Missing coordinates in raster reprojection from cylindrical equal area to lat/long using Raster function in R - r

I have a raster that I have reprojected from Cylindrical Equal-Area (Lambert) Central Meridian: -160. Datum: WGS 1984 (+proj=cea +lon_0=Central Meridian +lat_ts=Standard Parallel +x_0=False Easting +y_0=False Northing +ellps=WGS84) to latitude and longitude.
The original raster looks like this:
Original raster without missing points
#class : RasterLayer
#dimensions : 64, 200, 12800 (nrow, ncol, ncell)
#resolution : 2e+05, 2e+05 (x, y)
#extent : -20037507, 19962493, -6363885, 6436115 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
#coord. ref. : +proj=cea +lon_0=-160 +lat_ts=Standard Parallel +x_0=False Easting +y_0=False Northing +ellps=WGS84
#data source : N:\My documents\Data\Exposure\Reefs at risk\Global_Threats\Acidification\arag_380\w001001.adf
#names : w001001
#values : 1.025163, 4.11939 (min, max)
I have been able to use the projectRaster function from the Raster package by cutting the extent of the y-axis of the raster by 0.95 to the North and South. I was having a few problems reprojecting the raster without cutting the extent (see here: https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/220589/error-using-projectraster-in-r-error-in-if-maxy-miny-missing-value-whe/220741#220741).
#Cut y-axis values because projectRaster failed using full extent
extent(r) <- c(xmin= -20037507, xmax= 19962493, ymin= 0.95*(-6363885), ymax= 0.95*(6436115))
# Define the new Proj.4 spatial reference
sr <- "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0"
# Project Raster
projected_r <- projectRaster(r, crs = sr, method = 'bilinear')
The problem I am having is that there are missing data in the new, reprojected raster.
reprojected raster with missing points
The missing coordinates are not located in the 5% North and Souththat I cut from the extent so I am not sure why these data are missing? Any help would be appreciated!


Error calculating area of raster with lat/lon projection

I have a global raster stack (of three rasters) whose pixel values are the percent of a land use for that pixel. Here's the raster metadata:
class : RasterBrick
dimensions : 3600, 7200, 25920000, 3 (nrow, ncol, ncell, nlayers)
resolution : 1, 1 (x, y)
extent : 0, 7200, 0, 3600 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
crs : +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs
source : grass_baseline.tif
names : grass_2020, grass_2040, grass_2100
I'm trying to calculate the total area of land use in each pixel by multiplying the pixel value by the area of the raster, using the area() function in the raster package.
When I do that, I get the following error:
Warning message:
In .couldBeLonLat(x, warnings = warnings) :
raster has a longitude/latitude CRS, but coordinates do not match that
Here's the metadata for the area raster:
class : RasterLayer
dimensions : 3600, 7200, 25920000 (nrow, ncol, ncell)
resolution : 1, 1 (x, y)
extent : 0, 7200, 0, 3600 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
crs : +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs
source : memory
names : layer
values : -710.0924, 2211922 (min, max)
Does anyone have any insight into what might be going on?
In case it's relevant, I assembled this raster stack from a few .nc files that I read into R with the ncdf4 package and converted to rasters with the following line of code:
raster(first_nc, xmn=0, xmx=7200, ymn=0, ymx=3600, crs=CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs+ towgs84=0,0,0")
I then combined several of these rasters together as a stack and exported using the stars package (to preserve the names of each raster):
stack <- stack(first_nc,second_nc,third_nc)
names(stack) <- c('first_nc','second_nc','third_nc')
stars::write_stars(stars::st_as_stars(stack), "stack.tif")
I then read the .tif into a separate script, which is where I'm trying to calculate the area.
You have
#extent : 0, 7200, 0, 3600 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
#crs : +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs
That is, a latitude between 0 and 3600 degrees. That makes no sense as you cannot go beyond 90 degrees N and it is thus not possible to compute area for these cells. And the specified longitude is not likely to be correct either, unless your data really covers the globe 20 times.
I assembled this raster stack from a few .nc files that I read into R with the ncdf4 package and converted to rasters
That is not a good approach (unless all else fails), and explains the odd extent. What you should try first is
s <- stack(filenames)
Or better use the terra package (the replacement of raster)
s <- rast(filenames)
It should not be necessary, but if you are going to set the extent yourself, more plausible values would be (-180, 180, -90, 90), or (0, 360, -90, 90).

