Data validation using RxJS - functional-programming

I have the following function that validates that rangeFrom is not superior to rangeTo and that the rangeFrom does not already exist in the list of ranges.
How can rewrite this using RxJS?
const isTagAlreadyExist = (tags, currentTag) => _(tags)
.filter(x => !==
.some(x => _.inRange(currentTag.rangeTo, x.rangeFrom, x.rangeTo))
const validateRangeFrom = (tags, currentTag) => {
const errors = {};
if (isNumeric(currentTag.rangeFrom)) {
if (!_.inRange(currentTag.rangeFrom, 0, currentTag.rangeTo)) {
} else if (isTagAlreadyExist(tags, currentTag)) {
errors.rangeFrom ='TAG_ALREADY_EXISTS';
return {

The question is: what parts do you want to rewrite to rxjs? Those are two pure functions that run synchronously from what I can see, I do not really see much a usecase for rxjs here - of course you could always utilize your functions within an rxjs stream:
const validateRangeFrom$ = (tags, currentTag) => {
return Observable.of(currentTag)
.map(tag => validateRangeFrom(tags, tag));
validateRangeFrom$(myTags, currentTag)
.subscribe(errors => console.log(errors));
But as you can see, this does not make much sense if you simply wrap it inside a stream, the essence of useful reactive programming is, that everything is reactive, not just some small parts, so for your example, you should start with having tags$ and currentTag$ as observables - let's assume that you have that, then you could do something like:
const tags$: Observable<ITag[]>... // is set somewhere, and emits a new array whenever it is changed
const currentTag$: Observable<ITag>... // is set somewhere and emits the tag whenever a new currentTag is set
const validateRangeFrom$ = Observable
.combineLatest(tags$, currentTag$, (tags, tag) => ({tags, tag}))
.map(({tags, tag}) => validateRangeFrom(tags, tag));
validateRangeFrom$.subscribe(errors => console.log(errors));
This will automatically trigger the validation for you whenever a new tags-array is emitted or a new currentTag is selected/set - but again: your validation-method is kept the same - as even in reactive programming you have to do validation and logic-operations at some point, the reactive part usually just concerns the flow of the data (see: tags$ and currentTag$)


NGRX - How to subscribe to multiple requests that update a list, but prevent it from loading multiple times on the first load?

I'm working with Angular-NGRX and i have 3 components that can modify the data of a list. In the main component I listen for all the changes to update the listing and it works. The problem is that the first load subscribes me 3 times.
This is the ngOnInit of the main component:
ngOnInit(): void {
// Change order => state.shared.orderBy).pipe(
tap(resp => {
this.orderBy = resp;
switchMap(resp => this._dynamicComponentsService.loadResources(this.itemsToShow, this.tabCounter, this.orderBy, this.filters, this.searchTerm,, this.workgroup, (this.paramCode) ? this.paramCode : 0))
// Change filters => state.shared.filters).pipe(
tap(resp => {
this.filters = resp;
switchMap(resp => this._dynamicComponentsService.loadResources(this.itemsToShow, this.tabCounter, this.orderBy, this.filters, this.searchTerm,, this.workgroup, (this.paramCode) ? this.paramCode : 0))
// Change search term => state.shared.searchTerm).pipe(
tap(resp => {
this.searchTerm = resp;
switchMap(resp => this._dynamicComponentsService.loadResources(this.itemsToShow, this.tabCounter, this.orderBy, this.filters, this.searchTerm,, this.workgroup, (this.paramCode) ? this.paramCode : 0))
And all i need is that when starting it only subscribes once:
enter image description here
How can I improve this code?
You shouldn't be making calls to a data service from the component, and certainly not based on selector calls. You should be dispatching an Action which is captured and handled by an Effect. You can use dataLoading and dataLoaded flags in your store, for example, to prevent multiple loads.

When do you use updater() and patchstate() in ngrx/component-store?

