Why do Images take forever to load? - wordpress

WordPress website hosted on AWS EC2 t2.micro (LAMP).
The website page load time is around 1-2 secs.
However, I always have a selection of images that take 6-10 seconds to load.
It is not always the same image that takes a long time to load.
When I check page speed on GT Metrix I get varying results as to which images are loading slowly. (See below - 2 separate GT Metrix tests with different results)
If the images are served from a CDN they still take a long time to load (6-10 secs)
The images are compressed and have a small file size.
Is this a server issue and if so how do I fix?
If not, any ideas?

I would recommend converting your files to the JPEG format, and then if it is still not the fastest you could try compressing the files down, until you have a good compromise of image quality, and page speed/image size.


How do I improve my Largest Content Paint when all that remains to be improved are optimized CSS files?

I'm optimizing my website and attempting to enhance the Largest Contentful Paint, but the only item that appears to require work are the optimised CSS files made with W3Speedster; here is a link to the Google speed test I performed. I want the LCP to be less than 2.5.
Any advice would be greatly welcomed; thank you!
That does not mean it takes over 3 seconds to render the content.
The rendering of you page from start render to document complete is only about 0.100 seconds.
You server is your biggest problem. It's slow.
The best thing you could do for your pages is either eliminate shareaholic.js, or get it to load sooner. It appears there may be some sort of lazyload. I does not load until 1.8 seconds. That is likely the reason the page rendering starts too late. That and too many font and CSS files. The Browser cannot begin rendering and till it has all the CSS and font files. shareaholic.js is your 15th file being loaded. There are 5 images being prefetched before this js.
You need to get the page to start rendering sooner. You could join some of the CSS files together to reduce the number of files being retrieved.
It's just your ads. :)
You'll most likely not be able to make it any faster. Maybe a little bit. I reduced it from 4 seconds on Cloudways Nginx servers to under 2 seconds on WPX Apache servers.
The problem is, when your ads are loading in the beginning a bidding war takes place. It's only after this they can load in the ads. So it'll always take time.
If I were you, I'd change the host to something like WPX, they will also help you make it as optimized as possible, with ads. If not changing the host, I'd focus on the CLS. Much bigger factor and easier to do something about.

How we can decreases the loading time of WordPress website?

I have developed wordpress website but after hitting it is taking so much time for loading , this is my website link http://www.dahotreanddahotre.com/.
Tell me any plugin or manual setting such that i can decreases the loading time of my website?
There are a few things you can do:
Use a cache system: https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-super-cache/
This will let you serve your fixed pages a lot faster to the user.
Use some minifier: https://wordpress.org/plugins/fast-velocity-minify/
This will make included javascript, css files smaller and thus they will take less time to load
Identify image needs
Looking at the network dev-tools a lot of the loading time (4 seconds +) comes from huge images:
1st image (1.47MB): http://www.dahotreanddahotre.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/We-intend-to-be-your-financial-lifeline.jpg
2nd image (1.64MB): http://www.dahotreanddahotre.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/We-are-startup-friendly.jpg
Use a Image compressor before uploading them and don't upload images that are bigger than you need.
For example image2 is: 4,300px × 2,862px this could be reduced and compressed.
By decreasing it's size to: 2,150px x 1,431px and compressing it, it becomes only: 350kb
Checking unreachable resources
Still looking at the dev tool I could see some fonts which where giving a 404 error (almost 2 seconds loading).
This means the font is unreachable but the browser still spends time to try to load it.
Make sure all resources are reachable and unused one are deleted.
Use good hosting
Avoid bunch of plugins
Get a custom wordpress theme starting from scratch
Avoid page builders
Optimize images used in website

Slow Loading Images on WordPress - How do I speed them up

I want to have a website page load images faster or where the images don't stop the user from seeing the text on the pages before the images finish loading.
1. if I have text on a website page. Does the text render first so the user can see text while the images are still loading?
2. If i have 3 mb of images and have my server that is hosting the website render 1.5 and then move the other 1.5mb to something like flickr and have the image source point to flickr, will that be better and load faster. Or say I just have all the images pull from flickr?
Please help me.
Its a WordPress site, and Clouldflare free cdn does something weird to my theme. So not an option. I also don't want to lazy load for other reason.
EDIT : o yea, if I host all the images on Flickr does that give away link juice (Domain Authority Rank)?
Images do increase overall load time, but they aren't render blocking. The whole page will render (barring render-blocking CSS or Scripts) and images will pop in when they are done. If you want to avoid that flash, you can lazy-load them, or otherwise put the final image's sizes on a container element, so the text is already "moved".
You can't really "Speed Up" image loads. The best thing to do is cut down on the number of images, if applicable, and lazy-load any that don't need to be requested initially. The next best thing (and arguably more important overall, I suppose) is to optimize your images. There are a handful of WordPress plugins that will do this for you, or you can do it in PhotoShop - and even some image CDN's will do it. This basically means, don't load a 1MB image if you don't have to, for "web display" purposes, you can serve a 200kb image that looks almost as good.
A side point, you can "speed them up" a little by having them served from a faster server, but that goes for anything web related. Throw it on better hardware to get better performance (for the most part).
If they are large images, you should first and foremost, optimize them. Make sure they are the smallest file size possible. Also, don't bother splitting "1.5mb" of them over to another host. Either upload them directly all through a CDN (some even tie into your WP Library, like Cloudinary), or keep them local to your site. You'll save yourself some headaches later.
If you have a photo heavy website (photography or other types of galleries), 3mb isn't really an awful lot - but again it's best to serve a more compressed image, you can even link the image or a button to the "full resolution" one.

