Dump SNMP information into file using Nagios - networking

Is there any plugin of Nagios which can capture information from multiple SNMP agents and will dump snmpwalk information in a certain interval .
It will be better if information will be dumped in JSON format .

Because of the well documented plugin development guidelines, this is something you could easily build yourself!
Let's build one right now. Let's say we have 2 IP addresses, and We'll build a simple plugin using PHP, although you can ideally write it in any language you like.
This plugin isn't going to conform completely to the guides, but it should give you a nice starting point!
// check if we have at least the minimum required output
// (we need at least 1 argument)
if (count($argv) < 2) {
echo <<<USAGE
{$argv[0]} <outputfile> <address1>,<snmpcommunity1>,<snmpversion1>,<mib1> <address2>,<snmpcommunity2>,<snmpversion2>,<mib2> ...
// prep the data
$hosts = array();
$output = array();
$output_file = '';
for ($i = 1; $i < count($argv); $i++) {
$host = explode(",", $argv[$i]);
// we need exactly 4 elements
if (count($host) != 4) {
// unless of course we are specifying the output file to write the data to!
if (count($host) == 1) {
$output_file = $argv[$i];
echo "{$argv[$i]} IS INVALID. YOU MUST SPECIFY ALL OF: <address>,<snmpcommunity>,<snmpversion>,<mib>\n";
$hosts[] = array(
'address' => $host[0],
'snmp_community' => $host[1],
'snmp_version' => $host[2],
'mib' => $host[3],
// cycle through each host and gather the data
// this may take a while
foreach($hosts as $host) {
$snmpwalk_array = get_snmpwalk_lines($host['address'], $host['snmp_community'], $host['snmp_version'], $host['mib']);
$snmp_array = walk_lines_to_snmp_array($snmpwalk_array);
$output[$host['address']] = $snmp_array;
// convert the output array to json and put it in the file!
$json = json_encode($output);
file_put_contents($output_file, $json);
$num_hosts = count($hosts);
echo "OK - {$num_hosts} PROCESSED\n";
// format an array in a sane way from snmp walk output
// this will return an array like:
// [oid][type] = 'Counter32'
// [oid][value] = 0011232
// etc.
function walk_lines_to_snmp_array($walk_arr) {
$snmp = array();
foreach ($walk_arr as $line) {
$oid = convert_snmpwalk_line_to_array($line, $arr);
if ($oid !== false)
$snmp[$oid] = $arr;
return $snmp;
// return an array of an executed snmpwalk output
function get_snmpwalk_lines($address, $snmp_community, $snmp_version, $mib) {
$cmd = "snmpwalk -c {$snmp_community} -v {$snmp_version} {$address} -m {$mib}";
exec($cmd, $output);
return $output;
// return the oid and pass the array by ref
// or return false on failure
function convert_snmpwalk_line_to_array($line, &$arr) {
if (preg_match('/(.*) = (.*): (.*)/', $line, $matches) === 1) {
$arr = array(
'type' => $matches[2],
'value' => $matches[3],
return $matches[1];
return false;
Now, you can put this in a file in your $USER1$ directory (/usr/local/nagios/libexec) named check_multi_snmpwalk.php and make sure it's executable chmod +x /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_multi_snmpwalk.php.
Finally, all we need to do is define a command for Nagios to pick it up and use it! Something like the following should suffice:
define command {
command_name check_multi_snmpwalk
command_line $USER1$/check_multi_snmpwalk.php $ARG1$ $ARG2$ $ARG3$ $ARG4$
Now you should be able to specify the file you want the JSON to be output to in ARG1, and then each other argument needs to contain the host address, the snmp community, the snmp version and the mib you want to walk.
So, for example:
define service {
host_name localhost
service_description Multi SNMP Walk
use local-service
check_command check_multi_snmpwalk!/tmp/jsonfile!,community,1,all!,community,2c,all!!
register 1
Now you're saying "Okay, thats all great, but what does it do?!"
I'm glad you asked! This is what it does:
Grabbing some input from the user (what are we snmp walking?)
Executing an snmpwalk (and saving the output) for each host specified
Converting the snmpwalk output to an easy-to-read array
Aggregating each host's snmpwalk easy-to-read array into a giant array
Converting the giant array to JSON
Writing the JSON to the file specified
Returning an OK Status for Nagios with a message stating how many hosts we processed!
A few notes:
This plugin will take a while to run no matter how many hosts you specify, so you may want to consider running it from a cron job instead of a Nagios check
This plugin does NOT conform to the plugin guidelines I linked to earlier, but it was still a fun little project
Hope this helped!


