Before mail sending validate contact from 7 - wordpress

I want to check address filed have correct address then send email. My code working but i want to execute my code after contact from 7 validation. if my code return true then form will submit and send email otherwise show alert and should not be submit.
$('.wpcf7-submit').on('click', function (e) {
var address = $('input[name="your-address"]').val();
if(city !=="") {, {data:address, action:'gs_cf7_check_lat_lag'}, function (response){
if(response=="no") {
alert('Sorry we couldnt find the location');
} else {
I am looking a hook such as add_action('wpcf7_before_send_mail', 'save_form'); if there as any javascript hook?

The logic of Contact From 7 is as follows. On Submit click it fires ajax, performs all validation in php code and returns to js internal function $.wpcf7AjaxSuccess = function(data, status, xhr, $form). This function checks data.invalids and if true, shows error message(s).
This means it is too late to perform your checks after Contact Form 7 validation, because when php code accepts all data as valid, it sends email and returns control to $.wpcf7AjaxSuccess.
As a workaround, you can mark address field as required in CF7, monitor .focusout() event on your field (input[name="your-address"]) and clear it if address entered is not valid. On submit click, CF7 will not send the email then and will require your field.
Try to change your code in this way:
$('input[name="your-address"]).focusout( function () {
var address = $('input[name="your-address"]').val();
if(city !=="") {, {data:address, action:'gs_cf7_check_lat_lag'}, function (response){
if(response=="no") {
alert('Sorry we couldnt find the location');
} else {
I didn't check it since I don't have other pieces of your code (gs_cf7_check_lat_lag), so please treat it as idea how to make a workaround.


Sending Verification email to existing users

I am working on a web app with an existing user base. Email verification was not initially implemented in the sign in flow.
I have successfully added code for sending verification email for all new sign ups but I also wanted to make a small page (or modal) where current users would be shown a button that would send the verification link to their inbox
The current sign up flow where I created the user with createUserWithEmailAndPassword I was able to get access to the user.user.sendEmailVerification method to do so, but cannot find any way to access this method to implement the feature for existing users.
Is there a way to access the sendEmailVerification method after the user has been created?
I am assuming that it would be available within the onAuthStateChange trigger but implementing that would lead to a bad UX (as I do not want to prompt the users everytime they login)
I know the documentation states that we can use the firebase.auth().currentUser to get the current user but that, for some reason did not work.
Also, I found references online suggesting to no longer use that method and they mentioned to use the onAuthStateChange method instead, which is why I was looking into that approach
You can try this method:
const btnVerifyEmail = document.getElementById("btn-verify-id")
btnVerifyEmail.onclick = function () {
const user = firebase.auth().currentUser;
user.sendEmailVerification().then(function() {
// Email sent.
console.log("Email Sent")
}).catch(function(error) {
// An error happened.
It's mentioned in the documentation right here
The sendEmailVerification() should not be called in the onAuthStateChanged event because it would blast out an email on every page load if the user's email isn't verified.
You should instead display a notification on the page if User.emailVerified is false that contains a link to send the user an email.
Here's a working example:
// On page load watch for auth state changes
firebase.auth().onAuthStateChanged(function(user) {
// If the user is logged in
if (user) {
// If the user's email isn't verified
if (!user.emailVerified) {
// Show the notification bar that informs the user that they need to validate
// their email by clicking a link. Let's pretend the link looks like this:
// Send me a verification email
// Function attached to your link's onclick event
function sendEmailVerification() {
// Retrieve the current user
const user = firebase.auth().currentUser;
// If user's email is already verified, exit
if (user.emailVerified) {
// Tell Firebase to send the verification email and discard the promise
Dharmaraj's answer is good but this is a full example.

