Populate ComboBox from QList<QObject*> - qt

I was following an example on web to populate combobox, but it did not wok for me and I do not know why!. I have two classes stock and DbCon, stock has three private fields along with public accessor and mutators. DbCon has a Q_Property and two public function, one returns a database connection and the other creates and returns stock list as a QList<QObject*>. In main.cpp I have created a contextual property named "data" to access DbCon from QML.
in main.qml I have
model: data.stockModel
textRole: "code"
in main.cpp
DbCon db;
engine.rootContext()->setContextProperty("data", &db);
in dbcon.h
class DbCon:public QObject
Q_PROPERTY(QList<QObject*> stockModel READ stockModel)
explicit DbCon(QObject *parent = 0);
QSqlDatabase db();
QList<QObject*> stockModel();
in implementation of QList<QObject*> stockModel() of dbcon.h
QList<QObject*> data;
while (query.next()) {
stock *s = new stock();
return data;
and in stock.h
class stock : public QObject
QString m_name;
QString m_code;
int m_id;
explicit stock(QObject *parent = 0);
QString name();
void setname(QString &name);
QString code();
void setcode(QString &code);
int id();
void setid(int &id);
When I run the application I get the following message in application output
QQmlExpression: Expression qrc:/main.qml:16:20 depends on non-NOTIFYable properties:
and I do not get anything in combobox!
If I create another contextual property in main.cpp in this way
engine.rootContext()->setContextProperty("myModel", QVariant::fromValue(data));
and set myModel as model for combobox, it works fine. But I want to do it in this way because onCurrentIndexChanged I will call another function that returns another QList<QObject*> for a TableView of another qml file.
EDIT: Entrie qml
import QtQuick 2.5
import QtQuick.Window 2.2
import QtQuick.Controls 2.0
Window {
visible: true
property string contentSource
model: data.stockModel
textRole: "code"
Loader {
id: content
width: parent.width
text: "Page1"
onClicked: content.source = "Page1.qml"
text: "Page2"
onClicked: content.source = "Page2.qml"
By changing data to dataStore in main.cpp and data.stockModel to dataStore.stockModel in main.qml I get following error
file:///C:/Qt/Qt5.7.0/5.7/mingw53_32/qml/QtQuick/Controls.2/ComboBox.qml:62:15: Unable to assign [undefined] to QString

You have two issues:
Your stockModel property should be NOTIFYable, which means that you should define the property with e.g. Q_PROPERTY(QList<QObject*> stockModel READ stockModel NOTIFY stockModelChanged) and provide a void stockModelChanged(const QList<QObject *> &) signal in the DbCon class.
stock::name() must be a property too, so you need to declare that with Q_PROPERTY(QString name READ name NOTIFY nameChanged) and provide a void nameChanged(const QString &) signal in the stock class as well.


how to change textbox data remotely by tcp socket in QT?

