combine classic asp with -

I have a (huge) website written in classic asp. Now do I have to switch to (razor). Is there a way to combine those 2 till the switch is complete ?
Is there a way to let the application work with classic asp and ?
(I use webmatrix)(don't know if this is important information)
The reason I ask this is because the website contains more than

MSDN says you can run .asp and .aspx on the same server
ASP and ASP.NET can both be used on the same Web server. That is, a
Web site or Web application within a site can contain both ASP.NET
pages and ASP pages. Because both ASP and ASP.NET pages can be
accessed from the same Web server, you are not required to port your
existing ASP pages over to ASP.NET-compatible pages. [...]


Is it possible to use same authentication on classic asp and 4.5 on IIS7

I am trying to apply single sign-on to legacy classic asp applications and applications. I have created a login page for all aplications. I can successfully pass the authentication ticket from new login page to the old application and share the session using sql server. However, I cannot do the same thing for class asp applications. Even though I have logged in to the new asp login page, it still redirects me to the new login page when I go to the classic asp applications. I have already checked that their machine keys are the same. The classic asp applications are some .asp pages and html files without web.config before. I added the web.config file to the folder by myself. I can see the machine key in the IIS manger so I think it is reading the file.
Classic ASP and ASP.Net use a different session state object, therefor you're not logged in into your classic ASP site.
There is a possibility, it's kind of a hack. I used it once and it works pretty well. Please have a look at this blogpost to see if it fulfills your needs. It uses the ASP session cookies from .Net in asp classic to call a .Net page that returns session (login) data:

In ASP.NET are Web Pages the new "Classic ASP"?

In ASP.NET we have 3 technologies to choose:
Web Forms
Web Pages
Both Web Forms and MVC represent steps forward in web development.
However Web Pages goes back to the mix of HTML and code (cshtml/vbhtml files) just like classic ASP (HTML + VB).
Being the separation of HTML and code the workhorse of ASP.NET, can we consider Web Pages a step behind?
Thank you

Mixing ASP.NET pages with ASP Pages in windows server 2003 IIS

I've got a lot of Classic ASP pages in production on a Windows Server 2003 64-bit machine. I've also got .NET on there working.
I'm starting to move the ASP ajax pages (pages that receive ajax calls from the Classic ASP) to ASP.NET/C# to take advantage of the business/data/logging layer I've got set up there in C#.
I've figured on securing the ASPX pages by way of a "token" that I create in the database in ASP and then pass to the ASPX page, which then uses it to validate that it's a legit call and destroys it.
My big question is - aside from making the ASPX pages, do I need to compile the app into the same site as the ASP site? I assumed I'd do that - deploy it there alongside the ASP Classic pages, and then just call the ASPX individually as needed.
Is this strategy sound? Do I need to do anything special for performance or configuration to make ASP Classic and ASP.NET coexist well?
Thanks - this migration has been a bear because of the extreme asp classic dependency.
It will work just fine. I've seen it on several sites. Just put them all in the same directory.
Your biggest issue will be that the ASP and ASP.NET pages will each have their own SESSION and APPLICATION variables which won't be shared between the two. If you are using session variables in either it can force you into doing a lot of hacks to make it all work together well.

How do I register a web service in a classic asp site

I am working with a classic asp website.
I have created a few ASP.Net pages (ASPX) that we jumped to from an asp page.
The pages are using web services to collect and save data. When testing the pages locally I set the references to the web services in my test website (
My question is how to I register the web services in the classic asp website?
Is there anything I need to be aware of that may happen to the classic asp website if it is opened in studio 10 and has references added to it?
this is a live site so having it go down is not an option.

Why can I not get application object in classic ASP when I add a .NET Wildcard mapping to directory?

We're migrating a site from classic asp to .NET. In the process, I need to use .NET authentication to secure the classic asp pages. This works great with wildcard mapping...unless the classic asp pages try to use something like the Application object.
I have tried adding an HTTPHandler to pass the request to the asp.dll, but to no avail.
Is what I am trying to do even possible?
Are you trying to have some of your old 'classic' asp pages within the same site as the .aspx pages? We've done something similar here, but we wound up with two websites, one for the asp and one for the .net and did some session sharing to perform the authentication.
It is possible on IIS7 using the integrated pipeline, I would say it would be highly fragile on IIS6 with wildcard mapping.
