R loop from a txt or csv file - r

I am learning to use R and I am working with the for loop
Here is an example:
for (loopvalues in c(1,5,8,10,19)){
print(paste("The number is", loopvalues))
I was wondering what can be done if the list of values is as big as 100 or 1000 different values and they follow no patterns.
I imagined I can have the values saved in a csv or a txt file beforehand, but how could I tell the loop command to read the values from that file?
I am sure the question is very basic, so I thank you beforehand for your help!

For loops can be used for extremely long lists however you will often find that they become slow and you will want to use other commands such as the apply family.
You do not have to name all the values in the loop. One way to accomplish this is using the in. Here is an example using the mtcars data set that is preloaded into R.
for(c in unique(mtcars$carb)){
By using the unique function, I don't even have to know what all the possible values of mtcars$carb are but I can still loop through them.
Additionally, you probably want to practice your googling skills instead of asking StackOverflow. Most of the questions you're going to ask when learning R are already out there.


How to create a loop with R function specgram(signal)

I am working with many signals; each one in a time series but is too many and, I need to make more than 1000 but, I am not sure how to implement it because I not only need the plots but the values of output for each spectrogram stored in a file or an R object. I am sorry I don't have an approach. Can anyone help out, please?

How to continue project in new file in R

I have a large population survey dataset for a project and the first step is to make exclusions and have a final dataset for analyses. To organize my work, I must continue my work in a new file where I derive survey variables correctly. Is there a command used to continue work by saving all the previous data and code to the new file?
I don´t think I understand the problem you have. You can always create multiple .R files and split the code among them as you wish, and you can also arrange those files as you see fit in the file system (group them in the same folder with informative names and comments, etc...).
As for the data side of the problem, you can load your data into R, make any changes / filters needed, and then save it to another file with one of the billions of functions to write stuff to the disk: write.table() from base, fwrite() from data.table (which can be MUCH faster), etc...
I feel that my answer is way too obvious. When you say "project" you mean "something I have to get done" or the actual projects that you can create in rstudio. If it´s the first, then I think I have covered it. If it´s the second, I never got to use that feature so I am not going to be able to help :(
Maybe you can elaborate a bit more.

Non-programmer, ascii file data extract (can I even learn to code?)

As the title says, I'm not a programmer. I've tried R before, got very confused and abandoned it. I'm a physician, and I do all my statistics either with SPSS or Excel. I'd like to learn some coding for when I get into problems like this:
I have an ascii file that I'd like to extract data from. The fields are contained within columns of variable width. 90% of the file is useless to me. For example, the fields I'm interested in extracting are encoded in columns 00645-00649, 03315-03319, etc. I'd like to get this into a format so I can run stats in SPSS/Excel. Should I be looking to use R, Python, something else or am I totally beyond hope?
Thanks in advance.
It's impossible to say for certain given only the information here, but the DATA LIST command in SPSS may well allow you to read the data into SPSS directly from the current file. If you can specify the column locations of the desired variables, you can specify those on that command, and SPSS will simply skip over the unnamed columns.

How do I apply the same functions to multiple files in R

Hi I am quite new to R programming. What I want to do is to replicate a series of actions to multiple files. My first step is to create a function that reads a file, and then performs subsequent actions.
For example
analyze <- function(filename){data<- read.csv(filename, header=TRUE)
average<- mean(data[,2])
print (average)}
analyze ("my first file")
However, I am having a problem with the code, because it does not give the right result. data is not updated when I change the filename. I don't know what went wrong. Can anyone give me a simpler alternative solution? Many thanks.

pass value from R (run in SPSS) to open SPSS dataset

Completely new to R here. I ran R in SPSS to solve some complex polynomials from SPSS datasets. I managed to get the result from R back into SPSS, but it was a very inelegant process:
begin program R.
z <- polyroot(unlist(spssdata.GetDataFromSPSS(variables=c("qE","qD","qC","qB","qA"),cases=1),use.names=FALSE))
otherVals <- spssdata.GetDataFromSPSS(variables=c("b0","b1","Lc","tInv","sR","c0","c1","N2","xBar","DVxSq"),cases=1)
z2 <- Re(z[abs(c(abs(b0+b1*Re(z)-tInv*sR*sqrt(1/(c0+c1*Re(z))^2+1/N2+(Re(z)-xBar)^2/DVxSq))-Lc))==min(abs(c(abs(b0+b1*Re(z)-tInv*sR*sqrt(1/(c0+c1*Re(z))^2+1/N2+(Re(z)-xBar)^2/DVxSq))-Lc)))])
varSpec1 <- c("Xd","Xd",0,"F8","scale")
dict <- spssdictionary.CreateSPSSDictionary(varSpec1)
spssdictionary.SetDictionaryToSPSS("results", dict)
new = data.frame(z2)
spssdata.SetDataToSPSS("results", new)
spssdictionary.EndDataStep( )
end program.
Honestly, it was mostly pieced together from somewhat-related examples and seems more complicated than it should be. I had to take the new dataset created by R and run MATCH FILES with my original dataset. All I want to do is a) pull numbers from SPSS into R, b) manipulate them-in this case, finding a polyroot that fit certain criteria- , and c) put the results right back into the SPSS dataset without messing up any of the previous data.
Am I missing something that would make this more simple? Keep in mind that I have zero R experience outside of this attempt, but I have decent experience in programming SPSS and matlab.
Thanks in advance for any help you give!
R in SPSS can create new SPSS datasets, but it can't modify an existing one. There are a lot of situations where the data from R would be dimensionally inconsistent with the active SPSS dataset. So you need to create a dictionary and data frame using the apis above and then do whatever is appropriate on the SPSS side if you need to match back. You might want to submit an enhancement request for SPSS at suggest#us.ibm.com