Fetch the content of url get stucks when using Cro or HTTP::UserAgent

I want to get the content of https://translate.google.cn, however, Cro::HTTP::Client and HTTP::UserAgent just stucks, and WWW get the content, I don't know why.
If I change the $url to https://perl6.org, all three modules works fine:
my $url = "https://translate.google.cn";
use Cro::HTTP::Client;
my $resp = await Cro::HTTP::Client.new(
headers => [
User-agent => 'Cro'
say await $resp.body-text();
use HTTP::UserAgent;
my $ua = HTTP::UserAgent.new;
$ua.timeout = 30;
my $response = $ua.get($url);
if $response.is-success {
say $response.content;
} else {
die $response.status-line;
use WWW;
say get($url)
Do I missed sonething? Thanks for suggestion for me.
For me HTTP::UserAgent works and Cro::HTTP::Client gets stuck. If you wish to debug things further both modules have a debug option:
perl6 -MHTTP::UserAgent -e 'my $ua = HTTP::UserAgent.new(:debug); say $ua.get("https://translate.google.cn").content'
CRO_TRACE=1 perl6 -MCro::HTTP::Client -e 'my $ua = Cro::HTTP::Client.new(); say $ua.get("https://translate.google.cn").result.body-text.result'
WWW also works for me. It is surprising it works for you since it is backed by HTTP::UserAgent ( which does not work for you ). Here is its get method to show you how it uses HTTP::UserAgent:
sub get ($url, *%headers) is export(:DEFAULT, :extras) {
CATCH { .fail }
%headers<User-Agent> //= 'Rakudo WWW';
with HTTP::UserAgent.new.get: $url, |%headers {
.is-success or fail .&err;
This could be down to http2 on the problematic https sites. In fact what you are describing is pretty much what I raised in https://github.com/croservices/cro-http/issues/45.
A workaround until a fix is in is to try making requests using http/1.1
Cro::HTTP::Client.get('https://translate.google.cn', :http<1.1>);

