How can I attach a custom form to a Workfront user with the API? - workfront-api

I have a requirement to insert new Workfront users through the API, which I am able to do. However, I need to update a Custom Form item with an employee id. With a new user, the Custom Form must be attached before the employee id can be update. I am using the following url to attach the form:
https://<url>/attask/api/user/<userguid>?sessionID=<sessionid>&updates={'objectCategories':[{'categoryID': '225845d1800010d52527455df2a27f0fe2','categoryOrder':0,'objCode':'CTGY'}]}&method=put
The result is a HTTP Error 400: Bad Request
Is it even possible to attach a Custom Form to a user? Or is there another way that it can be done through the API?

For reference, I had to work through the exact same question. You are correct in your update that you need to use the most recent version of the API (as of this post, that would be 6.0) but for others who are wondering, the syntax is as follows:


Accessing User ID as a variable in Google Tag Manager for mobile

I'm getting started with Google Tag Manager for Android/iOS, and can't find a way to access the User ID as a variable. I can access Firebase User Properties and Event Parameters just fine.
So far, I've tried setting it using FirebaseAnalytics.setUserId and trying to access it as a User Property called user_id / userId.
Some workarounds I've thought of:
Using a CustomVariableProvider (preferred)
Setting the User ID as an Event Parameter (this wouldn't work with built-in events)
I'm just trying to make sure there's no built-in way of doing this before I resort to workarounds. Thanks!
I was not able to find the User ID (or UID) in the list of built-in variables, see this screenshot
There is a built-in way, but it requires quite a sophisticated setup.
In GA version 4 the path is changed comparing to the previous version, where the same could be done much easier via "Tracking Info".
Here are the starting steps in GA4:
Bottom-left corner -> Admin -> Setup Assistant -> Advanced setup -> User ID
Follow the instruction
After that UserID will be available in GTM.
Video guide for exact steps:

Understand Dynamic Links Firebase

I would like to understand better Firebase Dynamic Links because i am very new to this subject.
What i would like to know :
FirebaseDynamicLinks.instance.getInitialLink() is supposed to return "only" the last dynamic link created with the "initial" url (before it was shorten) ?
Or why FirebaseDynamicLinks.instance.getInitialLink() doesn't take a String url as a parameter ?
FirebaseDynamicLinks.instance.getDynamicLink(String url) doesn't read custom parameters if the url was shorten, so how can we retrieve custom parameters from a shorten link ?
My use case is quite simple, i am trying to share an object through messages in my application, so i want to save the dynamic link in my database and be able to read it to run a query according to specific parameters.
FirebaseDynamicLinks.instance.getInitialLink() returns the link that opened the app and if the app was not opened by a dynamic link, then it will return null.
Future<PendingDynamicLinkData?> getInitialLink()
Attempts to retrieve the dynamic link which launched the app.
This method always returns a Future. That Future completes to null if
there is no pending dynamic link or any call to this method after the
the first attempt.
FirebaseDynamicLinks.instance.getInitialLink() does not accept a string url as parameter because it is just meant to return the link that opened the app.
Looks like there's no straightforward answer to getting the query parameters back from a shortened link. Take a look at this discussion to see if any of the workarounds fit your use case.

How to make WordPress Rest API parameters accessible without authentication?

How can I make certain parameters of the WordPress Rest API accessible to anyone without first being authenticated – for example, the page parameter doesn't work (where blog is a custom post type) in this query:
I've seen that in the past it's been possible to make these params available, for instance :
add_filter( 'json_query_vars', function( $valid_vars ) {
$valid_vars[] = 'offset';
return $valid_vars;
Is there any way to do something similar with today's version of the API?
For anyone who has the same problem, I've solved it. The page parameter is actually publicly available, offset is the one you need authentication for.
The reason the API didn't paginate was because the request url didn't have the paged query string set. Every time I tried to add it with the params option of the WordPress Node API, it didn't work:
wpapi.getNews().params('paged', 'paged').perPage( perPage ).page( pageNumber ).then(data=>
It didn't work because the request url created by the API seemed to always put the page parameter before the paged one, which resulted in paged being ignored when the query actually runs.
So in the end, I created a custom query (bit of a hacked way to do it, but it worked) like so:
Register the route:
wpapi.getNews = wpapi.registerRoute('wp/v2', '/news/(?P<customQuery>)');
wpapi.getNews().customQuery('?paged&per_page=20&page='+pageNumber).then(data =>
Using the above, you can build any query, in any order you want. This helped me get the correctly paginated result. Also, we see 'getNews' here because I registered a route for accessing my custom post type called news.

Linkedin Group API call get profile URL of the commented member

I am using Linkedin REST API with PHP.
I am trying to get posts of a particular discussion group.
The API call is,summary,title,type,comments,id,creator:(picture-url,last-name,headline,id,first-name,site-standard-profile-request))?count=100&start=0&modified-since=1312441200000
I would like to fetch the profile URL of the members who commented on each post also. Is it possible to do this with the above mentioned call?
Yes, it is possible - in the API call, specify the comment creator fields you would like to return from the list of available Profile Fields. To return the comment creator's profile URL, replace the comments Group Field with comments:(creator:(site-standard-profile-request)). You can specify other profile fields in there as needed.

Why do I get for every call to the Facebook open graph the same action-instance-id?

I am currently trying out the Facebook Open Graph.
When I successfully post an action to the Open Graph I get as the described in the documentation the action-instance-id.
id: “{action-instance-id}”
But I always get the same response. So the same ID. Even if I try different actions the result stays the same. Is this expected behavior? I would expect every action instance to get a new id. Or is it only for my developer account?
Are you absolutely sure you're posting a new action, and not reading the details of the existing action? Including your code might help
It looks like you're making a GET request to the action ID, not posting a new user->action->object connection, as those will have unique IDs
