"Homestead Improved" Vagrant VM - Failed to restart php7.0-fpm.service: Unit php7.0-fpm.service not found - homestead

I'm trying to get a Homestead Improved Vagrant VM instance running on Windows.
See Homestead Improved on Github. I'm following this easy introduction:
My steps are:
git clone https://github.com/swader/homestead_improved my_project
cd my_project
vagrant up
Machine boots and is ready. Then provisioner is running. Then I get the follwoing error message:
==> default: Failed to restart php7.0-fpm.service: Unit php7.0-fpm.service not found.
The SSH command responded with a non-zero exit status. Vagrant
assumes that this means the command failed. The output for this command
should be in the log above. Please read the output to determine what
went wrong.
Any hints what to do?

This has been fixed on the repo-level, and should never happen again if you run git pull inside your homestead improved cloned folder (but outside of the VM, not SSH-ed into it). If your machine is already running, you might have to apply the steps below, too. But new machines (so new clones of Homestead Improved) will not have this happen any more). Explanation of what happened is here.
#daniel-sixl please try to re-download/re-clone and start from scratch, everything should be working just fine now.
Old solution:
Try to change php7.0-fpm to php7.1-fpm - the box was auto-updated to the new version.
You can do this by going into /etc/nginx/sites-available and changing the required file - its name will match the site you defined, as per that post you linked. So probably /etc/nginx/sites-available/homestead.app.
Edit: added more detailed instructions for people very new to it all.
Ok, so what you need to do is, once you're in the sites-available folder, edit the homestead.app file. Something like sudo vim homestead.app will do just fine, it'll open a basic text editor (that's quite nightmarish to use when you're new at it, so just be patient :) ) Sudo is important, because you are editing a file that only an admin has access to.
Once you're "in", do the following:
press / (this activates "search") and input php7.0-fpm. This should take you to the line which contains that phrase. If you press / again and press Enter, that works like "find next", so it'll go to the next line having the phrase, or restart from the top if no other lines contain it.
when your cursor is on the line with php7.0-fpm (you can move it around with arrows of course), press i. This activated "insert" mode. Now you can edit the file.
change the 7.0 to 7.1.
press ESC to exit edit mode, and go back into read-only mode.
repeat for each line with 7.0
once done, while in read-only mode (ESC to make sure), type :x. Yeah, like an emoticon with cross lips. Press Enter. That's short for "Save and Exit".
you will now be in the folder again, from where you should execute sudo service nginx restart.
The new configuration should now take effect, and everything should start working.


Can't find a way to get graphic tablet drivers working on mint

So i was trying to install the XP Pen Driver for my Deco 01 v2 graphics tablet on my Linux Mint 19.2 Tina when i came to encounter the following error:
./Pentablet_Driver: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libQt5Core.so.5: version `Qt_5.10' not found (required by ./Pentablet_Driver)
I went on to install qt 5.10, still the same error. Others suggested to just change the path wth sudo gedit /etc/ld.so.conf.d/randomLibs.conf which didn't change a thing.
Link to drivers:
The manufacturer has a page describing how to set up their software on Linux with pictures. However, when following them, you end up with a folder name somewhere along the line that has spaces in it, which causes issues.
So a modified set of instructions might look like this:
Connect your XP-Pen product to the computer.
Download the Linux Beta driver from XP-Pen official website.
When the download is complete, extract the compressed folder.
Rename the extracted folder to something without spaces.
Inside the renamed folder is another compressed folder which should be extracted.
Inside the final extracted folder, ensure "Pentablet_Driver.sh" has execution permissions by right clicking on it and going to "Properties->Permissions" and verifying that "Allow executing file as program" is checked.
Open the terminal. (CTRL+ALT+T)
Type "sudo ", then drag Pentablet_Driver.sh from the file browser onto the terminal.
Type the password to complete.
Make sure that you write exactly
sudo ./Pentablet_Driver.sh
sudo ./Pentablet_Driver
I had the same error until I noticed that I forgot to add .sh at the end.

Udev does not have permissions to write to the file system

I have been fighting with udev all afternoon. Basically I have created a rule that detects when a mass storage device is plugged into the system. This rule works and I can get it to execute a script without any issues, here it is for review purposes:
ACTION=="add", KERNEL=="sd?*", SUBSYSTEM=="block", RUN+="/usr/local/bin/udevhelper.sh"
The problem I am running into is that the script is executed as some sort of strange user that has read-only permissions to the entire system. The script I am executing is quite simple:
cd /usr/local/bin
touch .drivedetect
echo "1" > .drivedetect
Basically I would like udev to run this script and simply output a 1 to a file named .drivedetect within the /usr/local/bin folder. But as I mentioned before it sees the rule and executes the rule when I plug in a drive however when it tries to run the script it comes back with file system is read-only script quit with error code 1.
I am currently running this on a raspberry pi zero and the latest Debian image. udev is still being run from init.d from what I can tell because there is no systemd service for it registered. Any help would be great and if you need any more information just ask.
Things I've tried:
Various combinations of RUN+="/bin/sh -c '/path/to/script'" and /bin/bash
And last but not least I tried running the script under the main username as well
su pi drivedetect
I had same issue, when I just used
udevadm control --reload-rules
after editing a udev rule. But, if I do:
sudo /etc/init.d/udev restart
The script can edit a file.
It's not enough to reboot. I have to do the restart after booting. It then works as expected until the next reboot.
This is on an rpi with stretch-lite.

