redux: how to update related info in store - redux

I have a (ngrx) store for an array of Speaker object and for the SelectedSpeaker. The reducer looks like:
export const speakers = (state: any = [], { type, payload }) => {
switch (type) {
case SpeakerActions.TOGGLEFAVORITE:
return => {
return === ? _.assign({}, speaker, {isFavorite: !speaker.isFavorite}) : speaker;
I left out the unimportant code. The reducer for currentSpeaker looks like:
export const selectedSpeaker = (state: any = [], { type, payload }) => {
switch (type) {
case SelectedSpeakerActions.SELECT:
return payload;
Now my question, if I dispatch a SpeakerActions.TOGGLEFAVORITE for a speaker and this happens to be the SelectedSpeaker, how do I update the SelectedSpeaker in this case? Note this all works as part of an Angular2 project, for what that worth.

Generally, Redux state should be fully normalized - you shouldn't have some state in two places, since it creates exactly the problem you are seeing.
Probably the best solution in your case is for selectedSpeaker just to contain the id of the selected speaker, not the speaker itself. e.g. something like
export const selectedSpeaker = (state: any = [], { type, payload }) => {
switch (type) {
case SelectedSpeakerActions.SELECT:
Obviously, you'll need to lookup the selected speaker where you use it, using the ID. You might also find it easier to have an object (or Map) from id=>speaker in your speaker store, rather than a plain array.


Redux Toolkit - assign entire array to state

How can I assign an entire array to my intialState object using RTK?
Doing state = payload or state = [...state, ...payload] doesn't update anything.
const slice = createSlice({
name: 'usersLikedPosts',
initialState: [],
reducers: {
getUsersLikedPosts: (state, { payload }) => {
if (payload.length > 0) {
state = payload
payload looks like this:
0: {
uid: '1',
title: 'testpost'
Doing this works but I don't know if this is a correct approach. Can anyone comment?
payload.forEach((item) => state.push(item))
immer can only observe modifications to the object that was initially passed into your function through the state argument. It is not possible to observe from outside the function if that variable was reassigned, as it only exists in the scope within the function.
You can, however, just return a new value instead of modifying the old one, if you like that better. (And in this case, it is probably a bit more performant than doing a bunch of .push calls)
return [...state, ...payload]
should do what you want.

