select a part of image with crosshair - imageview

I want to put a crosshair on an imageview.
Then, the user would be able to move crosshair on imageview and in another imageview, I want to see a part of main image around the center of crosshair.
for example if we have below image and we put crosshair on the position, i want to have the second image in another imageview.
how can i do it??
Main Image
The result that i want to have it in another imageview


JavaFx Resizing imageview to fit the container Pane and set it on the center

I'm trying to make an imageview fit the size of its container (in my case a Pane), and at the same time place it in the center of the Pane in JavaFx, in detail I can't do both at the same time i can get it to fit the container, but not put it in the center.
here is the code i use to make it fit in the container Pane
//imgContainer is the pane that contains the image
//photo is my imageview
photo.setImage(new Image(post.getPhoto()));
this is the output that is produced, the photo adapts to the Pane dimensions, but it is located to the left of the container(the dark background is the Pane container) would to put it in the center of the pane and i couldn't find a method to do it keeping the dimensions of the Pane for the imageview, putting it on a hbox or stackPane allows to put it in the center but the image no longer keeps the container sizes well, so i don't know how to get it centered and fits the container at the same time

JavaFX Scenebuilder moving elements inside StackPane

I am trying to move things such as buttons and labels that I put inside a StackPane since I want these things to stay centered when minimizing or maximizing windows. When I put everything I want into the StackPane, they all get centered and layered up on each other. How am I able to move these elements around in the StackPane if it's possible or how will I be able to keep everything centered when resizing the window?
You edit their TranslateX and TranslateY properties. for instance
Label label1 = new Label();
label1.TranslateX(-10.0); //<< moves the label 10 pixels to the left.
if you are using Scene Builder you can edit these properties on the right under the "layout" tab.

how to change background color to imageView in javafx

I have a ImageView with a transparent image (PNG) therefore the image doesn't fill the complete rectangle of the image view, when mouse hover over the image view I want to change the background color of only the rectangle of the image view. In Css how I do it? do the image view node have the property -fx-background color? I tried and it's doesn't work for me.
I have a css file linked to the .FXML
Use this
Bounds bound = ImageView.getBoundsInLocal(); //getting co-ordinates
ImageView.setEffect(ColorInput(bound.getMinX(), bound.getMinY(),
bound.getWidth(), bound.getHeight(), Color.YELLOW));
By function should work.

Position JavaFX Button in a specific location

My Question is how can i position a javafx button in a specific location.
All the time that i tried to do this simple code is resulting that the Button is only located in the Center of the screen and not on my desired location.
(I'm using StackPane)
Button button = new Button();
Thanks in advance ,
If you want to specify the exact co-ordinates of your node, you can use a Pane instead of StackPane.
Your button, if added to a StackPane or similar layout which supports alignment, must use the translate properties to move the button. You cannot use setLayoutX() or setLayoutY() with these layouts.
Try using the following command to move the button from its initial location :

qtpropertybrowser height of a single line changeable?

I'm working with qtpropertybrowser right now and I want to expend this with a new ability. When I click on the editor, it shows me a QLabel and a QToolButton, with the button I can choose a imagefile, the filename will be shown on the QLabel. When I left editor, it shows me the image. I wrote my own manager and editorfactory, all is working. But it shows me the image only in size of an icon ( I used the valueIcon methode for this). Is there a way to change the height of the line so the image shown is bigger?
