FullCalendar agenda week view by day - fullcalendar

Is is possible to create a view like attached using the fullcalendar scheduler? Basically group by day. Like showed in the images below

I figured this out by creating a custom view. The key is a type of timelineWeek and slotDuration of 24:00
views: {
timeline7Days: {
type: 'timelineWeek',
slotDuration: '24:00',
duration: { days: 7 },
buttonText: 'resource week'


FullCalendar DayGrid view event ordering?

I have an application where I am rendering a calendar with a dayGrid view. The specific settings of the view are:
views: {
sevenDaySchedule: {
type: 'dayGrid',
duration: { days: 7 },
buttonText: '7 day',
dateAlignment: 'week',
firstDay: 1, //Monday
dateIncrement: { days: 7 },
defaultView: 'sevenDaySchedule',
I am wondering if it is possible to re-order the events within each day of the calendar?
Basically, if I have 2 or more events in a single cell (day) on the calendar, can I make it so that the user can drag and drop the events within a single day to re-arrange / re-order them?
If I have this:
Is it possible to achieve this:
Without having to rename the events every time?
I want to just be able to drag and drop events into their desired order and have them stay that way. Is it possible to achieve this where the events automatically rename themselves with the appropriate prefix ( 1), 2), 3), etc.) after being dragged and dropped?

Fullcalendar not allow multiple event per day

Working with fullcalendar on month view, i need to allow user to create max 1 event per day. If he/she try to add more, error will be show.
I'm aweare there is eventOverlap and eventLimit, i try to use both but none seems to work:
I set:
and even try:
eventLimit: true,
views: { month: { eventLimit: 1 } },
Just to be clear, the view i'm talking about is:
Found it!
In a month view with select: true you should use:
selectOverlap and set it to false.

Full calendar 3 days agenda custom view

is there a way to make a custom view based on agendaDay but restrain to 3 days, and the action on next or previous button, move 3 days on 3 days ?
the first day always reference to moment().day()
thanks for your help
This can now be done with something like this:
views: {
agendaThreeDay: {
type: 'agenda',
duration: { days: 3 },
buttonText: '3 day'
defaultView: 'agendaThreeDay'
You can get more information on this from the document page on Custom Views.

FullCalendar views - agendaDay and basicDay

We are trying to use both the agendaDay and basicDay views in FullCalendar. However the button for each view is a duplicate - aka we cannot change the title of the button. How can we implement both views with a different button for each?
Using v1.6.3
You can change the captions of the buttons in general with the buttonText option:
buttonText: {
prev: '‹', // <
next: '›', // >
prevYear: '«', // <<
nextYear: '»', // >>
today: 'today',
month: 'month',
week: 'week',
day: 'day'
It's looking for me that fc doesn't support using two of the day/week views in parallel as there are no different keys for the agenda variants. Neither in the doc nor in the defaults file on GH. You could file an issue on the tracker.

fullCalendar event don't show on week

Sorry for my English, I'm french
var options = {
header: {
left: 'prev,next',
center: 'title,today',
right: 'month,agendaWeek,agendaDay'
buttonText: {
prev: '<i class="icon-chevron-left cal_prev" />',
next: '<i class="icon-chevron-right cal_next" />',
today: "aujourd'hui",
month: "mois",
week: "semaine"
dayNames: ['Dimanche','Lundi','Mardi','Mercredi','Jeudi','Vendredi','Samedi'],
dayNamesShort: [ 'Dim','Lun', 'Mar', 'Mer', 'Jeu', 'Ven', 'Sam'],
events: 'actions.php?IDuser=1',
My json:
[{"id":"2","title":"rt","start":"1367236500","end":"1367236500","url":null,"allDay":"false"},{"id":"5","title":"fgh","start":"1367236800","end":"1367596800","url":null,"allDay":"false"},{"id":"3","title":"test\u00e9 par moi","start":"1367237100","end":"1367258700","url":null,"allDay":"false"},{"id":"4","title":"dfsgfdgd","start":"1367323200","end":"1367326800","url":null,"allDay":"false"}]
I see events on all-days view but nothing on hours in week or day view.
I added allDayDefault: false but the result is the same.
in the json feed the allDay = false must be boolean. You have to remove the quotes from the "false"
Just for the people who are blocked on this later.
It's an optional parameter but the event won't show in week or day view if it's not specified in your json object return by your script! It will be displayed only in month view.
This is an error of the plugin documentation so be careful !
Remember and cross check about these values in your jQuery minTime: and maxTime: values, because FullCalendar works in 24 hours time format and remembers the time you are rendering it is according to the FullCalendar format.
