What is the right way to append items to a list inside a recursive function?
let () =
let rec main m l acc =
if (acc = 3) then
if (m = 1) then
l := 1 :: !l
main (m - 1) l
else if (m = 2) then
l := 2 :: !l
main (m - 1) l
l := m :: !l
main (m - 1) l
in l = ref []
let main 10 l 0
List.iter (fun l -> List.iter print_int l) l
another Example:
let () =
let rec main m =
if (m = 3) then m
l := m :: !l;
main (m + 1) l
in l = ref []
let main 0 l
List.iter (fun l -> List.iter print_int l) l
I want to append a value to a list inside a function and then print the elements of the list.
If you want to print [1;2;...;10]:
let () =
let rec main m l =
if (m = 0) then
else begin
l := m :: !l;
main (m - 1) l
let l = ref [] in
List.iter print_int (main 10 l); print_newline();;
or better without ref
let () =
let rec main m l =
if (m = 0) then
main (m - 1) (m::l)
List.iter print_int (main 10 []); print_newline();;
but I am not sure of what you want to do...
What you mean by "the right way" is not quite clear. The functional "right way" would be not to use references. The efficiency "right way" would be to prepend rather than to append.
Another direct way to build a list inspired from user4624500's answer could be:
let rec f = function
| 0 -> [0]
| n -> n :: f (n-1)
(note: that's not tail recursive, and would uglily fail with negative numbers...)
Then the following expression calls the previous function to build the list and then print the result (adding newlines for readability purposes):
let my_list = f 10 in
List.iter (fun n -> print_int n; print_newline ()) my_list
Assume I have the following idris source code:
module Source
import Data.Vect
--in order to avoid compiler confusion between Prelude.List.(++), Prelude.String.(++) and Data.Vect.(++)
infixl 0 +++
(+++) : Vect n a -> Vect m a -> Vect (n+m) a
v +++ w = v ++ w
--NB: further down in the question I'll assume this definition isn't needed because the compiler
-- will have enough context to disambiguate between these and figure out that Data.Vect.(++)
-- is the "correct" one to use.
lemma : reverse (n :: ns) +++ (n :: ns) = reverse ns +++ (n :: n :: ns)
lemma {ns = []} = Refl
lemma {ns = n' :: ns} = ?lemma_rhs
As shown, the base case for lemma is trivially Refl. But I can't seem to find a way to prove the inductive case: the repl "just" spits out the following
*source> :t lemma_rhs
phTy : Type
n1 : phTy
len : Nat
ns : Vect len phTy
n : phTy
lemma_rhs : Data.Vect.reverse, go phTy
(S (S len))
(n :: n1 :: ns)
[n1, n]
ns ++
n :: n1 :: ns =
Data.Vect.reverse, go phTy (S len) (n1 :: ns) [n1] ns ++
n :: n :: n1 :: ns
I understand that phTy stands for "phantom type", the implicit type of the vectors I'm considering. I also understand that go is the name of the function defined in the where clause for the definition of the library function reverse.
How can I continue the proof? Is my inductive strategy sound? Is there a better one?
This has came up in one of my toy projects, where I try to define arbitrary tensors; specifically, this seems to be needed in order to define "full index contraction". I'll elaborate a little bit on that:
I define tensors in a way that's roughly equivalent to
data Tensor : (rank : Nat) -> (shape : Vector rank Nat) -> Type where
Scalar : a -> Tensor Z [] a
Vector : Vect n (Tensor rank shape a) -> Tensor (S rank) (n :: shape) a
glossing over the rest of the source code (since it isn't relevant, and it's quite long and uninteresting as of now), I was able to define the following functions
contractIndex : Num a =>
Tensor (r1 + (2 + r2)) (s1 ++ (n :: n :: s2)) a ->
Tensor (r1 + r2) (s1 ++ s2) a
tensorProduct : Num a =>
Tensor r1 s1 a ->
Tensor r2 s2 a ->
Tensor (r1 + r2) (s1 ++ s2) a
contractProduct : Num a =>
Tensor (S r1) s1 a ->
Tensor (S r2) ((last s1) :: s2) a ->
Tensor (r1 + r2) ((take r1 s1) ++ s2) a
and I'm working on this other one
fullIndexContraction : Num a =>
Tensor r (reverse ns) a ->
Tensor r ns a ->
Tensor 0 [] a
fullIndexContraction {r = Z} {ns = []} t s = t * s
fullIndexContraction {r = S r} {ns = n :: ns} t s = ?rhs
that should "iterate contractProduct as much as possible (that is, r times)"; equivalently, it could be possible to define it as tensorProduct composed with as many contractIndex as possible (again, that amount should be r).
I'm including all this becuse maybe it's easier to just solve this problem without proving the lemma above: if that were the case, I'd be fully satisfied as well. I just thought the "shorter" version above might be easier to deal with, since I'm pretty sure I'll be able to figure out the missing pieces myself.
The version of idris i'm using is 1.3.2-git:PRE (that's what the repl says when invoked from the command line).
