Stormpath for JWT authentication/authorization with Azure -

We are looking into authentication/authorization for a mobile reporting app which consumes hourly/weekly/monthly commercially sensitive data over the wire using an internally provided RESTful web api service running within the MS Azure Cloud.
Stormpath's offering looks interesting in that it would appear to provide some heavy lift for the whole identity management side of things, registering users, authenticating them and producing JWT tokens etc.
Otherwise, we would have to write our own auth/user db tables and have some management overhead with that.
What I am not fully clear on is where our current unsecure, unauthenticated prototype API served up by Azure would need to intersect with Stormpath.
Can anyone, especially those familiar with Stormath elaborate on this?
I get that all the user registration, password recovery use cases would go via Stormpath and I am guessing that JWT token creation for a user would require our existing service to talk to Stormpath. Would the validation of tokens within the HTTP(S) headers of our RESTful calls be done by our Azure service locally (via some code plugin) and if so is that validation done locally or does each RESTful call have a side effect of proxying calls to Stormpath API to validate the goodness of a token?
I guess I am sensitive to performance issues regarding the whole token validation step within the Web API pipeline.
I've read elsewhere that Microsoft themselves have an offering, namely Azure AD B2C which it seems is not production ready for regions outside of US/North America as of yet.
Is that something else we should consider as an alternative to an outsourced offering like Stormpath?
One thing which looks attractive about something like Stormpath is the possibility of two factor authentication.
Without having gone into too much analysis yet, a typical use case scenario would be that sign up or password recovery would mandate that an SMS was sent to the user's preregistered smartphone number to provide a stronger validation that they (and their pre-registered device) are the intended user of the mobile app which uses the RESTful service to consume and visualise commercially sensitive data.

I work at Stormpath on our .NET libraries.
What I am not fully clear on is where our current unsecure, unauthenticated prototype API served up by Azure would need to intersect with Stormpath.
Stormpath acts as your API's source of access tokens. When someone using your mobile app needs to log in, your backend API uses Stormpath to generate an access token, or the mobile app talks directly to Stormpath to get an access token. Either way, the token allows the mobile app to make authenticated requests to your API.
Would the validation of tokens within the HTTP(S) headers of our RESTful calls be done by our Azure service locally (via some code plugin) and if so is that validation done locally or does each RESTful call have a side effect of proxying calls to Stormpath API to validate the goodness of a token?
The access token (JWT) integrity can be validated locally using middleware like UseJwtBearerAuthentication in ASP.NET. For more security, you can send the token up to Stormpath to be verified even further (for revocation and other cases), but the tradeoff is a network request. Local (fast) validation is the default, but we give you both options.
I've read elsewhere that Microsoft themselves have an offering, namely Azure AD B2C which it seems is not production ready for regions outside of US/North America as of yet. Is that something else we should consider as an alternative to an outsourced offering like Stormpath?
Using either Stormpath or Azure AD B2C is "outsourcing" your identity and user management. The benefit is that you don't have to write it yourself, and you can focus on writing your business and app logic instead. The features are similar, although Stormpath is a little more flexible on the mobile side of things (since you aren't forced to use a browser/page-based flow).


Firebase custom auth in server-to-server scenario

I need to implement a scenario where, after a file is uploaded to Google Cloud Storage, a function is triggered and processes the file. In this case, processing basically means sanitizing the file, storing it into Firestore and making it accessible via another HTTP-triggered function (a REST API of sorts).
Both user-facing ends of this process (a file upload and HTTP function) need to be secured. The process will be used in server-to-server scenario: one side is going to be a backend written in either Node.js or .NET, the other will be my Firebase solution (Cloud Storage and HTTP-triggered function as per above). In Firebase, I am going to maintain a custom set of users that should have access to the system - my idea was to use a simple system where each user will have a client id and a client secret (basically an oAuth client credentials grant type).
Based on what I read online, an only option to implement this is to use [Firebase auth with custom tokens][1]. I found lots of examples online on how to do that, but it was always about client-to-server scenarios (e.g. a Javascript web app talking to REST API). Server-to-server scenarios were not mentioned anywhere and indeed, I am unsure how to go about implementing it - I can call auth.createCustomToken(uid) just fine in my HTTP Firestore function, but there seem to be no server-side libraries I could use to call auth.SignInWithCustomTokenAsync(customToken).
To sum it up:
How can I use Firebase auth with custom tokens in server-to-server
scenario, where I need to sign in using a previously generated
custom token from a server environment?
If it is not possible,
what's the other alternative to securely implement the
above-described architecture?
I've contacted Google Support and if anyone else is struggling with this, in server-side scenarios, recommended approach is to call signInWithCustomToken endpoint in Firebase Auth REST API.

How to secure REST API endpoints served via GCP Cloud Run?

