Moved wordpress directs to old URL - wordpress

I just moved my wordpress site to a new sub domain. However the homepage still directs to the old url:
It should direct to
Anyone know where I can change this?
I already change the URL's in the wordpress settings menu. But this did not change the issue. Also, accessing wordpress through cpanel also directs to the old url.
Hope someone has an answer.

Moving Wordpress is pretty straightforward. However there are some things that could be messed up, if you dont follow the guide. Ideally, you should change the URL setting in dashboard before transfer. However you can do it later on too, use this section of the above manual.
As soon as you manage to login to dashboard on a new WP instance, download, activate and use two following plugins to replace old URL with new URL on your WP instance:
Velvet Blues Update URLs
Better Search Replace


Some posts pointing to old url after changing domain

I changed my domain name for my website and I double checked with the migration document on Wordpress, everything is as it should be.
When permalinks is set to default:
all pages work, expect for a button on homepage which sends me back to the homepage but updates URL.
For Example: Im on and i press search button>> URL changes to but im on the same homepage. I press it again, URL becomes Interesting and Frustrating.
When permalinks are set to other settings like day, month:
Some pages redirect to old domain. Example: if i click on search on my website , it will take me to when i manually update URL to, I can see the page. BTW, oldexample/search gives me nothing.
**New Problem:**Recently, I activated all in one seo and sitemaps dont work with default permalinks.
Example: gives me my homepage instead of the sitemap page. When i change the permalinks to other settings, I can see my sitemap.
I mean, what is this??
PS: Its a multisite installation with ONLY 1 SITE. and I had W3 cache, deleted it. problem exists.
PSS: when i submit my sitemap.xml to google with default permalinks, it says its HTML. so i changed permalink to date month and submitted; Successfully.
Using the "search and replace" script, I updated my links. Uploaded the script to the folder containing wp-admin, wp-include and the likes. Followed the instructions and clicked on dry run.
I found that my wp-postmeta contained some old urls. Updated just that 1 table and that did the trick.
Use a Search and Replace DB script if you are transferring a wordpress site (along with the database) to another domain.
The DB contains links from old domain, so you need to replace the old ones with the new ones. Just be careful and make a DB backup just in case.
This script is a great tool if you are creating a WPMU sites. Just copy the site and to a subdirectory (/en, /de, whatever your name domain is), import the old DB to the new one, and run this script before you've entered the site.
It is crucial not to enter the new site before running the script so that all the old links will be picked up correctly by it. After you've replaced it, you're good to go.

How to get sub-domain of Wordpress in url structure

I have created a Wordpress install on a sub-domain of my server. So for example my url is and I created a subdomain that is essentially I installed Wordpress on and it works fine.
The site shows up on that new url as it should BUT when I click a link, lets say 'blog', instead of taking me to it takes me to
I am pretty new to wordpress and have looked up the issue but can't find any answers. I have messed with the absolute path stuff inside the .wp-config file but cant' figure out what to do and if this is indeed the file I need to change. I have also tried to find this on the permalinks page.
Please let me know what other information you need to help me answer this question and thanks in advance.
It looks like your home URL is defined as "" in the database. U can find this in the wp-options table in the database or in WordPress at the general settings. When I move to a subdomain I also delete the .htaccess and save the permalinks page of the settings so the .htaccess gets a refresh.

Screenshot.png Not displaying on admin

I have installed a premium theme and changed the screenshot.png and uploaded it via ftp, upon looking at the admin panel it still display the old screenshot.png and the link it was linking was
http:// www. mysite .com/wp-content/themes/mytheme/screenshot.png
and if I directly go to the link
it shows my new screenshot but not showing on my admin panel, why does the admin panel detects the screenshot with www and if I look on my hosting file manager my theme has the new screenshot. I've tried to delete and reinstall wordpress from scratch including the theme but still doing the same thing. any thoughts?
It's probably cached. Try CTRL+F5 or clear browser cache and see if that helps.
A quicker solution is to add a query arg to the end of the url, like ?refresh=1 which would make your browser think it is a different URL, even if the query arg doesn't do anything. This won't fix the original issue until your cache clears, still, but it will tell you that it is working (at least for other people who haven't seen the old version yet).

Tried to Move Wordpress from Subdirectory to Domain, Site Broke

I tried to move my beta Wordpress site to my live domain, and now everything's broken. I have no idea how to fix this. Here's what I did:
I had a site running at, but I wanted to rebuild it. So I downloaded a new installation of WordPress at and built a new theme.
I finished the new theme and was ready to move it to I decided to leave everything in the subdomain for the move, so I followed these instructions.
It worked fine. was displaying the new site.
Then, I stupidly decided that I wanted to rename the subdirectory from /test to /v2 (because I wanted a cleaner name and I wanted to leave /test open for testing rather than use it for my new site).
Everything broke.
I tried to change the subdirectory back to /test because the site was working with that, but everything is still broken. The theme doesn't seem to be loading. My site is not displaying any styles. My photos aren't displaying correctly. My plugins are gone.
Is there any way to fix this? Please tell me I didn't just lose 3 months of work...
This is my site.
The database,will have the url set to
you will need to update the db entries see below script
Sounds like you need to update your siteurl and home values in your Wordpress Database. Log in to your cPanel and go to phpMyAdmin. From there you should be able to open your WordPress MySQL Database.
Go to your wp-options table and make sure that your siteurl (option_id 1) and home (option_id 37) values are using the correct path ie
You may also need to update your permalinks. Even though you don't have to change any options, saving the permalinks again should refresh your .htaccess file.

Changing the URL of a wordpress site

I have a wordpress site at and I just bought the domain
Ive tried to change the URL in the backend at "Setting > General" both fields WordPress Address (URL) and Site Address (URL) with The moment i click save, Im automatically logged out of the backend. If i try to log back in, I get a white screen.
The only way to log back in is to add in the config file the following line:
If then I go back to "Settting > General" I see that WordPress Address (URL) still has the and everytime I try to change it again, the loop starts again...
What can I do?
you cant just change the url in wordpress ... you would need to move all the files to your new host
you can facilitate this in wp-admin
under tools select export and follow the dirrections
then setup wordpress on your new host
and goto wp-admin and select tools import and select the earlier exported file
If you're moving from a subdomain to the main domain, you have to move files. See Moving WordPress « WordPress Codex and How to Move WordPress Blog to New Domain or Location » My Digital Life and check with your host; the URL structure "" may be problematic, whoever the "provider" really is.
I had a very similar problem some time back and I'm trying to remember what the source of the problem was. Until I do, here are some ideas you may or may not have tried:
(obviously backup everything first!)
Check your code (theme, scripts, functions.php, etc.) for any instances of the old URL. Sure, we all know better than hard-coding the URL but...
Do a search through your WordPress database for the old URL. Carefully (very carefully!) replace it with the new one. In my experience some plugins aren't well behaved when it comes to storing the web site URL in the database.
Try disabling all plugins to see if one of them is causing a problem.
I assume you've set the DNS by hand, rather than your domain registrar putting in place some kind of forwarding?
After much tinkering, it turns out I didnt configure the domain properly :P Thanks for all the help anyway.
