Converting a collection of Awaitables to a time-ordered AsyncGenerator in Hack - asynchronous

I am trying to implement Rx stream/observable merging with Hack async, and a core step is described by the title. A code version of this step would look something like this:
<?hh // strict
async function foo(Awaitable<Iterable<T>> $collection): Awaitable<void> {
$ordered_generator = async_collection_to_gen($collection) // (**)
foreach($ordered_generator await as $v) {
// do something with each awaited value in the time-order they are resolved
However, after mulling it over, I don't think I can write the starred (**) function. I've found that at some point or another, the implementations I've tried require functionality akin to JS's Promise.race, which resolves when the first of a collection Promises resolves/rejects. However, all of Hack's Awaitable collection helpers create an Awaitable of a fully resolved collection. Furthermore, Hack doesn't permit that we don't await async calls from async functions, which I've also found to be necessary.
Is it possible to anyone's knowledge?

This is possible actually! I dug around and stumbled upon a fork of asio-utilities by #jano implementing an AsyncPoll class. See PR for usage. It does exactly as I hoped.
So it turns out, there is an Awaitable called ConditionWaitHandle with succeed and fail methods* that can be invoked by any context (so long as the underlying WaitHandle hasn't expired yet), forcing the ConditionWaitHandle to resolve with the passed values.
I gave the code a hard look, and underneath it all, it works by successive Awaitable races, which ConditionWaitHandle permits. More specifically, the collection of Awaitables is compressed via AwaitAllWaitHandles (aka \HH\Asio\v) which resolves as slowly as the slowest Awaitable, then nested within a ConditionWaitHandle. Each Awaitable is awaited in an async function that triggers the common ConditionWaitHandle, concluding the race. This is repeated until the Awaitables have all resolved.
Here's a more compact implementation of a race using the same philosophy:
function wait(int $i): Awaitable<void> {
return Race::wrap(async { await HH\Asio\usleep($i); return $i; });
// $wait_handle = null;
class Race {
public static ?ConditionWaitHandle $handle = null;
public static async function wrap<T>(Awaitable<T> $v): Awaitable<void> {
$ret = await $v;
$handle = self::$handle;
invariant(!is_null($handle), '');
Race::$handle = ConditionWaitHandle::create(
printf("%d microsecond `wait` wins!", \HH\Asio\join(Race::$handle));
Very elegant solution, thanks #jano!
*(the semblance to promises/deferred intensifies)
I am curious how premature completion via ConditionWaitHandle meshes with the philosophy that all Awaitables should run to completion.


Flutter multiple async methods for parrallel execution

I'm still struggeling with the async/await pattern so I'm here to ask you some precisions.
I saw this page explaining the async/await pattern pretty well. I'm posting here the example that bother me :
import 'dart:async';
Future<String> firstAsync() async {
await Future<String>.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 2));
return "First!";
Future<String> secondAsync() async {
await Future<String>.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 2));
return "Second!";
Future<String> thirdAsync() async {
await Future<String>.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 2));
return "Third!";
void main() async {
var f = await firstAsync();
var s = await secondAsync();
var t = await thirdAsync();
In this example, each async method is called one after another, so the execution time for the main function is 6 seconds (3 x 2 seconds). However, I don't understand what's the point of asynchronous function if they are executed one after another.
Are async functions not supposed to execute in the background ? Is it not the point of multiple async functions to fastens the process with parrallel execution ?
I think I'm missing something about asynchronous functions and async/await pattern in flutter so if you could explain me that, it would be very appreciated.
Waiting on multiple Futures to complete using Future.wait()
If the order of execution of the functions is not important, you can use Future.wait().
The functions get triggered in quick succession; when all of them complete with a value, Future.wait() returns a new Future. This Future completes with a list containing the values produced by each function.
.wait([firstAsync(), secondAsync(), thirdAsyncC()])
.then((List responses) => chooseBestResponse(responses))
.catchError((e) => handleError(e));
or with async/await
try {
List responses = await Future.wait([firstAsync(), secondAsync(), thirdAsyncC()]);
} catch (e) {
If any of the invoked functions completes with an error, the Future returned by Future.wait() also completes with an error. Use catchError() to handle the error.
The example is designed to show how you can wait for a long-running process without actually blocking the thread. In practice, if you have several of those that you want to run in parallel (for example: independent network calls), you could optimize things.
Calling await stops the execution of the method until the future completes, so the call to secondAsync will not happen until firstAsync finishes, and so on. If you do this instead:
void main() async {
var f = firstAsync();
var s = secondAsync();
var t = thirdAsync();
print(await f);
print(await s);
print(await t);
then all three futures are started right away, and then you wait for them to finish in a specific order.
It is worth highlighting that now f, s, and t have type Future<String>. You can experiment with different durations for each future, or changing the order of the statements.
If anyone new in this problem use the async . Dart has a function called FutureGroup. You can use it to run futures in parallel.
final futureGroup = FutureGroup();//instantiate it
void runAllFutures() {
/// add all the futures , this is not the best way u can create an extension method to add all at the same time
// call the `.close` of the group to fire all the futures,
// once u call `.close` this group cant be used again
// await for future group to finish (all futures inside it to finish)
await futureGroup.future;
This futureGroup has some useful methods which can help you ie. .future etc.. check the documentation to get more info.
Here's a sample usage Example One using await/async and Example Two using Future.then.
you can always use them in a single future
final results = await Future.wait([
results will be an array of you return type. in this case array of strings.
Try this resolve.
final List<Future<dynamic>> featureList = <Future<dynamic>>[];
for (final Partner partner in partnerList) {
await Future.wait<dynamic>(featureList);
If want parallel execution you should switch to multi thread concept called Isolates
mix this with async/await concepts . You can also check this website for more
Using async / await like that is useful when you need a resource before executing the next task.
In your example you don't do really useful things, but imagine you call firstAsync, that gives you a stored authorization token in your phone, then you call secondAsync giving this token get asynchronously and execute an HTTP request and then checking the result of this request.
In this case you don't block the UI thread (user can interact with your app) and other tasks (get token, HTTP request...) are done in background.
i think you miss understood how flutter works first flutter is not multi threaded.....!
second if it isn't multi threaded how can it executes parallel tasks, which doesnt happen....! here is some links that will help you understand more
flutter doesn't put futures on another thread but what happens that they are added to a queue the links that i added are for event loop and how future works. hope you get it , feel free to ask me :)