Rewrite redux-orm reducer with redux-toolkit

Issue (tl;dr)
How can we create a custom redux-orm reducer with redux-toolkit's createSlice?
Is there a simpler, recommended, more elegant or just other solution than the attempt provided in this question?
The example of a custom redux-orm reducer looks as follows (simplified):
function ormReducer(dbState, action) {
const session = orm.session(dbState);
const { Book } = session;
switch (action.type) {
Book.withId(action.payload.bookId).publisherId = action.payload.publisherId;
return session.state;
It's possible to simplify reducers with the createSlice function of redux-toolkit (based on the redux-toolkit usage-guide):
const ormSlice = createSlice({
name: 'orm',
initialState: [],
reducers: {
createBook(state, action) {},
removeAuthorFromBook(state, action) {},
assignPublisher(state, action) {}
const { actions, reducer } = ormSlice
export const { createBook, removeAuthorsFromBook, assignPublisher } = actions
export default reducer
However, at the beginning of redux-orm reducer we need to create a session
const session = orm.session(dbState);
then we do our redux-orm reducer magic, and at the end we need to return the state
return session.state;
So we miss something like beforeEachReducer and afterEachReducer methods in the createSlice to add this functionality.
Solution (attempt)
We created a withSession higher-order function that creates the session and returns the new state.
const withSession = reducer => (state, action) => {
const session = orm.session(state);
reducer(session, action);
return session.state;
We need to wrap every reducer logic in this withSession.
import { createSlice } from '#reduxjs/toolkit';
import orm from './models/orm'; // defined elsewhere
// also define or import withSession here
const ormSlice = createSlice({
name: 'orm',
initialState: orm.session().state, // we need to provide the initial state
reducers: {
createBook: withSession((session, action) => {
removeAuthorFromBook: withSession((session, action) => {
assignPublisher: withSession((session, action) => {
session.Book.withId(action.payload.bookId).publisherId = action.payload.publisherId;
const { actions, reducer } = ormSlice
export const { createBook, removeAuthorsFromBook, assignPublisher } = actions
export default reducer
This is a fascinating question for me, because I created Redux Toolkit, and I wrote extensively about using Redux-ORM in my "Practical Redux" tutorial series.
Off the top of my head, I'd have to say your withSession() wrapper looks like the best approach for now.
At the same time, I'm not sure that using Redux-ORM and createSlice() together really gets you a lot of benefit. You're not making use of Immer's immutable update capabilities inside, since Redux-ORM is handling updates within the models. The only real benefit in this case is generating the action creators and action types.
You might be better off just calling createAction() separately, and using the original reducer form with the generated action types in the switch statement:
export const createBook = createAction("books/create");
export const removeAuthorFromBook = createAction("books/removeAuthor");
export const assignPublisher = createAction("books/assignPublisher");
export default function ormReducer(dbState, action) {
const session = orm.session(dbState);
const { Book } = session;
switch (action.type) {
case createBook.type:
case removeAuthorFromBook.type:
case assignPublisher.type:
Book.withId(action.payload.bookId).publisherId = action.payload.publisherId;
return session.state;
I see what you're saying about adding some kind of "before/after" handlers, but that would add too much complexity. RTK is intended to handle the 80% use case, and the TS types for createSlice are already incredibly complicated. Adding any more complexity here would be bad.
I came across this question looking to combine the benefits of redux-toolkit
and redux-orm. I was able to come up with a solution I've been pretty happy
with so far. Here is what my redux-orm model looks like:
class Book extends Model {
static modelName = 'Book';
// Declare your related fields.
static fields = {
id: attr(), // non-relational field for any value; optional but highly recommended
name: attr(),
// foreign key field
publisherId: fk({
to: 'Publisher',
as: 'publisher',
relatedName: 'books',
authors: many('Author', 'books'),
static slice = createSlice({
name: 'BookSlice',
// The "state" (Book) is coming from the redux-orm reducer, and so will
// never be undefined; therefore, `initialState` is not needed.
initialState: undefined,
reducers: {
createBook(Book, action) {
removeAuthorFromBook(Book, action) {
assignPublisher(Book, action) {
Book.withId(action.payload.bookId).publisherId = action.payload.publisherId;
toString() {
return `Book: ${}`;
// Declare any static or instance methods you need.
export default Book;
export const { createBook, removeAuthorFromBook, assignPublisher } = Book.slice.actions;
The redux-toolkit slice is created as a static property on the class, and then
the model and its actions are exported in a manner similar to Ducks
The only other modification to make is to define a custom updater for
redux-orm's reducer:
const ormReducer = createReducer(orm, function (session, action) {
session.sessionBoundModels.forEach(modelClass => {
if (typeof modelClass.slice.reducer === 'function') {
modelClass.slice.reducer(modelClass, action, session);
See a more complete example here:
Some Notes
#markerikson makes a good point about some of the features of redux-toolkit
not being used since redux-orm is managing the state. For me, the two
greatest benefits of using this method are not having to wrangle a whole
bunch of action creators and not having to contend with awful switch
statements :D.
I am using the stage 3 class fields and static class features proposals. (See To make
this ES6 compatible, you can easily refactor the model class to define its
static props using the current syntax (i.e. Book.modelName = 'Book';).
If you decide to mix models like the one above with models that don't define
a slice, then you'll need to tweak the logic in the createReducer updater
For a real world example, see how I use the model in my project here:
This project is still in the early stages. The largest question in my mind is
how well this method will scale; however, I am optimistic that it will continue
to provide numerous benefits as my project matures.
Try using normalized-reducer. It's a higher-order-reducer that takes a schema describing the relationships, and returns a reducer, action, and selectors that write/read according to the relationships.
It also integrates easily with Normalizr and Redux Toolkit.

