Pyproj distance between points and between a point and polygon - polygon

I want to calculate projected distance between two points and between a point a polygon. All coordinates are specified under same projection lat,lon (WGS84).
I calculated the distance between a point and a polygon using pyproj as follows:
from pyproj import Proj, transform, Geod
geod = Geod(ellps='WGS84')
angle1,angle2,dist1 = geod.inv(wLong1, sLat1, wLong2, sLat2)
#this returns distance in m
I want to use the same function to calculate the distance between a point and a bounding box.
bbox = box(wLong1, sLat1, eLong1, nLat1)
point = Point(wLong2,sLat2)
dist2 = (point.distance(bbox))
Unlike the first example (dist1 in meter), I think the second example (dist2) returns distance in degrees. How can I translate this value into meter like example 1?

You need mean radius of earth's curvature (rm) for computation.
from pyproj import Geod
from math import radians
# ... some code
a = Geod.a
b = Geod.b
rm = (2.0*a + b)/3.0 # simple mean radius, as defined by IUGG
rm * radians(dist2) # your dist in meters
More accurate formulas for rm exist, but the above is good approximate.


Calculate the rotation angle of a rectangle with respect to center

Say we are given a rectangle with following coordinates,
-95.3898486, 29.8421133
-95.3908478, 29.8417155
-95.3904025, 29.8409942
-95.3894423, 29.8413990
-95.3898486, 29.8421133
(plotted above)
How do we calculate by what degree rectangle is rotated with respect to the center?
Having two neighbor vertices A and B, you can calculate direction angle of AB vector
alpha = atan2(B.y - A.y, B.x - A.x)
Also note that you can rotate rectangle both by angle alpha and by angle (90-alpha) (might be calculated for another square side).
If you work in lat/lon coordinates (not sure whether it is needed for ready projection in screen coordinates), formula is a bit more complex (bearing here), while rough approximation might be used for some purposes
alpha = atan2(B.lon - A.lon, ( - / Cos(A.lon))
Example in Python
import math
A = [-95.38984863773346,29.84211329694586]
B = [-95.3894422830677,29.84139904417855]
alpha = math.atan2(B[1]-A[1], B[0]-A[0])
print(math.degrees(alpha)) #not corrected
beta = math.atan2(B[1]-A[1], (B[0]-A[0]) / math.cos(math.radians(A[1])))
print(math.degrees(beta)) #corrected by latitude squeezing

How to draw spokes from the center of a polygon to it's boundary using R

Suppose we have a polygon with five vertices. The two coordinates of the vertices are-
We define the centre of the polygon as the point (mean(x),mean(y)).
I am struggling to draw spokes from the centre of the polygon to the boundary of the polygon such that the spokes creates same angle in the centre (i.e., two neighbouring spokes create equal angle in the centre). I also want to have the all the points on the boundary of the polygon (red circle in the following plot) in orderly manner.
Here is a rough sample plot (convex) which I want to have:
Note: The polygon I am dealing with not necessarily convex.
Sample plot (non-convex)
The output I want: 1) The coordinates of the line (i.e., the intersection points of the line through the origin and boundary segments of the polygon).
2) For each equispaced angle (theta in fig.2) I want a to draw a spoke corresponding to each theta (as in figure 2). Note that, angle lies between 0 to 360 degree.
3) In case of my second polygon (non-convex) where the same line go through two boundary segments (creating three intersecting points), I want to have three coordinates corresponding to the same angle (theta).
Could anyone help me in doing that using R? Thanks in advance.
Here you go. You need the sp and rgeos packages:
spokey <- function(xy,n=20){
xcent = mean(xy[,1])
ycent = mean(xy[,2])
cent = sp::SpatialPoints(cbind(xcent, ycent))
pts = sp::SpatialPoints(xy)
## take the furthest distance from centre to vertex, times two!
r = 2 * max(sp::spDistsN1(pts, cent))
## construct a big wheel of spoke lines
sl = sp::SpatialLines(
t = theta[id]
c(xcent, ycent),
c(xcent + r * cos(t),ycent + r * sin(t))
## construct the polygon as a SpatialPolygons object:
pol = sp::SpatialPolygons(list(sp::Polygons(list(sp::Polygon(rbind(xy,xy[1,]))),ID=1)))
## overlay spokes on polygon as "SpatialLines" so we do line-on-line
## intersect which gets us points
spokes = rgeos::gIntersection(sl, as(pol,"SpatialLines"), byid=TRUE)
It takes a matrix of coordinates where the first point is not the last point:
xy1 = structure(c(4.49425847117117, 4.9161781929536, 7.95751618746858,
7.92235621065338, 9.76825499345149, 9.9616348659351, 8.04541612950659,
7.83445626861537, 6.42805719600729, 0.644241009906543, 2.40223985066665,
1.24196061576498, 2.13854002455263, 7.935927470861, 9.41043173309254,
9.33179150577352, 6.50074332228897, 7.34612576596839, 2.76533252463575,
1.07456763727692, 3.88595576393172, 1.17286792142569, 2.745672467806,
5.20317957152522, 5.81264133324759, 8.21116826647756), .Dim = c(13L,
and then:
> plot(xy1,asp=1)
> polygon(xy1)
> spokes = spokey(xy1,20) # second arg is number of spokes
> points(spokes,pch=19,col="red")
gets you:
If you don't believe it, draw the segments from the centre to the points :)
segments(mean(xy1[,1]),mean(xy1[,2]), coordinates(spokes)[,1], coordinates(spokes)[,2])
The function coordinates(spokes) will get you a two-column matrix of the spoke points - its returned as a SpatialPoints object at present.
I modified this to handle the convex case illustrated.
You will have to write code that computes the intersection of a spoke from the center to each edge line segment. Not that hard, really, but have never seen it in R. Then you will have to loop over the angles that you are interested in drawing, loop over the segments, find the ones it intersects, sort those values, and then draw the line to the intersection you are interested in.
You would then to the furthest, or some combination (maybe a dotted line between the closest and the furthest).
In pseudo-code:
for each spoke you want to draw
calculate the spoke-line from the center to some point far outside
initialize edge intersection-point list to empty
for each edge-segment
calculate the intersection-point of spoke-line and edge-segment
if the intersection-point exists
add it to the intersection list
now go through the intersections and find the furthest
draw the spoke from the center to the furthest intersection point
continue with the next spoke
This would probably take several hours to research and write, unless you write this kind of graphics code constantly.