Edit: xash's answer covers almost everything, and I was able to write the following functions
nreverse_id : (k : Nat) -> nreverse k = k
contractAllIndices : Num a =>
Tensor (nreverse k + k) (reverse ns ++ ns) a ->
Tensor Z [] a
contractAllProduct : Num a =>
Tensor (nreverse k) (reverse ns) a ->
Tensor k ns a ->
Tensor Z []
I also wrote a "fancy" version of reverse, let's call it fancy_reverse, that automatically rewrites nreverse k = k in its result. So I tried to write a function that doesn't have nreverse in its signature, something like
fancy_reverse : Vect n a -> Vect n a
fancy_reverse {n} xs =
rewrite sym $ nreverse_id n in
reverse xs
contract : Num a =>
{auto eql : fancy_reverse ns1 = ns2} ->
Tensor k ns1 a ->
Tensor k ns2 a ->
Tensor Z [] a
contract {eql} {k} {ns1} {ns2} t s =
flip contractAllProduct s $
rewrite sym $ nreverse_id k in
now, the inferred type for rhs is Tensor (nreverse k) (reverse ns2) and I have in scope a rewrite rule for k = nreverse k, but I can't seem to wrap my head around how to rewrite the implicit eql proof to make this type check: am I doing something wrong?
The prelude Data.Vect.reverse is hard to reason about, because AFAIK the go helper function won't be resolved in the typechecker. The usual approach is to define oneself an easier reverse that doesn't need rewrite in the type level. Like here for example:
%hide Data.Vect.reverse
nreverse : Nat -> Nat
nreverse Z = Z
nreverse (S n) = nreverse n + 1
reverse : Vect n a -> Vect (nreverse n) a
reverse [] = []
reverse (x :: xs) = reverse xs ++ [x]
lemma : {xs : Vect n a} -> reverse (x :: xs) = reverse xs ++ [x]
lemma = Refl
As you can see, this definition is straight-forward enough, that this equivalent lemma can be solved without further work. Thus you can probably just match on the reverse ns in fullIndexContraction like in this example:
data Foo : Vect n Nat -> Type where
MkFoo : (x : Vect n Nat) -> Foo x
foo : Foo a -> Foo (reverse a) -> Nat
foo (MkFoo []) (MkFoo []) = Z
foo (MkFoo $ x::xs) (MkFoo $ reverse xs ++ [x]) =
x + foo (MkFoo xs) (MkFoo $ reverse xs)
To your comment: first, len = nreverse len must sometimes be used, but if you had rewrite on the type level (through the usual n + 1 = 1 + n shenanigans) you had the same problem (if not even with more complicated proofs, but this is just a guess.)
vectAppendAssociative is actually enough:
lemma2 : Main.reverse (n :: ns1) ++ ns2 = Main.reverse ns1 ++ (n :: ns2)
lemma2 {n} {ns1} {ns2} = sym $ vectAppendAssociative (reverse ns1) [n] ns2
Suppose I have some natural numbers d ≥ 2 and n > 0; in this case, I can split off the d's from n and get n = m * dk, where m is not divisible by d.
I'd like to use this repeated removal of the d-divisible parts as a recursion scheme; so I thought I'd make a datatype for the Steps leading to m:
import Data.Nat.DivMod
data Steps: (d : Nat) -> {auto dValid: d `GTE` 2} -> (n : Nat) -> Type where
Base: (rem: Nat) -> (rem `GT` 0) -> (rem `LT` d) -> (quot : Nat) -> Steps d {dValid} (rem + quot * d)
Step: Steps d {dValid} n -> Steps d {dValid} (n * d)
and write a recursive function that computes the Steps for a given pair of d and n:
total lemma: x * y `GT` 0 -> x `GT` 0
lemma {x = Z} LTEZero impossible
lemma {x = Z} (LTESucc _) impossible
lemma {x = (S k)} prf = LTESucc LTEZero
steps : (d : Nat) -> {auto dValid: d `GTE` 2} -> (n : Nat) -> {auto nValid: n `GT` 0} -> Steps d {dValid} n
steps Z {dValid = LTEZero} _ impossible
steps Z {dValid = (LTESucc _)} _ impossible
steps (S d) {dValid} n {nValid} with (divMod n d)
steps (S d) (q * S d) {nValid} | MkDivMod q Z _ = Step (steps (S d) {dValid} q {nValid = lemma nValid})
steps (S d) (S rem + q * S d) | MkDivMod q (S rem) remSmall = Base (S rem) (LTESucc LTEZero) remSmall q
However, steps is not accepted as total since there's no apparent reason why the recursive call is well-founded (there's no structural relationship between q and n).
But I also have a function
total wf : (S x) `LT` (S x) * S (S y)
with a boring proof.
Can I use wf in the definition of steps to explain to Idris that steps is total?
Here is one way of using well-founded recursion to do what you're asking. I'm sure though, that there is a better way. In what follows I'm going to use the standard LT function, which allows us to achieve our goal, but there some obstacles we will need to work around.