i would like to code a program by Qt tcp socket and QML together.
i am going to change a textbox variable that created by QML to the new data that get by remote client by tcp socket?
my snippet code is :
void Server::startRead()
QString buf= client->readAll();
qDebug() << buf;
QQmlApplicationEngine engine;
QObject *rootObject = engine.rootObjects().first();
QObject *qmlObject = rootObject->findChild<QObject*>("ttt");
qDebug() << "before change"
qDebug() << qmlObject->property("text");
qmlObject->setProperty("text", "new data");
qDebug() << "after change"
qDebug() << qmlObject->property("text");
import QtQuick 2.0
import QtQuick 2.2
import QtQuick.Window 2.1
import QtQuick.Window 2.2
import QtQuick.Controls 1.2
Item {
id: rootItem
property string text
Text {
id: message
text: rootItem.text
I really appreciate it.
There are many ways to do that. Next examples demonstrate how to change qml element properties from cpp. If you need to change visibility just use bool properties instead of string that i used in examples.
1. This is good solution i think.
You could create qml adapter
class ServerQMLAdapter : public QQuickItem
Q_PROPERTY(QString data READ data WRITE setData NOTIFY dataChanged)
explicit ServerQMLAdapter(QQuickItem *parent = nullptr) : QQuickItem(parent){}
QString data() const {
return mData;
void setData(const QString &data) {
if(mData == data)
mData = data;
emit dataChanged();
private slots:
this slots called on data read
void onDataRead(const QString &data) {
QString mData = QString();
in application class you sould register your adapter
qmlRegisterType<ServerQMLAdapter>("ServerQMLAdapter", 1, 0, "ServerQMLAdapter");
After that you can use it in your qml file
import ServerQMLAdapter 1.0
Item {
ServerQMLAdapter {
id: myAdapter
Text {
id: message
text: myAdapter.data
2. You can change properties from cpp.
Just like you do in your snippet
auto rootObject = engine.rootObjects().first();
rootObject->setProperty("text", "new data");
and add this propetry to your qml file
Item {
id: rootItem
property string text
Text {
id: message
text: rootItem.text
3. Use invoked methods
From you cpp file
auto rootObject = engine.rootObjects().first();
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(rootObject, "setText",
Q_ARG(QVariant, QVariant::fromValue(data)));
and add function to your qml file
Item {
id: rootItem
function setText(data) {
message.text = data;
Text {
id: message

How to show on QML (Qt) from SQLite BLOB data as image?

My code is like below.
Name - as TEXT field,
Photo - as BLOB data
class SqlQueryModel: public QSqlQueryModel
QHash<int,QByteArray> *hash;
explicit SqlQueryModel(QObject * parent) : QSqlQueryModel(parent)
hash = new QHash<int,QByteArray>;
hash->insert(Qt::UserRole, QByteArray("Name"));
hash->insert(Qt::UserRole + 1, QByteArray("Photo"));
inline RoleNameHash roleNames() const { return *hash; }
Selecting data
view = new QQuickView();
QSqlQueryModel *someSqlModel = new SqlQueryModel(this);
someSqlModel->setQuery("SELECT Name, Photo FROM some_table");
QQmlContext *context = view->rootContext();
context->setContextProperty("someSqlModel", someSqlModel);
Binding in QML
ListView {
id: someListView
model: SqlContactModel {}
delegate: ItemDelegate {
text: Name
Image {
id: Photo
source: ???
How to show on QML (Qt) from SQLite BLOB data as image?
You have three options:
let the model hand out some ID and use that with a QQuickImageProvider
let the model hand out a QImage and write a custom item that can display that
let the model hand out the image data as a data URI
For (2) the simplest solution is a QQuickPaintedItem derived class, something like this
class QImageItem : public QQuickPaintedItem
Q_PROPERTY(QImage image READ image WRITE setImage NOTIFY imageChanged)
explicit QImageItem(QQuickItem *parent = Q_NULLPTR) : QQuickPaintedItem(parent) {}
QImage image() const { return m_image; }
void setImage(const QImage &image);
void paint(QPainter *painter) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
QImage m_image;
void QImageItem::setImage(const QImage &image)
m_image = image;
emit imageChanged();
void QImageItem::paint(QPainter *painter)
if (m_image.isNull()) return;
painter.drawImage(m_image.scaled(width(), height()));
Register as usual with qmlRegisterType<QImageItem>("SomeModuleName", 1, 0, "SomeTypeName") and in QML import SomeModuleName 1.0 and use SomeTypeName in instead of Image, with the QImage returned by the model bound to the item's image property

returning a custom QObject subclass from QAbstractListModel and using it in a ListView

