Include Bootstrap/Semantic UI locally in an Express project? - css

I downloaded the minified version of bootstrap and put it in the root directory of my project. Then in a HTML file in /views/ I added:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/bootstrap.min.css">
However, the page continued to look the same because Bootstrap styles weren't added. I know I can use a CDN, I did and it worked, but for now I want to try including it locally. I tried to similarly include Semantic-UI but it didn't work too. What am I doing wrong?

I think I figured it out. Assuming that you have your stylesheet in /public then you have to add this line to your application file (usually app.js):
app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'public')));
From now on you can link to your stylesheets from anywhere in the project using this code:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/bootstrap.min.css">
Note that we no longer have to specify the full path, which is "/public/bootstrap.min.css" - we omit the "/public" (in fact href="/public/bootstrap.min.css" would be an error).
If anybody reading this can explain why the first line is necessary please comment below. I believe I understand what it does but why the Express creators insisted on doing it that way i.e. why can't I <link> to my local files normally is what I don't get.


Icons not showing?

Icons not showing , So I've this problem.
I'm using some weather icons provided by erikflowers on github.
They are working and showing up fine when I've opened my app through the live server extension in Visual Studio Code. However, when I open my index.html manually from the folder, they are showing up as blank squares.
Anyone have any clue why this might be?
Thanks in advance
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./weather-icons-wind.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./weather-icons.css">
I did try changing to ./ no help
It says it can't find the files but they are there
Your pathing is wrong. As u wrote by urself in a comment -
"To use the Weather Icons, place the main CSS files in your CSS directory, and the font files in a "font" directory on the same folder level as the CSS director. Once you've done that, all you need to do to reference an icon in your HTML is type ""<i class="wi wi-night-sleet""> "
You dont have a CSS directory.
Also look at your console error.
The route is wrong.. your Project Name is missing.
"../JavaScript/Projects/fonts/weather..", where is your Folder "Weather API"?
I would suggest to create a CSS folder (your styles.css stays in the project root), with your icon stylesheet files in it. That should fix your problems.
How are you accessing those icons? CDN? Or do you have them stored locally in some separate folder? Also, share your index.html and folder structure.
For example, you have them in a folder called icons, say a file called cloud.png. Then there are 2 ways to access them in your HTML file:
Using icons/cloud.png
Using ./icons/cloud.png
Both of these approaches work in Live Server, but sometimes we have to use the 2nd one when opening index.html directly or when hosting on Github Pages.
So try both of them and see which one works for you.

Bootstrap file is not being accessed in php file

My bootstrap css file is located at
and for linking this to my php file I have given absolute path as:
<link href="C:\Users\SCEA\Downloads\bootstrap-3.3.7\css" rel="stylesheet">
but the effect of css is not visible.Is my css file not getting linked?
You might have a typo before css. The backslash before it might need to be a period.
<link href="C:\Users\SCEA\Downloads\bootstrap-3.3.7.css" rel="stylesheet">
If are running server in your local computer I suggest moving this file within the server document root.
Your comment:
css is a folder inside bootstrap-3.3.7
Probably in the CSS folder are the actual css files.
You need to refer to the actual CSS files and not to the folder itself.
Here is a quickfix using CDN:
Put these links in and it works guaranteed

Icons not showing with Semantic UI

I am building Semantic UI with Gulp using this guide
However, the problem is now that the icons are not showing. So if I use
<i class="facebook icon"></i>, nothing shows up.
I guess I haven't built the icon font or something like that.
Is it necessary to load Font Awesome or something like that myself? I have read through the Semantic UI documentation, but I cannot find anywhere stating that I have to do anything to enable icons.
You need to include the font assets which are located in themes/default/assets/fonts/
The themes folder must be in the same directory as your semantic.css file.
The fonts are imported externally from the semantic.css file from within the themes directory.
To obtain this directory, download the zip for semantic ui and look inside the dist folder.
I was having the same issue, use this link tag in the head of your html and you're good to go :
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
Got this from their official website.
Since it's not marked as ansered yet in 2019... Here's the clear answer. The above answers are correct as well, just not straight forward.
So basically what you missed out is the inclusion of the icons themselves. When you download semantic-ui it comes with themes folder within the "dist" folder. what you must do is copy that themes folder and paste it in your project folder where your semantic-ui.css is located. and it will work.
Please remember to mark the question as answered.
I had an CORS-issue (causing square empty icons) with the Semantic UI Icons when loading the minified CSS from a CDN. Turns out that it was my location override that caused it, turning it off made the icons display properly.
I fixed the problem replacing this line
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/dist/semantic.min.css">
with this
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
I also had to add link to icon.min.css
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
I wrote a post about it on medium :)
In my case I forgot to import the semantic ui css file. Import it in the App.js ( as it is the top level file ) or anywhere inside your project.
import 'semantic-ui-css/semantic.min.css'
I had the same problem and I solve it adding the following lines on my webpack.mix.js
and then executing the command
npm run dev
This add in my case the missing files I need
In the semantic.css file, you'll find this line:
background: url("./themes/.....")
so, what you have to do is to copy the themes folder with all its contents beside your semantic.min.css
All simply copy the folder Semantic-UI-CSS-master with all its contents to your public/static/wwww folder, and will get things working smoothly.
I partially fixed this by downloading icon.min.css from this link and then replacing the CDN link with this two lines:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="~/Content/icon.min.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="~/Content/semantic.min.css"/>
There are still some icons missing: all the outlined ones.
You could also try the fonts folder from this branch but it did not work for me.
So as the other answers have provided you can change the script to look like:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
Stop the server and close your browser. If you do not fully close the browser the error will persist. Restart your server.
If this does not resolve your issue, you can also choose to install the CSS library locally via
npm install semantic-ui-css
Then, import the library into your root index.js component,
import "semantic-ui-css/semantic.min.css";
I was having the same problems using react
tried everything mentioned and nothing worked
then just replaced this link
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//" />
hope that helps

