A Deleted file loading with a url without www in it. how to get rid of that file being accessed? - wordpress

My website is loading same files with www and without www. I just deleted the file from file manager and its showing 404 which is fine but a different version of it is loading
https://ospreyhomes.ae/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/logo.png (Delete but loading over without www domain)
https://www.ospreyhomes.ae/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/logo.png (Deleted - 404)
How can i get rid of the https://ospreyhomes.ae/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/logo.png being accessed on internet. i have already deleted the file
Same things goes with these 2 files. File deleted but being accessed with url without www

Its almost happen to any file when you have cdn cache service enable like cloudflare. Make sure you clear your browser cache. Try F5. Even not working,Then try a proxy browser to see real-time status of file or disable cloudflare while editing files.
From my side,i see your file has been deleted.


Wordpress Failed to load resource

I'm having weird issues after installing WordPress, (using a subdomain and separate directory) it seems that files are not loading properly.
Freshly installed WordPress
Using the default theme
No https thing
I did contact the host support about this (I did assume that it's a permission issue) and he even temporarily set the directory permission to 777 and files to 666 to see if that resolves the issue. but unfortunately, it didn't. We tried everything already still doesn't work! I'm stuck
If i understand properly, your js & css files are not loading. correct?
check your js & css file path in inspect. its proper or not?
Try reloading your files, make sure your folders are appropriately named according to your code and linking between pages/folders.
Good luck
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found
I think the folders path is not correct.check once your files path and reload. Check once your CSS and JS path names also then again reload the page

Drupal update.php white screening

Tried everything..
Permissions, error logs, re-cloning, etc.
Works fine on another workstation so can't be the application code.
Any ideas?
Upload some small script containing only phpinfo(); call, find out what php.ini file is used and edit it. Turn on error display. If web server is working it can't return empty screen - there must by some error message if errors are enabled.
Just to further expand on this.
Local setup of Drupal
All the front-end pages work
Can login as a user or admin successfully at the URL '/user'
Colleague has followed the exact same process and works fine for him
Cannot access any page that has URL '/admin/...'
Tried everything...
.htaccess file from fresh Drupal install
.htaccess file from working local copy on colleagues machine
.htaccess file from working other local Drupal build that works
Increased php.ini memory limit to 256m
WAMP server apache rewrite_module is turned on
Whats really strange is that I have other Drupal builds locally that work fine.

Wordpress 403 error when moved site to another host

I restored my files and database to new hosting. But when I try to access my blog I get the following error:
You don't have permission to access / on this server.
Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
Its been 6 days now I have been trying to fix this issue. Please help.
For me it was this line in .htaccess (it selects the php version to be used):
AddType application/x-httpd-php54 .php
I just comment it out and it worked after that.
Look in your wp-config.php file. Make sure that everything points to the new hosting addresses and logins and nothing refers to the old hosting.
Also be sure that there are no cached files you're transferring over through FTP.
Lastly once the site resolves the 403, be sure your CSS files (depending on what plugins you're using) all point to the proper path of your new hosting.

Windows server file permissions for Wordpress

I have wordpress on my windows server. Pictures and files are uploading but when i trying to access these files the server showing up with
500 - Internal server error.
There is a problem with the resource you are looking for, and it cannot be displayed.
When I searched for error i found some solutions about IIS but it didn't work. Can anyone cross with this permission error? And what is the solution.
When you upload a file, PHP sends the file to a temporary directory on your server's hard drive (usually C:\Windows\Temp) and then copies it over to the proper directory. Once the file has is initially put in the temporary directory, it gets the permissions of that directory. The problem is when Windows moves that file to the proper place, it keeps the temporary directory’s permissions, which can cause access problems.
The way to fix this is to change the temporary directory to a folder within your WordPress installation, usually wp-content/upgrade.
To do this, follow these directions:
Find your php.ini file.
Find the upload_tmp_dir line, and change it to the wp-content/upgrade folder.
Browse to this folder and verify that the permissions are set properly.
You should then have the ability to properly view all your images. You'll most likely need to select all the previous selected images, and change the owner of the files to the web folder owner. Then you should be good to go!

strange issue when uploading file via asp.net, vs manually via FTP

I have a form in ASP.Net MVC, which allows you to upload a file. The file is saved to a location on the server. For example, if the domain is www.test-domain.com, and the local path is c:\websites\test-domain.com\, the image is stored in /uploads/File/image.jpg.
When I try to access this url http://www.test-domain.com/uploads/File/image.jpg, I get redirected to the forms loginUrl="XXXX" path in web.config. To test, I removed the web.config entirely, and accessed the file. This time round, I get a 401 - Unauthorized: Access is denied due to invalid credentials.
I then uploaded another file via FTP this time, to http://www.test-domain.com/uploads/File/image2.jpg. This one can be accessed without any problem. I even tried download image.jpg as saved via Asp.Net, delete the file on server and re-upload the same exact file by FTP and it worked again!
It seems by FTP is working, while via Asp.Net somehow there are some access / authorisation requirement. I do have authentication set in Asp.Net, but I removed the entire web.config file, and I still got an error.
Any ideas?
I've found out why this was happening, though it is totally unrelated to what I thought it was in the beginning. I am uploading an image and resizing it. I've looked further in the code, and for some reason I was creating an image in the temporary windows folder, and then moving it to the actual location using File.Move.
It seems that the security permissions created are different, than if I had to create the file directly in the final folder. I've updated the code to create the image directly in the actual folder, and this is working fine.
Reference: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/oldnewthing/archive/2006/08/24/717181.aspx
