How to get Riak keys last modified since X? - riak

Is there a way to get a list of keys from Riak, which were modified since a specified time? A stream of changes would be equally good.
MapReduce is not a recommended way.

There are a couple of possible solutions to this problem (all of which have their advantages and disadvantages):
Search (Solr) range queries if your object is a JSON or XML document (
Secondary Indexes and range queries where date is the 2i (
Date bounded sets ( that contain a list of keys added during a predefined time period
If you can use Riak TS it supports SQL and makes selecting records by date/time range quite easy.

It seems that commit hooks are the closesest thing to a solution.
Pre-commit hooks may be written in JavaScript, so I can trigger a HTTP request or append to a change log.

you can also use secondary indexes to tag your keys with the time they were added, and perform time-range requests


DynamoDB top item per partition

We are new to DynamoDB and struggling with what seems like it would be a simple task.
It is not actually related to stocks (it's about recording machine results over time) but the stock example is the simplest I can think of that illustrates the goal and problems we're facing.
The two query scenarios are:
All historical values of given stock symbol <= We think we have this figured out
The latest value of all stock symbols <= We do not have a good solution here!
Assume that updates are not synchronized, e.g. the moment of the last update record for TSLA maybe different than for AMZN.
The 3 attributes are just { Symbol, Moment, Value }. We could make the hash_key Symbol, range_key Moment, and believe we could achieve the first query easily/efficiently.
We also assume could get the latest value for a single, specified Symbol following
The SQL solution for getting the latest value for each Symbol would look a lot like
But... we can't come up with anything efficient for DynamoDB.
Is it possible to do this without either retrieving everything or making multiple round trips?
The best idea we have so far is to somehow use update triggers or streams to track the latest record per Symbol and essentially keep that cached. That could be in a separate table or the same table with extra info like a column IsLatestForMachineKey (effectively a bool). With every insert, you'd grab the one where IsLatestForMachineKey=1, compare the Moment and if the insertion is newer, set the new one to 1 and the older one to 0.
This is starting to feel complicated enough that I question whether we're taking the right approach at all, or maybe DynamoDB itself is a bad fit for this, even though the use case seems so simple and common.
There is a way that is fairly straightforward, in my opinion.
Rather than using a GSI, just use two tables with (almost) the exact same schema. The hash key of both should be symbol. They should both have moment and value. Pick one of the tables to be stocks-current and the other to be stocks-historical. stocks-current has no range key. stocks-historical uses moment as a range key.
Whenever you write an item, write it to both tables. If you need strong consistency between the two tables, use the TransactWriteItems api.
If your data might arrive out of order, you can add a ConditionExpression to prevent newer data in stocks-current from being overwritten by out of order data.
The read operations are pretty straightforward, but I’ll state them anyway. To get the latest value for everything, scan the stocks-current table. To get historical data for a stock, query the stocks-historical table with no range key condition.

Can I use firebase's GeoFire with Priority in a single query?

I'd like to query my data with a query that will return me everything on a radius (geofire can find that alright) but also within a datetime window.
At the moment I'm storing datetimes as priorities, so it's quite easy to query the array asking for data between 2 priority numbers (corresponding to start/end datetimes).
It's also quite easy to put my data in a GeoFire array and then query it to get the radius.
Can I combine those 2 though? In an easy not too hacky way?
Not with a single query. You must either filter client side, or do your query in more than one phase.
This is because:
Each node is limited to a single priority value.
Per this blog post, GeoFire uses the priority to store a geohash, which it uses for the lookups.
The easiest way to deal with this is to do additional filtering client side. If the bandwidth impact starts causing issues, partition your data (e.g. group events by month) and do it in multiple phases.

