Alljoyn ios sample for Onboarding issue - alljoyn

I was able to run the ios sample of onboarding but I am facing two issues 1. when the onboarding sample runs I am presented with this error "ER_BUS_INVALID_AUTH_MECHANISM" please see attached image also and after that when the bus is connected and I try to configure the Home wifi I am presented with this error "ER_BUS_SECURITY_NOT_ENABLED",please see attached image also.


How to get rid of/resolve "invalid" status of emulator in DevEcoStudio

In order to test any HMOS app in the emulator in DevEcoStudio IDE, we have to the emulator via Tools->Device Manager. Seldom, devices show "invalid" status due to which cannot launch the emulator. It stays in the same state for longer, sometimes for hours.
Is there any workaround for the above issue?
As the error popup says, currently All device instances are busy/in-use. So No device available at the moment.
There is no way we have to wait and try again later some time.
Currently, remote emulators do not work in some regions. Unfortunately there is no way around this.
Huawei is working to fix the problem, but I don't know the ETA.

When is sessionReachabilityDidChange(_:) called on a watch WCSessionDelegate?

Apple's documentation says this in the discussion section of the method description:
This method is called to let the
current process know that its counterpart session’s reachability
The description of the isReachable property says this: WatchKit
extension. The iOS device is within range, so communication can occur
and the WatchKit extension is running in the foreground, or is running
with a high priority in the background (for example, during a workout
session or when a complication is loading its initial timeline data).
I am assuming this would mean that if the watch moves out of or into range of the iOS device, the WatchKit extension would be launched and the WCSessionDelegate's sessionReachabilityDidChange() method would be called, and the WCSession's isReachable would be true if the iOS device just came into range and false if it just when out of range.
I have not found a way to verify this in xcode. For example I put a log message in sessionReachabilityDidChange(_:) and walked out of range, but xcode simply says the app lost connection with the iphone and can no longer debug it. Can someone verify this or point me to some documentation that better describes this?
I think you cannot verify this in Xcode.
I have an app on iOS and watchOS. To check this kind of situation, I can enable debug alerts on iOS and watchOS. When func sessionReachabilityDidChange(session: WCSession) is triggered, I display a debug alert.
Now, if I run (not under Xcode) my watch extension, and then switch off the paired iPhone, the debug alert is shown on the watch.
This shows that sessionReachabilityDidChange is actually called as expected.
Apparently, under Xcode a connected iOS device is always reachable.
To check the situation when the watch extension is not in foreground, I did the following:
Instead of showing a debug alert, I set now the complication to a unique value that is not possible otherwise. I launched the watch extension and put it into background by showing the watch face with the complication.
When I now switch off the iPhone, the complication is not updated.
This indicates to me that sessionReachabilityDidChange is not called in background.

KeyedAppStates aren't reported to the AMAPI

I have implemented the feedback channel with the KeyedAppStates in my application.
I'm calling KeyedAppStatesReporter.setStatesImmediate(hashSetOf(state)) where state is a keyedAppState created with the builder, but nothing is reported on the AMAPI side.
The profile/policy is set correctly, the ApplicationReports are activated, the application can receive managed configurations correctly when send from the EMM and apply them.
I tried with the Test DPC following the tutorial "Test app feedback". And the Test DPC received the feedbacks send by my application.
Screenshot of the Test DPC notifications
What could be blocking the reporting of the keyedAppStates to the AMAPI with the real DPC ?
It was an issue on the DPC/AMAPI side.
The issue was resolved with a DPC update not long after, and now it works with the example from the documentation.

Unable to run test on real device but running on simulator

As I am new to real-time device testing, I need your support in resolving an issue which I am facing since long now. I have following issues with iOS devices and simulators:
I am able to run my script in the simulator but not on the real-time device.
Unable to see WebDriverAgentRunner app on the device, however, I have built that app multiple times.
My Scrip is able to interact with Appium, it gets installed also but never gets open (In Eclipse it gets failed with error: No element found)
Please find the attached appium logs and desired capabilities below:
Desired Capabilities:
IOSDriver wd = null;
DesiredCapabilities capabilities = new DesiredCapabilities();
System.out.println(" ");
capabilities.setCapability("appium-version", "1.7.2");
capabilities.setCapability("automationName", "XCUITest");
capabilities.setCapability("platformName", "iOS");
capabilities.setCapability("udid", “UDID”); //6Plus
//capabilities.setCapability("noReset", "true");
capabilities.setCapability("platformVersion", "11.2.6");
capabilities.setCapability("deviceName", "iPhone 6”);
“<Path of builded>”);
capabilities.setCapability("bundleID", “<com.bundel id>”);
wd = new IOSDriver(new URL(""),
Also in the simulator, I am able to run only on one device.
Appium Logs Are present in this link

How to handle Alert windows in Amazon Device Farm /w Appium

I currently trying out Amazon Device Farm and was able to get a dummy app to work.
However, when I tried getting the actual App I want to get working on Amazon device farm, I'm unable to do so. I'm able to upload the .ipa file, and zip up and upload the py.tests/appium tests with their dependencies, however the tests fail.
What I think might be happening is ADF is not recognizing some of the Desired_capabilities to autodismiss the Alerts for Notifications and GPS coordinates.
My setup is very similar to the setup I used with the dummy app in my initial tests. (these worked with amazon device farm)
Only thing that is really different is I'm using a real production app, where 2 alert windows popup upon launch. In Appium it will cause the test to crash if I don't have the autodismiss or autoaccept alerts enabled in the desired capabilities.
Harness 00:00.0 1295 Info Starting 00001 with device c00e8ab68437161b894395e438ba8935a672bac0
Harness 00:00.0 1295 Info Using test content version 0.1.0
Harness 00:00.1v1295 Info Using image version ami-778b7c17
I work for the Amazon Device Farm team.
It appears that you are relying on desired capabilities to dismiss the alert window. Currently, Device farm has support for a very limited set of desired capabilities namely app name, package name and osversion. These are available to the application without having the user required to set it.
Appium runs with autoAcceptAlerts=true on Device Farm. This should handle the alert windows, if any, unless it is a system pop up which autoAcceptAlert cannot handle. You should check if your tests can handle the alert windows using autoAcceptAlerts=true with Appium pre launch mode locally.
If it can handle it then device farm should behave the same way.
Sometimes it may be the case that the alert window appears before the appium session is established in which case adding a delay can help.
When you test is locally please use Appium version 1.4.16 since this is the version being used on device farm right now.
