Issue Related to Autocomplete Textbox in knockout js -

I have webapplication with knockoutjs
i have to implement Autocomplete textbox in a webform,
I got following tutorial
i have added following code:
var viewModel = {
keywords: ko.observableArray([
'abstract', 'add', 'alias', 'as', 'ascending',
'async', 'await', 'base', 'bool', 'break'
<input data-bind="autocomplete: { data: keywords, maxItems: 6 }" value=""/>
it works fine, but it binds text only, and i want to bind Text and Value Pair.
how can i achieve in above code?

I haven't tested this, but it looks like it allows you to pass a formatter, so you can set up how it will be displayed to the user.
var viewModel = {
keywords: ko.observableArray([
{ name: 'Abstract', value: 'abstract' },
{ name: 'Break', value: 'break' }
format: function (value) {
// This is what is shown in the list, only pass what you want
selected: ko.observable(),
onSelect: function (value) {
// value should be your name/value object
<input data-bind="autocomplete: {
data: keywords,
maxItems: 6,
format: format,
onSelect: onSelect
}" value=""/>


Displaying name and selecting id on select for Twitter Typeahead

I am trying to implement twitter typeahead into my project, having remote as the source. I am able to make the connection between the front end query text and the sql. The return response looks like this:
id: 1,
name: 'user one'
id: 2,
name: 'user two'
The typeahead displays the matching items but it includes the id along with the names in the selection, instead of just the name. Second, I want to get the id value on select but the :select always gives the name value instead of the id.
here is my code:
var source = new Bloodhound({
datumTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.obj.whitespace('name'),
queryTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace,
remote: {
url:"{{ path('user_typeahead') }}"+'?string=%QUERY', // twig path
wildcard: '%QUERY',
filter: function (results) {
// Map the remote source JSON array to a JavaScript object array
return $.map(results, function (result) {
return {
value: result
// Initialize the Bloodhound suggestion engine
$('#typeahead').typeahead(null, {
display: 'value',
source: source.ttAdapter(),
highlight: true,
hint: true
$('#typeahead').bind('typeahead:select', function(ev, suggestion) {
Try this,
Display should be set to the property of the json object. display: 'id'
Chain the custom event. Access your id from
$('#typeahead').typeahead(null, {
display: 'id',
source: source.ttAdapter(),
highlight: true,
hint: true
}).bind('typeahead:select', function(ev, suggestion) {

Populating SELECT options from database in SimpleSchema

Using SimpleSchema in Meteor with the AutoForm + Select2 plugins , i am trying to generate the Options for a Select field from the database.
The 'occupation' collection is published, and a collection 'Occupation' is defined in Meteor.
In SimpleSchema I have this:-
occupations: {
type: [String],
label: 'Occupation',
placeholder: 'Comma spaced list of occupations',
options: function () {
return Occupations.find({});
But it does not return the collection results, and crashes the application without an error message.
It seems the best way to handle this is to supply the options list through a helper.
{{> afQuickField name='occupations' multiple=true tags=true options=listOccupations}}
Where listOccupations is a helper within the template containing the form.
listOccupations: function () {
return Occupations.find({}).fetch();
And we remove the options object from the schena
occupations: {
type: [String],
label: 'Occupation',
placeholder: 'Comma spaced list of occupations',
Have you tried, this approach:
autoform: {
options: {
var occupations = [];
Occupations.find().map(function(occ) {
{label: occ.description, value: occ._id}
return occupations;
hope this helps..
I had the same issue. I'm defining my collections schema in /lib/collections folder, and that is running on both server and client side. Given that, the console.log that I had was printing the correct values on server side and an empty array on client side.
What I did was:
if (Meteor.isClient){
Meteor.subscribe('service-categories-list', {
onReady: function(){
const serviceCategories = ServiceCategories.find({}).map(function(item, index) {
return {
value: item.slug
Schema2._schema.type.autoform.options = serviceCategories;
I know that using the _schema is not a good idea, but I accept suggestions :)

Binding KendoGrid to a local object

I want to bind a KendoGrid to an object array so that it reflects what ever the user enters. The object will have two fields ExceptionName and ExceptionType. ExceptionType needs to be a dropdown of 5 items (this is working). The ExceptionName will be free text.
If I double click on the kendo grid, I can edit, but it does not reflects in the object. Same thing for Delete & new row. (So I think I am doing something wrong in the binding or in the declaration of the object)
Below, find a snippet of my code:
Object array:
var authorizationInformation = [{
exemptionName: "",
exemptionType: "Unknown"
columns: [{
field: "exemptionName", title: "Exemption Name"
field: "exemptionType",
title: "Exemption Type",
template: function (value) {
for (var i = 0; i < exemptionTypeList.length; i++) {
if (exemptionTypeList[i].exemptionType == value.exemptionType) {
return exemptionTypeList[i].description;
editor: function (container) {
var input = $('<input id="exemptionType" name="exemptionType">');
// initialize a dropdownlist
dataTextField: "description",
dataValueField: "exemptionType",
dataSource: exemptionTypeList
command: "destroy"
dataSource: authorizationInformation,
editable: true,
scrollable: false,
Any suggestion would be appreciated.
Thanks, M