R spatstat: Units of distances retrieved by nndist

I’m ashamed bothering you with a stupid (but very necessary to me) question. I’ve a bunch of lat/lon points distributed almost randomly within a rectangle of ca. two x three degrees (latitude x longitude).
I need to calculate the maximum distance to the second nearest neighbor as well as the maximum distance to the farthest neighbor. I calculated these using package spatstat,
d2 <- max(nndist(data[,2:3], k = 2)
dn <- max(nndist(data[,2:3], k=(nrow(data))-1))
, respectively, and the distances obtained were 0.3 to 4.2.
I need these distances in kilometers.
So, I supposed that distances provided by nndist where expressed in radians.
So, if θ = a /r, where θ is the subtended angle in radians, a is arc length, and r is Earth radius), then, to calculate a the equations becomes: a = θr.
However, the distances transformed in such a way ranged from:
a = 6371 * 0.3 = 1911.3, and
a= 6371 * 4.2 = 2650.2
This is evidently wrong; since the maximum distance measured using – for example – Qgis between the farthest points is just 480 km…
Can anybody indicate me where am I mistaken?
Thanks a lot in advance!!!
nndist is simply calculating the euclidean distance. It does no unit conversion. As such you have given it values in "degrees", and thus it will return a value whose units are degrees. (not radians).
6371*0.3*pi/180 = 33.36
will give an approximation of the distance between these points.
A better approach would be to use great circle distances (eg in geosphere or gstat packages or to project the lat/long coordinates onto an appropriate map projection. (rgdal::spTransform will do this) and then nndist will calculate your distances in metres.

