Template parse errors when use NgbCarousel with ngFor - ng-bootstrap

I want use ngb-carousel with ngFor,My code like this:
but this make some error like this:
<template ngFor let-home [ngForOf]="homes | async" >
<ngbSlide [home]="home">
<img src="{{item.thumb}}" alt="Random first slide">
home.component.html?c8ce:1 Error: Template parse errors:(…)
who can give me a example use ngb-carousel with ngFor?

The syntax for ng-bootstrap slides is <template ngbSlide> and we don't have the <ngbSlide> element / component hence the parsing error. What you should be doing instead is to have ngFor generate <template ngbSlide> like so:
<template *ngFor="let imgIdx of [1, 2, 3]" ngbSlide>
<img src="http://lorempixel.com/900/500?r={{imgIdx}}" alt="Random slide no {{imgIdx}}">
<div class="carousel-caption">
<h3>slide label no {{imgIdx}}</h3>
<p>Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue mollis interdum.</p>
Here is a working plunker showing this in action: http://plnkr.co/edit/FXx9Q0UO14sp0RqbPnVh?p=preview

This might be a late answer, but if your the images from your database or anywhere for that matter is an Array. So you can iterate through them using NgFor on the HTML.
<ngb-carousel *ngIf="images!=null">
<div *ngFor="let image of images">
<ng-template ngbSlide>
<div class="picsum-img-wrapper">
<img src="{{image}}" alt="image">
The ngfor will create ng-template equal to the length of the array.
images = ['image1', 'image2', 'image3'];


URL images sometimes load sometimes not vue js

I have this problem in which i generate images by classical foreach method.
<div v-for="messageGroup in conversation" class="messagegroup" :class="{ recieved: messageGroup.recieved }">
<div v-if="messageGroup.recieved" class="iconcontainer">
<div class="iconcontainerinner">
<img class='usericoncontacts' :src="selectedContact.userPhotoURL" alt="">
<div class="textmessages" :class="{ recieved: messageGroup.recieved }">
<div class="message" v-for="message in messageGroup.messages">
<span>{{ message }}</span>
The images then have it's source at Google repo which looks for an example like this
The images then either or sometimes don't like
My guess is that it has something to do with vue rendering.
Thanks in advance

Vue not rendering table correctly

I'm trying to render the rows of a table where each row is my custom component <todo-list>, but the resulting rows get rendered outside of my table. Why is this?
Here's a screenshot of the DOM tree which shows what is happening:
My view:
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-8 col-md-offset-2">
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">Dashboard</div>
<div class="panel-body">
<div id="appTest">
<table class="table-responsive">
v-for="todo in todos"
<div v-if="isLogged" id="todoText">
<textarea v-model="todoText" cols="53" rows="5"></textarea>
<div id="addButton">
<button v-on:click="addTodo" class="btn btn-success" >Add to do</button>
<div v-else>
You have to be
to add new todos
And here is my component:
Vue.component('todoList', {
props: ['todoObj'],
template: '<tr>' +
'<td><div class="round"><input id="todoObj.id" type="checkbox" v-on:click="toggle" v-model="todoObj.done" /><label for="todoObj.id"></label></div></td>' +
'<td class="textTodo">{{todoObj.description}}</td>' +
'<td><button v-on:click="deleteTodo" class="btn-xs btn-danger">delete</button></td>' +
Also my checkboxes are not working. They look fine, but they don't toggle when I click them, they only react when checking the first row from the table. Why?
Your table might not be rendering correctly due to DOM Template Parsing Caveats. Try this instead:
<table class="table-responsive">
v-for="todo in todos"
Also you had the todoObj bound twice (I removed the .sync one in the above code).
As for the checkbox issue, I'm not completely sure on what the problem is, especially since you have not provided the code for the component (a fiddle would be great). Why do you have #toggle and v-model? Couldn't you just use v-model? You also forgot to v-bind to the checkbox's id attribute: id="todoObj.id" (is that necessary anyway?).

Angular2 - switch between styles

I'm currently working on an application using Angular2.
Now that I finished my styling of the app, I want to make more themes to switch between.
I've tried setting my styleUrls to a variable and change it on click, but this doesn't work.
let styles= nightflat
selector: 'start-app',
template: `
<div class="ui-g ui-g-nopad">
<div class="ui-g-12 ui-g-nopad" id="header">
<img src="../src/resources/icon/c2logo.png" alt="Logo" id="logo">
<button pButton icon="fa-sign-out" id="LogOut" type="button" label="LogOut" (click)="gotoLogout()"></button>
<div class="ui-g-12 ui-g-nopad">
<p-breadcrumb [model]="bcitems"></p-breadcrumb>
<div class="ui-g-12 ui-g-nopad">
<div class="ui-g-2 ui-g-nopad">
<p-panelMenu id="menu" [model]="itempanel"></p-panelMenu>
<div class="ui-g-10 ui-g-nopad" id="router-outlet">
<router-outlet> </router-outlet>
<div class="ui-g-12 ui-g-nopad">
<button pButton id="goBack" type="button" label="Zurück" (click)="goBack()"></button>
styleUrls: [styles],
directives: [Button],
providers: []
"nightflat" is an import from my style-urls.ts providing a css-path for every style I want to use (til now only 2):
export var nightflat = './dist/resources/scss/app.component.css'
export var froggy = './dist/resources/scss/test.component.css'
I then tried to use a function called by a Buttonclickevent to set the styles variable to another value.
styles = froggy;
Well, that doesn't work at all.
First question: As I'm using gulp-inject - do I have to inject ALL of the style-sheets into my index.html?
Second question: How am I supposed to switch theming onclick?

Responsive grid of md-cards with different height via angular material

Here is my md-card's loop (except the first div):
<div layout="column" layout-gt-sm="row" layout-wrap="">
<div flex="25" flex-gt-sm="50">
<md-card-avatar><img src="#" />
<span class="md-title">Angular</span>
<span class="md-subhead">Material</span>
<img ng-src="{{imagePath}}" alt="Washed Out" class="md-card-image" />
<span class="md-headline">Text</span>
<!-- another card -->
This works fine, here is the picture.
But what if i don't want to display cards strictly on the lines? Is there any way to get something like
That kind of layout will require you to use some javascript to add to the view logic. Since each of your cards are using rows, it would not be currently possible to do that styling.
I would check out http://masonry.desandro.com/

How Do I Get First Collection Element Using Spacebars {{#if}} Tag?

I am trying to set the first picture as the "item active" i an Bootstrap Carousel. So, is there a way to make the first element from an collection to be presented different from the rest?
{{#each pictures}}
{{#if #first}}
<div class="item active">
<img src="/pictures/{{fileName}}" alt="" />
<div class="item">
<img src="/pictures/{{fileName}}" alt="" />
The rendered page only display the content in the {{else}} statement.
Have tried using {{if #first}}, but it does not work for me.
This is pretty similar to the problem of needing an index in your template. You need to map over pictures and mark the one you need treated differently. For example:
pictures: function() {
return Pictures.find().map(function(picture, index) {
if (index === 0)
picture.isFirst = true;
return picture;
You can then use isFirst in your template like this:
{{#each pictures}}
{{#if isFirst}}
<div class="item active">
<img src="/pictures/{{fileName}}" alt="" />
<div class="item">
<img src="/pictures/{{fileName}}" alt="" />
Note that CoffeeScript's # doesn't work in templates. To learn more about template contexts see this.
It's not exactly what you were asking but you could make the first item active using jQuery in the rendered callback.
Template.myPictures.rendered = function () {