How can I return a custom QObject sub-class from QAbstractListModel and use it in a QML ListView.
I tried to return the objects as display role and I use in my qml display.property to access properties, it works fine but I saw on some posts people using model as the qobject from qml and accessing properties as model.property. Am I missing something?.
Another question: If I want to expose the object at the ListView level and using it to set some other panel like a master-view detail is exposing the role (in my case display) as a variant property in the delegate and setting it at the listview level with the onCurrentItemChanged signal is the correct way to do it ??
this is what I am trying but it does not work:
#ifndef NOTE_H
#define NOTE_H
#include <QObject>
class Note : public QObject
Q_PROPERTY(QString note READ note WRITE setNote NOTIFY noteChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(int id READ id WRITE setId NOTIFY idChanged)
QString m_note;
int m_id;
explicit Note(QObject *parent = 0);
Note(QString note, int id, QObject *parent = 0);
QString note() const
return m_note;
int id() const
return m_id;
void noteChanged(QString note);
void idChanged(int id);
public slots:
void setNote(QString note)
if (m_note == note)
m_note = note;
emit noteChanged(note);
void setId(int id)
if (m_id == id)
m_id = id;
emit idChanged(id);
#endif // NOTE_H
the view model:
#include <QAbstractListModel>
#include <QVector>
#include "note.h"
class NotesViewModel : public QAbstractListModel
QVector<Note*> notes;
QVariant data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const override;
int rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const override;
implementation of the view model:
notes.append(new Note("note 1", 1));
notes.append(new Note("note 2", 2));
notes.append(new Note("note 3", 3));
notes.append(new Note("note 4", 4));
notes.append(new Note("note 5", 5));
QVariant NotesViewModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const
qDebug() << "fetching data : " << index.row();
if(!index.isValid()) return QVariant();
if(index.row() >= 5) return QVariant();
if(role == Qt::DisplayRole)
return QVariant::fromValue(notes[index.row()]);
return QVariant();
int NotesViewModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const
return notes.count();
Since you've already answered your second question, let me take on the first one, i.e. display.propertyName vs model.propertyName
Basically the first one is just a short hand for model.display.propertyName, i.e. the "display" property of the model's data at the given index is being accessed. In your case that returns an object, which has properties on its on.
The model.propertyName could also be written as just propertyName, meaning the model's data() method is called with "role" being the numerical equivalent for "propertyName".
This mapping from "propertyName" to its numerical equivalent is done with the QAbstractItemModel::roleNames() method.
Its default implementation has some base mappings such as mapping "display" to Qt::DisplayRole.
I played a little with the qml ListView trying to figure out how to expose the currentItem data to the outside world. This is how I managed to do it, maybe it will be of use for newbies like me.
import QtQuick 2.7
import QtQuick.Controls 2.0
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.0
ApplicationWindow {
visible: true
width: 640
height: 480
title: qsTr("Hello World")
ListModel {
id: modell
ListElement {
fname: "houssem"
age: 26
ListElement {
fname: "Anna"
age: 26
ListElement {
fname: "Nicole"
age: 26
ListElement {
fname: "Adam"
age: 27
ListView {
id: lv
height: 100
width: 200
clip: true
model: modell
property string selectedName: currentItem.name
delegate: Component {
Item {
id: mainItem
width: ListView.view.width
height: 80
property string name: fname
Text {
text: "name " + fname + " age " + age
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: mainItem.ListView.view.currentIndex = index
Text {
anchors.right: parent.right
text: lv.selectedName
As you can see in the code, to expose the data of currentItem I had just to declare properties in the delegate Item (name property of type string in the present example) and then bind a property on ListView (selectedName in this example) to the currentItem.property, this way the property on the ListView will be updated automatically when I select other items from the list and I will have access to this items form other Items of the UI.