React Redux Search Reducer

Currently I have the below reducer switch statement. All it does is toggles the state of Sidebar, so first it shows then hides then shows. It's easy.
switch(action.type) {
return {
Sidebar : {
Display : !state.Sidebar.Display
return state;
Now I have a input field like here
that people can type to search account. I am trying to set up Redux so when user types, it gets saved to the Redux global state and I can pull it from another component. I have this reducer code set up for it but I don't know how can I pull what user types into this reducer from that component?
function reducer(state = initialState, action) {
switch(action.type) {
return {
AccountNumberSearch : {
AccountNumber : ''
return state;
An action is just an object with a string value named type. Any other properties on this object will also be passed, so you use this to pass the typed text.
If you're using a function to create your actions, something along the lines of:
export function accountNumberSearch(accountNumber) {
return { type: 'ACCOUNT_SEARCH', accountNumber };
Then in your reducer, you'll be able to assign the value in the state to action.accountNumber.
AccountNumberSearch : {
AccountNumber : action.accountNumber,
Then you can map your state to props as you normally would (as you did for the sidebar toggle).
Also, as an aside, you should look into modularising your reducers with combineReducers - Docs
This would be much easier than the way you're doing it.
EDIT: Handling the changes
First of all, you'd want to wire up your input field for the search box to an onChange listener. If you do this like onChange={this.onSearchChange} you can get the value from event in the function:
onSearchChange = event => {
Then in mapDispatchToProps you'd send your action + the passed value to dispatch:
const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => {
return {
AccountNumberSearch: AccountNumber => dispatch(importedActions.AccountNumberSearch(AccountNumber)),
Then, in the component you want to RECEIVE this value, you'd map the redux state to props, like:
const mapStateToProps = state => {
return {
AccountNumber: state.AccountNumberSearch.AccountNumber,
Then you can access that value in your render function by calling this.props.AccountNumber.
If you need to do something when this value changes, you can always listen on componentDidUpdate, and compare the value with the old one - if it changed, call whatever function that you need to do.

Can combineReducers work with extra actions?

What I want is the root reducer combine other reducers, and listen to extra actions. I've find the docs, but I can not get any information.
Here is some pseudo code.
const root1 = combineReducers({
function root2(state = initState, action) {
switch (action.type) {
return _.assign({}, initState,;
return state;
merge(root1, root2);
The only way I figure out is to drop combineReducers:
function root(state = initState, action) {
switch (action.type) {
return _.assign({}, initState,;
case ...: return ...;
case ...: return ...;
case ...: return ...;
default: return state;
Is there another way to implement this?
Yes, you can use combineReducers() with multiple reducers while also having an action that rebuilds your entire application state. Admittedly, that is a bit of a strange design decision and does not scale very well with more complex apps, but you obviously have a use-case. If you want to do something like that you have two choices.
Option 1: Divide up action
It is totally valid to listen for the same action type within multiple reducer functions. This is the most straightforward approach, although it involves more repetition. You would just break out each piece of state returned by your action into the individual reducer functions it applies to.
For instance, if this was your entire application state
foo: {},
bar: {}
And your action type that rebuilt the entire application state was LOAD_DATA, you could do this
function foo (state = {}, action) {
switch (action.type) {
case 'LOAD_DATA':
return {...state,}
function bar (state = {}, action) {
switch (action.type) {
case 'LOAD_DATA':
return {...state,}
const root = combineReducers({
With that, both foo and bar in your state would always get rebuilt with the corresponding data coming from the same action.
Option 2: Build Custom combineReducers()
There is nothing stopping you from building your own version of combineReducers(). If you watch this video on building a combineReducers() function from scratch, you'll see that the logic in place is not that complicated. You would just have to listen for the specific action type and return the entire state from that action if it matched. Here's a version of that I built by looking at the current source for combineReducers() and then working the 2 util functions into that function
function combineReducers(reducers) {
var fn = (val) => typeof val === 'function';
var finalReducers = Object.keys(reducers).reduce((result, key) => {
if (fn(reducers[key])) {
result[key] = reducers[key]
return result
}, {});
return function combination(state = {}, action) {
if (action.type === 'LOAD_DATA') {
return completeStateReducer(action)
} else {
var hasChanged = false
var fn = (reducer, key) => {
var previousStateForKey = state[key]
var nextStateForKey = reducer(previousStateForKey, action)
if (typeof nextStateForKey === 'undefined') {
var errorMessage = getUndefinedStateErrorMessage(key, action)
throw new Error(errorMessage)
hasChanged = hasChanged || nextStateForKey !== previousStateForKey
return nextStateForKey
var finalState = Object.keys(finalReducers).reduce((result, key) => {
result[key] = fn(finalReducers[key], key)
return result
}, {})
return hasChanged ? finalState : state
function completeStateReducer(action) {
return action.result;
Outside of merging those util functions back in, the only thing I really added was the bit about listening for the LOAD_DATA action type and then calling completeStateReducer() when that happens instead of combining the other reducer functions. Of course, this assumes that your LOAD_DATA action actually returns your entire state, but even if it doesn't, this should point you in the right direction of building out your own solution.
First, combineReducers is merely a utility function that simplifies the common use case of "this reducer function should handle updates to this subset of data". It's not required.
Second, that looks like pretty much the exact use case for There's an example here:
export default reduceReducers(
router: routerReducer,
// cross-cutting concerns because here `state` is the whole state tree
(state, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
const customers = state.customers;
const filters = state.filters;
// ... do stuff
Also, I give an example of using reduceReducers in the "Structuring Reducers" section of the Redux docs: .

