JavaFX : rowspan the same value in tableview - javafx

Hello everyone that's my first question here and i hope to find answers
as u can see in the picture below i want the to merge the cells with the same "N° commande" (red in the pic) but i want to keep the rest cells in that row selectable (blue in the pic) for other purpose (modify)
I'm using MySQL database to populate the tableview
is there any trick to do that ?
Thanks a lot
PS. i've searched here and in google and i only found this but the sample jar not working anymore


xamarin forms UWP app - how to create a "open file" dialogue that looks / feels similar in concept to MS Word?

I need to create a GUI that works similar to this:
So specifically:
I'd like to have a split screen where first on the left, i show a static list of locations... like local workspace and a sharepoint site.
and then depending on what they select on the left ... the right side of the page updates.
Can I use a grid for this? Or what's the best way? I just need some key words to google or youtube search. thank you!
Use a StackLayout (I think it will fit well to this case) and a Grid.
Inside this Grid, you can set 2 columns.
For columns (the static that you mentioned) you can put OR labels OR a ListView.
As you said: "depending on what they select on the left ... the right side of the page updates." It reminds me a Search Page, or... SearchBar!
This link will help you to create this SearchBar. The only thing that will change is the layout (put SearchBar on the left and the resultList on the right).
With this steps, you can customize and create something like in the photo.
If has any doubt, please, update your question with what you did and we will help you. Have fun.

Java FX Table View in TextArea

I currently struggle to get text columns aligned in a TextArea. This is because the items are the result of some calculations with varying number of digits (please see the picture attached). Does anyone know how can we push a TableView in a TextArea or a similar solution? Of course I could display the TableView directly, separated from other information, but it wouldn't be in that natural order as in a log file. Any help, greatly appreciated. Thank you!
enter image description here

How to stretch a specific row in a GridPane to fit the nodes in a single pane?

I am making a calendar app and want the ability to add multiple events to a single day. Currently, when I do this, the node stretches to fit the events. I want the whole row to stretch. Visually, this is what happens:
And this is what I want to happen:
I have done research and looked at the JavaFX API and am still unsure of how to do this. I am not asking for a code solution, just to be pointed in the right direction. Thanks.
This should solve your label problem.

Wijmo grid grouping

I have a wijmo grid where I added users to allow column drag and group by columns. But after dragging the column to group area the area hides or the grid overlaps the area .
I have set allowcolmoving : true and showgrouparea: true .
We are sorry to mention but we could not replicate the issue at our end using the latest version of Wijmo3 i.e. 3.20152.78
Please refer to the following link to download the latest version of Wijmo3:
Kindly check your sample application with the latest version. If issue still persists, then we request you to please share a small stripped down sample application or modify the attached sample application replicating the issue so that we can look into the issue accordingly.
Please refer to the following link to download the sample application:

Microsoft Reporting WebForms Report Viewer - Exporting to Excel

I have a report viewer that I am using to export to PDF and Excel. Sometimes some of the data in the tables is longer than a singular line.
When exported to PDF the fields that need more height are automatically given it. Yet when I export to excel it remains in the original height and doesn't grow to display all the data.
I want the cell heights to automatically grow to display all the data on screen. I have set CanGrow to true but this has no effect (apart from working when exporting to PDF).
Has anyone had this problem before and can share a resolution?
OK, after not receiving any answers I delved in to this one myself.
It appears that text doesn't wrap in excel when the cell is a number of merged cells together.
So in the report viewer if all text areas and items aren't lined up with one another or if one is twice as long as two others then they will be placed in merged cells to make up for the crossover.
It means that the chances are these isn't a solution to the problem, unless all your text areas are identical in width or you can alter the layout so that those that require wrapping to new lines will only take up a single cell.
I done this by putting everything in a table, and knowing that if I merged any cells then text wrapping would not be possible.
I hope this will help someone out there!
