Updating Evernote note with Evernote php sdk - evernote

I can get notes(real contents, not just metadata) from the evernote API. However, calling notestore->update() always gives me a EDAMUserException.
My php code is below, the arguments are self-explanatory:
//add text to note
//if append=true then the text will be appended to the end, else it will be appended to the start
public function addToNote($new_content, $access_token, $note_store, $note_guid, $append = true){
$note = $note_store->getNote($access_token, $note_guid, true, false, false, false);
$note->content +="<en-note>Note updated</en-note>";
$note_store->updateNote($access_token, $note);
I've already did a lot of searching before I asked here, and here are the things I know:
According to: https://dev.evernote.com/doc/articles/permissions.php it says that there are two types of api keys, one is the basic access and one is for full access, I have full access, this is proved by no exception was thrown during $note_store->getNote() call, and I did output the data from that call, I can actually get the contents of the note.
In the same page as 1: "Certain API functions are only available to official Evernote applications and services. These functions are described as such in the API Reference and will throw an EDAMUserException with the error code PERMISSION_DENIED if called by a third-party application." I read the API documentation here: https://dev.evernote.com/doc/reference/NoteStore.html#Fn_NoteStore_updateNote
It does not mention that it is blocked by default.

I think I figured out what was wrong. Evernote actually has its own DTD document format, if the "content" section of the note is not a valid document, then the request is denied. In my case it was not denied because my API key's access level, but because the "content" I gave was not a proper evernote format.
if I set:
$note->content='<!DOCTYPE en-note SYSTEM "http://xml.evernote.com/pub/enml2.dtd"><en-note><div>testing complete!!!</div></en-note>';
Then the note will be successfully updated.
However, for other users that are getting this exception and using the right format, it is most likely:
1.your api key does not have full access, choose the full access option while you request an api key.
2.usually you would start testing on the "sandboxed"(https://sandbox.evernote.com) version of their site, you need to register another account on the sandboxed site(you real evernote account doesn't carry over) and test with that account. If you do not do this, your account will not exist on the sandboxed account and anything you do will not work.


Is it possible to obtain an access_token with expo-auth-session/providers/google?

I am trying to obtain an access token for use with Google APIs using the up-to-date expo-auth-session package.
It works fine to fetch an id_token via useAuthRequest({responseType: "id_token", ...}) or useIdTokenAuthRequest({...})
However, when trying useAuthRequest({responseType: "code", ...}), I get the following error:
[Unhandled promise rejection: Error: The request is missing a required parameter, includes an unsupported parameter value (other than grant type), repeats a parameter, includes multiple credentials, utilizes more than one mechanism for authenticating the client, or is otherwise malformed.]
Does anyone know what is missing from the request? I am using the Expo Go app currently, so I'm not sure if that prevents obtaining an access token. Currently digging through the package's source code...
Add the following two props to useAuthRequest
shouldAutoExchangeCode: false,
clientSecret: 'any_bogus_value!'
shouldAutoExchangeCode will prevent the code from being exchanged and send it back to you in the response.
clientSecret will simply trigger and if check to be true in the providers source code that will avoid that error you specified being returned.
Note that in general it is not a good practice to avoid errors, but in this case, I feel like the error is being shown in error itself!

Can I use my test environment merchant ID and keys to test a flex microform post?