What have I missed in jekyll and github pages to make syntax highlighting work?

Disclaimer: This is my first ever website project, in order to learn about html, css etc. I probably need a 'for idiots' guide'
I have a jekyll/github pages site here. I have read the jekyll documentation here, which suggests all you need to do is stick the liquid tag in. Which I have, for example here.
Further research has pointed out I need to set up my config file, like this which I have here. I also have a .css I copied from a site called sciviews which is here and I've made a link into the .css to call it here.
However, my page still displays in black on white in code blocks. What have I missed?
EDIT: I believe I've made another error, the source of my syntac .css was (i think) here. Is .scss maybe not compatible with this process as I've implemented it?
In your html ( inside the head tag ), you are referencing an incorrect path to "syntax.css"
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/syntax.css" type="text/css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/Pokemon_FieldStudies/css/syntax.css" type="text/css">
Following your edit, it seems the code inside syntax.css is a raw scss file. Such files need to be processed before they could be served to the client.
I suggest you read about SCSS and how to compile it ( A simple google search will yield more than enough tutorials ).
In case you're interested in a shortcut, you can use an online compiler such as but that will require you to define a value for some of the missing variables defined in the scss file.

Concrete5 Appending Paths

I wanted to post out to the community in an effort to try and pin down a recent issue I've been having in regards to pulling in custom fonts.
When I initially set up my site to try and import a custom font, I followed the guide here ( and thankfully I was able to pull in my fonts.css file that I needed.
Unfortunately, just recently I went ahead and made some customizations to the theme I was using (Under Page Settings > Design). After I had saved those changes however, I noticed that my fonts we're no longer being referenced and I was getting 404 errors when trying to pull that fonts.css file.
Now in my header file, I was referencing the fonts.css file relatively which worked until I made the customizations to the theme. Now it seems as though it's changed the 'location/directory' of where these pages, or at least the header file is. The differences in what I've put into the header file, and what's being appended are below.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo $this->getStyleSheet('../fonts/raleway/fonts.css')?>" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/index.php/ccm/system/css/page/157/../fonts/raleway/fonts.css" />
In particular, I'm noticing that
is now being appended, which is obviously causing the reference to fail. My question is, is there any way that I can reset concrete5 so that I will stop appending this reference, or a way to set a direct path (which is /application/files/cache/css/fonts/raleway/fonts.css) in my header file?
As for other information, I do have Pretty URL's enabled all appropriately (as far as I can tell). And I've set the location of all my pages within their own page, rather than all being built from the index.php page.
If there's anything you guys might need from me, just feel free to let me know. Again, if there's any way that I can get this resolved, I'd greatly appreciate it!
Despite its name, getStylesheet in concrete 5.7 and greater only works with LESS files, not .css files. It's also not set up to handle ".." in the path of files. If you pass a .css file to getStylesheet it will run the file through the LESS parser, which may double-encode things. You might not notice any problems with this, but it's best to avoid it altogether if possible.
Here's how I would add a custom font face to my theme.
First, make sure your theme's directory contains the "fonts/fonts.css" file with your custom font face directives in it.
Then, include the file this way in your theme:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo $view->getThemePath()?>/fonts/fonts.css" />
This will only work if "fonts" the directory appears at the root level within your theme's directory – but it should be all you need to do.
