How do I represent the x1 frequency in the Timing object of FHIR or in MedicationOrder?
It doesn't have to happen at a specific time but it is not "as needed".
The default assumption, in the absense of other timing information is "once". You can also say
<count value="1"/>
I received readings of multiple multiple filters for a time series x. Those filters are differences of EMAs and EMAs on EMAs. My filters have been calculated as
F1 = EMA(x, period.short) - EMA(x, period.long) and
F2 = ZMA(x, period.short) - ZMA(x, period.long).
ZMA is a delagged EMA which is calculated as EMA(EMA(x, period), period). Unfortunately the original values of the time series x have been lost. Thus, I wonder whether it is possible to somehow reconstruct the original time series. I suppose that an exact reconstruction won't be possible, however to get an glimpse of an idea I'd be already happy to get one possible time series history for the filter values of identical time points.
Therefor I wonder how such a reconstruction could be done in an efficient way and how it could be implemented (if possible in R). Maybe there are already some packages available for such a purpose?!
Thus, I'd be happy if you'd have any advice. Many thanks in advance!
I am currently working on particular algorithm, but I face with a problem that I'm not sure what I have to do to resolve it. I appreciate if anyone helps me out.
There are some objects{O1,O2,O3,.....}, each of them has a value that we don't know about its amount, we call them {V1,V2,V3,....} also there is another element we call it w(w1,w2,w3.....) which shows the difference between values, I mean w1=v2-v1, w2=v3-v2,w3=v4-v3 and so on. I'm wondering if there is any way to get value of v1,v2,v3...etc without having the value of V1?
Looking forward for your reply guys,
Not in general. Knowing the differences between successive numbers in a list of numbers under-determines the set of numbers. This is particularly obvious in the case when w1 = w2 = w3 = ... = wk = 1. That would tell you that the viare consecutive numbers, but nothing else could be inferred. You wouldn't be able to distinguish 3,4,5,6,7 from 10,11,12,13,14 (for example).
Having said that, it would of course be possible if you know one of the numbers, and the known number wouldn't need to be the first one. Knowing any single one of the numbers would suffice. Furthermore, knowing something like the sum of the vi would be sufficient since you could express the sum as a function of the unknown number v1 and solve the resulting equation.
I have checked a lot of DICOM Images about CTDI Phantom Type Code Sequence Attribute (0018,9346) Values. I found 2000 times the value: 1)
What do these signs "1)" mean?
You should probably ask the engineer, who performed the studies, or the technician who had installed the machine an did setup of the worksation.
I could only guess and I would take a shot that this sequence means, that "there was a phantom used during the study".
You need to get used to the fact, that DICOM standard is something like a suggestion, not a requirement. For example, when you get a series where 0008,1030 ("Study Description") has value "CTChest", you shouldn't assume that this is a CT of the chest, as it could be any type of the examination.
is there a way to use WMS->GetFeatureInfo specifying a TIME period (eg: 2014-01-01/2014-03-01) to extract a series of values from a raster layer loaded from a GeoServer instance?
Thanks in advance
Not at the moment, no. It may be added in the future though, it's not the first time I hear this request. I don't have a ETA, it depends on when funding to work on it shows up.
In the meantime, a somewhat complex workaround might be to configure the image mosaic index as a WFS feature type, query it by date, figure out the exact time values intersected by the interval, and then do N GetFeatureInfo requests, one for each of those values.
I'm trying to figure out how to observe just one particular section of the data in the graph below (e.g. 5pm onwards). I know there are basically two methods of doing this:
1) Method 1: Limiting the window size, which requires the following function:
< symbols(Data$Times, Data$y, circles=Data$z, xlim=c("5:00pm","10:00pm"))
The problem is, I get an "invalid 'xlim' value" error when I try to input the two time endpoints.
2) Method 2: Clearing out the rows in Data$Times that have values over 5pm.
The problem here is that I'm not sure how to sort the rows by earliest time -> latest time OR how to define a new variable such that TimesPM <- Data$Times>"5pm" (what I typed just now obviously did not work.)
Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
ETA: This is what I plotted:
symbols(Times, y, circles=z, xaxt='n', inches=.4, fg="3", bg=(a), xlab="Times", ylab="y")
axis.POSIXct(1, at=Times, format="%I:%M%p")
Both approaches have the problem that in all likelihood your datetime format will not equal the values expressed just as a character vector like "5:00pm" even after coercion with the ">" comparison operator. To get the best advice you need to present str(DATA$Times) or dput(head(DATA$Times)) or class(Data$Times) . Generally plotting functions recognize either valid date or datetime classes or their numeric representation. If the ordering operation is not working, then it raises the question whether you have a proper class. But you appear to have an axis labeling that suggests a date-time format of some sort, and that we just need to figure out what class it really is.
Because you are creating a character vector from you Time column, you probably want to apply the restriction before you send the DATA$Time vector to strptime(). You still have not offered the requested clarifications, so I have no way to give tested or even very specific code, but you might be doing something like
Times<-strptime(DATA$Time[ as.POSIXlt(DATA$Time)$hour >= 17 &
as.POSIXlt(DATA$Time)$hour <= 22 ] ,