I'm getting started understanding what's required for Cybersource's Flex Microform integration. But to start with, I'm hoping to be able to see a valid response using my merchant ID, shared secret key and the general key that comes with generating the secret on the cybersource api reference page: https://developer.cybersource.com/api-reference-assets/index.html#flex-microform_key-generation_generate-key
This is using the HTTP Signature method and ChasePaymentech (default) processor.
If I use the default settings they supply and choose to do a test POST to here https://apitest.cybersource.com/flex/v1/keys?format=JWT&
The JSON response is good with no complaints of authentication.
If I try to do the same POST with my test environment merchant ID and keys I generated in my merchant environment here: https://ubctest.cybersource.com/ebc2/app/PaymentConfiguration/KeyManagement the POST response will return a 401 with this JSON:
"response": {
"rmsg": "Authentication Failed"
Is this developer.cybersource.com site a valid place to perform this kind of test? Are there any other steps I need to do in the merchant account to have this Authenticate?
I'm just getting started on figuring out the CyberSource Flex Micro Form code out myself and it's pretty straight forward from what I can see. If you don't have the proper SDK already pulled in, you can fetch it from https://github.com/CyberSource
I had to use Composer to fetch all the dependencies but once I did, I was able to load up the microform checkout page in my browser window successfully. Make sure you edit the ExternalConfiguration file with your credentials that you setup in CyberSource.
The apiKeyId value is the value you can find in your CyberSource account under Key Management. This is the value with the dashes in it.
The secretKey value is the value you should have downloaded from CyberSource that is your public key. This is the value without the dashes and probably has a few slashes / in it.
That's all I had to do in my setup to get the first successful authentication / token on my end.

Endpoint / API Key for Microsoft Academic Knowledge

I'm trying to use the MS Academic Knowledge API. I signed up for keys here as per the docs
When I use the key I get errors as follows
Endpoint api.labs.cognitive.microsoft.com is not supported
'Access denied due to invalid subscription key. Make sure you are subscribed to an API you are trying to call and provide the right key.'
I'm not sure what is going on here and which endpoint I need to use
The following works for me:
(replace "your_key" with your labs subscription key)
Additionally, you can see the URL you need to use for each different API when you use the "try it" test site

Getting Access Token Data From OAuth Template of Asp.net

I'm trying to get access token of facebook client when a user logged in with asp.net's oauth template. But I couldn't acquire the access token when i tried some methods that i found on internet like;
AuthenticationResult result = OpenAuth.VerifyAuthentication("RegisterExternalLogin.aspx");
string actok = result.ExtraData["accesstoken"];
This try wasn't successfull. How can i acquire the access token?
I see noone has replied to your question even though it has been 10 days so I'll take a stab at it.
You mentioned that you are using asp.net's OAuth template. So I think you are looking at the line
AuthenticationResult result = OpenAuth.VerifyAuthentication("RegisterExternalLogin.aspx");
in the ExternalLoginCallback() action in AccountController.cs
As far as I can tell your syntax is correct. In fact also tested it out myself and it works. I guess you can try another way of accessing the same property
String myaccesstoken_value1 = result.ExtraData.Values.ToArray()[5];
That will give you the same result as result.ExtraData["accesstoken"]
If that does not work either then I would imagine that there is some problem with the authentication itself, rather than with your syntax here. I'm assuming you have VS2012 Express, so use the debugger to see what values are present in your variable 'result'. If it is empty, then it would indicate why you second statement errors out, and it would also indicate that there is a problem in the code before you get to this point.
Also keep in mind during testing that when you log into your app using OAuth providers such as Facebook, even when you log out of the website you continue to remain logged into facebook. You actually have to go to facebook.com and click logout there also (unless you write some additional code in your asp.net app to do a remote logout). I don't know if this applies to your situation, just giving you a heads up.
Please vote if this helps.

DotNetOpenAuth get email

I am running dotnetopenauth (nightly build), it works great and it solved my previous problem ( DotNetOpenAuth get email and redirect problem )
So now I am able to get the users email from gmail only! I have tried yahoo and myspace but i always get "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." I ran the sample that came with the build, ajaxlogin.aspx and loginProgrammatic.aspx they both give me the same error message.
this is the only line i added to the sample (and also set email to required)
var email = OpenIdAjaxTextBox1.AuthenticationResponse.GetExtension<ClaimsResponse>().Email;
You've got too much code on one line.
GetExtension<T>() will return null if the Provider doesn't actually include that extension in the response. So you must always check that it returns a non-null value before dereferencing it.
You're getting null back from Yahoo because they don't support giving away their users' extra information (yet) except for a small whitelist of RPs.
I don't know about MySpace, but I suspect they just don't support it either.