Calculating angle from latitude and longitude

I have a set of latitudes and longitudes , so this is the data for an animal as it moves in time. what i want to do is to calculate turning angle, that is by what angle it turns between every movement. so say i have point 1, point 2 and point 3 with latitude and longitude value corresponding to each point(animal moves from point 1 to point 2 to point 3 and so on) and i want to calculate the angle between these 3 points, point 2 being the middle point. what should i do? my OS is windows and i am using R for analysis.
so here is my sample data:
longitude latitude
36.89379547 0.290166977
36.89384037 0.290194109
36.88999724 0.286821044
36.88708721 0.288339411
36.88650313 0.29010232
36.88563203 0.289939416
36.88545224 0.290924863
they are in decimal degrees
Using the function trackAzimuth in maptools:
trackAngle <- function(xy) {
angles <- abs(c(trackAzimuth(xy), 0) -
c(0, rev(trackAzimuth(xy[nrow(xy):1, ]))))
angles <- ifelse(angles > 180, 360 - angles, angles)
angles[] <- 180
angles[-c(1, length(angles))]
The trackAzimuth function is a simple loop wrapper around gzAzimuth. See ?gzAzimuth for references on calculating directions on the sphere.
Using your data:
x <- read.table(text = "longitude latitude
36.89379547 0.290166977
36.89384037 0.290194109
36.88999724 0.286821044
36.88708721 0.288339411
36.88650313 0.29010232
36.88563203 0.289939416
36.88545224 0.290924863", header = TRUE)
[1] 10.12946 111.17211 135.88514 97.73801 89.74684
EDIT: I had to remove first/last angles from the function, something I was doing after the fact with this function elsewhere. Should be right now. :)
Also, the packages adehabitatLT and argosfilter contain functions to calculate track directions and angles.
Your data points vary over only a small range. We can look at one small patch of Earth's surface and pretend it's flat, two dimensional. You have to figure out the scale of how many km, meters, miles, whatever your favorite unit is, corresponds to one degree of latitude, and for one degree of longitude. The latter depends on latitude - it'll be the same as the scale for latitude when near the equator, but if you are standing within arm's length of the north pole, one step will take you through fifty degrees. Set up x,y coordinates where x=0 is at longitude 36.88000, and y=0 is latitude 0.29000.
So, now you have a series of (x,y) points. Take the differences from each point to the next: P2-P1, P3-P2, etc. These could be called "displacement vectors" but other terms may be used in other fields than where i'm from. Call them V1, V2, etc. Use dot products and norms: dot(V1,V2) = magnitude(V1)*magnitude(V2)*cos(a) where a is the angle by which V2 deviates from the direction of V1. Repeat for V3 and V2, and so on.
R has all the tools to do this, but I don't know enough syntax of R to give examples.