Redux - Is there any way to access store tree in reducer?

In my case, I have a store like:
aa: {...},
bb: cc // the result of computing with aa
I need to update aa and bb at the same time, but bb need to get the latest computation of aa.
Here is some code(React.js):
onClick(e) {
const { dispatch, aa, bb } = this.props;
dispatch(updateBb(aa)); // can not get the latest computation of aa, it is the last computation..
So, is this mean that I need to get aa in bb's reducer?
And How can I do it?
Hope for helps!, Thanks!
don't use combineReducers.
replace this code
export const a = combineReducers({
export default (state = {}, action) => {
return {
app: app(, action, state),
posts: posts(state.posts, action, state),
intl: intl(state.intl, action, state),
products: products(state.products, action, state),
pos: pos(state.pos, action, state),
cats: cats(state.cats, action, state),
reducer would be like
const reducer = (state = initialState, action, root) => {....}
There are several possibilities, but it's tough to say which is best, given the vagueness of the code.
Ideally, your store should be normalized, meaning that each piece of data is only available in one place. Then you would calculate derived data after reading the store, such as when you use the selector pattern described in the guide to map the state of the store to what you might consider a materialized view that will be sent to your components as props. In this workflow, aa and bb would each be produced by selector functions, rather than stored in that store itself.
You could leave the reducer that updates aa and bb outside of combineReducers, so that it sees the whole state, rather than the state scoped down to aa and bb.
You could factor out your calculation code into a helper that could be called by updateAa and updateBb, and pass enough info in each action to make the calculation.
You could calculate the update before dispatching, so that the action contains the right value.
As David L. Walsh said, probably you should structure your reducers in a more logical way.
BUT If you still think you need it, you can use a thunk Middleware.
Redux Thunk middleware allows you to write action creators that return a function instead of an action.
Redux Thunk offers you a way to read the current state of the Redux store. In addition to dispatch, it also passes getState as the second argument to the function you return from your thunk action creator.
export function action() {
return function(dispatch, getState){
const state = getState()
some_part_of_state: state.some_part
Ask yourself whether you've structured your reducers correctly. If a and b are not independent of one another, why are they separate reducers? I would try to merge them into a single reducer.
Based on Sheikh Abdul Wahid's answer, I had to do the following modification to make it work with history and connected-react-router:
Notice the () after the connectRouter(history)
import { connectRouter } from 'connected-react-router'
const createRootReducer = (history) => {
return (state = {}, action) => {
return {
router: connectRouter(history)(), of reducers
If this is a common use case for you, you can try writing your own function to combine reducers according to your needs, as recommended by the official Redux documentation:
Sharing data between slice reducers
Similarly, if sliceReducerA happens to need some data from sliceReducerB's slice of state in order to handle a particular action, or sliceReducerB happens to need the entire state as an argument, combineReducers does not handle that itself. This could be resolved by writing a custom function that knows to pass the needed data as an additional argument in those specific cases, such as:
function combinedReducer(state, action) {
switch (action.type) {
return {
a: sliceReducerA(state.a, action),
b: sliceReducerB(state.b, action)
return {
// specifically pass state.b as an additional argument
a: sliceReducerA(state.a, action, state.b),
b: sliceReducerB(state.b, action)
return {
a: sliceReducerA(state.a, action),
// specifically pass the entire state as an additional argument
b: sliceReducerB(state.b, action, state)
return state
I highly recommend you to read this documentation page, where there are also other suggestions to share data between reducers, even using combineReducers for simple actions and other custom reducers for the special cases.
I hope these options help!
You can access the other reducer's data in actions and dispatch that data as a param.
const actionFn = (param1) => {
return (dispatch, stateFn) => {
const { param2 } = stateFn().other.reducer;
type: ACTION,
case ACTION:
return reducerFn(state, data);
const reducerFn = (state, { param1, param2 }) => {
return {
someState: {
setParam1: param1
setParam2: param2,
Hope it helps!
If some reducer needs some data from another reducer, a simple solution is to merge them into a single reducer.
In my case, I need some data from another reducer and it is very difficult to manage them so I ended up merging them both.
