What are the specs for the CSS function -webkit-named-image()? - css

I was just browsing this stylesheet when I noticed a CSS function I have never encountered before: -webkit-named-image()
I did some digging and found links on SO here and a developer page here. The only apparently-valid arguments for this function that I can find are apple-pay-logo-black and apple-pay-logo-white, e.g.:
div { background-image: -webkit-named-image(apple-pay-logo-black) ;}
I have lots of questions, for example:
Is this function deprecated or still currently valid? (based on the recency of this link and this one I assume it is not deprecated). Are there other acceptable arguments for this function (besides the ones I mentioned above)? Is this function similar to the url() function insofar as the passed function argument can be quoted or unquoted? Is it Safari specific?
In brief, how can I find out more about this function and what are the realistic use cases?

This CSS function is vendor specific, so there is no specification. It's used to display some named images embedded in WebKit.
To discover the valid argument of this function, one solution is to look in the source code of WebKit. The C++ function associated to this CSS function is drawNamedImage from the Theme class.
virtual void drawNamedImage(const String&, GraphicsContext&, const FloatRect&) const;
There is a comment in the implementation of drawNamedImage:
void Theme::drawNamedImage(const String& name, GraphicsContext& context, const FloatRect& rect) const
// We only handle one icon at the moment.
if (name != "wireless-playback")
But each theme can override this function and define its own named images. The Cocoa theme define the values wireless-playback, apple-pay-logo-black and apple-pay-logo-white.
There is yet, no other theme in the source code of WebKit, that define named images.

-webkit-named-image() CSS generator allows a site to request artwork by name and get the platform variant and recently being added to webkit.
Check this bug which got resolved some time back
Currently what I know Safari now ships with built-in images which we can use with -webkit-named-image().
As per stripe documentation:
Step 2: Add an Apple Pay button to your site
Start by adding a button to the HTML on your product page. Safari now >ships with built-in Apple Pay images; you can use them with Safari's ->webkit-named-image feature. This button should be hidden by default.
I think this is being done to create uniform style across internet.


Google Closure Compiler breaks script on Advanced Optimization

I'm trying to build a google chrome extension and finally using the google closure compiler on advanced optimization but it ends up breaking the script and introduces undefined 'e' and so on.
On Simple Optimization it works, wondering what might be causing the script to break and whether there's anything I shouldn't do in my code that ends up being incompatible in Advanced optimization mode.
I have found that with the closure compiler advanced optimizations, it will remove variables shared between the chrome extension background page and extension client UI's like browser action or options pages. To solve that, I replace declarations on the background page, such as this (meant to be found via chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage().foo in, say, the options page).
var foo = { };
window.foo = { };
and then the name is minified but the same name is shared between background page and options page.
For a bit more info see my blog post How to use closure compiler advanced optimizations on chrome extension.

How can I extract only the used CSS on a given web page and have that combined into a separate style sheet?

