QOpenGLWidget stops repainting on update() - qt

I have a custom QDialog which contains a hierarchy with 4 separate instances of QOpenGLWidget.
Each of these QOpenGLWidget's has its own GL context, and renders a different scene.
I have a loop which calls update() (the recommended method for repainting them) on each QOpenGLWidget regularly (the focused one more regularly, however I think this is irrelevant to the problem).
My problem is that eventually after random amounts of time (sometime it happens quickly, other times it won't happen for 10+ mins), one or more QOpenGLWidget's will stop repainting when update() is called.
I have however noticed that resizing the stalled QOpenGLWidget causes a single repaint event to be triggered.
I can see with the debugger that update() is being called on all the QOpenGLWidget's, but this is never triggering paintGL() (the repaint method) for the stalled widgets. and that updatesEnabled() always returns true, regardless of wether update() is triggering repaints or not. QT also isn't printing any errors or warnings to console.
The dialog containing these widgets is running in a separate thread to the one that triggers update(), so I can't call repaint() directly (without writing my own event loop).
Adding QApplication::sync() to the method that triggers update() doesn't make a difference either.
I'm inclined to think it occurs more when there's less ram available, however less ram is in the order of 800mb, and the application uses significantly less than that. So my gut is probably wrong.
I'm not a big user of QT, so I'm not too sure where to go from here debugging the issue further, any suggestions would be welcome. Given the reproducibility of the error involves waiting an unknown length of time and a more complex and multi-threaded project, can't imagine there would be much benefit to me attempting to reproduce the bug with a small snippet of code.
Just ran into exactly the same issue when calling update() on a QGraphicsScene, however it was occurring after only a couple of updates every time.
Found this suggestion to instead update the viewport with viewport()->update() and it appears to have fixed the problem.
QOpenGLWidget however doesn't have a viewport to update in the same way.


Update QGraphicsScene from another, non-main thread

I'm pretty new to QT's graphic view frame, and I couldn't find anything about this in the docs or on Google.
I have a GUI application that draws a representation for some data. The application itself does some work with matrices / vectors (a neural net thing) and has to represent it on a QGraphicsScene. So far so good, but I've noticed that the app segfaults & crashes sooner or later (and usually sooner) if I try to update the QGraphicsScene from another thread. The QT Docs say nothing about thread-safety & Google gives nothing. What I want (and pretty much need) to do is run the calculations & update the GUI representation accordingly, but the GUI controls etc themself have to remain responsive. As I said, my first thought was to do the whole thing in another thread, but it crashes randomly if I try to.
Is there any "accepted practice" to do this kind of thing in QT or is there some gotcha that I don't know of in the graphics view framework itself?
The Qt docs actually say quite a lot about thread safety. If the docs for QGraphicsScene don't say anything it's because they are not thread-safe, consistent with the behaviour you are seeing.
What you need to do is run your calculations in another thread and synchronise that thread with the main GUI thread as appropriate. A simple way to do this would be to set a flag in the main thread when the calculations are ready for display. That way you can call the appropriate QGraphicsScene methods in the main thread at the right time by simply checking the flag.