Uploading Images Resize

I have a huge image that is going to be uploaded to my server. The width and height are for example: 2000x2000. I have multiple places in my code where I need the image to be 1000x1000, 250 x 110 or like 100 x 50. When they upload the image, should I make ASP automatically re size to these dimensions and save them on my webserver like image-250x110, image-1000x1000, image-original, and image-100x50 or is it fine to just to get the original image and re size on the fly through the code then show it to the users. I'm asking this because I'm worried that if too many people go on your website, re sizing the original huge image all the time would take alot of processing power and slow down the app. Or would something like this would be fine: http://www.hanselman.com/blog/NuGetPackageOfWeek11ImageResizerEnablesCleanClearImageResizingInASPNET.aspx
Your certainly want to resize the image when its uploaded since resizing a huge image of 2000 by 2000 pixels can easily take 2 seconds, even on a fast server. That's a delay your users are unlikely to appreciate.
What you posted, ImageResizer, is going to be your best solution, for many reasons, including:
There are a lot of potential problems when writing your own resizer, as detailed in 20 Image Resizing Pitfalls, including performance and stability issues.
If you redesign your site and want to change those image dimensions... it will be painful.
With ImageResizer, you only have one image - the nice big original image. All subsequent versions are served up (and cached) via the URL call. Note that the cacheable-version of ImageResizer requires a license.
ImageResizer will likely do a better job resizing images than yours will, both in quality and in file size, and also comes with filters, watermarking, and other features.
Resizing on the fly is a really bad option as it will eat up CPU.
If you can't pay for the cacheable version, you CAN use ImageResizer to resize the images on upload and save off the 3 versions or so of the images that you want.
I've used both methods -- written my own and used ImageResizer... ImageResizer is the way to go in my opinion.

Size, resolution and quality recommendation for images

I'm looking for good articles around image resolutions, size and quality for web pages, especially around how this affects web sites currently.
I'm working on a web site for a client, and as an honour graduate in arts and design, the client is persistent that her 7mb - 10mb images are sufficient for her web site, totalling in at almost 400mb. I've tried arguing bandwidth limitations and performance but these are not holding ground.
The standard for images are at 72dpi, no larger than your standard screen resolution (1024x768) and above 1mb in size (which is already too large in my opinion). my argument is that loading 7mb+ files into a gallery on page load will seriously hinder the users experience if they have to wait a long period of time for 7 - 10 images to first get streamed into cache before the page is loaded, and even testing this with lazy loading plug-ins (we don't want to go flash) and late-loading has performance penalties.
Does anyone on here have any recommendation around image size, resolution and quality? We don't want to loose the HD quality of the images when users navigate the gallery (obviously we'll have to thumbnail them first)?
i have read guidelines before (when we still used 1Mbps connections or less) and have been following these until now:
high resolution images should not be bigger than 1.5 - 2MB. making it this big is like bigger than the webpage contents itself. try checking http://deviantart.com on how they place big photos in their site and check the image properties using the EXIF if any
dimensions should be enough to be viewable in the browser (and avoid scrolling)
compression is to be tested. it's a case to case basis, no setting is the same for everyone. high quality, high compression without visible quality loss is a practice in web design.
JPEG is best for images, PNG for the layout and GIF for icons.
try loading images in the background when the browser is idle using javascript. that way, they are in the cache before the user knows it.
more on the webpage design, avoid using heavy graphics on the site itself, making the site fast so we only wait for the image.
If you really boil it down you don't have a choice.
You are talking about HUGE file sizes which are not realistic.
You need to download a smaller version. After that you can subsequently download versions with increased quality or offer the full image with an onmouseover or click.
Some general guidelines:
Thumbnails (of course)
Offer multiple image sizes (small, medium, large). While I understand the UX implications of giant images, some people do have fast connections and large displays and/or will be willing to wait for a high-resolution version. But it shouldn't be the only option.
Try different compression levels to see what works best for different sizes. Using one compression level across the board doesn't always work. Again (depending on the source material), there may be a need for near-lossless compression at the high end. For example, images for print, CAD drawings with fine detail, etc.
Use sequential loading techniques if applicable. For example, if you have ten images to load (optimized or not), make sure that the first visible one is the first one actually requested from the server.
When it comes down to it, your client is under the impression that asking to shrink her image represents a 'compromise' that only results in damaging the quality of the image the user receives.
The truth is, of course, that an 8-10MB image is so large that it would take most users many seconds to download, creating a horrible user experience that will increase bounce rates.
Show your client a side-by-side demo of her website loading a handful of web-optimized images, and show her a site loading 8-10MB images, then let her decide. Ultimately, your job as professional is to assist her in making good choices, but she's free to make bad ones if she insists upon it (it's her brand, money, and right).
Something else you can potentially do is detect the size of the window and load larger images if the user is on an ultra-high-resolution monitor or if the window appears to be especially large.
Best of luck!