Merge (mosaic) of rasters changes resolution

I'm merging two MODIS DSR tiles using a R script that I developed, these are the products:
So, I open both products (tile h15v05 and tile h16v05) from same date (2019180), then I open each SDS and merge them together (00h from h15v05 with 00h from h16v05 and so on...)
Visualisation on Panoply (using the merge option) of the two products:
Purple square is the location of the division line that separates the two tiles.
With my code I obtain a plot with pixels with different resolution (and different min/max values) and I don't understand why:
I suspect that the results obtained are due to:
1- Changing from Sinusoidal CRS to longlat WGS84 CRS;
2- Using resample (method ngb) to work with mosaic.
My code is extensive, but here are some parts of it:
# Open scientific dataset as raster
SDSs <- sds(HDFfile)
SDS <- SDSs[SDSnumber]
crs(SDS) <- crs("+proj=sinu +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6371007.181 +b=6371007.181 +units=m +no_defs")
SDSreprojected <- project(SDS, DesiredCRS)
SDSasRaster <- as(SDSreprojected, "Raster")
# Resample SDS based on a reference SDS (SDS GMT_1200_DSR of a first product), I need to do this to be able to use mosaic
SDSresampled <- resample(SDSasRaster,ResampleReference_Raster,method='ngb')
# Create mosaic of same SDS, but first convert stack to list to use mosaic
ListWith_SameSDS_OfGroupFiles <- as.list(StackWith_SameSDS_OfGroupFiles)
ListWith_SameSDS_OfGroupFiles.mosaicargs <- ListWith_SameSDS_OfGroupFiles
ListWith_SameSDS_OfGroupFiles.mosaicargs$fun <- mean
SDSmosaic <- do.call(mosaic, ListWith_SameSDS_OfGroupFiles.mosaicargs)
# Save SDSs mosaic stack to netCDF
writeRaster(StackWith_AllMosaicSDSs_OfGroupFiles, NetCDFpath, overwrite=TRUE, format="CDF", varname= "DSR", varunit="w/m2", longname="Downward Shortwave Radiation", xname="Longitude", yname="Latitude", zname="TimeGMT", zunit="GMT")
Does anyone have an idea of what could be the cause of this mismatch between results?
class : RasterLayer
dimensions : 1441, 897, 1292577 (nrow, ncol, ncell)
resolution : 0.01791556, 0.006942043 (x, y)
extent : -39.16222, -23.09196, 29.99652, 40 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
crs : +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs
source : memory
names : MCD18A1.A2019180.h15v05.061.2020343034815
values : 227.5543, 970.2346 (min, max)
class : RasterLayer
dimensions : 1399, 961, 1344439 (nrow, ncol, ncell)
resolution : 0.01515284, 0.007149989 (x, y)
extent : -26.10815, -11.54627, 29.99717, 40 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
crs : +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs
source : memory
names : MCD18A1.A2019180.h16v05.061.2020343040755
values : 0, 0 (min, max)
class : RasterLayer
dimensions : 1441, 897, 1292577 (nrow, ncol, ncell)
resolution : 0.01791556, 0.006942043 (x, y)
extent : -39.16222, -23.09196, 29.99652, 40 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
crs : +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs
source : memory
names : layer
values : 0, 62.7663 (min, max)
Also, some of the islands were ignored by the script (bottom right)...
sorry I didn't reply earlier. So I think you're right that this issue is extent to which you are resampling. I think you might be able to get around this by creating a dummy raster that has the extent of the raster you want to resample, but has the resolution of the raster you want to mosaic to.Try:
dummy<-raster(ext = SDSasRaster#extent, resolution=ResampledReference_Raster#res, crs=SDSasRaster#crs)
SDS2<-resample(SDSasRaster, dummy, method="ngb")
Final<-moasic(SDS2, ResampledReference_Raster, fun=mean)