custom javascript cannot return client ID var google tag manager

I have tried to get the client ID with custom javascript but it cannot return the value. Below is the code is tried. Would like to seek help from all experts. Thanks.
function () {
return function () {
try {
var trackers = ga.getAll();
trackers.forEach(function(tracker) {
var cid = tracker.get('clientId');
tracker.set('dimension1', cid);
} catch (e) {}
It cannot return a normal client ID
Your custom variable returns a function, not a value (since the function is never actually executed).
A better way to get the clientId for each current tracker is to use a custom task in Google Analytics (tasks are basically individual steps in the tracker lifecycle, from checking if a client id exists to assemble the payload to actually sending the data). A task is a Javascript function that is added to the GA tag via the "set fields" configuration. Tasks have access to the tracker data model and can add, remove or modify values from the payload.
The only task you can use via GTM is the customTask, which as the name suggests, adds custom capabilities to the tracker.
If you create a custom javascript variable called e.g. "getClientId" with the following code:
function() {
// Modify customDimensionIndex to match the index number you want to send the data to
var customDimensionIndex = 5;
return function(model) {
model.set('dimension' + customDimensionIndex, model.get('clientId'));
then go to your GA settings tag, and in the "set field" configuration set the field name "customTask" with the variable as value, the clientId will be extracted from the data model and added to the payload as custom dimension.
Better than my explanation is Simo Ahavas GTM tip for setting the client id via custom tasks.

Form link send and later submit to sender in Meteor

A Meteor web app being used by a logged in user "merchant" who needs to create a link and sms/email it to his customer. The link opens a form. The customer fills up the form and submits it so that the data gets inserted with a property merchantId, since many merchants can send to many customers.
This single page app is not using a Router but able to sms/email. How can linking a form between a merchant and a customer be accomplished elegantly so that the data from the correct customer gets "linked" to the correct merchant? Thanks
Merchant Part
You can trigger after a successful send of the email/sms a meteor method, that stores a record of the sent email/sms in a collection (in this example named Record). This could be the schema for it:
Record Collection Schema (Server/Client)
merchantId:String, // the id of the sender
customer:String, //id or name or address or phone num of receiver
opened:Boolean, //when the link is opened can be set to true
link:String, // the link to be send,
type:Number, //0=sms, 1=email,
expires:Date, //in case the link is not opened
You can for example create a Meteor method to insert the record after send:
Insert Record (Server)
insertRecord:function(recordData) {
//... check recordData by schmema and permissions here
return Records.insert(recordData);
Sending the Email/SMS
So the merchant part of the app sends the link via sms/email and calls the insertRecord method to store the record of the saved .
Save Record (Client or Server)
const callback=function(err, res) {
if (res) { // assume your sent was successful here"insertRecord", {
//... your record credentials
// a little bit of pseudocode
if (sms)
sms.send(form, callback);
email.send(form, callback);
Customer Part
When the customer opens the link it triggers a templatethat will render your form. You can initially run a meteor method to check the Record collection for a document that matches the link url.
Get Record by Url Method (Server)
getRecordByUrl:function(url) {
//... do your input checks here
return Records.findOne({link:url});
Template for Form (Client)
const instance = this;
instance.state = new ReactiveDict();
instance.state.set("record", null);
// if no record loaded yet
if (!instance.state.get("record")) {"getRecordByUrl", window.location.href, function(err, res) {
if (err || !res) {
//...handle err
this.state.set("record", res);
getRecord() {
return Template.instance().state.get("record");
getMerchantId() {
const record = Template.instance().state.get("record");
return record.merchantId;
You can then use this document to add the merchantId to the form either as a hidden input or via html data attribute.
{{#if getRecord}}
<form id="...">
<input type="hidden" name="merchantId" value="{{getMerchantId}}" />
<!-- other inputs here -->
The examples can of course be optimized but I think this way it clearer to understand.

Accounts.onLogout - what user logged out?

I'm excited about the addition of the Accounts.onLogout() server side hook:
However I can't seem to find a way to access the user who is logging out. The PR says the onLogout hook is directly analogous to the onLogin, but I can't find the user anywhere.
Accounts.onLogout(function(user) {
console.log("onLogout:", user);
outputs undefined for everything.
How can I know which user is logging out?
As you already found out, there doesn't seem to be a way to directly access the logged out user from within the callback since this is undefined and no arguments are given to the callback.
To solve the issue I suggest you create a custom method that takes an argument: the user ID. You can simply call that method from the client code just before calling Meteor.logout(). Inside the method you then have access to the user ID and can lookup the user from the Database and perform whatever action you want.
// On the server
preLogoutHook: function (userId) {
check(userId, String);
// .. do stuff ..
// On the client, probably in an event handler of a logout button'preLogoutHook', Meteor.userId(), (error, result) => {
if (error) console.log(error);
seems like no way to do this using onLogout function as of now,
I would not recommending tracking logout in Client code - hard to maintain this code.
Have you tried this package: Event-Hooks(
Hooks.onLoggedOut = function (userId) { ... } ( anywhere ) - Provide a callback to run when a user has logged out