Virtual Filesystem for PHPUnit tests in Laravel 5.4

i'm having a bit of a problem with my PHPUnit integration tests, i have a method which handles a form upload for a video file as well as a preview image for that video.
public function store($request)
/** #var Video $resource */
$resource = new $this->model;
// Create a new Content before creating the related Photo
$contentRepo = new ContentRepository();
$content = $contentRepo->store($request);
if($content->isValid()) {
$resource->content_id = $content->id;
$directory = 'frontend/videos/assets/'.date("Y").'/'.date('m').'/'.time();
\File::makeDirectory($directory, 0755, true);
$request->video->move($directory.'/', $request->video->getClientOriginalName());
$resource->video = '/'.$directory.'/'.$request->video->getClientOriginalName();
$request->preview_image->move($directory.'/', $request->preview_image->getClientOriginalName());
$resource->preview_image = '/'.$directory.'/'.$request->preview_image->getClientOriginalName();
$resource->highlighted = intval($request->input('highlighted') == 'on');
return $resource;
else {
return $content;
The important part to keep is the $request->video->move() call which i probably need to replace in order to use Virtual Filesystem.
and then the test
public function testVideoUpload(){
File::put(__DIR__.'/frontend/videos/assets/image.mp4', 'test');
$file = new UploadedFile(__DIR__.'/frontend/videos/assets/image.mp4', 'foofile.mp4', 'video/mp4', 100023, null, $test=true);
File::put(__DIR__.'/frontend/images/assets/image.jpg', 'test');
$preview = new UploadedFile(__DIR__.'/frontend/images/assets/image.jpg', 'foofile.jpg', 'image/jpeg', 100023, null, $test=true);
$this->post('/admin/videos', [
'title' => 'My Video #12',
'description' => 'This is a description',
'actors' => [$this->actor->id, $this->actor2->id],
'scenes' => [$this->scene->id, $this->scene2->id],
'payment_methods' => [$this->paymentMethod->id],
'video' => $file,
'preview_image' => $preview
])->seeInDatabase('contents', [
'title' => 'My Video #12',
'description' => 'This is a description'
As you can see, i need to create a dummy file in some local directory and then use that in the HTTP request to the form's endpoint, then after that, that file would be moved and i need to delete the created folder and the new moved file... it's an authentic mess.
As such i want to use Virtual Filesystem instead, but i have no idea how to set it up in this particular case, i've already downloaded a package and set it up, but the questions are, first, which package have you used/recommend and how would you tweak the class and the test to support the Virtual Filesystem? Would i need to switch over to using the Storage facade instead of the $request->video->move() call? If so how would that be done exactly?
Thank you in advance for your help
I couldn't figure out the VFS system, however i do have somewhat of an alternative that's still kinda messy but gets the job done.
Basically i set up two methods on my PHPUnit base class to setup and teardown the temp folders i need on any test that requires them, because i'm using Database Transactions the files get deleted on every test run and i need to create new dummy files every time i run the test.
So i have two methods setupTempDirectories and teardownTempDirectories which i will call at the beginning and at the end of each test that requires those temporary directories.
I put my temp files in the Storage directory because sometimes i run my tests individually through PHPStorm and the __DIR__ command gets messed up and points to different directories when i do that, i also tried __FILE__ with the same result, so i just resorted to using Laravel's storage_path instead and that works fine.
Then that leaves the problem of my concrete class which tries to move files around and create directories in the public folder for them... so in order to fix that i changed the code to use the Storage facade, then i Mock the Storage facade in my tests
So in my concrete class
$directory = 'frontend/videos/assets/'.date("Y").'/'.date('m').'/'.time();
Storage::makeDirectory($directory, 0755, true);
Storage::move($request->video, $directory . '/' . $request->video->getClientOriginalName());
$resource->video = '/'.$directory.'/'.$request->video->getClientOriginalName();
Storage::move($request->preview_image, $directory . '/' . $request->preview_image->getClientOriginalName());
$resource->preview_image = '/'.$directory.'/'.$request->preview_image->getClientOriginalName();
And then in my test i mock both the makeDirectory and the move methods like such
// Override the Storage facade with a Mock version so that we don't actually try to move files around...
That makes my tests work and does not actually leave files behind after it's done...i hope someone has a better solution but for the time being this is what i came up with.
I was actually trying to use VFS but it never worked out... i keep getting errors that the original file in the storage directory is not found even though it's right there...
I'm not even sure the Storage facade was using VFS in the background to begin with even though it should...

How to integrate Dropzonejs with wordpress media handler in frontend?