Convert HDF4 to raster; with longitude/latitude grids are available in another HDF file

I am trying to convent HDF4 files (representing daily Sea Ice Concentration) to raster object in R. However, the HDF files themselves do not contain the longitude/latitude grids or projection information, and such information should be extracted from another hdf file.
The website on data format says:
Data Format
Sea ice concentration maps with two different color scales are available as PNG image. The NIC color scale uses the same colors as the National Ice Center, the "visual" color scale uses white and shades of grey.
There is one file per day per region per color scale.
Sea ice concentration data are available as HDF4 files: There is one file per day per region. Each file contains one two-dimensional array of the sea ice concentration in a polar stereographic grid.
The longitude and latitude coordinates of each pixel in a the HDF4 file are saved in extra files, one file per region for each available resolution.
They are found here: https://seaice.uni-bremen.de/data/grid_coordinates/, sorted by hemisphere and grid resolution (see also the README file https://seaice.uni-bremen.de/data/grid_coordinates/README).
GEOTIFF files use the NIC color scale and were tested to work with QGIS. Ice concentrations are scaled between 0 and 100, land and missing values are set to 120 (older files: SIC: 0-200, land/NaN: 255).
I tried to use R to load this map using this code:
> require(raster)
> CurrTemp <- tempfile()
> download.file(url = "https://seaice.uni-bremen.de/data/amsre/asi_daygrid_swath/s6250/2003/feb/Antarctic/asi-s6250-20030214-v5.hdf", destfile = CurrTemp, mode = "wb", quiet = T)
> Map1 <- readAll(raster(CurrTemp))
> plot(Map1)
> Map1
class : RasterLayer
dimensions : 1328, 1264, 1678592 (nrow, ncol, ncell)
resolution : 1, 1 (x, y)
extent : 0, 1264, 0, 1328 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
coord. ref. : NA
data source : in memory
names : file43fc5b4e68de
values : 0, 100 (min, max)
The map is loaded into R as raster object but with wrong coordinates and with no projection. According to this page, coordinates should be extracted from another hdf file.
Could you please let me know how to convert these hdf files into raster obejcts with correct coordinates and projection.
I used one of the geotiff files that they also make available to find the extent and crs.
#class : RasterLayer
#dimensions : 1328, 1264, 1678592 (nrow, ncol, ncell)
#resolution : 6250, 6250 (x, y)
#extent : -3950000, 3950000, -3950000, 4350000 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
#coord. ref. : +proj=stere +lat_0=-90 +lat_ts=-70 +lon_0=0 +k=1 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6378273 +b=6356889.449 +units=m +no_defs
#data source : asi-AMSR2-s6250-20180922-v5.tif
#names : asi.AMSR2.s6250.20180922.v5
#values : 0, 255 (min, max)
Now I know I can do
CurrTemp <- tempfile()
download.file(url = "https://seaice.uni-bremen.de/data/amsre/asi_daygrid_swath/s6250/2003/feb/Antarctic/asi-s6250-20030214-v5.hdf", destfile = CurrTemp, mode = "wb", quiet = T)
r <- raster(CurrTemp)
extent(r) <- c(-3950000, 3950000, -3950000, 4350000)
crs(r) <- "+proj=stere +lat_0=-90 +lat_ts=-70 +lon_0=0 +k=1 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6378273 +b=6356889.449 +units=m +no_defs "
# writeRaster(r, 'my_asi-s6250-20030214-v5.tif')
The "other hdf" file has longitude / latitude values for the cells, but that is not what you are after as the data do not have a lon/lat coordinate reference system.

