideal, but this is good enough.

Is there an easy (idiomatic) way to convert a java.lang.reflect.Method to a Scala function?

Can I retrieve a Method via reflection, somehow combine it with a target object, and return it as something that looks like a function in Scala (i.e. you can call it using parenthesis)? The argument list is variable. It doesn't have to be a "first-class" function (I've updated the question), just a syntactic-looking function call, e.g. f(args).
My attempt so far looks something like this (which technically is pseudo-code, just to avoid cluttering up the post with additional definitions):
class method_ref(o: AnyRef, m: java.lang.reflect.Method) {
def apply(args: Any*): some_return_type = {
var oa: Array[Object] = { _.asInstanceOf[Object] }
println("calling: " + m.toString + " with: " + oa.length)
m.invoke(o, oa: _*) match {
case x: some_return_type => x;
case u => throw new Exception("unknown result" + u);
With the above I was able to get past the compiler errors, but now I have a run-time exception:
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: argument type mismatch
The example usage is something like:
var f = ... some expression returning method_ref ...;
var y = f(x) // looks like a function, doesn't it?
Changing the args:Any* to args:AnyRef* actually fixed my run-time problem, so the above approach (with the fix) works fine for what I was trying to accomplish. I think I ran into a more general issue with varargs here.
Sure. Here's some code I wrote that add an interface to a function. It's not exactly what you want, but I think it can be adapted with few changes. The most difficult change is on invoke, where you'll need to change the invoked method by the one obtained through reflection. Also, you'll have to take care that the received method you are processing is apply. Also, instead of f, you'd use the target object. It should probably look something like this:
def invoke(proxy: AnyRef, method: Method, args: Array[AnyRef]) = method match {
case m if /* m is apply */ => target.getClass().getMethod("name", /* parameter type */).invoke(target, args: _*)
case _ => /* ??? */
Anyway, here's the code:
import java.lang.reflect.{Proxy, InvocationHandler, Method}
class Handler[T, R](f: Function1[T, R])(implicit fm: Manifest[Function1[T, R]]) extends InvocationHandler {
def invoke(proxy: AnyRef, method: Method, args: Array[AnyRef]) = method.invoke(f, args: _*)
def withInterface[I](implicit m: Manifest[I]) = {
require(m <:< manifest[Function1[T, R]] && m.erasure.isInterface)
Proxy.newProxyInstance(m.erasure.getClassLoader(), Array(m.erasure), this).asInstanceOf[I]
object Handler {
def apply[T, R](f: Function1[T, R])(implicit fm: Manifest[Function1[T, R]]) = new Handler(f)
And use it like this:
trait CostFunction extends Function1[String, Int]
Handler { x: String => x.length } withInterface manifest[CostFunction]
The use of "manifest" there helps with syntax. You could write it like this:
Handler({ x: String => x.length }).withInterface[CostFunction] // or
Handler((_: String).length).withInterface[CostFunction]
One could also drop the manifest and use classOf instead with a few changes.
If you're not looking for a generic invoke that takes the method name--but rather, you want to capture a particular method on a particular object--and you don't want to get too deeply into manifests and such, I think the following is a decent solution:
class MethodFunc[T <: AnyRef](o: Object, m: reflect.Method, tc: Class[T]) {
def apply(oa: Any*): T = {
val result = m.invoke(o,[AnyRef]): _*)
if (result.getClass == tc) result.asInstanceOf[T]
else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected result " + result)
Let's see it in action:
val s = "Hi there, friend"
val m = s.getClass.getMethods.find(m => {
m.getName == "substring" && m.getParameterTypes.length == 2
val mf = new MethodFunc(s,m,classOf[String])
scala> mf(3,8)
res10: String = there
The tricky part is getting the correct type for the return value. Here it's left up to you to supply it. For example,if you supply classOf[CharSequence] it will fail because it's not the right class. (Manifests are better for this, but you did ask for simple...though I think "simple to use" is generally better than "simple to code the functionality".)
