I am trying to create an executable file from python code with 'Pyinstaller' package. The code runs in conda environment where the cfgrib selfcheck is good:
Found: eccodes v2.27.0.
your system is ready
However when the executable created by pyinstaller runs, the error is:
ValueError: unrecognized engine cfgrib must be one of: ['scipy','store']
I adde 'eccodes', 'python-eccodes', 'cfgrib', 'netcdf4' to the hidden imports, but no success. Does anybody have any idea to fix this issue!
I've had so much trouble trying to install Julia and learn how to use it with jupyter over ssh (ssh for reasons that are to complicated to explain). I am unable to even install IJulia without error. I've followed steps from here and several other places with no luck. When I initially run Pkg.add("IJulia") it's able to install the dependencies but IJulia itself doesn't compile. I try running Pkg.build("IJulia") with no issue, but when I open a julia notebook, the kernel never actually runs. When I try to go back to the julia prompt and run using IJulia, I get errors like the following:
ERROR: LoadError: InitError: SystemError: opening file "[blabla]/mambaforge/envs/jul/share/julia/cert.pem": No such file or directory
ERROR: Failed to precompile IJulia [7073ff75-c697-5162-941a-fcdaad2a7d2a] to [blabla]/mambaforge/envs/jul/share/julia/compiled/v1.7/IJulia/jl_yfN9Cx.
I've been suffering this for weeks. I feel like it shouldn't be this difficult to get into this language. Has anyone else had issues like this and been able to solve them?
Are you using Ubuntu? I encountered a similar problem in Ubuntu 20.04 recently. I wanted to install IJulia under an anaconda environment but faced the problem that the file {JULIA_DIR}/share/julia/cert.pem (in my case, this file has a path of /home/pc/anaconda3/envs/julia-workspace/share/julia/cert.pem).
The first reference I find on the internet is a solution on the julia discourse. (Actually there is a mistake in this answer, at least on my operation system, that the file that the symbolic link is created from, is /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt , not /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt )
The problem I faced at this time is that the file /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt does not exist! How can it happens? I find this reference that guides me to generate the file ca-certificates.crt (by the way, you may need sudo to run the command update-ca-certificates, which updates the directory /etc/ssl/certs to hold SSL certificates and generates ca-certificates.crt)
I recently started working with Qt. I was trying some simple widgets. It was working as intended with no errors and suddenly Qt doesn't work anymore. I did not change any configuration/settings. I restarted my computer and I started to get the following error. I have no idea how to fix them.
Error (when trying to open an already existing project):
/Qt/5.9.5/gcc_64/mkspecs/features/qmake_use.prf(6): 'take_first' is not a recognized replace function.
Project ERROR: Library '' is not defined.
Warnings while parsing QML type information of Qt/5.9.5/gcc_64/qml:
/Qt/5.9.5/gcc_64/qml/builtins.qmltypes:1:24: Reading only version 1.1 parts.
/Qt/5.9.5/gcc_64/qml/builtins.qmltypes:10:5: Expected only Component and ModuleApi object definitions.
/Qt/5.9.5/gcc_64/mkspecs/features/qmake_use.prf(6): 'take_first' is not a recognized replace function.
Project ERROR: Library '' is not defined.
/Qt/5.9.5/gcc_64/mkspecs/features/toolchain.prf(69): system(execute) requires one or two arguments.
Project ERROR: Cannot run compiler 'g++'. Output:
Error (when trying to create a new project)
Maybe you forgot to setup the environment?
Error while parsing file /workspace/testQt/testQt.pro. Giving up.
/Qt/5.9.5/gcc_64/mkspecs/features/toolchain.prf(69): system(execute) requires one or two arguments.
Project ERROR: Cannot run compiler 'g++'. Output:
Other details:
Qt version: Qt 5.9.5(gcc_64)
Compilier: GCC 7.3.0
OS: Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS
PS: I had this same error two days back. Reinstalling Qt fixed it but not anymore.
There is no problem with g++. I complied a code with the same complier (used here) through terminal and it works perfectly.
Thank you.
I had the same problem, and I solved it by upgrading QtCreator. I think, 3.x.x versions of QtCreator incorrectly assumes the name of g++ compiler. In Kits options there is only "Compiler" setting, and in 4.x.x there are two separate string "C" and "C++". After indicating correct paths to both compiles "Cannot run compiler" error disappears.
I compiled R in /tmp/R-3.0.0 and then moved it to /home/user/opt/R-3.0.0, then I got an error when executing R:
/home/kaiyin/opt/R-3.0.0/bin/R: line 236: /tmp/R-3.0.0/etc/ldpaths: No such file or directory
ERROR: R_HOME ('/tmp/R-3.0.0') not found
If I export R_HOME='/home/kaiyin/opt/R-3.0.0', it still gives almost the same error:
WARNING: ignoring environment value of R_HOME
/home/kaiyin/opt/R-3.0.0/bin/R: line 236: /tmp/R-3.0.0/etc/ldpaths: No such file or directory
ERROR: R_HOME ('/tmp/R-3.0.0') not found
Is there a way to solve this, or do I have to recompile it?
You are supposed to do
configure [...]
make install
rather than a manual move. This is a very standard process for source code on Unix system following the GNU conventions.
For more details, please see the manual R Installation and Administration that came with the sources.
There are also pre-built binaries for several distributions.