How can I integrate Dropzonejs file uploader library in wordpress front end just like the built in one and have the uploaded one available in my media library?
Dropzonejs is a very extensive javascript library that provides a lot of options to handle media uploading.
To integrate dropzonejs with wordpress the process is pretty straight forward. Assume the following piece of code is where you want to appear your uploader.
<div id="media-uploader" class="dropzone"></div>
<input type="hidden" name="media-ids" value="">
Having a class dropzone will automatically attach the dropzone event with the element. That will stop us from overriding default parameters. So we would like to disable the auto discover feature of the library.
// Disabling autoDiscover, otherwise Dropzone will try to attach twice.
Dropzone.autoDiscover = false;
Now we will use jQuery to bind our configuration with the element.
url: dropParam.upload,
acceptedFiles: 'image/*',
success: function (file, response) {
file['attachment_id'] = response; // push the id for future reference
var ids = jQuery('#media-ids').val() + ',' + response;
error: function (file, response) {
// update the following section is for removing image from library
addRemoveLinks: true,
removedfile: function(file) {
var attachment_id = file.attachment_id;
type: 'POST',
url: dropParam.delete,
data: {
media_id : attachment_id
var _ref;
return (_ref = file.previewElement) != null ? _ref.parentNode.removeChild(file.previewElement) : void 0;
In the code above what we have done is we attached dropzone with our element with some parameters-
url - location where we want to send our files to upload. I'll initialize the variable later.
acceptedFiles - since we are only interested in uploading images, we will limit the files to be attached only to images. You can find about more in the website of this library.
success - a callback that is fired when the file/image is uploaded successfully. It accepts two parameter the reference of the uploaded file itself and the response from the server. This is very important, here we stored the attachment id in our form. You can perform a validation here prior to store the id.
error - if the file failed to upload then you can perform any task here.
addRemoveLinks - add the remove file link below the preview panel, you can style it with your css.
removedfile - handles the operation while you click on the remove file link for an image in the preview panel. In this function we sent an ajax call to our server to remove the image from the library
Of course there are a lot of option available, but I found these are the most basic parameters I required to setup my drag-n-drop media uploader.
Now the most important thing is to decide about the file uploader url. You can have a custom file where you would want to process the operation. But I found another way.
From this question and the answer I found using admin-post.php file is pretty amazing.
Many people complained about this admin-post.php, so think sticking to the wp_ajax.php is the best option.
So I initialized the drophandler variable prior to my dropzone initialization as follows-
wp_enqueue_script('dropzone','path/to/dropzone', array('jquery'));
$drop_param = array(
'upload'=>admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php?action=handle_dropped_media' ),
'delete'=>admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php?action=handle_deleted_media' ),
wp_localize_script('my-script','dropParam', $drop_param);
Now we are ready to send our images to the server. Here we will add some php code whether in the theme's function.php file or in our plugin file, but we need to be assured that it is loaded.
The following function will take care of the uploading the image and saving as an attachment in the library.
add_action( 'wp_ajax_handle_dropped_media', 'handle_dropped_media' );
// if you want to allow your visitors of your website to upload files, be cautious.
add_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_handle_dropped_media', 'handle_dropped_media' );
function handle_dropped_media() {
$upload_dir = wp_upload_dir();
$upload_path = $upload_dir['path'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
$num_files = count($_FILES['file']['tmp_name']);
$newupload = 0;
if ( !empty($_FILES) ) {
$files = $_FILES;
foreach($files as $file) {
$newfile = array (
'name' => $file['name'],
'type' => $file['type'],
'tmp_name' => $file['tmp_name'],
'error' => $file['error'],
'size' => $file['size']
$_FILES = array('upload'=>$newfile);
foreach($_FILES as $file => $array) {
$newupload = media_handle_upload( $file, 0 );
echo $newupload;
The following action take care of the deletion of the media element. Second parameter of wp_delete_attachment() function allows us to decide whether we want to trash the image or completely delete it. I wanted to delete it completely so passed true.
add_action( 'wp_ajax_handle_deleted_media', 'handle_deleted_media' );
function handle_deleted_media(){
if( isset($_REQUEST['media_id']) ){
$post_id = absint( $_REQUEST['media_id'] );
$status = wp_delete_attachment($post_id, true);
if( $status )
echo json_encode(array('status' => 'OK'));
echo json_encode(array('status' => 'FAILED'));
This will return the attachment_id in the response and we'll get it in the success function. In the media_handle_upload( $file, 0 ); I passed the reference of the file and a 0 because I didn't wanted to assign the media with any post yet (0 for no post, but if you want to assign then pass the post ID here. More reference in the codex.)
This is all for uploading media in wordpress.
Note: I haven't completed the removing uploaded file part. I'll complete this in a moment.
The post is updated. Now we can remove uploaded media elements from the uploader container. Thanks to this question and the answer I could figure out the actual process.
Those who are having problems getting this to work for non-admin users; please use admin-ajax.php instead of admin-post.php.
I had faced a strange issue that admin-post.php would work for non-admin users on my local server; but my live server refused to let non-admins upload files. php would echo entire page instead of the echoed value.
I replaced admin-post.php with admin-ajax.php and uploads work super cool.
I hope this helps.
The solution added to this post is incorrect unless I've misunderstood the question. Basically the solution won't work for anyone who isn't logged in as an admin. It took me 30 minutes to work it out plus the solution for removing images doesn't delete it from the media library.