Unfortunately, LT is a function, not a type constructor or a data constructor, which means we cannot define an implementation of the
typeclass for LT. The following code is a workaround for this situation:
accIndLt : {P : Nat -> Type} ->
(step : (x : Nat) -> ((y : Nat) -> LT y x -> P y) -> P x) ->
(z : Nat) -> Accessible LT z -> P z
accIndLt {P} step z (Access f) =
step z $ \y, lt => accIndLt {P} step y (f y lt)
wfIndLt : {P : Nat -> Type} ->
(step : (x : Nat) -> ((y : Nat) -> LT y x -> P y) -> P x) ->
(x : Nat) -> P x
wfIndLt step x = accIndLt step x (ltAccessible x)
We are going to need some helper lemmas dealing with the less than relation, the lemmas can be found in this gist (Order module). It's a subset of my personal library which I recently started. I'm sure the proofs of the helper lemmas can be minimized, but it wasn't my goal here.
After importing the Order module, we can solve the problem (I slightly modified the original code, it's not difficult to change it or write a wrapper to have the original type):
steps : (n : Nat) -> {auto nValid : 0 `LT` n} -> (d : Nat) -> Steps (S (S d)) n
steps n {nValid} d = wfIndLt {P = P} step n d nValid
P : (n : Nat) -> Type
P n = (d : Nat) -> (nV : 0 `LT` n) -> Steps (S (S d)) n
step : (n : Nat) -> (rec : (q : Nat) -> q `LT` n -> P q) -> P n
step n rec d nV with (divMod n (S d))
step (S r + q * S (S d)) rec d nV | (MkDivMod q (S r) prf) =
Base (S r) (LTESucc LTEZero) prf q
step (Z + q * S (S d)) rec d nV | (MkDivMod q Z _) =
let qGt0 = multLtNonZeroArgumentsLeft nV in
let lt = multLtSelfRight (S (S d)) qGt0 (LTESucc (LTESucc LTEZero)) in
Step (rec q lt d qGt0)
I modeled steps after the divMod function from the contrib/Data/Nat/DivMod/IteratedSubtraction.idr module.
Full code is available here.
Warning: the totality checker (as of Idris 0.99, release version) does not accept steps as total. It has been recently fixed and works for our problem (I tested it with Idris 0.99-git:17f0899c).
Suppose we define a function
f : N \to N
f 0 = 0
f (s n) = f (n/2) -- this / operator is implemented as floored division.
Agda will paint f in salmon because it cannot tell if n/2 is smaller than n. I don't know how to tell Agda's termination checker anything. I see in the standard library they have a floored division by 2 and a proof that n/2 < n. However, I still fail to see how to get the termination checker to realize that recursion has been made on a smaller subproblem.
Agda's termination checker only checks for structural recursion (i.e. calls that happen on structurally smaller arguments) and there's no way to establish that certain relation (such as _<_) implies that one of the arguments is structurally smaller.
Digression: Similar problem happens with positivity checker. Consider the standard fix-point data type:
data μ_ (F : Set → Set) : Set where
fix : F (μ F) → μ F
Agda rejects this because F may not be positive in its first argument. But we cannot restrict μ to only take positive type functions, or show that some particular type function is positive.
How do we normally show that a recursive functions terminates? For natural numbers, this is the fact that if the recursive call happens on strictly smaller number, we eventually have to reach zero and the recursion stops; for lists the same holds for its length; for sets we could use the strict subset relation; and so on. Notice that "strictly smaller number" doesn't work for integers.
The property that all these relations share is called well-foundedness. Informally speaking, a relation is well-founded if it doesn't have any infinite descending chains. For example, < on natural numbers is well founded, because for any number n:
n > n - 1 > ... > 2 > 1 > 0
That is, the length of such chain is limited by n + 1.
≤ on natural numbers, however, is not well-founded:
n ≥ n ≥ ... ≥ n ≥ ...
And neither is < on integers:
n > n - 1 > ... > 1 > 0 > -1 > ...
Does this help us? It turns out we can encode what it means for a relation to be well-founded in Agda and then use it to implement your function.
For simplicity, I'm going to bake the _<_ relation into the data type. First of all, we must define what it means for a number to be accessible: n is accessible if all m such that m < n are also accessible. This of course stops at n = 0, because there are no m so that m < 0 and this statement holds trivially.
data Acc (n : ℕ) : Set where
acc : (∀ m → m < n → Acc m) → Acc n
Now, if we can show that all natural numbers are accessible, then we showed that < is well-founded. Why is that so? There must be a finite number of the acc constructors (i.e. no infinite descending chain) because Agda won't let us write infinite recursion. Now, it might seem as if we just pushed the problem back one step further, but writing the well-foundedness proof is actually structurally recursive!