async/await / assignments from function returns

Currently having a simple funtion :
async function getItem(id) {
const item = await ... doing a bunch of time consuming stuff
return item;
Coming from synchronous languages, and still understanding async/awaits from the surface; i'd expected the following to return the resolved item :
const item = getItem('items-8');
console.log(item); // Just getting a promise
The question is a bit 'cosmetic', but as async/await kind of solves callbacks, i'd be looking to get further and even avoid thenables things.
Is it possible to get such one-liner variable assignment with async/awaits ? What would be the syntax/code structure ?
async..await is syntactic sugar for ES6 promises, it allows to write asynchronous code in synchrounous-like manner. The code that uses promises cannot be synchronous, because promises are asynchronous.
In order to be written in synchronous manner, the code that uses getItem should reside in async function, too. If it is top-level and doesn't reside in another function (like application initialization code), it can reside in async IIFE.
It's either
getItem('items-8').then(item => {
// inside `async` function
const item = await getItem('items-8');

Guzzle Pool in Symfony 2 - Dealing with future

I am trying to use Guzzle pool in Symfony 2 application. I am thinking to use it because its capability of sending concurrent request at once.
However, since its async in nature I am not sure how can I use it as service in Symfony 2. Since return are not always immediate.
For example lets say I have service called Foo in Symfony which have method like this some what.
function test()
$request = $client->createRequest('GET', 'http://lt/?n=0', ['future' => true]);
$client->send($request)->then(function ($response) {
return "\n".$response->getBody();
Now I invoke this service like this.
$service = $this->get('foo');
$result = $service->test();
echo $result;// does not work :( echoes out null
Is there any way to get around this problem. I really want to use Future since I need async feature.
You have to deal with promises (futures) in your application or wait for results.
About your example: firstly, you don't return anything from test() ;) Because of that you don't get any $result. As I said before, you have to choose between two different ways here: 1) wait for HTTP call inside test() method and return the result itself, or 2) return Promise immediately and deal with it in your app (through then(), otherwise() and wait() in the end).
If you choose async way for the whole app, the code might look like this:
function test()
return $client->getAsync('http://lt/?n=0')
->then(function ($response) {
return "\n".$response->getBody();
And later:
$service = $this->get('foo');
$promise = $service->test()->then(function ($responseString) {
echo $responseString;
$promise->wait(); // Here you get the output.
I slightly changed you code for Guzzle 6 (current version of Guzzle that should use in new projects).
BTW, Guzzle uses its own implementation of promises, that isn't connected with React.

Implementing exception handling in a function which returns a Stream

I'm implementing a function which returns a Stream. I'm not sure how to implement the error handling, what is best practice?
For functions which return a Future, it's best practice never to throw a synchronous error. Is this also true for functions which return a Stream?
Here's an example of what I'm thinking:
Stream<int> count() {
var controller = new StreamController<int>();
int i = 0;
try {
new Timer.repeating(new Duration(seconds: 1), () => controller.add(i++));
} on Exception catch (e) {
In general it is true for Streams as well. The main idea is, that users should only need to handle errors in one way. Your example moves all errors to the stream.
There are circumstances where immediate errors are better (for instance you could make the error is due to a programming error and should never be handled anyways, or if you want to guarantee that a Stream never produces errors), but sending the error through a stream is almost always a good thing.
Small nit: a Stream should usually (there are exceptions) not produce any data until somebody has started listening. In your example you are starting a Timer even though you don't even know if there will ever be a listener. I'm guessing the example is reduced and not representative of your real code, but it is something to look out for. The solution would be to use the StreamController's callbacks for pause and subscription changes.
I've updated the example to take on-board Florian's comments.
In my real use case, I don't ever want to buffer the results, so I'm throwing an UnsupportedError if the stream is paused.
I've made it a terminating stream, rather than an infinite one.
If the user of this function adds a listener asynchronously after a few seconds, then they will lose the first couple of results. They shouldn't do this. I guess that's something to document clearly. Though perhaps, I could also throw an error if the subscribe state changes after the first data has been received, but before a close has been received.
Stream<int> count(int max) {
var controller = new StreamController<int>(
onPauseStateChange: () => throw new UnsupportedError('count() Stream pausing not supported.'));
int i = 0;
try {
new Timer.repeating(new Duration(seconds: 1), () {
if (!controller.hasSubscribers)
if (i >= max)
} on Exception catch (e) {