Accessing QAbstractListModel item in Qml without using a ListView

I have subclassed QAbstractListModel in order to have a model on the qml side. I can easily use this model in ListViews and other similar components that deal with models, however, I can't access it directly. This is what I am trying without success:
myModel[0].name // TypeError: Cannot read property 'name' of undefined
Is this possible? Am I using the wrong syntax?
You can access generic model (based on QAbstractListModel) easily when you use DelegateModel model as a mediator.
import QtQuick 2.2
import QtQml.Models 2.2
DelegateModel {
id: delegateModel
MyModel {
id: myModel
onDataLoaded: {
delegateModel.model = myModel;
for (var row = 0; row < myModel.rowCount(); row++) {
var item = delegateModel.items.get(row).model;
console.log(" name " + row + ":" + item.name);
(1) You're mixing up roles and properties.
Your model implements roles which are used to feed a delegate in a view. In your code, you try to access a property.
(2) A model is not an array, where you can access rows by the [] operator.
But you can write a getter function to achieve exactly that:
class ConversationListModel : public QAbstractListModel
enum ConversationRoles {
IdRole = Qt::UserRole, // 256
explicit ConversationListModel(QObject *parent = 0);
QHash<int, QByteArray> roleNames() const;
QVariant data(const QModelIndex &index, int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const;
Q_INVOKABLE ConversationModel* get(quint32 conversationId) const;
// ...
Than you need a data type that represents a row, e.g. ConversationModel. Now you can access a row using
As stated in (1), you now need to give ConversationModel a property called name
explicit ConversationModel(QObject *parent = 0);
Q_PROPERTY(QString name READ name NOTIFY nameChanged)
QString name() const;
To make the (correct) solution of Simon Warta work, you have to register ConversationModel as QML type. For example in your main you have to state
qmlRegisterType<ConversationModel>("ConversationModel", 1, 0, "ConversationModel");
Then in your qml file you have to import this type with
import ConversationModel 1.0
Afterwards everything works as expected and you can use
in your qml code, given that myModel is of type ConversationListModel and was registered using QDeclarativeContext::setContextProperty.

Q_PROPERTY not shown

I'm using Q_PROPERTY with QML. My code is:
using namespace std;
typedef QString lyricsDownloaderString; // this may be either std::string or QString
class lyricsDownloader : public QObject
Q_PROPERTY(QString lyrics READ lyrics NOTIFY lyricsChanged)
Q_INVOKABLE virtual short perform() = 0;
inline void setData(const string & a, const string & t); // set artist and track
Q_INVOKABLE inline void setData(const QString & a, const QString & t); // for QStrings
Q_INVOKABLE inline bool anyFieldEmpty(); // check whether everything is filled
inline QString lyrics()
return lyrics_qstr;
/*some more data*/
void lyricsChanged(QString);
class AZLyricsDownloader : public lyricsDownloader
AZLyricsDownloader() : lyricsDownloader("", "") {}
AZLyricsDownloader(const string & a, const string & t) : lyricsDownloader(a, t) {}
Q_INVOKABLE short perform();
//Q_INVOKABLE inline void setData(const string & a, const string & t);// set artist and track
/*some more data*/
and one of the Pages in QML is
import QtQuick 1.1
import com.nokia.meego 1.0
import com.nokia.extras 1.0
id: showLyricsPage
tools: showLyricsToolbar
id: lyricsview
anchors.margins: 10
readOnly: true
text: azdownloader.lyrics
busyind.visible = false
{id: busyind /**/ }
{id: showLyricsToolbar/**/}
// Info about disabling/enabling edit mode
InfoBanner {id: editModeChangedBanner /**/}
azdownloader is an AZLyricsDownloader object
The codes runs correctly in C++, the function returns the text which should be in TextEdit.
But unfortunately, the TextEdit is blank. No text is shown there.
there is no body for the signal, but AFAIK signal doesn't need it.
If I use
Q_PROPERTY(QString lyrics READ lyrics CONSTANT)
the result is the same.
What am I doing wrong?
When you change the value of the lyrics property in C++ code, you have to send the NOTIFY signal of the property (here void lyricsChanged();) :
this->setProperty("lyrics", myNewValue);
emit lyricsChanged();
In this case, QML should update the value of the property.