So, with that in mind, here's the definition of < being well-founded:
WF : Set
WF = ∀ n → Acc n
And the well-foundedness proof:
<-wf : WF
<-wf n = acc (go n)
go : ∀ n m → m < n → Acc m
go zero m ()
go (suc n) zero _ = acc λ _ ()
go (suc n) (suc m) (s≤s m<n) = acc λ o o<sm → go n o (trans o<sm m<n)
Notice that go is nicely structurally recursive. trans can be imported like this:
open import Data.Nat
open import Relation.Binary
open DecTotalOrder decTotalOrder
using (trans)
Next, we need a proof that ⌊ n /2⌋ ≤ n:
/2-less : ∀ n → ⌊ n /2⌋ ≤ n
/2-less zero = z≤n
/2-less (suc zero) = z≤n
/2-less (suc (suc n)) = s≤s (trans (/2-less n) (right _))
right : ∀ n → n ≤ suc n
right zero = z≤n
right (suc n) = s≤s (right n)
And finally, we can write your f function. Notice how it suddenly becomes structurally recursive thanks to Acc: the recursive calls happen on arguments with one acc constructor peeled off.
f : ℕ → ℕ
f n = go _ (<-wf n)
go : ∀ n → Acc n → ℕ
go zero _ = 0
go (suc n) (acc a) = go ⌊ n /2⌋ (a _ (s≤s (/2-less _)))
Now, having to work directly with Acc isn't very nice. And that's where Dominique's answer comes in. All this stuff I've written here has already been done in the standard library. It is more general (the Acc data type is actually parametrized over the relation) and it allows you to just use <-rec without having to worry about Acc.
Taking a more closer look, we are actually pretty close to the generic solution. Let's see what we get when we parametrize over the relation. For simplicity I'm not dealing with universe polymorphism.
A relation on A is just a function taking two As and returning Set (we could call it binary predicate):
Rel : Set → Set₁
Rel A = A → A → Set
We can easily generalize Acc by changing the hardcoded _<_ : ℕ → ℕ → Set to an arbitrary relation over some type A:
data Acc {A} (_<_ : Rel A) (x : A) : Set where
acc : (∀ y → y < x → Acc _<_ y) → Acc _<_ x
The definition of well-foundedness changes accordingly:
WellFounded : ∀ {A} → Rel A → Set
WellFounded _<_ = ∀ x → Acc _<_ x
Now, since Acc is an inductive data type like any other, we should be able to write its eliminator. For inductive types, this is a fold (much like foldr is eliminator for lists) - we tell the eliminator what to do with each constructor case and the eliminator applies this to the whole structure.
In this case, we'll do just fine with the simple variant:
foldAccSimple : ∀ {A} {_<_ : Rel A} {R : Set} →
(∀ x → (∀ y → y < x → R) → R) →
∀ z → Acc _<_ z → R
foldAccSimple {R = R} acc′ = go
go : ∀ z → Acc _ z → R
go z (acc a) = acc′ z λ y y<z → go y (a y y<z)
If we know that _<_ is well-founded, we can skip the Acc _<_ z argument completly, so let's write small convenience wrapper:
recSimple : ∀ {A} {_<_ : Rel A} → WellFounded _<_ → {R : Set} →
(∀ x → (∀ y → y < x → R) → R) →
A → R
recSimple wf acc′ z = foldAccSimple acc′ z (wf z)
And finally:
<-wf : WellFounded _<_
<-wf = {- same definition -}
<-rec = recSimple <-wf
f : ℕ → ℕ
f = <-rec go
go : ∀ n → (∀ m → m < n → ℕ) → ℕ
go zero _ = 0
go (suc n) r = r ⌊ n /2⌋ (s≤s (/2-less _))
And indeed, this looks (and works) almost like the one in the standard library!
Here's the fully dependent version in case you are wondering:
foldAcc : ∀ {A} {_<_ : Rel A} (P : A → Set) →
(∀ x → (∀ y → y < x → P y) → P x) →
∀ z → Acc _<_ z → P z
foldAcc P acc′ = go
go : ∀ z → Acc _ z → P z
go _ (acc a) = acc′ _ λ _ y<z → go _ (a _ y<z)
rec : ∀ {A} {_<_ : Rel A} → WellFounded _<_ →
(P : A → Set) → (∀ x → (∀ y → y < x → P y) → P x) →
∀ z → P z
rec wf P acc′ z = foldAcc P acc′ _ (wf z)
I would like to offer a slightly different answer than the ones given above. In particular, I want to suggest that instead of trying to somehow convince the termination checker that actually, no, this recursion is perfectly fine, we should instead try to reify the well-founded-ness so that the recursion is manifestly fine in virtue of being structural.
The idea here is that the problem comes from being unable to see that n / 2 is somehow a "part" of n. Structural recursion wants to break a thing into its immediate parts, but the way that n / 2 is a "part" of n is that we drop every other suc. But it's not obvious up front how many to drop, we have to look around and try to line things up. What would be nice is if we had some type that had constructors for "multiple" sucs.
To make the problem slightly more interesting, let's instead try to define the function that behaves like
f : ℕ → ℕ
f 0 = 0
f (suc n) = 1 + (f (n / 2))
that is to say, it should be the case that
f n = ⌈ log₂ (n + 1) ⌉
Now naturally the above definition won't work, for the same reasons your f won't. But let's pretend that it did, and let's explore the "path", so to speak, that the argument would take through the natural numbers. Suppose we look at n = 8:
f 8 = 1 + f 4 = 1 + 1 + f 2 = 1 + 1 + 1 + f 1 = 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + f 0 = 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 0 = 4
so the "path" is 8 -> 4 -> 2 -> 1 -> 0. What about, say, 11?
f 11 = 1 + f 5 = 1 + 1 + f 2 = ... = 4
so the "path" is 11 -> 5 -> 2 -> 1 -> 0.
