Hiding Business Process Error in Microsoft Dynamics CRM - crm

I am new to Microsoft Dynamics CRM. I am using a plugin in CRM and throwing message through exception like below:
throw new InvalidPluginExecutionException("\n success.....\n" + response);
and I handle it in CRM webresource. Webresouce code is:
Xrm.Page.data.save().then(successCallback, errorCallback);
function successCallback() {
alert("Successfully completed the task"+ response.message);
function errorCallback(response) {
Xrm.Page.ui.setFormNotification("!!"+JSON.stringify(response.message), 'ERROR');
But, after displaying the success alert or error notification, it also displays the Business Process Error. Now How I hide this Business Process Error alerts.

Rather than hiding the error, you'll need to figure out why the plugin is failing and resolve that issue. That is a platform error which you can't hide by default.


How to run a function when a notification is received with Firebase Messaging ^8.0.0-dev.8 in Flutter?

Hello I'm using Flutter to build my app and I need to to show an alert whenever a new notification is received.
I've been using firebase_messaging 7.0.3 but I run into an error with onBackgroundMessage. A quick Google search helped me find out that the error I was getting hasn't been fixed yet. However one of the devs posted an update 20 days ago about a new version of the package which fixed that issue.
The new version removed the old onMessage handlers and introduced new ones.
Now they got new event handlers which return streams, but haven't been able to make them fire by using the
.listen() function. Whenever I receive a notification a get a this: D/FLTFireMsgReceiver(22032): broadcast received for message printed in the console but the code in the .listen() doesn't get executed.
Here is a link to an article on Firebase Flutter that is a guide for using the new version of the package.
Here is my code:
FirebaseMessaging.onMessage.listen((event) {
// do something
FirebaseMessaging.onMessageOpenedApp.listen((event) {
// do something
FirebaseMessaging.onBackgroundMessage((message) {
// do something
A solution I found to get the events to fire was to always call:
await FirebaseMessaging.instance.getToken();
right after the
await Firebase.initializeApp();
Once I call that, the FirebaseMessaging.onMessage.listen catches the event as expected.
I was getting the same log when my app is in doze mode for the Data notification with high priority.
This is because of some issue in the firebase-messaging plugin.
Firebase_messaging plugin internally uses JobIntentService to process background fcm notifications
JobIntentService has one constraint in Android O or later versions, when running a Job it will be subject to standard JobScheduler policies. The job will not run immediately while the device is in doze mode. (reference link)
The same issue was raised in the firebase_messaging git repository(bug link)
One Signal(another push notification provider) solved this issue by having a modified version of JobIntentService. (OneSignal Solution)
At a high level, it uses wake locks for high priority fcm notifications to run service even in Android O and above.
Add this Pull Request changes in your ide by editing respective files.
Add this Pull Request changes in your ide by editing respective files.
Send Data notification with High priority.
FCM Payload:
"message": {
"token": "fcm_client_token",
"data": {
"title": "Hello",
"body": "Test Message"
"android": {
"priority": "high"

While running and login meteor application ddp-server throwing Exception

My application is build and run but while login I am getting exception
Exception while invoking method 'login' Error: setUserId must be called on string or null, not object
I am new to meteor and do not have idea about it please help.
I was trying to debug my code using debugger in ddp.server as well ddp.common but get no luck.
Meteor.loginWithLdap(username, password, function(err){
if (err) {
Toast.error(err.message, 'Login Failed');
In this coded snippet I am getting error.
Just need suggestion tat what is going north in my project.

Realm Object Server file migration critical issue

I've just upgraded ROS from 2.7.2 to 3.4.2. And now it becomes interesting. Our users can't open their synced realms because of error.
[RLMSyncManager sharedManager].errorHandler = ^(NSError *error, RLMSyncSession *session) {
LogError(#"RLMSyncManager error %#", error);
if (error.code == RLMSyncErrorClientResetError)
[self backupBrokenData];
[RLMSyncSession immediatelyHandleError:error.rlmSync_errorActionToken];
RLMSyncManager returns Error Domain=io.realm.sync Code=8 "(null)" UserInfo={underlying_error=Error Domain=io.realm.sync.auth Code=3 "(null)" UserInfo={statusCode=400}}
And that's fine seems something with our auth credentials on server. But server log tells me: HTTP response: be33008a-ae5e-4fa1-bab2-f11b40f11b55 {"type":"https://realm.io/docs/object-server/problems/invalid-realm-type","title":"The type of the Realm file was invalid.","status":400,"code":619}
Which is basically You're trying to open partial file with non partial configuration. But client and server uses same full realms. And no modifications happened.
Seems this error returned as false positive.
I've tried to grand administrator permission to that user. It could open his database. But as soon I remove admin permission it sees same error chain.
New users is not affected by this migration issue.
Is there anything I could do to let my users connect to their data?
It appears that issue was caused by bug inside realm-object-server, that was successfully fixed in version 3.4.3.

Get detailed error for exception in SignalR Core Hub method execution

When I call Hub method I get frame response:
{"invocationId":"1","type":3,"error":"An error occurred while updating
the entries. See the inner exception for details."}
How can I get detailed error report (row and file where error occurred) without manually debugging and using step over and check where the code raise exception.
On net I found plenty codes where EnableDetailedErrors is used
services.AddSignalR(options =>
options.Hubs.EnableDetailedErrors = true;
but options (at least in version 1.0.0-alpha2-final) does not have property Hubs.
This is what you need to do in core (not sure the exact version this was added):
// signalR
services.AddSignalR(options =>
if (Environment.IsDevelopment()) {
options.EnableDetailedErrors = true;
It goes without saying that the reason this is disabled by default in production is for security reasons. So be careful not to expose things you may not wish 'hackers' to see in any of the exceptions you may throw.
Implementing the above setting will reveal a more detailed message in the browser console, whcih you can also see in the websocket debugging tab:
Quick tip:
I've set up SignalR twice now on ASPNetCore and I think I've made the same mistake both times:
// from typescript client arguments are passed like this
this.hubConnection.invoke('SendMessage', 'simon', 'hello');
// not like this
this.hubConnection.invoke('SendMessage', ['simon', 'hello']);
Also invoke will wait for a response, while send does not. So you may not see errors using send.
Currently the option to enable detailed errors is not implemented. There is an issue tracking this. My recommendation would be to turn on logging on the server side - the original exception will be logged there.

CMIS connection issue

cannot tell if this issue is the same as some others posted. ours simply throws a msg, but it appears CMIS connection related - our application uses CMIS/Alfresco. i am not very familiar, but we have a server related to it. not sure if a power outage is related to the fact that we this error[pwr outage yesterday, then mysteriously this error was later noticed]. we normally post information on the web page that is populated by our sql data[a table field populates a textarea/text editor] - instead we get the error above: "CMIS connection issue". that verbiage comes from a file that instantiates connection with CMIS, here is the related code:
//Check cmis service connect or not
$client = new CMISService($repo_url, $repo_username, $repo_password);
}catch (Exception $ec) {
echo "CMIS connection issue";
echo "<br >\n" ;
echo $ec->getMessage() ;
the CMISService parms have not changed, and they appear to be proper values. i even tried "admin", and "root" as "repo_username" in addition to the defined username.
Ideas on what we can check?