I'm using ngrx/component-store and loving it so far. Having prior store knowledge building my own simple ones, the only real headache I've had so far is when I've had to update an array and figured out I have to always create a new one for the internal compare() pipe to realize the array got updated.
Anyway, reading through the documentation it talks about updater methods and patchState. To me they do exactly the same thing, but their creation is slightly different. You would call patchState inside of a method while this.updater() returns a method giving you a function you can expose in your service. Anytime I'm updating my state it's always after a network call. I assume there are plenty of scenarios where you'd want to update your state without a network call so this is why you would want to have an updater available to your component to call. The question is if an updater and patchState are really doing the same thing then is it a better practice to call an updater in an effect or use patchState, or maybe am I putting too much logic in my effect?
On a side note, the docs say an updater method is supposed to be a pure function. If you're using it to your push an object onto an array then is it really pure?
// adding the selectors so people know what components are subscribing to
readonly approvals$ = => state.requestApprovals);
readonly registration$ = => state);
readonly updateAssessment = this.effect(($judgement: Observable<{id: string, isApproved: boolean}>) => {
return $judgement.pipe(
switchMap((evaluation) => {
const state = this.get();
return this.requestApproval.patch(, state.companyName,, evaluation.isApproved).pipe(
(result) => {
// is it better to call patchState()?
this.patchState((state) => {
for(let i = 0; i < state.requestApprovals.length; i++) {
if(state.requestApprovals[i].id == {
state.requestApprovals[i].isApproved = result.isApproved;
// the take away is you must assign a whole new array object when you update it.
state.requestApprovals = Object.assign([], state.requestApprovals);
return state;
// or this updater?
// this.applyDecisionPatch(evaluation);
// oh look! another updater reassigning my array to the state so
// it propagates to subscribers to reset the UI
() => { this.reverseDecision(); }
// this is private to make sure this can only be called after a network request
private readonly applyDecisionPatch = this.updater((state, value: {id: string, isApproved: boolean}) => {
for(let i = 0; i < state.requestApprovals.length; i++) {
if(state.requestApprovals[i].id == {
state.requestApprovals[i].isApproved = value.isApproved;
state.requestApprovals = Object.assign([], state.requestApprovals);
return state;
Note: There's no tag for ngrx-component-store so couldn't tag it.
An updater can be compared to a reducer.
All the options to modify the state should change it in an immutable way.
A library like ngrx-immer can be used to make this easier.
The main difference is that updater receives the current state, and you can change the state based on it. E.g. a conditional update, or can be used with #ngrx/entity
While with setState and patchState, you just set state properties.
setState updates the whole state object, whereas patchState only sets the given properties and doesn't touch the rest of the state object.
These two methods are also easier to use when you just want to set the state, because you don't have to create an updater function.
To answer the side question, push is not immutable. Instead of creating a new instance, it updates the array instance.

How do I return an entire paged set from the Jira API using Ramda?

I'm using the Nodejs library for talking to Jira called jira-connector. I can get all of the boards on my jira instance by calling
jira.board.getAllBoards({ type: "scrum"})
.then(boards => { ...not important stuff... }
the return set looks something like the following:
maxResults: 50,
startAt: 0,
isLast: false,
[ { id: ... } ]
then while isLast === false I keep calling like so:
jira.board.getAllBoards({ type: "scrum", startAt: XXX })
until isLast is true. then I can organize all of my returns from promises and be done with it.
I'm trying to reason out how I can get all of the data on pages with Ramda, I have a feeling it's possible I just can't seem to sort out the how of it.
Any help? Is this possible using Ramda?
Here's my Rx attempt to make this better:
const pagedCalls = new Subject();
pagedCalls.subscribe(value => {
jira.board.getAllBoards({ type:"scrum", startAt: value })
.then(boards => {
console.log('calling: ' + value);
if (boards.isLast) {
} else { + 50);
Seems pretty terrible. Here's the simplest solution I have so far with a do/while loop:
let returnResult = [];
let result;
let startAt = -50;
do {
result = await jira.board.getAllBoards( { type: "scrum", startAt: startAt += 50 })
returnResult.push(result.values); // there's an array of results under the values prop.
} while (!result.isLast)
Many of the interactions with Jira use this model and I am trying to avoid writing this kind of loop every time I make a call.
I had to do something similar today, calling the Gitlab API repeatedly until I had retrieved the entire folder/file structure of the project. I did it with a recursive call inside a .then, and it seems to work all right. I have not tried to convert the code to handle your case.
Here's what I wrote, if it will help:
const getAll = (project, perPage = 10, page = 1, res = []) =>
.then(resp => resp.json())
.then(xs => xs.length < perPage
? res.concat(xs)
: getAll(project, perPage, page + 1, res.concat(xs))
The technique is pretty simple: Our function accepts whatever parameters are necessary to be able to fetch a particular page and an additional one to hold the results, defaulting it to an empty array. We make the asynchronous call to fetch the page, and in the then, we use the result to see if we need to make another call. If we do, we call the function again, passing in the other parameters needed, the incremented page number, and the merge of the current results and the ones just received. If we don't need to make another call, then we just return that merged list.
Here, the repository contains 21 files and folders. Calling for ten at a time, we make three fetches and when the third one is complete, we resolve our returned Promise with that list of 21 items.
This recursive method definitely feels more functional than your versions above. There is no assignment except for the parameter defaulting, and nothing is mutated along the way.
I think it should be relatively easy to adapt this to your needs.
Here is a way to get all the boards using rubico:
import { pipe, fork, switchCase, get } from 'rubico'
const getAllBoards = boards => pipe([
type: () => 'scrum',
startAt: get('startAt'),
response => boards.concat(response.values),
response => getAllBoards(boards.concat(response.values))({
startAt: response.startAt + response.values.length,
getAllBoards([])({ startAt: 0 }) // => [...boards]
getAllBoards will recursively get more boards and append to boards until isLast is true, then it will return the aggregated boards.

