2sxc shake edit buttons remain in sight - 2sxc

I installed 8.8. And shaking my phone like a maniac but the edit buttons remain in sight. Is that a known issue or should I be doing something different (like adjusting templates or something).
Kind regards

If a button is visible or not is configured at various levels. So it can be that your buttons are set to always visible - in which case the shake has no effect.
But if you're just using normal buttons which only appear on float, and they already appear (on desktop and mobile) without float/shake, then it's probably something different.
Best to do some more testing to corner the issue.


Is it somehow possible to get a native Windows menu bar in NW.js applications, or to at least style them?

I've followed this: https://nwjs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/References/Menu/#menu
The result is a very Chromium-looking menu. The items just look... nothing like how I think of Windows menu items. (Even though there are these days a million different styles of them in this FrankensteinOS...)
Is this it? I have to use whatever Chromium thinks is a good looking menu? I cannot style them with CSS or something, at least? For example, if I want them to be "dark mode" instead of bright white? I guess I could implement my own custom Canvas-based pixel-perfect menu, but that's both a ton of work and also will never feel native or quite as "responsive".
The documentation you pointed to is for using the Native OS Menu. This will be different on Linux, OSX, and Windows, and will match the native placement and interactions for that system, including keyboard navigation. Similar to how the minimize/maximize/restore/close buttons are built in and differ on each OS.
You can add your own markup and styling to create a custom menu if you like though, and it will look and act the same on every OS. Similarly, you can create your own markup and styles for the min/max/restore/close buttons, and title bar.
If you're not confident in HTML/CSS enough to make a responsive menu yourself, you can use frameworks, like Bootstrap, which come responsive with menu styling out of the box.

Ion-select UI for checkbox

I’m stuck on a quick change of the ion-select component.
I’m trying to keep a persistent way to display the alert, but checkbox are for sure doing what they want.
To explain, I need to put the checkbox on the right side of the alert. After investigations, I notice that on Android, it’s on the left by default, but in iOS, for a simple ion-select, squares are on the right, and when I use “multiple” property on ion-select, squares are going to be align on the left.
Does anybody knows how it’s possible to put these checkbox on right on all cases ?
N.B: There’s also something weird in iOS, when it’s an simple ion-select, it displays simple check without any circle. (Compares to multiple, that have circles with check on the left.)
Also, sorry for my english, improving it.
Thanks to all.
If you're using ionic 4/5, try using display:flex (Check this out for the details: https://css-tricks.com/snippets/css/a-guide-to-flexbox/). Plus, the css for popup component(alert,toast,loader, etc) wont work if you do it on the page.css file, thus I recommend to overwrite the CSS on the global.css file.

Smooth Scrolling while navigating with 'tab' key

How to force browsers to scroll pages smoothly to the focused element while navigating with 'tab' key?
Note: I've looked this up but haven't found the solution yet.
As this as marked as accessibility the simple answer is don't.
You may not like that the page jumps about but you have to consider the opposite side effect of changing scrolling behaviour.
What if your user is partially sighted and has the zoom set to 300% on your page. A tabble item such as a link may be many many pixels off screen when zoom levels are so high, having to wait for it to scroll into view will only be frustrating.
Additionally for WCAG 2.1 (applies to level AA I think) guidelines you should avoid animation of any kind or have the option for users to switch it off, you are adding a lot of extra work in needing a setting to remove this scrolling directly within your site. This is because certain cognitive impairments make animations far more jarring and distracting than a simple jump and also that is expected behaviour - changing expected behaviour can also lead to disorientation for people with cognitive impairements.
Another thing to consider is that to achieve this you would have to intercept the tab key - this is a terrible idea as screen readers rely heavily on this key in different scenarios (tabbing in a list of items tabs down to the next item in some screen readers, intercepting the tab key would result in unexpected behaviour.)
Don't worry about it, disabled and able bodied users will thank you for leaving the tab key well alone (as I hate when people slow my scroll speed)
If you did want to do this you would intercept the keypress of the tab key and manually cycle to the next tabbable element - but please don't do it!!
You would also (for accessibility and WCAG 2.1) have to then add an option to remove this functionality within the site accessibility settings (if you have them).
Smooth scrolling is a browser setting (chrome > about:flags, firefox > about:preferences, ie > tools>options>advanced). You might be able to change the browser's setting programmatically, but that would seem like a security risk that browsers would block. It's a personal setting. Some users like it and some don't. If you forced it upon a user that didn't like it, that would not be nice.

Fix variant select wrapper width (SqSp)

On my individual product pages, there are drop down selection boxes which display the variants for my products. Because some of the variants have longer descriptions, this box becomes longer.
It's fine on the desktop site, but on mobile, the selection bar extends past the edge of the page. This seems to be interfering with a mobile menu I have at the top of the page.
As far as I can tell, i should be targeting 'variant-select-wrapper' but I have looked around a lot can't seem to find a way to shorten this box so that it fits on a mobile display.
Does anyone know a way to effectively shorten or fix the width of this box, or am I targeting the wrong thing?
The following CSS ought to work for you, added to the CSS Editor in Squarespace (or to your CSS files if you're using Dev. Mode).
.variant-option select {
max-width: 100%;
This will limit the select box width itself so that it does not extend beyond its parent's width. This does not affect the width of the options within the select box, which will continue to extend outside of the parent (and the browser window for that matter) on Windows devices. However, on Android and iOS, the options will appear in a modal-like box, with the options of the text wrapped. This is an acceptable user experience in both cases I think.
To wrap the options on Windows devices, Javascript is needed (Ref. 1, Ref. 2), which is why I think this simple CSS approach is a reasonable compromise.

Use scrollbars for the display of a continous form in Microsoft Access2007

I have a continuous form with many control elements ordered in two columns. The form is opened with the WindowMode 'acDialog'.
When I take a look at this form at my desktop computer there is no problem. But I want to use the application also on my laptop. When I open the form on my laptop, I only see the first entries, but not the others anymore. Unfortunately I havent found an opportunity to use scrollbars in my form.
What I have found is this (did not work):
Add or remove scrollbars
The View should look like:
but on my laptop it looks like:
So I want to have scrollbars. The scrollbar property is set to both directions.
Edit 20121126, the design view. The blue part is header, the txts are in the detail view and the buttons are in the footer:
This problem has stumped me before. Access is not smart enough to realize if the screen is set to a different 'zoom' than 100%. So Access is thinking that the entire form is on your screen when really it is not.
This really only applies if you have Windows 7 and maybe 8, but I have no idea about that. If you go to your display property (right click the desktop and select 'Personalize' then Display in the lower left-hand corner of the pop-up.)
If you are not set at 100% then access is missing 25-50% of your screen. access goes off of pixels, which is set in the resloution, but when using 125% Windows expands everything by 25% and that can push things right off the screen. The form does not need scroll bars to fit on your screen, just need to set your zoom to 100%.
I found this out by having a 'control bar' set to be x-250 pixels from the left (where x is total left to right pixels). However one computer could never see the control bar and it was because the screen was +125%. I have never been able to figure out how to get the current 'zoom' from Windows. I have searched through all manner of API's. I hope this is the solution you were looking for! Good Luck!!