Bind constraints in Input control of SAPUI5

My rest service expose me a group of fields: each filed has a value and a list of attributes: enabled, maxLength (in case of string), minLength (in case of string), decimals (number of decimal digits - in case of float).
In OpenUi5 I have:
value and enabled are properties of Input control Link (Good!! I can bind properties with model contains the attributes)
maxLength and decimals are optionsof String type and Float type (Link) but I can't bind options with a model :-/
minLength I can't find a property/option
I would like map (bind) each attribute with component so that automatically the library control for me without writing more code.
there is a property called maxLength for Input Control.
So the only problem I see is binding minLength and decimals for which there is little bit effort is needed.
Create your own input control by extending the existing Input
Control.How to achieve it?
Sample Code Structure:"sap.m.Input");"sap.m.ComplexInput");
sap.m.Input.extend("sap.m.ComplexInput", {
metadata: {
properties: {
minLength: {
type: "int"
decimals: {
type: "int"
events: {
//define your own events like checkMinLength,checkDecimals
onInit: function () {
//on init do something
onAfterRendering: function () {
//called after instance has been rendered (it's in the DOM)
_somePrivateMethod: function () {
/*do someting...*/
somePublicMethod: function () {
/*do someting...*/
sap.m.ComplexInput.prototype.exit = function () {
/* release resources that are not released by the SAPUI5 framework */
//do something
Adding CustomData and using wherever you want to.
Then you can access custom data in validation process or on liveChange or so..
Bind the other properties to the value of customData
var input = new sap.m.Input({
value: '{value}',
enabled: '{enabled}',
maxLength: '{maxLength}',
customData: [
new sap.ui.core.CustomData({
key: 'minLength',
value: '{minLength}'
new sap.ui.core.CustomData({
key: 'decimals ',
value: '{decimals}'
change: function(oEvent) {
var src = oEvent.getSource();
var minLen = src.getCustomData()[0].getValue();
var decimals = src.getCustomData()[1].getValue();
if (src.getValue() && src.getValue().length > minLen) {
} else {

I'm doing model binding using backbone.stickit. How can I bind a prepopulated select with a model?

I have a form with a select populated with options. I want to bind it to a model using backbone.stickit but the documentation show how to populate the select on the binding configuration. I can't found an easy way to bind the model with my prepopulated select.
This is my html
<div id="main">
<form id="formulario">
<input id="test1" type="text" />
<select id="test2">
<option value="0">a</option>
<option value="1">b</option>
<div id="value-test1"></div>
<div id="value-test2"></div>
This is a working example based on the documentation, but not what I need
var Model = Backbone.Model.extend({});
var View = Backbone.View.extend({
el: $('#main'),
bindings: {
'#test1': 'test1',
'#value-test1': 'test1',
'#test2': {
selectOptions: {
collection: function() {
return [
{value: 0, label:'a'},
{value: 1, label:'b'}
'#value-test2': 'test2'
render: function() {
var model = new Model({test1: 'test', test2: 0});
var view = new View({model: model}).render();
I tried to obtain the option values from the select on the binding configuration using jquery but doesn't work
var Model = Backbone.Model.extend({});
var View = Backbone.View.extend({
el: $('#main'),
bindings: {
'#test1': 'test1',
'#value-test1': 'test1',
'#test2': {
selectOptions: {
collection: function() {
options = $("#test2 option").map(function(){
return {value: this.value, label: this.text};
return options;
'#value-test2': 'test2'
render: function() {
var model = new Model({test1: 'test', test2: 0});
var view = new View({model: model}).render();
It worked, but I think it will be a mess on forms with many selects
window.options = $("#test2 option").map(function(){
return {value: this.value, label: this.text};
var Model = Backbone.Model.extend({});
var View = Backbone.View.extend({
el: $('#main'),
bindings: {
'#test1': 'test1',
'#value-test1': 'test1',
'#test2': {
selectOptions: {
collection: function() {
return window.options;
'#value-test2': 'test2'
render: function() {
var model = new Model({test1: 'test', test2: 0});
var view = new View({model: model}).render();
What is the best way to bind a prepopulated select to a model?
I tried only with backbone.stickit, it's easier with another library?
Stickit actually binds values as data to select-options instead of using the value html attribute. The reasoning behind this is that in rich apps, you often want to use different types of data for option values. For example, you may want an option to represent a JavaScript Object or Array which is not an easy value to serialize to an html attribute; or you may want to assign the attribute value to the Number 2, but because of type coercion when it is saved as an attribue it will be converted to the String "2". Also, since Stickit is going to parse/own the select-options, it makes sense to let Stickit render the options instead of rendering/processing it in two places (not to mention iterating in a template is ugly).
That said, this request is common enough that I'm convinced to support pre-rendered select-options. Can you open a new issue, and I'll get something out on master within the next couple of days?
EDIT: This is being actively worked on, now.