Well naturally what's going on here is that at each step we're either dividing by 2, or subtracting one and dividing by 2. Every naturally number greater than 0 can be decomposed uniquely in this fashion. If it's even, divide by two and proceed, if it's odd, subtract one and divide by two and proceed.
So now we can see exactly what our data type should look like. We need a type that has a constructor that means "twice as many suc's" and another that means "twice as many suc's plus one", as well as of course a constructor that means "zero sucs":
data Decomp : ℕ → Set where
zero : Decomp zero
2*_ : ∀ {n} → Decomp n → Decomp (n * 2)
2*_+1 : ∀ {n} → Decomp n → Decomp (suc (n * 2))
We can now define the function that decomposes a natural number into the Decomp that corresponds to it:
decomp : (n : ℕ) → Decomp n
decomp zero = zero
decomp (suc n) = decomp n +1
It helps to define +1 for Decomps:
_+1 : {n : ℕ} → Decomp n → Decomp (suc n)
zero +1 = 2* zero +1
(2* d) +1 = 2* d +1
(2* d +1) +1 = 2* (d +1)
Given a Decomp, we can flatten it down into a natural number that ignores the distinctions between 2*_ and 2*_+1:
flatten : {n : ℕ} → Decomp n → ℕ
flatten zero = zero
flatten (2* p) = suc (flatten p)
flatten (2* p +1 = suc (flatten p)
And now it's trivial to define f:
f : ℕ → ℕ
f n = flatten (decomp n)
This happily passes the termination checker with no trouble, because we're never actually recursing on the problematic n / 2. Instead, we convert the number into a format that directly represents its path through the number space in a structurally recursive way.
Edit It occurred to me only a little while ago that Decomp is a little-endian representation of binary numbers. 2*_ is "append 0 to the end/shift left 1 bit" and 2*_+1 is "append 1 to the end/shift left 1 bit and add one". So the above code is really about showing that binary numbers are structurally recursive wrt dividing by 2, which they ought to be! That makes it much easier to understand, I think, but I don't want to change what I wrote already, so we could instead do some renaming here: Decomp ~> Binary, 2*_ ~> _,zero, 2*_+1 ~> _,one, decomp ~> natToBin, flatten ~> countBits.
After accepting Vitus' answer, I discovered a different way to accomplish the goal of proving a function terminates in Agda, namely using "sized types." I am providing my answer here because it seems acceptable, and also for critique of any weak points of this answer.
Sized types are described:
They are implemented in Agda, not only MiniAgda; see here: http://www2.tcs.ifi.lmu.de/~abel/talkAIM2008Sendai.pdf.
The idea is to augment the data type with a size that allows the typechecker to more easily prove termination. Size is defined in the standard library.
open import Size
We define sized natural numbers:
data Nat : {i : Size} \to Set where
zero : {i : Size} \to Nat {\up i}
succ : {i : Size} \to Nat {i} \to Nat {\up i}
Next, we define predecessor and subtraction (monus):
pred : {i : Size} → Nat {i} → Nat {i}
pred .{↑ i} (zero {i}) = zero {i}
pred .{↑ i} (succ {i} n) = n
sub : {i : Size} → Nat {i} → Nat {∞} → Nat {i}
sub .{↑ i} (zero {i}) n = zero {i}
sub .{↑ i} (succ {i} m) zero = succ {i} m
sub .{↑ i} (succ {i} m) (succ n) = sub {i} m n
Now, we may define division via Euclid's algorithm:
div : {i : Size} → Nat {i} → Nat → Nat {i}
div .{↑ i} (zero {i}) n = zero {i}
div .{↑ i} (succ {i} m) n = succ {i} (div {i} (sub {i} m n) n)
data ⊥ : Set where
record ⊤ : Set where
notZero : Nat → Set
notZero zero = ⊥
notZero _ = ⊤
We give division for nonzero denominators.
If the denominator is nonzero, then it is of the form, b+1. We then do
divPos a (b+1) = div a b
Since div a b returns ceiling (a/(b+1)).
divPos : {i : Size} → Nat {i} → (m : Nat) → (notZero m) → Nat {i}
divPos a (succ b) p = div a b
divPos a zero ()
As auxiliary:
div2 : {i : Size} → Nat {i} → Nat {i}
div2 n = divPos n (succ (succ zero)) (record {})
Now we can define a divide and conquer method for computing the n-th Fibonacci number.
