How to insert large number of nodes into Neo4J - graph

I need to insert about 1 million of nodes in Neo4j. I need to specify that each node is unique, so every time I insert a node it has to be checked that there's not the same node yet. Also the relationships must be unique.
I'm using Python and Cypher:
queryProbe = 'MERGE (a:ipNode8 {ip:"' + prev + '"})'
queryUpdateRelationship= 'MATCH (a:ipNode8 {ip:"' + prev + '"}),(b:ipNode8 {ip:"' + next + '"}) MERGE (a)-[:precede]->(b)'
The problem is that after putting 40-50K nodes into Neo4j , the insertion speed slows down quickly and I can not to put anything else.

Your question is quite open ended. In addition to #InverseFalcon's recommendations, here are some other things you can investigate to speed things up.
Read the Performance Tuning documentation, and follow the recommendations. In particular, you might be running into memory-related issues, so the Memory Tuning section may be very helpful.
Your Cypher query(ies) can probably be sped up. For instance, if it makes sense, you can try something like the following. The data parameter is expected to be a list of objects having the format {a: 123, b: 234}. You can make the list as long as appropriate (e.g., 20K) to avoid running out of memory on the server while it processes the list within a single transaction. (This query assumes that you also want to create b if it does not exist.)
UNWIND {data} AS d
MERGE (a:ipNode8 {ip: d.a})
MERGE (b:ipNode8 {ip: d.b})
MERGE (a)-[:precede]->(b)
There are also periodic execution APOC procedures that you might be able to use.

For mass inserts like this, it's best to use LOAD CSV with periodic commit or the import tool.
I believe it's also best practice to use a parameterized query instead of appending values into a string.
Also, you created a unique property constraint on :ipNode8, but not :ipNode, which is the first one you MERGE. Seems like you'll need a unique constraint for that one too.


Dynamodb: Index on List attribute and query NOT_CONTAINS

I am trying to figure out (at this point I think the answer is No) if it is possible to build a index on a List Attribute and query NOT_CONTAINS on that attribute.
Example table:
Task_id: string
solved_by: List<String> # stores list of user_ids who previously solved this task.
My query would be:
Get me all the tasks not yet solved by current_user
select * from tasks where tasks.solved_by NOT_CONTAINS current_user_id
Is it possible to do this without full scans. I tried creating an attribute of type L but aws cli errors out saying Member must satisfy enum value set: [B, N, S]
If this is not possible with dynamodb, please suggest what datastore I can use.
Any help is highly appreciated. Thanks!
As you found out, and as the error you got suggests, this is NOT possible.
However, I'd argue if your design couldn't be improved. Storing a potentially unbound list of entries (users in your case) inside a single item, which is limited to 400kb seems dangerous.
If instead, you'd store for each task the information that a particular user resolved it as a separate item (partition key - task_id, sort key - user_id) than you could easily look up if a user solved a task or not. You could also store additional information about the particular solution or attempts.
If you haven't heard of DynamoDB single table design yet, or how to overload indexes, I can recommend looking at
I just realised, you care about a negation (NOT_CONTAINS) - for those, you can't use an index anyway. For the sort key you can only use positive comparison (=, <, >, <=, >=, between, begins_with):
So you might have to rethink the whole approach, to better pre-process the data stored in DDB, so it's easier to fetch, or pick a different database.
In your original question, you defined your access pattern as
Get me all the tasks not yet solved by current_user
In a later comment, you clarified that the access pattern is
A solver should be shown a task that is not yet solved by them.
which is a slightly different access pattern.
Here's one way you could fetch a task not yet solved by a user.
In this data model, I chose to model Users and Tasks as separate items. Tasks have numerically increasing ID's. Each User item should start with the lastSolved attribute set to 1. Each time you fetch a new Task for a user, you fetch TASK#{last_solved+1} and increment the lastSolved attribute by 1.
You could probably take a similar approach by using timestamps instead of numbers... anything sortable, really.

U-Sql use rowset variable for decision making

I want to use rowset variable as scaler variable.
#cnt = Select count(*) from #tab1;
If (#cnt > 0) then
#cnt1= select * from #tab2;
Is it possible?
I want to block the complex u-sql code based on some condition, lets say based on some control table. In my original code, I wrote 10-15 u-sql statements and I want to bound them within the If statement. I don't want to do cross join because it again start trying to join the table. If I use cross join, there is no significant save in execution time. Use of IF statement is, If the condition does not met, complete piece of code should not execute. Is it possible?
To add to wBob's and Alex's answers:
U-SQL does not provide data driven control flow within a script. The current IF statement requires the expression to be evaluated at compile time.
Consider a U-SQL script as just a single declarative query. So you have the following options:
Express your problem with relational expressions. This means that you will have to write a (cross) join to guard the execution. If you feel that the query optimizer does a bad job at optimizing such guards (e.g., it evaluates the expensive side of the join before the cheap guard), please report an issue and we will take a look.
Split your script into several scripts and look at the result of each script before doing your next step. This is a form of orchestration that you can do with ADF or writing your own orchestration with Powershell or any of the SDKs. The caveat here is that you will have to write intermediate results into files and download the files into your orchestration layer.
Having said this, it theoretically is possible to extent the language algebra with a "don't execute the remaining part of this operator tree if a condition is not satisfied" operator. However that is a major work item and can lead to very large query plans during compilation that may be going beyond the current limits. If you feel that neither 1 nor 2 above are sufficient to help with your scenario, please add your vote to
#cnt1 =
SELECT #tab2.*
FROM #tab2
WHERE c.cnt > 0;
(Adding explanation) CROSS JOIN returns a cartesian product of all rows from #tab2 and the single row generated by the COUNT query. There WHERE condition then ensures the result of the query is all rows from #tab2 if COUNT(*)>0, no rows otherwise.