I have a site whose stylesheets are becoming overwhelming, and a full 50% to 90% or so is not used on certain pages. Rather than have 23 separate blocking CSS sheets, I'd like to find out which are being used on the page I'd like to target, and have those exported into one sheet.
I have seen several questions that recommend "Dust me selectors" or similar add on which will tell what selectors are and are not being used; but that's not what I want. I need to be able to export all used styles from all sheets for that particular page into one new sheet that can be used to replace the 23 others. The solution should be able to support a responsive website (media calls). The website page I'm targeting is: http://tripinary.com.
I've found: https://unused-css.com but this is a paid service and I need free;
The next closest thing I've come across is http://www.csstrashman.com/ but this does not look at stylesheets. In fact, it completely ignores them and ultimately I'm having trouble with the responsiveness of the site. Many times as well, this site just crashes.
I don't mind a programmatic solution if someone has had to do this before and can recommend a direction.
(deleted my comment to RwwL answer to make it a thorough answer)
UnCSS, whether node.js or as a grunt or gulp task, is able to list used CSS rules by an array of pages in an array of Media Queries.
uncss: https://github.com/giakki/uncss
grunt-uncss: https://github.com/addyosmani/grunt-uncss
gulp-uncss: https://github.com/ben-eb/gulp-uncss
You can pass files as an argument to any of the 3 plugins, like:
var files = ['my', 'array', 'of', 'HTML', 'files'],
options = { /* (…) */ };
uncss(files, options, function (error, output) {
urls (Array):
array of URLs to load with Phantom (on top of the files already passed if any).
NOTE: this feature is deprecated, you can pass URLs directly as arguments.
Media Queries and responsive are taken into account:
media (Array):
By default UnCSS processes only stylesheets with media query "all", "screen", and those without one. Specify here which others to include.
You can add stylesheets, ignore some of them, add inline CSS and many other options like htmlroot
Remaining problems:
1/ Conditional classes if you use them for IE9-. They obviously won't be matched in a WebKit PhantomJS environment!
<!--[if IE 9]><html class="ie9 lte-ie9" lang="en"><![endif]--> <!-- teh conditional comment/class -->
.ie9 .some-class { property: value; ] /* Only matched in IE9, not WebKit PhantomJS */
Should they be added by hand or script to the html element in testing environment? (how it renders is of no importance)
Is there an option in uncss?
As long as you don't style with :not(.ie9) (weird), it should be fine.
EDIT: you can use the ignore option with a pattern to force uncss to "provide a list of selectors that should not be removed by UnCSS". Won't be tested though.
2/ Scripts that will detect resolution (viewport width) and adapt content to it by removing/adding it or adding a class on a container. They will execute in PhantomJS in desktop resolution I guess and thus won't do their job so you'll need to modify calls to PhantomJS or something like that... Or dig into options or GitHub issues of the 3 projects (I didn't)
Other tools I heard of, not tested or barely or couldn't test, no idea about the MQ part:
in grunt-uncss readme, the Coverage part
ucss from Opera (there's already an ansswer here, couldn't make it work)
Addy Osmani has countless presentations of 100+ slides presenting awesome tools like this one: https://speakerdeck.com/addyosmani/automating-front-end-workflow (you'll regret even more that days are made only of 24 hours and not 48 err wait 72 ^^)
How about the CSS Usage plugin for Firebug?
Visit your page in Firefox
Click "CSS Usage" tab in Firebug
Click the Scan button
Click the bold file name
Save page of CSS selectors to disk
Here are some screen shots and walk through. Not sure about media queries or if it'll work on your site, and it'll probably not keep -webkit etc, but maybe it'll get you part of the way there.
Opera Software released a CSS crawler on Github that claims it can find unused and duplicate selectors. It might do the trick if you're comfortable with a command-line tool. https://github.com/operasoftware/ucss
You Can Check in Google Chrome by doing inspect element (F12) . The unused CSS has Line over the tags.
If you wanted, you could try to build a script that runs on a (non-production) server that goes through every css rule, removes it from the stylesheet, loads the page using something like phantomjs, and checks to see if anything changed from the last time it loaded the page. If so, then put the css rule back, if not, then leave it out and move on to the next rule. It would take a while to run, but it would work. You would also have to setup an instance of your server that does not use caching for it to run on.
Try using this tool,which is just a simple js script
This tool helps in getting the CSS from a specific page listing all sources for active styles and save it to a JSON with source as key and rules as value.
It loads all the CSS from the href links and tells all the styles applied from them
You can modify the code to save all css into a .css file. Thereby combining all your css.

User defined CSS / Styles

We are looking into providing users of our application the ability override the default site CSS.
Currently they can choose a site theme but it would be nice to allow them to change properties such as background color, font color, font face etc.
I'm torn between giving each site a "user defined" stylesheet that can be edited from the administration area or providing some kind of CSS builder.
The first option provides the most flexibility but could also be the most problematic and requires the user to have some basic understanding of CSS.
So aside from the obvious, (which is the best solution?) I have a few additional questions:
User Defined Css:
Is there a web based CSS editor available?
Is there a server side (.net) CSS validator available (for verifying the css the user enters)
Css Builder:
Is there a web based CSS builder already available?
What is the best way of generating the CSS based on the rules provided by the user (I thought about using some kind of templating engine to do this (NVelocity, Razor etc.)?
I've added an answer below with the solution we went for.
however never used, recently I looked at Brosho Design in the Browser jQuery Plugin
With this Plugin you can style your
markup right in your browser with a
build-in element selector and CSS
editor. Generate the CSS code of
altered elements with one click and
use it in your own stylesheet.
demo here
I'd recommend to build a custom css editor since it's the easiest way to limit which elements and attributes the user will be able to edit / customize, and how. Just keep it simple and you will do just fine.
To validate CSS you could use the API of the W3 CSS Validator, http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/api.html
I've built an application that does exactly this. It's a little more involved as there are multiple master pages and themes, and the user can attach custom urls to load themes - example: /someclienturl would load a specific theme.
Anyway, here's the schema I used. One thing I wish I added is the ability for power users to add custom styles to the stylesheet that's eventually written. Basically, a theme section would apply to a selector #header, for example. And ThemeSectionCssStyle holds user added customizations for that selector. If you have any more questions let me know. It ended up being a fairly involved sub-project. I'm curious to see what anyone else came up with.
I think the key factor here is whether you want your users to 'play with the codez'
If you do then something like this (posted by #Caspar) can be helpful in generating the css. If you do allow direct access to the css then the W3 CSS Validator (posted by #Trikks) is definitely necessary.
In my case I didn't want to provide direct access to the Css. Looking around at various sites that allow you to change simple style properties (background-color, font-face, color etc.) it seems that they have just created their own interfaces for this. There are plenty of javascript plugins around for making this process quite slick (color pickers etc.).
Once you have the styles stored somewhere you need some way of rendering them out.
I couldn't find any .net Css writers. I think it may be possible in Less but the solution was quite simple just using what's built into asp.net mvc.
I created a Css action result (courtesy of #Darin Dimitrov):
public class CssResult : PartialViewResult {
public override void ExecuteResult(ControllerContext context) {
context.HttpContext.Response.ContentType = "text/css";
Then in my controller (a simple example):
public ActionResult Index()
var styles = new Dictionary<string, string>()
{ "color", "red" },
{ "font-family", "Consolas, Courier, Serif" },
{ "font-size" , "12px" }
return this.Css(styles);
Then my view (views/css/index.cshtml):
body {#foreach (var item in Model) {
#string.Format("{0}: {1};", item.Key, item.Value)
This will essentially render out the styles in the passed in dictionary. Of course you may want to create a specific class for holding these styles so that you could also specify the dom element name/class/id.
Finally to render out the stylesheet on our page we can call Url.Action("index", "css").