ASP.NET MVC: Save multiple values on autocomplete

I have a mysql database with the tables "deliverables", "tags" and "deliverables_has_tags". I want to link tags to a deliverable.
This is what I do in my javascript file:
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
$(function () {
var object = {};
type: "GET",
url: "/Deliverable/Tags",
dataType: "json",
success: function (data) {
object.tags = data;
function split(val) {
return val.split(/,\s*/);
function extractLast(term) {
return split(term).pop();
// don't navigate away from the field on tab when selecting an item
.bind("keydown", function (event) {
if (event.keyCode === $.ui.keyCode.TAB &&
$(this).data("ui-autocomplete") {
minLength: 0,
source: function (request, response) {
// delegate back to autocomplete, but extract the last term
object.tags, extractLast(request.term)));
focus: function () {
// prevent value inserted on focus
return false;
select: function (event, ui) {
var terms = split(this.value);
// remove the current input
// add the selected item
// add placeholder to get the comma-and-space at the end
this.value = terms.join(", ");
return false;
I can add multiple tags in my textbox.
But now I want to save this in my repository.
In my Action method in controller:
repository.AddDeliverable(model.Title, model.Description, model.UsernameID, data, datatwo, model.VideoUrl, model.AfstudeerrichtingID, model.ProjectID);
Tags action:
public JsonResult Tags()
var data = (repository.GetTags()).ToArray();
return Json(data, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
In my repository:
public IQueryable<string> GetTags()
return from tag in entities.tags
orderby tag.tag_name
select tag.tag_name;
I have no clue how to save this in my database.
Can anybody help me?
If I correctly understood your question, you have implemented your tag handling as follows:
There is MVC action method that returns the view with input placeholder containing no data
The placeholder itself is probably input type=text with id=tags
On 'dom ready' you fire ajax request to retrieve your tags from database, json-serialized as array; when it arrives you store it to tags variable (no error handling(!))
At the same time you decorate your input with jqueryui autocomplete that reacts on user input and returns items from the tags variable
Since input already contains tags (comma separated), your filter is first letters of the last tag
So, you have a situation when user has input a few comma separated tags (probably some of them can be new) and now wants to save it to the database. For each input, if that is a known tag you have to store it to "deliverables_has_tags". If there is a new tag, you have to store it both to "tags" and "deliverables_has_tags".
Most common scenario would be having a 'Save' button to start saving process.
Let's analyze what you have to do in the process.
1) Button click
On button click you use js to convert your comma separated tags string
using logic like split(term) to the array, and serialize it. You can
do serialization using serializeArray and manually create JSON
object, or serialize the whole form using
$('#yourForm').serialize(). I would choose the first option
because that way I get more control over JSON format and avoid
problems with MVC default model binder.
2) Ajax call
When the JSON object is ready to be sent, you fire an ajax POST
request to your MVC POST action method. When you save state always
avoid GET because new versions of browsers can scan thru your page and
actively preload urls using GET requests. You don't want this here. Of
course, use your data as a data-parameter in the ajax call.
3) Action method
When the request arrives, you have to process it in your controller
using a new action method. Typically in this case you will have
something like public JsonResult SaveTags(SaveTagsModel saveTags) {
... } which saves tags using your repository and returns result that
says something like 'OK' or 'ERROR' (sth like
response.isSaved=true/false). Tricky part can be designing view model
according to your JSON object - this could help. And regarding
collections this could be valuable info.
When saving, use transaction to ensure everything is saved at once.
First check if each tag exists in the database and insert those who
don't exist. After that, check for each tag if there is appropriate
n-n relation in deliverables_has_tags and insert it if there isn't.
I believe that you should use same repository encapsulation for both
In the post action, include FormCollection collection as argument and gather your tags from that. There is no automatic way. You could implement some custom model binding, but that is probably not worth the effort.
