Jenkins - How to stall a job until a notification is received? - http

Is there anyway that a Jenkins job can be paused until a notification is received. Ideally with a payload as well?
I have a "test" job which does a whole bunch of remote tests and I'd like it to wait until the test are done where I send a HTTP notification via curl with a payload including a test success code.
Is this possible with any default Jenkins plugins?

If Jenkins 2.x is an option for you, I'd consider taking a look at writing a pipeline job.
Perhaps you could create a pipeline with multiple stages, where:
The first batch of work (your test job) is launched by the first pipeline stage.
That stage is configured (via Groovy code) to wait until your tests are complete before continuing. This is of course easy if the command to run your tests blocks, but if your tests launch and then detach without providing an easy way to determine when they exit, you can probably add extra Groovy code to your stage to make it poll the machine where the tests are running, to discover whether the work is complete.
Subsequent stages can be run once the first stage exits.
As for passing a payload from one stage to another, that's possible too - for exit codes and strings, you can use Groovy variables, and for files, I believe you can have a stage archive a file as an artifact; subsequent stages can then access the artifact.
Or, as Hani mentioned in a comment, you could create two Jenkins jobs, and have your tests (launched by the first job) use the Jenkins API to launch the second job when they complete successfully.
As you suggested, curl can be used to trigger jobs via the API, or you can use a Jenkins API wrapper package for to your preferred language (I've had success using the Python jenkinsapi package for this sort of work:
If you need to pass parameters from your API client code to the second Jenkins job, that's possible by adding parameters to the second job using the the Parameterized Build features built into Jenkins:


Google Cloud RunTask before its scheduled to run

When using Google Cloud Tasks, how can i prematurely run a tasks that is in the queue. I have a need to run the task before it's scheduled to run. For example the user chooses to navigate away from the page and they are prompted. If they accept the prompt to move away from that page, i need to clear the queued task item programmatically.
I will be running this with a firebase-function on the backend.
Looking at the API for Cloud Tasks found here it seems we have primitives to:
list - get a list of tasks that are queued to run
delete - delete a task this is queued to run
run - forces a task to run now
Based on these primitives, we seem to have all the "bits" necessary to achieve your ask.
For example:
To run a task now that is scheduled to run in the future.
List all the tasks
Find the task that you want to run now
Delete the task
Run a task (now) using the details of the retrieved task
We appear to have a REST API as well as language bound libraries for the popular languages.

How to handle multiple code checkins in Concourse pipeline?

One of the github repository is resource for my pipeline. I have 3 parallel jobs in my concourse pipeline which gets triggered when there is any checkin to the github repository. Other jobs in the pipeline is in sequence. I am having the below issues:
1) I want the pipeline to complete full execution then only start new run. I am using pool resource to make sure the execution completes then only new run is triggered. Is there a better way to resolve it.
2) If there are multiple checkins while the pipeline is in progress then is there a way to only execute pipeline on the last checkin. For example 1st instance of pipeline is running and while the pipeline execution completes there are 6 checkins in the repository. Can the pipeline pick only 6th version of the repos and purge the run for previous five checkins?
using the lock pool resource is almost the perfect option but as you have rightly caught, there will be a trigger for each git commit and jobs will start to queue.
It sounds like you want this pipeline to be serialised. Have you considered serial_groups

RobotFramework : Getting testcase results while execution is in progress

We are using Robot framework and RIDE tool for test case execution. we have 100+ testcases and test execution takes more than 6 hours to complete.
RF result and log html is great for viewing results. But these 2 files are viewable only after completion of test case execution.
Is there any plugin / tool or mechanism to view the testcase result status during execution. in RIDE tool -"Run" tab - only shows pass:<> fail:<> and not very user useful.
Need real time testcase status report instead of waiting for completion
You can use the listener interface. With it, you can have robot framework call a python function each time a keyword, testcase or suite starts and finishes. For the case where they finish, the data that is passed in will include the pass or fail status.
Using the listener interface (as Bryan Oakley suggested) is surely the most flexible way to intercept test progession status. If you are looking for tools, Jenkins (with Robot Framework plugin) gives you the opportunity to follow a test run in real time at test case granularity. Just start a job and switch to (Jenkins) console to see the output dropping in.

Apache Mesos Workflows - Event Driven Scheduler

We are currently using Apache Mesos with Marathon and Chronos to schedule long running and batch processes.
It would be great if we could create more complex workflows like with Oozie. Say for example kicking of a job when a file appears in a location or when a certain application completes or calls an API.
While it seems we could do this with Marathon/Chronos or Singularity, there seems no readily available interface for this.
You can use Chronos' /scheduler/dependency endpoint to specify "all jobs which must run at least once before this job will run." Do this on each of your Chronos jobs, and you can build arbitrarily complex workflow DAGs.
Chronos currently only schedules jobs based on time or dependency triggers. Other events like file update, git push, or email/tweet could be modeled as a wait-for-X job that your target job would then depend on.

build queue issues in

Having a question on how the build queue is configured in
I believe we have an issue , when trying to “force” build a scheduled project, the server tries to run several builds at the same time and fails
Most of them except the one that started first.
We need to get to a state when regardless how many builds are scheduled or how many we “force” start in about the same time, all build requests are placed in to a build queue and
executed one after finishing another in the order they were placed, and no extra request are generated.
Build Failed email is sent but the build was actually successful.
In short,The erroneous email is likely due to an error in the build server’s build scheduler/queue, trying to run 2 builds instead of one when asked for a “forced” build, as a result the first one is successful and the second one fails.
How to correct/resolve this issue....?
To specify your projects' queue you need to set the queue property like this :
<project name="MyFirstProject" queue="Q1" queuePriority="1">
The default value is a queue per project. If you manually set the same queue (for example Q1) for all you project then, you will have a unique queue.
As for the queuePriority, the project (not yet started) in the queue are ordonned by queuePriority, low queuePriority projects start first.
It's all described in the cc net documentation which is now offline due to a problem at sourceforge.