Is a scan query always expensive in DynamoDB or should you use a range key

I've been playing around with Amazon DynamoDB and looking through their examples but I think I'm still slightly confused by the example. I've created the example data on a local dynamodb instance to get used to querying data etc. The sample data sets up 3 tables of 'Forum'->'Thread'->'Reply'
Now if I'm in a specific forum, the thread table has a ForumName key I can query against to return relevant threads, but would the very top level (displaying the forums) always have to be a scan operation?
From what I can gather the only way to "select *" in dynamodb is to use a scan and I assume in this instance - where forum is very high level and might have a relatively small number of rows - that it wouldn't be that expensive or are you actually better creating a hash and range key and using that to query this table? I'm not sure what the range key would be in this instance, maybe just a number and then specify in the query that the value has to be > 0? Or perhaps a date it was created and the query always uses a constant date in the past?
I did try a sample query on the 'Forum' table example data using a ComparisonOperator of 'GE' (Greater than or equal) with an attribute value list of 'S'=>'a' but this states that any conditions on the hash key must be of type EQ which implies I couldn't do the above as I would always need to know my 'Name' values upfront
Maybe I'm still struggling having come from an RDBS background especially seen as there are many forum examples out there.
I think using Scan to get all the forums is fine. I think it is very efficient because it will not return you anything that you don't need (all of the work that scan does is necessary). Also since Scan operation is so simple it is easier to implement and more likely to be efficient

Get an object from a bucket in riak without knowing its key

I am using a riak bucket to store a list of messages, using a UUID as the key and a json message as value. This is working fine.
What I need is an efficient way to get a single message from the bucket without knowing its key, at least in one of these two scenarios:
Get the last inserted object (this is my prefered approach).
Get a random object from the bucket (if the first alternative is not possible).
Is there any efficient way to achieve that?
I think one alternative could be to retrieve the keys in the bucket and then get the first one. But this means making two calls to riak, one to obtain all the keys (just to discard all but one) and a second one to obtain the object. It does not seem very efficient.
As Riak is a key-value store, the by far most efficient way to retrieve data is through the keys. Listing or retrieving all keys in a bucket, even if you only end up using the one returned first, is one of the least efficient operations you can perform as it causes Riak to scan ALL keys in the system (not just the bucket), and it is usually recommended NEVER to use this on a production system.
The most efficient way to get the last inserted object would probably be to store the id in a separate, known record in a different bucket. This would however require you to perform two writes on every insert and two reads for every read, but would do so in the most efficient way. You could possibly implement a post-commit hook (would have to be in Erlang as it is not currently not possible to write records using JavaScript functions) on the bucket containing messages to get the system to perform the update for you, which would remove the need for the last write.
If you write a lot of data to the bucket containing messages, you may want to adjust the separate bucket so that it does not allow multiple values and that the last value wins. This way you would reduce the risk of having lots of siblings created due to frequent updates to this single record across the system. This would always give you one of the last written records, but not necessarily the last one (especially if you frequently write messages to the database), as Riak does not support any type of atomicity and is an eventually consistent database.
You could also create one or more secondary indexes if you are using the leveldb backend, and use this to limit your scan to only recent records, which would be more efficient than a scann of all keys. You could then either select the most recent key or a random one through mapreduce, but this would be much less efficient than the previously described approach.
I can not think of any efficient way to retrieve a random record in a bucket from Riak unless you know the range of keys you have inserted and can decide randomly on the client which one to get. One way to do this would be to generate all keys in sequence rather than using a UUID, but that is naturally not a good idea in a highly concurrent distributed system.
1st task is pretty easy to implement:
Add post-commit hook that will write the last inserted key to some predefined key/bucket place
Get the key from that predefined key/bucket and issue a get query using them
It's still two operations but both are just gets that are fast. Plus additional overhead on hook but nothing too heavy either.
2nd scenario is also easy, but it is way too inefficient to be used practically:
Get all keys (extremely expensive operation)
Pick random
Issue get
I have come up with the same scenario. In My scenario I have to save the users. For that I required an auto increment Id. So what I did is, I placed the last inserted key in a separate bucket as like mentioned by "Christian Dahlqvist", every time I want to insert new record I fetch the last inserted key from that key bucket. Here we have only one value in that bucket with the key as "LastKey" which is always known to us. And I incremented the key based on the fetched key and again updated the key bucket. So always the key bucket contains the latest key in it.