Implementing GeocodableBehavior in Symfony 1.4 (using Propel)

I'm trying to implement the GeocodableBehavior on a Symfony 1.4 (with Propel 1.6) project i'm working on, but until now it's a complete failure. I've tried to search if other people but I didn't found anything, like if I was the only one having troubles with this.
So, maybe I'm missing something very very easy, but following the instructions given on the GeocodableBehavior leads to nothing but errors, and I can't figure out where's the problem.
I followed instructions for the GeocodableBehavior (here -> http://www.propelorm.org/cookbook/geocodable-behavior.html)
This seems to work as i'm getting the latitude/longitude columns created on my model. Until then, it works fine.
Where things get a little more complicated is when trying to save an object with the GeocodableBehavior, there's problems with the Geocoder class.
(Documentation here -> https://github.com/willdurand/Geocoder)
My class is Point, referring to a geolocated point, an address. When creating a Point using sf admin generator, the behavior which is supposed to use some fields (street, postal_code, country, etc) to query the GoogleMaps api, just fails to use the Geocoder class.
Fatal error: Class 'Geocoder\Geocoder' not found in /var/www/vhosts/www._________.local/lib/model/om/BasePoint.php on line 3717
I put the Geocoder class in a lib/vendor/geocoder folder, I tried to use the autoload.yml file to load it, but nothing changes...
name: geocoder
path: %SF_LIB_DIR%/vendor/geocoder
recursive: on
There's something i'm missing in how to load those classes in my sf project, and i can't find what. Geocoder package has an autoload.php file but i didn't manage to "load" it successfully...
Thanks in advance.
I know it's kinda giving up on the autoloader, but you could establish a register function in /config/ProjectConfiguration.class.php. The only downside is that you will need to add a call to the function before any block that uses Geocoder.
class ProjectConfiguration extends sfProjectConfiguration
static protected $geocoderLoaded = false;
static public function registerGeocoder()
if (self::$geocoderLoaded) {
require_once sfConfig::get('sf_lib_dir') . '/vendor/geocoder/autoload.php';
self::$geocoderLoaded = true;
Then just execute ProjectConfiguration::registerGeocoder(); anywhere you'd need the class. It's more annoying than getting the autoloader to work, but it's at least dependable.
Did you check your autoload cache to see it there is something related to Geocoder?
Maybe, manually add the autoload in the /config/ProjectConfiguration.class.php:
class ProjectConfiguration extends sfProjectConfiguration
public function setup()
require_once sfConfig::get('sf_lib_dir').'/vendor/geocoder/src/autoload.php';
Using the built-in autoloader should be a working option, but you can also combine symfony's autoloader with a "PSR-0 enabled" one. Basically, this boils down to the following implementation:
public function setup()
// plugin stuff here
// register the new autoloader
spl_autoload_register(array($this, 'autoloadNamespace'));
public function autoloadNamespace($className)
$className = ltrim($className, '\\');
$fileName = '';
$namespace = '';
if ($lastNsPos = strripos($className, '\\'))
$namespace = substr($className, 0, $lastNsPos);
$className = substr($className, $lastNsPos + 1);
$fileName = str_replace('\\', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $namespace) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
// make sure that the path to Geocoder is correct
sfConfig::get('sf_lib_dir').'/vendor/Geocoder/src' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $fileName . $className . '.php',
) as $fileName)
if (file_exists($fileName))
require $fileName;
return true;
return false;
With this additional autoloader, your application should be able to use Geocoder.

Drupal rules php action

I am experimenting with the Rules module for the first time and I am attempting to redirect my users with some simple php code as below:
The first line of code executes but the second, which should direct my users to node/3, does not have the desired effect.
How can I get this redirecting feature working?
It's most likely because you have ?destination=some/path in the page URL, these lines in drupal_goto() cause any path you pass to the function to be overwritten by whatever's in the URL:
if (isset($_GET['destination']) && !url_is_external($_GET['destination'])) {
$destination = drupal_parse_url($_GET['destination']);
$path = $destination['path'];
// ...
You can probably get around it simply by changing your code to this:
if (isset($_GET['destination'])) {
If that doesn't work try adding this line before drupal_goto:
which will reset the static cache for the drupal_get_destination() function, which also gets involved in this process at some point (I think).
If all else fails, go old school:
$path = 'node/3';
$options = array('absolute' => TRUE);
$url = url($path, $options);
$http_response_code = 302;
header('Location: ' . $url, TRUE, $http_response_code);
That's pretty much nicked straight from the drupal_goto() function itself and will definitely work.