Calculating area enclosed by arbitrary polygon on Earth's surface

Say I have an arbitrary set of latitude and longitude pairs representing points on some simple, closed curve. In Cartesian space I could easily calculate the area enclosed by such a curve using Green's Theorem. What is the analogous approach to calculating the area on the surface of a sphere? I guess what I am after is (even some approximation of) the algorithm behind Matlab's areaint function.
There several ways to do this.
1) Integrate the contributions from latitudinal strips. Here the area of each strip will be (Rcos(A)(B1-B0))(RdA), where A is the latitude, B1 and B0 are the starting and ending longitudes, and all angles are in radians.
2) Break the surface into spherical triangles, and calculate the area using Girard's Theorem, and add these up.
3) As suggested here by James Schek, in GIS work they use an area preserving projection onto a flat space and calculate the area in there.
From the description of your data, in sounds like the first method might be the easiest. (Of course, there may be other easier methods I don't know of.)
Edit – comparing these two methods:
On first inspection, it may seem that the spherical triangle approach is easiest, but, in general, this is not the case. The problem is that one not only needs to break the region up into triangles, but into spherical triangles, that is, triangles whose sides are great circle arcs. For example, latitudinal boundaries don't qualify, so these boundaries need to be broken up into edges that better approximate great circle arcs. And this becomes more difficult to do for arbitrary edges where the great circles require specific combinations of spherical angles. Consider, for example, how one would break up a middle band around a sphere, say all the area between lat 0 and 45deg into spherical triangles.
In the end, if one is to do this properly with similar errors for each method, method 2 will give fewer triangles, but they will be harder to determine. Method 1 gives more strips, but they are trivial to determine. Therefore, I suggest method 1 as the better approach.
I rewrote the MATLAB's "areaint" function in java, which has exactly the same result.
"areaint" calculates the "suface per unit", so I multiplied the answer by Earth's Surface Area (5.10072e14 sq m).
private double area(ArrayList<Double> lats,ArrayList<Double> lons)
double sum=0;
double prevcolat=0;
double prevaz=0;
double colat0=0;
double az0=0;
for (int i=0;i<lats.size();i++)
double colat=2*Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(Math.sin(lats.get(i)*Math.PI/180/2), 2)+ Math.cos(lats.get(i)*Math.PI/180)*Math.pow(Math.sin(lons.get(i)*Math.PI/180/2), 2)),Math.sqrt(1- Math.pow(Math.sin(lats.get(i)*Math.PI/180/2), 2)- Math.cos(lats.get(i)*Math.PI/180)*Math.pow(Math.sin(lons.get(i)*Math.PI/180/2), 2)));
double az=0;
if (lats.get(i)>=90)
else if (lats.get(i)<=-90)
az=Math.atan2(Math.cos(lats.get(i)*Math.PI/180) * Math.sin(lons.get(i)*Math.PI/180),Math.sin(lats.get(i)*Math.PI/180))% (2*Math.PI);
if(i>0 && i<lats.size())
sum=sum+(1-Math.cos(prevcolat + (colat-prevcolat)/2))*Math.PI*((Math.abs(az-prevaz)/Math.PI)-2*Math.ceil(((Math.abs(az-prevaz)/Math.PI)-1)/2))* Math.signum(az-prevaz);
sum=sum+(1-Math.cos(prevcolat + (colat0-prevcolat)/2))*(az0-prevaz);
return 5.10072E14* Math.min(Math.abs(sum)/4/Math.PI,1-Math.abs(sum)/4/Math.PI);
You mention "geography" in one of your tags so I can only assume you are after the area of a polygon on the surface of a geoid. Normally, this is done using a projected coordinate system rather than a geographic coordinate system (i.e. lon/lat). If you were to do it in lon/lat, then I would assume the unit-of-measure returned would be percent of sphere surface.
If you want to do this with a more "GIS" flavor, then you need to select an unit-of-measure for your area and find an appropriate projection that preserves area (not all do). Since you are talking about calculating an arbitrary polygon, I would use something like a Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area projection. Set the origin/center of the projection to be the center of your polygon, project the polygon to the new coordinate system, then calculate the area using standard planar techniques.
If you needed to do many polygons in a geographic area, there are likely other projections that will work (or will be close enough). UTM, for example, is an excellent approximation if all of your polygons are clustered around a single meridian.
I am not sure if any of this has anything to do with how Matlab's areaint function works.
I don't know anything about Matlab's function, but here we go. Consider splitting your spherical polygon into spherical triangles, say by drawing diagonals from a vertex. The surface area of a spherical triangle is given by
R^2 * ( A + B + C - \pi)
where R is the radius of the sphere, and A, B, and C are the interior angles of the triangle (in radians). The quantity in the parentheses is known as the "spherical excess".
Your n-sided polygon will be split into n-2 triangles. Summing over all the triangles, extracting the common factor of R^2, and bringing all of the \pi together, the area of your polygon is
R^2 * ( S - (n-2)\pi )
where S is the angle sum of your polygon. The quantity in parentheses is again the spherical excess of the polygon.
[edit] This is true whether or not the polygon is convex. All that matters is that it can be dissected into triangles.
You can determine the angles from a bit of vector math. Suppose you have three vertices A,B,C and are interested in the angle at B. We must therefore find two tangent vectors (their magnitudes are irrelevant) to the sphere from point B along the great circle segments (the polygon edges). Let's work it out for BA. The great circle lies in the plane defined by OA and OB, where O is the center of the sphere, so it should be perpendicular to the normal vector OA x OB. It should also be perpendicular to OB since it's tangent there. Such a vector is therefore given by OB x (OA x OB). You can use the right-hand rule to verify that this is in the appropriate direction. Note also that this simplifies to OA * (OB.OB) - OB * (OB.OA) = OA * |OB| - OB * (OB.OA).
You can then use the good ol' dot product to find the angle between sides: BA'.BC' = |BA'|*|BC'|*cos(B), where BA' and BC' are the tangent vectors from B along sides to A and C.
[edited to be clear that these are tangent vectors, not literal between the points]
Here is a Python 3 implementation, loosely inspired by the above answers:
def polygon_area(lats, lons, algorithm = 0, radius = 6378137):
Computes area of spherical polygon, assuming spherical Earth.
Returns result in ratio of the sphere's area if the radius is specified.
Otherwise, in the units of provided radius.
lats and lons are in degrees.
from numpy import arctan2, cos, sin, sqrt, pi, power, append, diff, deg2rad
lats = np.deg2rad(lats)
lons = np.deg2rad(lons)
# Line integral based on Green's Theorem, assumes spherical Earth
#close polygon
if lats[0]!=lats[-1]:
lats = append(lats, lats[0])
lons = append(lons, lons[0])
#colatitudes relative to (0,0)
a = sin(lats/2)**2 + cos(lats)* sin(lons/2)**2
colat = 2*arctan2( sqrt(a), sqrt(1-a) )
#azimuths relative to (0,0)
az = arctan2(cos(lats) * sin(lons), sin(lats)) % (2*pi)
# Calculate diffs
# daz = diff(az) % (2*pi)
daz = diff(az)
daz = (daz + pi) % (2 * pi) - pi
# Perform integral
integrands = (1-cos(colat)) * daz
# Integrate
area = abs(sum(integrands))/(4*pi)
area = min(area,1-area)
if radius is not None: #return in units of radius
return area * 4*pi*radius**2
else: #return in ratio of sphere total area
return area
Please find a somewhat more explicit version (and with many more references and TODOs...) here.
You could also have a look at this code of the spherical_geometry package: Here and here. It does provide two different methods for calculating the area of a spherical polygon.