Using Greasemonkey, is it possible to make some parts of the script apply to certain sites and other parts apply to different sites?

The reason I want to do this is that I'm writing a script for meebo.com that involves changing the background and replacing some pictures with css. I'd like to add links to it from other sites (namely Gmail, Google Calendar, etc.) Is it possible to accomplish this with one Greasemonkey script? (I think this is a general enough question to exclude my actual code but if it would help, just leave a comment saying so.)
Well, I think the conventional method would be to write two scripts, one that only #include's meebo.com (and changes the background image) and another that #include's http://* or whatever set of other URLs (and adds a link to meebo).
But if you're set on writing only a single script, you could use a series of if statements to accomplish the same effect. That would look something like this:
// #include http://*
// ==/UserScript==
if (window.location.hostname.match(/meebo\.com/) {
//change background images and do other meebo.com specific actions
} else if (window.location.hostname.match(/google\.com/) {
//add a link to the DOM (or some other Google specific action)

How do you dynamically load a CSS file into a Flex application?

I know that you can apply CSS in order to style objects in Flex using the StyleManager:
You can also load compiled CSS files (SWFs) dynamically:
However, I'm dynamically creating my CSS files using a web GUI and a server-side script.
If the CSS is changed, then the script would also need to compile the CSS into an SWF (which is not a viable option). Is there any way around this?
In this comment to an issue related to this in the Adobe bug tracker T. Busser is describing what might be a viable solution for you:
"I've created a small class that will 'parse' a CSS file read with an
HTTPService object. It takes apart the
string that is returned by the
HTTPService object, break it down into
selectors, and create a new
CSSStyleDeclaration object for each
selector that is found. Once all the
properties are assigned to the
CSSStyleDeclaration object it's added
to the StyleManager. It doesn't
perform any checks, you should make
sure the CSS file is well formed, but
it will be sufficient 99% of the time.
Stuff like #font, Embed() and
ClassReference() will hardly be used
by my customers. They do need the
ability to change colors and stuff
like that so they can easily theme the
Flex application to their house
You could either try to contact this person for their solution or alternatively maybe use the code from this as3csslib project as a basis for writing something like what they're describing.
You can also implement dynamic stylesheet in flex like this . Here i found this article :
Edit: This solution does not work. All selectors that are taken out of the parser are converted to lowercase. This may work for your application but it will probably not...
I am leaving this answer here because it may help some people looking for a solution and warn others of the limitations of this method.
See my question: "Looking for CSS parser written in AS3" for a complete discussion but I found a CSS parser hidden inside the standard libraries. Here is how you can use it:
public function extractFromStyleSheet(css:String):void {
// Create a StyleSheet Object
var styleSheet:StyleSheet = new StyleSheet();
// Iterate through the selector objects
var selectorNames:Array = styleSheet.styleNames;
for(var i:int=0; i<selectorNames.length; i++){
// Do something with each selector
trace("Selector: "+selelectorNames[i];
var properties:Object = styleSheet.getStyle(selectorNames[i]);
for (var property:String in properties){
// Do something with each property in the selector
trace("\t"+property+" -> "+properties[property]+"\n");
You can then apply the styles using:
cssStyle = new CSSStyleDeclaration();
cssStyle.setStyle("color", "<valid color>);
FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.styleManager.setStyleDeclaration("Button", cssStyle, true);
The application of CSS in Flex is handled on the server side at compilation and not on the client side at run time.
I would see two options then for you (I'm not sure how practical either are):
Use a server side script to compile your CSS as a SWF then load them dynamically.
Parse a CSS Style sheet and use the setStyle functions in flex to apply the styles. An similar example to this approach is the Flex Style Explorer where you can check out the source.
Good luck.