Bulk Collection Manipulation through a REST (RESTful) API

I'd like some advice on designing a REST API which will allow clients to add/remove large numbers of objects to a collection efficiently.
Via the API, clients need to be able to add items to the collection and remove items from it, as well as manipulating existing items. In many cases the client will want to make bulk updates to the collection, e.g. adding 1000 items and deleting 500 different items. It feels like the client should be able to do this in a single transaction with the server, rather than requiring 1000 separate POST requests and 500 DELETEs.
Does anyone have any info on the best practices or conventions for achieving this?
My current thinking is that one should be able to PUT an object representing the change to the collection URI, but this seems at odds with the HTTP 1.1 RFC, which seems to suggest that the data sent in a PUT request should be interpreted independently from the data already present at the URI. This implies that the client would have to send a complete description of the new state of the collection in one go, which may well be very much larger than the change, or even be more than the client would know when they make the request.
Obviously, I'd be happy to deviate from the RFC if necessary but would prefer to do this in a conventional way if such a convention exists.
You might want to think of the change task as a resource in itself. So you're really PUT-ing a single object, which is a Bulk Data Update object. Maybe it's got a name, owner, and big blob of CSV, XML, etc. that needs to be parsed and executed. In the case of CSV you might want to also identify what type of objects are represented in the CSV data.
List jobs, add a job, view the status of a job, update a job (probably in order to start/stop it), delete a job (stopping it if it's running) etc. Those operations map easily onto a REST API design.
Once you have this in place, you can easily add different data types that your bulk data updater can handle, maybe even mixed together in the same task. There's no need to have this same API duplicated all over your app for each type of thing you want to import, in other words.
This also lends itself very easily to a background-task implementation. In that case you probably want to add fields to the individual task objects that allow the API client to specify how they want to be notified (a URL they want you to GET when it's done, or send them an e-mail, etc.).
Yes, PUT creates/overwrites, but does not partially update.
If you need partial update semantics, use PATCH. See
You should use AtomPub. It is specifically designed for managing collections via HTTP. There might even be an implementation for your language of choice.
For the POSTs, at least, it seems like you should be able to POST to a list URL and have the body of the request contain a list of new resources instead of a single new resource.
As far as I understand it, REST means REpresentational State Transfer, so you should transfer the state from client to server.
If that means too much data going back and forth, perhaps you need to change your representation. A collectionChange structure would work, with a series of deletions (by id) and additions (with embedded full xml Representations), POSTed to a handling interface URL. The interface implementation can choose its own method for deletions and additions server-side.
The purest version would probably be to define the items by URL, and the collection contain a series of URLs. The new collection can be PUT after changes by the client, followed by a series of PUTs of the items being added, and perhaps a series of deletions if you want to actually remove the items from the server rather than just remove them from that list.
You could introduce meta-representation of existing collection elements that don't need their entire state transfered, so in some abstract code your update could look like this:
{existing elements 1-100}
{new element foo with values "bar", "baz"}
{existing element 105}
{new element foobar with values "bar", "foo"}
{existing elements 110-200}
Adding (and modifying) elements is done by defining their values, deleting elements is done by not mentioning it the new collection and reordering elements is done by specifying the new order (if order is stored at all).
This way you can easily represent the entire new collection without having to re-transmit the entire content. Using a If-Unmodified-Since header makes sure that your idea of the content indeed matches the servers idea (so that you don't accidentally remove elements that you simply didn't know about when the request was submitted).
Best way is :
Pass Only Id Array of Deletable Objects from Front End Application To Web API
2. Then You have Two Options:
2.1 Web API Way : Find All Collections/Entities using Id arrays and Delete in API , but you need to take care of Dependant entities like Foreign Key Relational Table Data too
2.2. Database Way : Pass Ids to your database side, find all records in Foreign Key Tables and Primary Key Tables and Delete in same order i.e. F-Key Table records then P-Key Table records