Change Jenkins basepath

I'm trying to serve a stock jenkins installation (on Amazon Linux AMI) thru myjenkinsinstance:8080/jenkins (rather than myjenkinsinstance:8080), and then proxy this with e.g. Nginx (over HTTP).
This question has been 'answered' before, but the solution doesn't seem to be relevant anymore.
#admins I would prefer to comment on that thread (specifically this 'answer'), rather than opening a duplicate, but I am not allowed to, per my 'reputation' score (as my comment would not be a solution at all, but further request for help).
From the closest thing to an answer I've seen:
Go to Jenkins Home Directory ( I have mine in C:\Jenkins)
Edit jenkins.xml
Add this --prefix=/jenkins to the end of the argument as show below and restart the jenkins service ALL worked OK for me !
Example : <arguments>-Xrs-Xmx256mDhudson.lifecycle=hudson.lifecycle.WindowsServiceLifecycle -jar "%BASE%\jenkins.war" --httpPort=8080 --prefix=/jenkins</arguments>
Open Url http://localhost:8080/jenkins this should bring up the home page of jenkins
there is no 'jenkins.xml' in the $JENKINS_HOME directory, but there is a config.xml
there is no <arguments/> entry in the config.xml
there seems to be no other configuration for the initial installation
There's also a 'Jenkins Location > Jenkins URL' setting in the "Configure System" settings (myjenkinsinstance/configure), but modifying this seems to have no noticeable affect.
The end goal would be to automate this installation via e.g. CloudFormation (as part of the EC2's UserData).
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
On your linux system, you need to find the jenkins default config file located at
and then add the following arguments according to your requirements. This is a rough idea.
JENKINS_ARGS="--webroot=/var/cache/jenkins/war --prefix=/jenkins
--httpPort=$HTTP_PORT --ajp13Port=$AJP_PORT"
This should work most likely. If it doesnt, pls update your answer with the current arguments present. This works fine for Debian/Ubuntu.
Also you are running jenkins on your windows machine or linux?
So my 'solution' was to use sed and insert some lines into /etc/nginx/nginx.conf and /etc/init.d/jenkins.
sed -i '/^ location \/ {/aproxy_pass;' /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
sed -i '/^PARAMS=/ s/"$/ --prefix=\/jenkins"/' /etc/init.d/jenkins
I highly doubt this is anything near a 'best practice', but it seems to work for now (what happens were I to update with yum... I'm not sure, but the plan is to back the instance with an Elastic Filesystem, which hopefully will allow us to consider the jenkins instance ephemeral, anyway).

Restart of Nova services in Devstack

I have tried restarting the Nova services after some modifications in nova.conf file.
While trying to restart I am getting the error that unrecognized service.
I know that way to restart nova services in devstack was different.
Someone provide me the clear way for doing the same.
Another way:
screen -x to list available screen sessions.
ctrl+a, " to get list of available windows.
Go to n-cpu and stop it with ctrl+c, than press arrow up to get last command in terminal and press enter to run it.
Depends on you conf changes you will be need to restart other services (the start with 'n-', for example, n-api, n-cond and so one).
I'm not sure if it is ok to recommend URC channel on the StackOverflow, but also there is #openstack-nova channel in IRC (on freenode server). It could be useful (and faster way to get answer) to ask there, if you have problems with something nova-related.
I found the way for same:
* First cd to folder devstack
* You can find the file ./rejoin_stack.sh
* Execute the same.
* It will be executed and screen will be opened for access.
* press ctrl + a + shift + '
* Then it will be listing the running services
* can move to service which needs to be stopped by scrolling towards it.
* on the service which is needs to be stopped press enter
* then press ctrl + c , it will stop the service
* then press up arrow key to run the service again
* service will be restarted successfully.
Not exactly a way of restarting Nova, but could help, too. It's a hack, though.
The ./rejoin_stack.sh has been removed from DevStack, and even screen does not seem to work for me; it does not show the menu and does not accept the CTRL sequences (I blame my running DevStack in Docker for it, but not important).
So this is where the hack comes handy. All DevStack services are restarted by running ./unstack.sh and ./stack.sh, but during that time, nova.conf modifications are dropped. The hack is to modify /devstack/lib/nova which works as a template for nova.conf, so that after rerunning ./stack.sh the nova.conf contains the intended values.
Newer versions of DevStack runs it's services as systemd unit files so, you can use systemctl to manage them.
List all services:
sudo systemctl list-units devstack#*
Restart any individual service (replace n-cpu.service with the service name):
sudo systemctl restart devstack#n-cpu.service
Restart all services.
sudo systemctl restart devstack#*
Refer OpenStack Documentation for more details.

"meteor" shortcut not working over SSH

I created an admin user ("win7desktop") on my iMac. As that user, I installed meteor.js and created a project ("coolApp").
Then I went to my Windows PC and (using PuTTY) logged into my iMac via SSH as user "win7desktop". I navigated to "coolApp" and tried entering "meteor", but that gives me "command not found". I can enter "/usr/local/bin/meteor", and that seems to work.
What did I do wrong? How do I make the "shortcut" work?
It seems like your path isn't being set up properly when you ssh over!
if running:
which meteor
returns nothing (or an error), then you can run
to temporarily add it to your path. If that works out, you may want to add that above line to your ~/.bashrc file, so its run whenever your shell starts.
