SignalR web applications multiple Working processes in IIS 7.5 and 8 -

In my company we have many web applications on a web server. Recently we developed a Chat module to this applications using SignalR. But a strange problem occured on these applications. In time this apps becomes unreachable. Recycleing does not solve. When i try to restart application pools it stops an never starts again. I had create a new app pool and delete the old one. And some time later the problem recurs.
Then i noticed that these application pools have several working processes which have the state of "Closing" and one "Running". What can be the problem? It is about SignalR I know, becouse this problem occurs only the applications which i use SignalR and we have about fifty apps on the server in total and only four of them have signalR on it.
screenshot of stopped process
Please help..

months after i decided to answer my own question. i think it's about windows and iis version. i set up a windows 2012 machine and new version iis on it and on this new server this problem not occured.


IIS application pool crashes several times a day

I have an application that has a application pool that shuts down a couple of times a day and I can't figure out why. the website is hosted on a VM with SQL Server R2. the version of IIS is 7 and the website has a dedicated application pool using .NET framework v4.0.30319.
At the application level the website is using a target framework of 4.5 and seems to run just fine for a 24-48 hour period and then for some reason the application pool just stops. We do have other .NET 4.5 applications running on this machine and their application pools do not have this problem. The only thing slightly different about this application is that we initiate a separate thread to send a order confirmation email when an order is completed. We average about a couple of hundred orders a day for this website.
According to the event log the error reported prior to the shutdown is
"A process serving application pool 'RetailSupport' suffered a fatal communication error with the Windows Process Activation Service"
Please help
I would check, if your code could hit under some circumstances an endless loop or a recursive
call of methods. This is often the reason for this error.
What always helps me in such cases is to add debug logs (e.g. log4net) in your case especially before the email is sent, status info about resources, etc. They can be more informative then the IIS logs.
If this does not help, check how to use the debug Diagnostic tool, to get more details for the error.
Look also for IIS: Web Application hangs periodically needs system reboot it could help you.
Also: what recycle strategy on IIS do you have?

iis7 application pool hanging

I have a .net 4.0 website that was running on physical Windows server 2003 boxes on IIS6 32bit just fine. We have migrated to new virtual servers running Windows Server 2008 32 bit with IIS7. The application pool is running in classic mode.
Since the move, I at random get a situation where the application hangs. The request queue rockets and then I get 503 errors. If the application pool is recycled, then the error goes away till the next time it occurs.
There are no entries in the event logs relating to it except that it notes when the application pool took to long to shut down during the recycle process. I have reporting in my .net application that logs to a DB and sends me errors but it sends me nothing when this application is hanging.
What tools can I use to diagnose the problem and figure out what is causing it?
In opinion, whatever the structure of application is, if you're pretty sure that there is no bug, changing sort of properties on the application pool might solve the problem.
First on the 'Advanced Settings...' menu of the application pool change the 'Enable 32-Bit Applications' to the relevant value. If the platform used for building application is x86 then the value should be 'True'.
Second if your application demands to access disk resources, also you should the relevant security context for running the application pool in the 'Identity' property. The identity should access all the directories that your application wants to change or list.
After doing all the things, in case the problem existed, you should let me know about the platform of your application. Is it .NET or ISAPI?

First request is very slow after website sits idle with ASP.NET MVC 3 (IIS7)

I developed a project in ASP.Net MVC 3, my hosting is using iis7 (Win Web Serv 2008 R2), and the first request after the website sit's idle (during about 1-2 hours) is very slow.
I use VPS with 512Mb RAM. Can this be related with a too little RAM?
Can anyone help me with possible causes of such behaviour?
After a certain amount of inactivity IIS unloads the AppDomain. And then the first request loads the application once again which is slower. You could try to configure this period in the properties of IIS but there might also be other causes that an application unloads such as for example a certain threshold of CPU or memory usage is reached. Those thresholds are also configurable in IIS.
That's not something specific for ASP.NET MVC. It's true for all ASP.NET applications in general.
We had also this problem with ruby and passenger that takes the app out of memory after a while, but I found a nice application that fixed this issue for us without changing anything in the server configuration, the app is called wekkars, and you can find it here:

IIS 6.1 Server 2003 Web Apps Don't Startup on Reboot Sometimes

Occasionally when I reboot one of the servers at a client site the Web Apps running in IIS do not automatically start backup when the server is done rebooting. The IIS service starts up just fine, its set to Auto Start and there are no errors in the event log. Just none of the Web Apps are running, I have to click each one and click start. This only happens occasionally, as they usually start but its completely baffling.
Any thoughts? Its a mix of Classic ASP and ASP.NET applications. There are a total of 4 application pools running between around 8 web applications.
I have seen this happen when apps rely on a resource that is not yet available to the server, such as a network share.
Some people combat this problem by writing a Windows Service who's job is to check for such conditions and start the application.

IIS 7 - Windows 7 - WCF Random Timeout

I've run out of options at this point guys. So here's the deal, up until today, I had a working setup on my work laptop. I've built a web application using ASP.NET MVC and WCF. My machine is Windows 7, I'm hosting the application on IIS7.
So, like I said, up until today the application worked fine. Last night I installed windows updates. After installing these updates, my WCF services are throwing timeout errors all over the place whenever multiple concurrent requests are made.
Before anyone asks, here are a list of things that I've investigated:
There are no locks in the database. As a matter of fact, at the time of the timeouts, there is no activity whatsoever in SQL server.
The WCF proxies are being closed properly.
I've uninstalled the windows updates in question.
I've uninstalled the .NET Framework, as well as IIS and re-installed.
I've pretty much done everything short of wiping and re-installing Windows 7.
Also worth noting, is that the application works flawlessly in the QA and Production environments, as well as on other development machines.