async programming in dart

I am relating to java as to how to do thread/async. I use new Thread(target).start() where target is Runnable as one way to do threading in java. New concurrent api has alternatives but we know that on specific call new threads are creating and passed in tasks are executed.
Similarly how is async done in Dart ?
I read on send/receivport, completer/future, spawnFunction. To me only spawnFunction is convincing statement that will create new thread. can one explain how completer/future help. i know they take callbacks but is there some implicit logic/rule in javascript/dart that callbacks always be execute in different thread.
below is dart snippet/pseudo code:
void callback() {
print("callback called");
costlyQuery(sql, void f()) {
costlyQuery("select * from dual", callback);
I hope my costlyQuery signature to take function as 2nd parameter is correct. so now I do not think that f() after executeSql(sql) is going to be async. may be taking above example add completer/future if that can make async to help me understand.
tl;dr: There is no implicit rule that a callback will not block.
Javascript event queue
In Javascript, there are no threads (except WebWorkers, but that's different). This means that if any part of your code blocks, the whole application is blocked. There is nothing magic about callbacks, they are just functions:
function longLoop(cb) {
var i = 1000000;
while (i--) ;
function callback() {
console.log("Hello world");
function fun() {
console.log("Called after Hello World is printed");
To make something asynchronous, the callback must be put on the event queue, which only happens through some API calls:
user initiated event handlers- clicks, keyboard, mouse
API event handlers- XmlHTTPRequest callbacks, WebWorker communication
timing functions- setTimeout, setInterval
When the event is triggered, the callback is placed on the event queue to be executed when all other callbacks have finished executing. This means that no two lines of your code will ever be executing at the same time.
I assume you have at least stumbled on this post about futures. If not, it's a good read and comes straight from the horses mouth.
In Javascript, you have to do some work to make sense of asynchronous code. There's even a Javascript library called futures for doing common things, such as asynchronous loops and sequences (full disclosure, I have personally worked with the author of this library).
The notion of a future is a promise made by the function creating the future that the future will be completed at some point down the road. If you are going to make some asynchronous call, create a future, return it, and fulfill the promise when the asynchronous call finishes. From the blog post:
Future<Results> costlyQuery() {
var completer = new Completer();
database.query("SELECT * FROM giant_table", (results) {
// when complete
// this returns essentially immediately,
// before query is finished
return completer.future;
If database.query is a blocking call, the future will be completed immediately. This example assumes that database.query is a non-blocking call (async), so the future will be fulfilled after this function exits. completer.complete will call whatever function is passed to completer.then() with the arguments specified.
Your example, modified to be idiomatic and asynchronous:
void callback() {
print("callback called");
costlyQuery(sql) {
var completer = new Completer();
executeSql(sql, () => completer.complete());
return completer.future;
costlyQuery("select * from dual").then(callback);
This is asynchronous and uses futures correctly. You could pass your own callback function into costlyQuery as you have done and call that in the callback to executeSql to achieve the same thing, but that is the Javascript way of doing it, not the Dart way.
Isolates are similar to Java's threads, except that isolates are a concurrency model and threads are a parallelism model (see this SO question for more information about concurrency vs parallelism).
Dart is special in that the specification does not mandate that everything be run in a single thread. It only mandates that different executing contexts do not have access to the same data. Each isolate has it's own memory and can only communicate (e.g. send data) with other isolates through send/receive ports.
These ports work similarly to channels in Go if you're familiar.
An isolate is an isolated execution context that runs independently of other code. In Javascript terms, this means that it has it's own event queue. See the Dart tour for a more complete introduction to isolates.
Lets say your executeSql is a blocking function. If we don't want to wait for it to finish, we could load it into an isolate:
void callback() {
print("callback called");
void costlyQuery() {
port.receive((sql, reply) {
main() {
var sendPort = spawnFunction(costlyQuery);
// .call does all the magic needed to communicate both directions"select * from dual").then(callback);
print("Called before executeSql finishes");
This code creates an isolate, sends data to it then registers a callback for when it's done. Even if executeSql blocks, main() will not necessarily block.