Dynamic query and caching

I have two problem sets. What I am preferably looking for is a solution which combines both.
Problem 1: I have a table of lets say 20 rows. I am reading 150,000 rows from other table (say table 2). For each row read from table 2, I have to match it with a specific row of table 1 (not matching whole row, few columns. like if table2.col1 = table1.col && table2.col2 = table1.col2) etc. Is there a way that i can cache table 1 so that i don't have to query it again and again ?
Problem 2: I want to generate query string dynamically i.e., if parameter 2 is null then don't put it in where clause. Now the only option left is to use immidiate execute which will be very slow.
Now what i am asking that how can i have dynamic query to compare it with table 1 ? any ideas ?
For problem 1, as mentioned in the comments, let the database handle it. That's what it does really well. If it is something being hit often, then the blocks for the table should remain in the database buffer cache if the buffer cache is sized appropriately. Part of DBA tuning would be to identify appropriate sizing, pinning tables into the "keep" pool, etc. But probably not something that needs worrying over.
If the desire is just to simplify writing the queries rather than performance, then views or stored procs can simplify the repetitive use of the join.
For problem 2, a query in a format like this might work for you:
SELECT id, val
FROM myTable
WHERE filter = COALESCE(v_filter, filter)
If the input parameter v_filter is null, then just automatically match the existing column. This assumes the existing filter column itself is never null (since you can't use = for null comparisons). Also, it assumes that there are other indexed portions in the WHERE clause since a function like COALESCE isn't going to be able to take advantage of an index.
For problem 1 you just join the tables. If there is an equijoin and one table is quite small and the other large then you're likely to get a hash join. This is effectively a caching mechanism, and the total cost of reading the tables and performing the join is only very slightly higher than that of reading the tables (as long as the hash table fits in memory).
It does not make a difference if the query is constructed and run through execute immediate -- the RDBMS hash join will still act as an effective cache.

Determine flyway variables from earlier SQL step

I'd like to use flyway for a DB update with the situation that an DB already exists with productive data in it. The problem I'm looking at now (and I did not find a nice solution yet), is the following:
There is an existing DB table with numeric IDs, e.g.
create table objects ( obj_id number, ...)
There is a sequence "obj_seq" to allocate new obj_ids
During my DB migration I need to introduce a few new objects, hence I need new
object IDs. However I do not know at development time, what ID
numbers these will be
There is a DB trigger which later references these IDs. To improve performance I'd like to avoid determine the actual IDs every time the trigger runs but rather put the IDs directly into the trigger
Example (very simplified) of what I have in mind:
insert into objects (obj_id, ...) values (obj_seq.nextval, ...)
select obj_seq.currval from dual
-> store this in variable "newID"
create trigger on some_other_table
when = newID
Now, is it possible to dynamically determine/use such variables? I have seen the flyway placeholders but my understanding is that I cannot set them dynamically as in the example above.
I could use a Java-based migration script and do whatever string magic I like - so, that would be a way of doing it, but maybe there is a more elegant way using SQL?
Many thx!!
If the table you are updating contains only reference data, get rid of the sequence and assign the IDs manually.
If it contains a mix of reference and user data, you need to select the id based on values in other columns.

How Optimize sql query make it faster

I have a very simple small database, 2 of tables are:
Node (Node_ID, Node_name, Node_Date) : Node_ID is primary key
Citation (Origin_Id, Target_Id) : PRIMARY KEY (Origin_Id, Target_Id) each is FK in Node
Now I write a query that first find all citations that their Origin_Id has a specific date and then I want to know what are the target dates of these records.
I'm using sqlite in python the Node table has 3000 record and Citation has 9000 records,
and my query is like this in a function:
def cited_years_list(self, date):
c.execute("""select n.Node_Date,count(*) from Node n INNER JOIN
(select c.Origin_Id AS Origin_Id, c.Target_Id AS Target_Id, n.Node_Date AS
Date from CITATION c INNER JOIN NODE n ON c.Origin_Id=n.Node_Id where
CAST(n.Node_Date as INT)={0}) VW ON VW.Target_Id=n.Node_Id
GROUP BY n.Node_Date;""".format(date))
print('Cited Years are : \n ',str(cited_years))
except Exception as e:
print('Cited Years retrival failed ',e)
return cited_years
Then I call this function for some specific years, But it's crazy slowwwwwwwww :( (around 1 min for a specific year)
Although my query works fine, it is slow. would you please give me a suggestion to make it faster? I'd appreciate any idea about optimizing this query :)
I also should mention that I have indices on Origin_Id and Target_Id, so the inner join should be pretty fast, but it's not!!!
If this script runs over a period of time, you may consider loading the database into memory. Since you seem to be coding in python, there is a connection function called connection.backup that can backup an entire database into memory. Since memory is much faster than disk, this should increase speed. Of course, this doesn''t do anything to optimize the statement itself, since I don't have enough of the code to evaluate what it is you are doing with the code.
Instead of COUNT(*) use MAX(n.Node_Date)
SQLite doesn't keep a counter on number of tables like mysql does but instead it scans all your rows everytime you call COUNT meaning extremely slow.. yet you can use MAX() to fix that problem.