fibd : {i : Size} → Nat {i} → Nat
fibd zero = zero
fibd (succ zero) = succ zero
fibd (succ (succ zero)) = succ zero
fibd (succ n) with even (succ n)
fibd .{↑ i} (succ {i} n) | true =
-- When m=n+1, the input, is even, we set k = m/2
-- Note, ceil(m/2) = ceil(n/2)
k = div2 {i} n
fib[k-1] = fibd {i} (pred {i} k)
fib[k] = fibd {i} k
fib[k+1] = fib[k-1] + fib[k]
(fib[k+1] * fib[k]) + (fib[k] * fib[k-1])
fibd .{↑ i} (succ {i} n) | false =
-- When m=n+1, the input, is odd, we set k = n/2 = (m-1)/2.
k = div2 {i} n
fib[k-1] = fibd {i} (pred {i} k)
fib[k] = fibd {i} k
fib[k+1] = fib[k-1] + fib[k]
(fib[k+1] * fib[k+1]) + (fib[k] * fib[k])
You cannot do this directly: Agda's termination checker only considers recursion ok on arguments that are syntactically smaller. However, the Agda standard library provides a few modules for proving termination using a well-founded order between the arguments of the functions. The standard order on natural numbers is such an order and can be used here.
Using the code in Induction.*, you can write your function as follows:
open import Data.Nat
open import Induction.WellFounded
open import Induction.Nat
s≤′s : ∀ {n m} → n ≤′ m → suc n ≤′ suc m
s≤′s ≤′-refl = ≤′-refl
s≤′s (≤′-step lt) = ≤′-step (s≤′s lt)
proof : ∀ n → ⌊ n /2⌋ ≤′ n
proof 0 = ≤′-refl
proof 1 = ≤′-step (proof zero)
proof (suc (suc n)) = ≤′-step (s≤′s (proof n))
f : ℕ → ℕ
f = <-rec (λ _ → ℕ) helper
helper : (n : ℕ) → (∀ y → y <′ n → ℕ) → ℕ
helper 0 rec = 0
helper (suc n) rec = rec ⌊ n /2⌋ (s≤′s (proof n))
I found an article with some explanation here. But there may be better references out there.
A similar question appeared on the Agda mailing-list a few weeks ago and the consensus seemed to be to inject the Data.Nat element into Data.Bin and then use structural recursion on this representation which is well-suited for the job at hand.
You can find the whole thread here : http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.agda/5690
You can avoid using well-founded recursion. Let's say you want a function, that applies ⌊_/2⌋ to a number, until it reaches 0, and collects the results. With the {-# TERMINATING #-} pragma it can be defined like this:
⌊_/2⌋s : ℕ -> List ℕ
⌊_/2⌋s 0 = []
⌊_/2⌋s n = n ∷ ⌊ ⌊ n /2⌋ /2⌋s
The second clause is equivalent to
⌊_/2⌋s n = n ∷ ⌊ n ∸ (n ∸ ⌊ n /2⌋) /2⌋s
It's possible to make ⌊_/2⌋s structurally recursive by inlining this substraction:
⌊_/2⌋s : ℕ -> List ℕ
⌊_/2⌋s = go 0 where
go : ℕ -> ℕ -> List ℕ
go _ 0 = []
go 0 (suc n) = suc n ∷ go (n ∸ ⌈ n /2⌉) n
go (suc i) (suc n) = go i n
go (n ∸ ⌈ n /2⌉) n is a simplified version of go (suc n ∸ ⌊ suc n /2⌋ ∸ 1) n
Some tests:
test-5 : ⌊ 5 /2⌋s ≡ 5 ∷ 2 ∷ 1 ∷ []
test-5 = refl
test-25 : ⌊ 25 /2⌋s ≡ 25 ∷ 12 ∷ 6 ∷ 3 ∷ 1 ∷ []
test-25 = refl
Now let's say you want a function, that applies ⌊_/2⌋ to a number, until it reaches 0, and sums the results. It's simply
⌊_/2⌋sum : ℕ -> ℕ
⌊ n /2⌋sum = go ⌊ n /2⌋s where
go : List ℕ -> ℕ
go [] = 0
go (n ∷ ns) = n + go ns
So we can just run our recursion on a list, that contains values, produced by the ⌊_/2⌋s function.
More concise version is
⌊ n /2⌋sum = foldr _+_ 0 ⌊ n /2⌋s
And back to the well-foundness.
open import Function
open import Relation.Nullary
open import Relation.Binary
open import Induction.WellFounded
open import Induction.Nat
calls : ∀ {a b ℓ} {A : Set a} {_<_ : Rel A ℓ} {guarded : A -> Set b}
-> (f : A -> A)
-> Well-founded _<_
-> (∀ {x} -> guarded x -> f x < x)
-> (∀ x -> Dec (guarded x))
-> A
-> List A
calls {A = A} {_<_} f wf smaller dec-guarded x = go (wf x) where
go : ∀ {x} -> Acc _<_ x -> List A
go {x} (acc r) with dec-guarded x
... | no _ = []
... | yes g = x ∷ go (r (f x) (smaller g))
This function does the same as the ⌊_/2⌋s function, i.e. produces values for recursive calls, but for any function, that satisfies certain conditions.
Look at the definition of go. If x is not guarded, then return []. Otherwise prepend x and call go on f x (we could write go {x = f x} ...), which is structurally smaller.