I have a simple web site hosted in Firebase and it is making AJAX calls to REST API endpoints in GCP Cloud Run.
I would like to limit these endpoints only to the calls coming from this site hosted in Firebase. Any call coming from any other origin should not be able to use the endpoints. What is the best way to do this?
When I was not using GCP Cloud Run, I was doing a host check on the API side to make sure that request is coming from my client but now with Cloud Run this is not possible. What else could be done?
Please note that the web-site hosted in Firebase is very simple and do not do any user authentication.
Challenge: Restrict access to a Cloud Run service to a single web application, without relying on:
Restricting access to the web application
Imposing authentication on users
This difficulty is not specific to Cloud Run. It's a general challenge for static sites backed by APIs, and a reason why many sites have authentication. As mentioned in the question comments, a server-side "host" check is not a meaningful security layer, as everything in the HTTP request can be faked. I strongly recommend you not worry about keeping your API private or add user authentication to keep the system simple and access accountable.
If that's not possible, you can still take the authentication approach by creating a single user, embedding the credentials in the site, and rotating them regularly (by redeploy to Firebase Hosting) to prevent credential theft from having indefinite access to your API. Having Firebase Auth in the middle is better than a simple API key because it prevents replay attacks from accessing your API.

Can I use Firebase Realtime database/Firestore as a OAuth2.0 Server?

I am developing an native Android application using Firebase (No other custom server, only Firebase)
And it should use other services. (like Facebook API, Twitter API, etc...)
The service providers are providing the REST Api through OAuth 2.0.
I am very newbie of the OAuth 2.0, I have no knowledge, experience.
Yesterday I tried to implement "Implicit Grant", and it works fine.
I can get access_token, and I can use the REST APIs using it.
But there is a parameter "expires_in": 604800 (7 days).
This means my customer should re-authorize after 7 days. (There is no refresh_token.)
So I am considering to change the implement from "Implicit Grant" to "Authorization Code Grant".
But I already told you, I am newbie of the OAuth 2.0. (I have no experience, this is my first time.)
If I choose "Authorization Code Grant", I should store the "code" to exchange the "access_token".
Then where should I store it?
I think I can store it in local device, but it doesn't consider security.
So I want to know can I use "Firebase Realtime database/Firestore" as a storage to store "code".
I think it is reasonable.
But I am not sure...
Since you said you are a newbie , it’s worth reading more about Oauth 2.0 especially when you want to build Oauth server , a simple google search returns
Fire base database alone enough to built a sever , you need endpoints to handle incoming request for you can use Cloud Functions
So if you want to implement **Authorisation Grant ** or Implicit Flow, it needs to happen in browser ,
First you can use cloud functions to handle the incoming GET request from client (in browser)
Then you return a login page where users can login,
Then handle the auth submit request from page , authenticate it , if valid generate a code or access_token (in case of implicit flow) , store that in firebase database
Return the generated code back to client using redirect uri
Finally , if Authorisation grant flow , you need another cloud functions to handle code exchange to access token

User logins in Cloud Foundry Spring Boot application

I am considering to migrate an application to Cloud Foundry since I'm tired of managing my server on my own. In my current application I use Spring Security and sessions to handle my user logins. I am however clueless on how to change my code so Cloud Foundry's multiple instances support my user logged in in a somehow stateless way (but using a token). I have looked into UAA, but it seems that this is for cloud foundry users, not users of my application.
Something OAUTH2-like seems to be a solution, but it seems I would have to rely on third parties if I want to do it in a developer-friendly way. The Cloud Foundry (or Pivotal Web Services in this case) documentation is also quite unclear on the matter.
When looking at the Spring Cloud documentation, I do find information on how to use OAUTH2 providers like Github to do things like Authentication, but it doesn't show how to actually use the Principal or how to handle stuff like Authorization (role-based).
I assume there are ways to run my own OAUTH2 service, and that would be the recommended solution, but again, there's quite a lack of documentation.
Can anyone give me some pointers?
A couple of key questions here are where is your user store currently? And what do you want to do with it moving forwards?
If you manage your own users and wish to continue doing so then, after migrating your users to the appropriate backing service and updating your app to be able to bind to that service using CFs VCAP_SERVICES env variable (also see spring cloud), our session affinity should allow you to push your app pretty much as-is. Otherwise a little further discussion is required.
Does this help:
Cloud Foundry supports session affinity or sticky sessions for incoming HTTP requests to applications if a jsessionid cookie is used. If multiple instances of an application are running on Cloud Foundry, all requests from a given client will be routed to the same application instance. This allows application containers and frameworks to store session data specific to each user session.

Track changes in client and send to server

I am planning a 3-tiered architecture in which I need to track changes to domain objects on the client (a Windows Store app) then send those changes back to the server (an Azure worker-role). I just found out about WCF Data Services which I can run on the client and integrate with Entity Framework Code First on the server. It looks okay but I'm wondering what other tools may also be available.
Are there any alternatives to WCF Data Services for tracking changes in client then sending them to server? If available, I'd like a solution that doesn't require generated DTO classes but instead sends the deltas alone.
Have you considered using rest services?
Im not an AZURE user, but use elsewhere.
Azure rest services docu
