Symfony generate css - symfony

I need a little help.
Imagine that in database for every user have stored color of background.
Everytime when user login, first for that user in some folder is generated css file with name of id of user and included in html template.
I need help to understand how to generate css file ?

I Symfony with FOSUserBundle, you can use app.user to get the user in your twig files.
If you open a MySQL console and enter describe fos_user; then you will see all the fields you can use in your Twig file. So in your table you could store for each of the FOS users a color
Then in Twig you could use something like this:
{% if app.user %}
{% set backColor = app.user.color %}
{% else %}
{% set backColor = 'none' %}
{% endif %}
<body style="background-color:{{ backColor }};">
You get the idea...
You might want to figure out a way to store the color preference for the FOS user using a Symfony form. And then store preference in database. You can raise a separate question for that if you have difficulties - it should be easy.

Quite simple...
You need to generate a twig file for every user in your desired folder, and place "inline" CSS in it.
{% block css %}
.class {
parameter: {{ entity.value }};
{% endblock css %}
To generate the file, create a service, which you will call when a page is loaded.
It will have to first check if the file exist, if it does, it will read from it (no query to the DB), if not, it will generate the file, and read need data from DB.
Look at answer from me and Gopal on this page to know how to make a service How to use session in Symfony.
You sould be able to use it for your need... ;)
Also look at the Symfony Filesystem Component
file_put_contents() should help you write content of the file... ;)


CollectionType custom prototype via form_theme

I want to customize the way an entry of a CollectionType in a form will be rendered, that is the way the prototype is generated, I need my own HTML. So I need to do it with the Twig form_theme, but it doesn't work.
I am currently using Symfony 4.1.2.
Here is what I have for now:
In the template that renders the whole form:
{% form_theme form.additionalEmails.vars.prototype 'form/additionalEmail.html.twig' %}
In the form/additionalEmail.html.twig file:
{% block form_row %}
<div style="margin: 10px 0">
{{ form_label(form) }}
{{ form_widget(form.children.value) }}
<div>Recevoir les mails de type : {{ form_row(form.children.isUsedForAdminCommChannel) }}{{ form_row(form.children.isUsedForInfosPratiquesCommChannel) }}{{ form_row(form.children.isUsedForAgendaCommChannel) }}</div>
{% endblock %}
If I do that I get this error:
Key "value" does not exist as the array is empty.
What is weird is that if I replace the above code by this (by commenting the old one and adding the new line):
{{ dump(form.children) }}
I see that form.children is an array with 4 items and one named "value" so it is clearly broken.
Your help would be much appreciated, as I'm just an amateur dev trying to make a website for a youth movement ^^
Best Regards,
Here is the form that includes the CollectionType:
The field is named "additionalEmails"
Just so I understand you correctly. You have a Form which contains a CollectionType and you want to change the prototype of that CollectionType?
If yes could you please post the Form with the CollectionType?
EDIT: Ok so here's how to overwrite the prototype template for a CollectionType.
First we have to find out what your forms unique_block_prefix is. You can find this by going to the page where this form is rendered, you then click in the symfony debug bar on the form icon. Then you have to expand the View variables block and look for unique_block_prefix.
I assume your block prefix could look like this _user_type the name of the block you would overwrite would then be _user_type_additionalEmails_entry_widget (for more details please read the link provided below)
You can replace the widget part with row or label depending on what you want to overwrite (I would suggest trying to overwrite them all to see what exactly changes because I don't know of the top of my head)
In twig you would then take your block prefix and overwrite the prototype field in the same way you would overwrite any other field
{% block '_user_type_additionalEmails_entry_widget' %}
{% endblock %}
What I wrote down here is what I found out after reading (read HeahDude' comment specifically)
I hope this helps!

NetBeans use custom code templates for a TWIG file

In my twig view files for a Symfony application I need to write a log {% trans %}Foo Bar Baz{% endtrans %} what is quite annoying.
Therefore I tried to make a template, where I just have to write trans press space and the magic is done.
I made a new Template in Twig File, Twig Block and Twig Variable but non of them worked. The Code I used was:
{% trans %}${TEXT}{% endtrans %}
Abbreviation is trans
Then I restarted NetBeans, but unfortunately nothing happens when I write trans in a .twig file.
What am I doing wrong? How do I have to do this?
Thanks (:
You should add your Code Template in the Twig Block language, not Twig File language.
You don't need to reboot netbeans.
Then, type relatively quickly: {% trenter
You'll come up with:
If you don't want to type {% at all, you can choose HTML language instead of Twig Block language (assuming your file name ends with .html.twig).

How to pass user informations to a template using Symfony2 and FosUserBundle

I'm using symfony2, I installed FosUserBundle and I created a bundle UserBundle as indicated in the FosUserBundle online docs. so far so good.
I also created another controller and I'm able to access the logged user information in this way:
$user = $this->container->get('security.context')->getToken()->getUser();
now imagine that in my website, for all the pages/controller, I need to display some user information, even a simple "Welcome MyUser" at the top of the page (so in base.html.twig). I don't want to replicate the line above in all the controllers, so where is the best place to get this information once and pass them to the base template?
For the example you gave, "Welcome MyUser" , you can get this var in twig template with
{% if is_granted("ROLE") %}
Hi {{ app.user.username }}
{% endif %}
This is, if you don't need logic
Also if you didn't knew it you can use heritage in twig, so that you can create a navbar.html.twig with this fosuser var in it, and then in all your templates do
{% extends "AcmeMyBundle::navbar.html.twig" %}
{% block body %}
{% endblock %}

Get current URI in Twig template

Does anybody know how to get the current URI in a Twig template?
I’ve read through the documentation and I’m unable to find the Twig function to do this.
{{ app.request.uri }}
If you want to read it into a view variable:
{% set uri = app.request.uri %}
The app global view variable contains all sorts of useful shortcuts, such as app.session and, that reference the services you might use in a controller.

How to reference twig for custom field types in dedicated bundle?

I am (still) trying to introduce into a dedicated bundle. As far, I have a type as a child of text and a data transformer that converts comma-separated strings into arrays of Objects and vice versa.
Now I want to decorate the text field with the JQuery code linked above. As far as I understand, I have to define a block like
{% block manytomanycomboselector_widget %}
{% spaceless %}
{{ block('text_widget') }}
$("#{{ id }}").tagsInput();
{% endspaceless %}
{% endblock manytomanycomboselector_widget %}
in [MyTypeBundle]Resources/views/Form/fields.html.twig
Now, both the documentation and the answers for this question at StackOverflow state that I have to reference fields.html.twig somewhere either in the template that uses the form or in app/, but this doesn't seem to be necessarily for other field-type bundles, though I cannot see in their code why.
What do I have to configure inside the bundle besides this block in this file?
Also I didn't get where I have to put the css and js requirements for the header and how I deal with general requirements like jQuery itself.
I have the same issue & I resolve it by merging my field template in the twig.form.resources parameter.
So, in the DI extension of my bundle (MyBundle/DependencyInjection/MyBundleExtension.php), I add:
$container->setParameter('twig.form.resources', array_merge(
Be aware, your bundle must be registered after the TwigBundle in your AppKernel.
A form field is not linked to any JS or CSS. So, IMO, you have 2 solutions.
Firstly, you directly wrap your JS & CSS in your field template and your bundle stays stand-alone.
Secondly, you instruct final users that they need to include manually some JSS & CSS each time they use your field type.
The IoFormBundle & GenemuFormBundle uses the second solution like explain in their documentation.