We can redefine ⌊_/2⌋s in terms of calls:
⌊_/2⌋s : ℕ -> List ℕ
⌊_/2⌋s = calls {guarded = ?} ⌊_/2⌋ ? ? ?
⌊ n /2⌋s returns [], only when n is 0, so guarded = λ n -> n > 0.
Our well-founded relation is based on _<′_ and defined in the Induction.Nat module as <-well-founded.
So we have
⌊_/2⌋s = calls {guarded = λ n -> n > 0} ⌊_/2⌋ <-well-founded {!!} {!!}
The type of the next hole is {x : ℕ} → x > 0 → ⌊ x /2⌋ <′ x
We can easily prove this proposition:
open import Data.Nat.Properties
suc-⌊/2⌋-≤′ : ∀ n -> ⌊ suc n /2⌋ ≤′ n
suc-⌊/2⌋-≤′ 0 = ≤′-refl
suc-⌊/2⌋-≤′ (suc n) = s≤′s (⌊n/2⌋≤′n n)
>0-⌊/2⌋-<′ : ∀ {n} -> n > 0 -> ⌊ n /2⌋ <′ n
>0-⌊/2⌋-<′ {suc n} (s≤s z≤n) = s≤′s (suc-⌊/2⌋-≤′ n)
The type of the last hole is (x : ℕ) → Dec (x > 0), we can fill it by _≤?_ 1.
And the final definition is
⌊_/2⌋s : ℕ -> List ℕ
⌊_/2⌋s = calls ⌊_/2⌋ <-well-founded >0-⌊/2⌋-<′ (_≤?_ 1)
Now you can recurse on a list, produced by ⌊_/2⌋s, without any termination issues.
I encountered this sort of problem when trying to write a quick sort function in Agda.
While other answers seem to explain the problem and solutions more generally, coming from a CS background, I think the following wording would be more accessible for certain readers:
The problem of working with the Agda termination checker comes down to how we can internalize the termination checking process.
Suppose we want to define a function
func : Some-Recursively-Defined-Type → A
func non-recursive-case = some-a
func (recursive-case n) = some-other-func (func (f n)) (func (g n)) ...
In many of the cases, we the writers know f n and g n are going to be smaller than recursive-case n. Furthermore, it is not like the proofs for these being smaller are super difficult. The problem is more about how we can communicate this knowledge to Agda.
It turns out we can do this by adding a timer argument to the definition.
Timer : Type
Timer = Nat
measure : Some-Recursively-Defined-Type → Timer
-- this function returns an upper-bound of how many steps left to terminate
-- the estimate should be tight enough for the non-recursive cases that
-- given those estimates,
-- pattern matching on recursive cases is obviously impossible
measure = {! !}
func-aux :
(timer : Timer) -- the timer,
(actual-arguments : Some-Recursively-Defined-Type)
(timer-bounding : measure actual-arguments ≤ timer)
→ A
func-aux zero non-recursive-case prf = a
-- the prf should force args to only pattern match to the non-recursive cases
func-aux (succ t) non-recursive-case prf = a
func-aux (succ t) (recursive-case n) prf =
some-other-func (func-aux t (f n) prf') (func-aux t (g n) prf'') ... where
prf' : measure (f n) ≤ t
prf' = {! !}
prf'' : measure (g n) ≤ t
prf'' = {! !}
With these at hand, we can define the function we want as something like the following :
func : Some-Recursively-Defined-Type → A
func x with measure x
func x | n = func-aux n x (≤-is-reflexive n)
I have not taken into account anything about whether the computation would be efficient.
While Timer type is not restricted to be Nat (but for all types with which we have a strong enough order relation to work with), I think it is pretty safe to say we don't gain much even if we consider such generality.
This is actually a solution to Project Euler Problem 14 in F#. However, I'm running into a System.OutOfMemory exception when attempting to calculate an iterative sequence for larger numbers. As you can see, I'm writing my recursive function with tail calls.
I was running into a problem with StackOverFlowException because I was debugging in visual studio (which disables the tail calls). I've documented that in another question. Here, I'm running in release mode--but I'm getting out of memory exceptions when I run this as a console app (on windows xp with 4gb ram).
I'm really at a loss to understand how I coded myself into this memory overflow & hoping someone can show my the error in my ways.
let E14_interativeSequence x =
let rec calc acc startNum =
match startNum with
| d when d = 1 -> List.rev (d::acc)
| e when e%2 = 0 -> calc (e::acc) (e/2)
| _ -> calc (startNum::acc) (startNum * 3 + 1)
let maxNum pl=
let rec maxPairInternal acc pairList =
match pairList with
| [] -> acc
| x::xs -> if (snd x) > (snd acc) then maxPairInternal x xs
else maxPairInternal acc xs
maxPairInternal (0,0) pl
|> fst
// if I lower this to like [2..99999] it will work.
|> List.map (fun n -> (n,(calc [] n)))
|> List.map (fun pair -> ((fst pair), (List.length (snd pair))))
|> maxNum
|> (fun x-> Console.WriteLine(x))
Given the suggestions via the answers, I rewrote to use a lazy list and also to use Int64's.