firebase realtime DB updating a specific value goes to infinite loop

my code is like below
console.log("started user update")
(snapshot) => {return snapshot}
(res:any) => {
console.log("Vik:::total users in the system are:" + res.userCount)
this.db.object('/analytics').update({"userCount": Number(res.userCount) + 1}).then(
(r) => console.log("count updated")
err => console.log("error updating count:" + err)
It simply trying to add one to property userCount. But the update statement puts this into infinite loop.
What is understand from the code above is that you want to update a "userCount", every time the collection is updated.
Although I do not know the exact solution here, but may I suggest an alternative approach.
1) Add a cloud function ( which triggers every time a value is added to the collection.
2) The code would look something like this in TypeScript
import * as functions from 'firebase-functions';
import { DocumentSnapshot } from '../node_modules/firebase-functions/lib/providers/firestore';
export const valueAddFunction = functions.firestore.document('/analytics/{id}')
.onCreate((snap: DocumentSnapshot, context: any) => {
const original =
console.log("original " + original)
return snap.ref.set({key: "WhateverValueYouWant"}, {})
This function would be triggered whenever a new document is added to the collection. You can similarly add functions listening to updates.
Hope this helps.

Rxjs: add data to elements of array returned from http response

Following this question: Add data to http response using rxjs
I've tried to adapt this code to my use case where the result of the first http call yields an array instead of a value... but I can't get my head around it.
How do I write in rxjs (Typescript) the following pseudo code?
call my server
obtain an array of objects with the following properties: (external id, name)
for each object, call another server passing the external id
for each response from the external server, obtain another object and merge some of its properties into the object from my server with the same id
finally, subscribe and obtain an array of augmented objects with the following structure: (external id, name, augmented prop1, augmented prop2, ...)
So far the only thing I was able to do is:
.subscribe(games => {
this._userGames =, game => ({ id:, externalGameId: game.externalGameId, name: }));
_.forEach(this._userGames, game => {
.subscribe(externalThing => {
(<any>game).thumbnail = externalThing.thumbnail;
(<any>game).name =;
Thanks in advance
I found a way to make it work. I'll comment the code to better explain what it does, especially to myself :D
.getUserGames() // Here we have an observable that emits only 1 value: an any[]
.mergeMap(games =>, game => this._externalService.augmentGame(game))) // Here we map the any[] to an Observable<any>[]. The external service takes the object and enriches it with more properties
.concatAll() // This will take n observables (the Observable<any>[]) and return an Observable<any> that emits n values
.toArray() // But I want a single emission of an any[], so I turn that n emissions to a single emission of an array
.subscribe(games => { ... }); // TA-DAAAAA!
Don't use subscribe. Use map instead.
Can't test it, but should look more like this:
.map(games => {
this._userGames =, game => ({ id:, externalGameId: game.externalGameId, name: }));
return => { /* this should return an array of observables.. */
return this._externalService
.map(externalThing => {
(<any>game).thumbnail = externalThing.thumbnail;
(<any>game).name =;
return game;
.subscribe(xx => ...); // here you can subscribe..