Crop rasterLayer with SpatialPolygonDataFrame leaves out part of the target region R

I am trying to crop a raster layer based on polygon: sample data (~45MB) can be found here sample data for illustration:
dat<- raster('data.nc')# make a subset
class : RasterLayer
dimensions : 824, 935, 770440 (nrow, ncol, ncell)
resolution : 10000, 10000 (x, y)
extent : -5000, 9345000, -5000, 8235000 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
coord. ref. : NA
data source : C:\Users\data.nc
names : Total.Precipitation
zvar : Total.Precipitation
As coord. ref is = NA, I assign a polar stereographic projection based on information from the website of the data provider.
projj=CRS("+proj=stere +lat_0=90 +lat_ts=90 +lon_0=-100 +k=0.994 +x_0=2000000 +y_0=2000000 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs")
proj4string(dat) <- projj
#rx <- projectRaster(from=dat, crs=wgs84.p4s)
Then transform the bbox shapefile to projj
shgrid <- spTransform(Prairie.Boundaries, projj)# transform to dat spat reference
plot(shgrid,add=T)# this gives
cr <- crop(dat, extent(shgrid))
fr <- rasterize(shgrid, cr)
dat1<- mask(x=cr, mask=fr)
The cropped image shows only part of canada but I want all of Canada.
What did I miss within my code? Could it be the projection?
Besides I would prefer the axes labels in latlon coordinates.
Any suggestions?

Converting shapefile to raster

I'm having an issue rasterizing a shapefile to produce points on a 0.5*0.5 grid. The shapefile represents classifications of risk level (Low-0, Medium-100, High-1000, Very High-1500) of global coral reefs to integrated threats.
I pulled the code from another example that works fine, but when I try it for my data I get nothing from the plot function. See below for the link to the shapefile and my code:
Reefs At Risk: Global Integreated Threats
# Read shapefile into R
int.threat.2030 <- readOGR(dsn = "Global_Threats/Integrated_Future",
layer = "rf_int_2030_poly")
## Set up a raster "template" for a 0.5 degree grid
ext <- extent(-110, -50, 0, 35)
gridsize <- 0.5
r <- raster(ext, res=gridsize)
## Rasterize the shapefile
rr <- rasterize(int.threat.2030, r)
## Plot raster
Any ideas where I might be going wrong? Is it an issue with the shapefile itself?
Please and thanks!
You assumed that the polygons were in lon/lat coordinates, but they are not:
p <- shapefile('Global_Threats/Integrated_Future/rf_int_2030_poly.shp')
#class : SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
#features : 63628
#extent : -18663508, 14601492, -3365385, 3410115 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
#coord. ref. : +proj=cea +lon_0=-160 +lat_ts=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0
#variables : 3
#min values : 1, 0, Critical
#max values : 63628, 2000, Very High
You can either change the projection
pgeo <- spTransform(p, CRS('+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84'))
and then do something like:
ext <- floor(extent(pgeo))
rr <- raster(ext, res=0.5)
rr <- rasterize(pgeo, rr, field=1)
Or keep the orginal CRS and do something like:
ext <- extent(p)
r <- raster(ext, res=50000)
r <- rasterize(p, r, field=1)
Note that you are rasterizing very small polygons to large raster cells. A polygon is considered 'inside' if it covers the center of a cell (i.e. assuming a case where polygons cover multiple cells). So for these data you would need to use a much higher resolution (and then perhaps aggregate the results). Alternatively you could rasterize polygon centroids.
But none of the above is relevant really, as you are doing this all backwards. The polygons are clearly derived from a raster (look how blocky they are) and the raster is available in the dataset you point to!
So instead of rasterizing, do:
x <- raster('Global_Threats/Integrated_Future/rf_int_2030')
#class : RasterLayer
#dimensions : 25456, 80150, 2040298400 (nrow, ncol, ncell)
#resolution : 500, 500 (x, y)
#extent : -20037508, 20037492, -6363885, 6364115 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
#coord. ref. : NA
#data source : C:\temp\Global_Threats\Integrated_Future\rf_int_2030
#names : rf_int_2030
#values : 0, 2000 (min, max)
#attributes :
# 0 80971 Low
# 100 343535 Medium
# 1000 322231 High
# 1500 168518 Very High
# 2000 83598 Critical
Here plotting a part of Palawan:
e <- extent(c(-8990636, -8929268, 1182946, 1256938))
plot(x, ext=e)
plot(p, add=TRUE)
If you need a lower resolution see raster::aggregate. For a different coordinate reference system, see raster::projectRaster.