#r "FSharp.PowerPack.dll"
let E14_interativeSequence =
let rec calc acc startNum =
match startNum with
| d when d = 1L -> List.rev (d::acc) |> List.toSeq
| e when e%2L = 0L -> calc (e::acc) (e/2L)
| _ -> calc (startNum::acc) (startNum * 3L + 1L)
let maxNum (lazyPairs:LazyList<System.Int64*System.Int64>) =
let rec maxPairInternal acc (pairs:seq<System.Int64*System.Int64>) =
match pairs with
| :? LazyList<System.Int64*System.Int64> as p ->
match p with
| LazyList.Cons(x,xs)-> if (snd x) > (snd acc) then maxPairInternal x xs
else maxPairInternal acc xs
| _ -> acc
| _ -> failwith("not a lazylist of pairs")
maxPairInternal (0L,0L) lazyPairs
|> fst
|> Seq.map (fun n -> (n,(calc [] n)))
|> Seq.map (fun pair -> ((fst pair), (Convert.ToInt64(Seq.length (snd pair)))))
|> LazyList.ofSeq
|> maxNum
which solves the problem. I'd also look at Yin Zhu's solution which is better, though.
As mentioned by Brian, List.* operations are not appropriate here. They cost too much memory.
The stackoverflow problem comes from another place. There are two possible for you to have stackoverflow: calc and maxPairInternal. It must be the first as the second has the same depth as the first. Then the problem comes to the numbers, the number in 3n+1 problem could easily go to very large. So you first get a int32 overflow, then you get a stackoverflow. That's the reason. After changing the numbers to 64bit, the program works.
Here is my solution page, where you can see a memoization trick.
open System
let E14_interativeSequence x =
let rec calc acc startNum =
match startNum with
| d when d = 1L -> List.rev (d::acc)
| e when e%2L = 0L -> calc (e::acc) (e/2L)
| _ -> calc (startNum::acc) (startNum * 3L + 1L)
let maxNum pl=
let rec maxPairInternal acc pairList =
match pairList with
| [] -> acc
| x::xs -> if (snd x) > (snd acc) then maxPairInternal x xs
else maxPairInternal acc xs
maxPairInternal (0L,0) pl
|> fst
// if I lower this to like [2..99999] it will work.
|> Seq.map (fun n -> (n,(calc [] n)))
|> Seq.maxBy (fun (n, lst) -> List.length lst)
|> (fun x-> Console.WriteLine(x))
If you change List.map to Seq.map (and re-work maxPairInternal to iterate over a seq) that will probably help tons. Right now, you're manifesting all the data at once in a giant structure before processing the whole structure to get a single number result. It is much better to do this lazily via Seq, and just create one row, and compare it with the next row, and create a single row at a time and then discard it.
I don't have time to code my suggestion now, but let me know if you are still having trouble and I'll revisit this.
Stop trying to use lists everywhere, this isn't Haskell! And stop writing fst pair and snd pair everywhere, this isn't Lisp!
If you want a simple solution in F# you can do it directly like this without creating any intermediate data structures:
let rec f = function
| 1L -> 0
| n when n % 2L = 0L -> 1 + f(n / 2L)
| n -> 1 + f(3L * n + 1L)
let rec g (li, i) = function
| 1L -> i
| n -> g (max (li, i) (f n, n)) (n - 1L)
let euler14 n = g (0, 1L) n
That takes around 15s on my netbook. If you want something more time efficient, reuse previous results via an array:
let rec inside (a : _ array) n =
if n <= 1L || a.[int n] > 0s then a.[int n] else
let p =
if n &&& 1L = 0L then inside a (n >>> 1) else
let n = 3L*n + 1L
if n < int64 a.Length then inside a n else outside a n
a.[int n] <- 1s + p
1s + p
and outside (a : _ array) n =
let n = if n &&& 1L = 0L then n >>> 1 else 3L*n + 1L
1s + if n < int64 a.Length then inside a n else outside a n
let euler14 n =
let a = Array.create (n+1) 0s
let a = Array.Parallel.init (n+1) (fun n -> inside a (int64 n))
let i = Array.findIndex (Array.reduce max a |> (=)) a
i, a.[i]
That takes around 0.2s on my netbook.
Found this looking for Microsoft.FSharp.Core.Operators.Checked.
I'm just learning F#, so I thought I'd take the Project Euler 14 Challenge.
This uses recursion but not tail-recursion.
Takes about 3.1 sec for me, but has the advantage that I can almost understand it.
let Collatz (n:int64) = if n % 2L = 0L then n / 2L else n * 3L + 1L
let rec CollatzLength (current:int64) (acc:int) =
match current with
| 1L -> acc
| _ -> CollatzLength (Collatz current) (acc + 1)
let collatzSeq (max:int64) =
for i in 1L..max do
yield i, CollatzLength i 0
let collatz = Seq.toList(collatzSeq 1000000L)
let result, steps = List.maxBy snd collatz