I try to run my R script in Java, thus I installed JRI. and run the example, I am using Eclipse on 64 bits windows 7. part of the example code is as follows:
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Creating Rengine (with arguments)");
Rengine re=new Rengine(args, false, null);
System.out.println("Rengine created, waiting for R");
if (!re.waitForR()) {
System.out.println("Cannot load R");
However, everytime I run it. it teminated after print out "Creating Rengine (with arguments)" never successfully print out "Rengine created, waiting for R"
I do not know what is right argument to input, I have tried to add "--no-save" under the Program arguments of eclipse run configuration, but still does not help.
any suggestions? Many thanks
Ref: http://www.rforge.net/JRI/
R_HOME must be set correctly
(Windows): The directory containing
R.dll must be in your PATH
(Mac): Well, it's a Mac, so it just
works ;).
(unix): R must be compiled using
--enable-R-shlib and the directory containing libR.so must be in
LD_LIBRARY_PATH. Also libjvm.so and
other dependent Java libraries must
JRI library must be in the current
directory or any directory listed in
Alternatively you can specify its
path with -Djava.library.path=
when starting the JVM. When you use
the latter, make sure you check
java.library.path property first such
that you won't break your Java.
Depending on your system, the R
verison and other features you want
to use, you may have to set
additional settings such as
My own notes:
Installing R on Mac:
Ref: http://cran.r-project.org/mirrors.html
Ref: http://cran.r-project.org/bin/macosx/RMacOSX-FAQ.html
Downloaded MacOSX binary R-2.13.0.pkg from http://cran.csiro.au/
Installing Java Interface for R (JIR) on Mac OS X
Ref: http://www.rforge.net/JRI/
JIR is now a part of rJava.
> install.packages("rJava")
--- Please select a CRAN mirror for use in this session ---
trying URL 'http://cran.csiro.au/bin/macosx/leopard/contrib/2.13/rJava_0.8-8.tgz'
Content type 'application/x-gzip' length 769006 bytes (750 Kb)
opened URL
downloaded 750 Kb
The downloaded packages are in
> library(rJava)
> .jinit()
> s <- .jnew("java/lang/String", "Hello World!")
> print(s)
[1] "Java-Object{Hello World!}"
Running JRI example Java with Eclipse on Mac OS X
Copied the rJava/jri/examples/rtest.java to Eclipse JRI/src/.
Copied the JRI.jar from the jri directory to the JRI/lib/ and added it to the build path.
The rtest.java compiles but it did not run as a Java application.
Apparently, it needs to be run by: ./run rtest.
After examining the "run" shell script which comes with the rJava package (inside ./jri/), I have set up these in the Eclipse run configuration:
R_HOME = /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources
In addition, the example run shell script sets up the following Environment vars:
VM argument:
JRI.jar is now referenced in the build path, which is:
This automatically appears under the -cp tab in the run configuration.
Also, the run configuration requires a program argument: --save, --no-save or --vanilla.
Chances are it's not finding jri.dll or R.dll. If you see nothing, not even an exception, the JVM is crashing. Look for files like hs_pid* which should tell you which library is the culprit.
I have found this question in my own struggles with R on Windows, although on Linux it just worked.
I too found I was getting "Creating Rengine (with arguments)" but nothing further.
It was finding jri.dll and R.dll, which I was able to prove:
jri.dll - deleted it from the current directory, which generated the error:
Cannot find JRI native library!
Please make sure that the JRI native library is in a directory listed in java.library.path.
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no jri in java.library.path
(on copying it back, make sure to take the right 32 or 64 bit version to avoid "Can't load IA 32-bit .dll on a AMD 64-bit platform" type errors)
R.dll lives under the installation directory C:\Program Files\R\R-2.15.0\bin\x64
If the PATH is set incorrectly in the run.bat file (which it was) then you get the slightly different error
Cannot find JRI native library!
Please make sure that the JRI native library is in a directory listed in java.library.path.
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: [CURRENT DIR]\jri.dll: Can't find dependent libraries
With those two things set correctly (and no hs_pid* files being generated) I found the problem to be the lack of R_HOME in run.bat. Adding
set R_HOME=C:\Program Files\R\R-2.15.0\
fixed it, and now it all seems to work for me. I did not need to add --save, --no-save or --vanilla to the script. Also, it had 'runtest' hardcoded, so ./run.bat runtest2 will not DWYM.
Short answer: The Windows run.bat script was broken (whereas the Linux 'run' script was correct out of the box).
I got the same problem while working with rJava, Windows 7 64 bit.
And here is the solution.
Added -Djava.library.path="${env_var:PATH}" in eclipse -> Project -> Run As -> Run Configuration -> Arguments.
And make sure System.getProperty("java.library.path") is pointing to jri.dll
I spent lot of time on this issue, so feel free to ask any questions ;)
The below error can be due to two paths not set, one is r.dll not found or/and jri.dll not found. Make sure system path includes for 32 bit systems
Also make sure install.packages("rJava") plugin is installed from R console
Cannot find JRI native library!
Please make sure that the JRI native library is in a directory listed in java.library.path.
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no jri in java.library.path
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(ClassLoader.java:1886)
at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary0(Runtime.java:849)
at java.lang.System.loadLibrary(System.java:1088)
at org.rosuda.JRI.Rengine.<clinit>(Rengine.java:19)
at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:274)
at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.callsite.CallSiteArray$1.run(CallSiteArray.java:65)
at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.callsite.CallSiteArray$1.run(CallSiteArray.java:62)
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.callsite.CallSiteArray.createCallStaticSite(CallSiteArray.java:62)
at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.callsite.CallSiteArray.createCallSite(CallSiteArray.java:159)
at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.callsite.CallSiteArray.defaultCall(CallSiteArray.java:45)
at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.callsite.AbstractCallSite.call(AbstractCallSite.java:108)
at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.callsite.AbstractCallSite.call(AbstractCallSite.java:112)
at com.acumetric.crux.analysis.StatisticCalculator.<init>(StatisticCalculator.groovy:15)