Displaying Flex Object References

I have a bit of a memory leak issue in my Flex application, and the short version of my question is: is there any way (in AcitonScript 3) to find all live references to a given object?
What I have is a number of views with presentation models behind each of them (using Swiz). The views of interest are children of a TabNavigator, so when I close the tab, the view is removed from the stage. When the view is removed from the stage, Swiz sets the model reference in the view to null, as it should. I also removeAllChildren() from the view.
However when profiling the application, when I do this and run a GC, neither the view nor the presentation model are freed (though both set their references to each other to null). One model object used by the view (not a presenter, though) IS freed, so it's not completely broken.
I've only just started profiling today (firmly believing in not optimising too early), so I imagine there's some kind of reference floating around somewhere, but I can't see where, and what would be super helpful would be the ability to debug and see a list of objects that reference the target object. Is this at all possible, and if not natively, is there some light-weight way to code this into future apps for debugging purposes?
Assuming you are using Flex Builder, you could try the Profiler. In my experience, it's not so good for profiling performance, but it's been of great help for finding memory leaks.
It's not the most intuitive tool and it takes a while to get used to it (I mean, to the point where it actually becomes helpful). But, in my opinion, investing some time to at least learn the basics pays off. There's an enormous difference between just seeing how much memory the player is using globally (what System.totalMemory gives you, a very rough, imprecise and often misleading indicator) and actually track how many instances of each object have been created, how many are still alive and where were they allocated (so you can find the potential leak in the code and actually fix it instead of relying in black magic).
I don't know of any good tutorials for the FB profiler, but maybe this'll help to get you started.
First, launch the profiler. Uncheck performance profiling and check everything else (Enable memory profiling, watch live memory data and generate object allocation stack traces).
When the profiler starts, you'll see stats about the app objects, grouped by class. At this point, you might want to tweak filters. You'll see a lot of data and it's very easy to be overwhelmed. For now, ignore everything native to flash and flex stuff, if possible, and concentrate on some object that you think it should be collected.
The most important figures are "cumulative instances" and "instances". The first is the total number of instances created so far; the second, the number of said instances that are still alive. So, a good starting point is get your app to the state where the view you suspect that leaks gets created. You should see 1 for "cumulative instances" and "instances".
Now, do whatever you need to do to get to the point where this view should be cleaned up (navigate to other part of the app, etc) and run a GC (there's a button for that in the profiler UI). A crucial point is that you will be checking the app behaviour against your expectations -if that makes sense-. Finding leaks automatically in a garbarge collected environment is close to impossible by definition; otherwise, there would be no leaks. So, keep that in mind: you test against your expectations; you are the one who knows the life cycle of your objects and can say, "at this point this object should have been collected; if it's not, there's something wrong".
Now, if the "instances" count for you view goes down to 0, there's no leak there. If you think the app leaks, try to find other objects that might not have been disposed properly. If the count remains at 1, it means your view is leaked. Now, you'll have to find why and where.
At this point, you should take a "memory snapshot" (the button next to the Force GC button). Open the snapshot, find the object in the grid and double click on it. This will give you a list of all the objects that have a reference to this object. It's actually a tree, and probably each item will contain in turn a number of backreferences and so on. These are the objects that are preventing your view from being collected. In the right panel, also, you will an allocation trace. This will show how the selected object was created (pretty much like a stack trace).
You'll probably see a hugh number of objects there. But your best bet is to concentrate in those that have a longer life cycle than the object you're examining (your view). What I mean is, look for stage, a parent view, etc; objects on which your view depends on rather than objets that depend on your view, if that makes sense. If your view has a button and you added a listener to it, your button will have a ref to your view. In most cases, this is not a problem, since the button depends on the view and once the view is collect, so is the button. So, the idea is that since there are a lot of objects, you should try to stay focused or you will get nowhere. This method is rather heuristic, but in my experience, it works.
Once you find the source of a leak, go back to the source, change the code accordingly (maybe this requires not just changing code but refactoring a bit). Then repeat the process and check whether your change has caused the desired effect. It might take a while, depending on how big or complex is your app and how much you know about it. But if you go step by step, finding and fixing one problem at the time, you'll eventually get rid of the leaks. Or at least the worst and more evident ones. So, while a bit tedious, it pays off (and as a nice aside, you'll eventually understand what a waste of time is in most cases to use weak refs for every single event handler on the face of this earth, nulling out every single variable, etc, etc; it's an enlightening experience ;).
Hope this helps.
Flash GC uses a mix of ref counting and mark and sweep, so it does detect circular references. It seems rather you're having another reference in you object graph. The most common reason is, that the objects you want disposed still are having event handlers registered on objects that are not disposed. You could try to ensure that handlers are always registered with weak reference. You could also override addEventListener and removeEventListener in all (base) classes, if possible, to look which listeners are registered and whether there are chances for some not to be removed.
Also, you can write destructors for your objects, that for ui components clear graphics and remove all children, and for all objects, removes references to all properties. That way, only your object is kept in RAM, which shouldn't require much memory (a small footprint of 20 B or so, plus 4 B per variable (8 for a Number)).
also a useful heuristics for finding memory leaks: http://www.tikalk.com/flex/solving-memory-leaks-using-flash-builder-4-profiler

How to spot memory leaks in profiler?

I have an AIR/Flex app I made, I have a few people testing it and everyone is reporting that after leaving it running for a while, it is making all there machines run very slow. It runs fine at first so this must be a memory leak somewhere. I used the profiler on this and the only thing that shows as using a substantial amount of memory is MethodQueueElement which is not a class I wrote, and I have no idea what it does, I am assuming its part of the Flex framework. I am not familiar with using a profiler so I am not sure what all I shuld be looking at, that was the only class that was high on "memory" and it said it had over 100,000 instances. If this is my problem what can I do to fix it? I do not even know what this class does or anything about how it gets instantiated.
The MethodQueueElement class is an internal class of the mx.core.UIComponent class.
It is used to represent on method call that has been enqueued by a callLater call.
The callLater method is part of the public interface of UIComponent, so either you call it in your code, or it is beeing called by the framework (as it happens in UIComponent.setFocus e.g.)
To free all MethodQueueElement instances, UIComponent replaces the current array of MethodQueueElements by a new (empty) one. (in the callLaterDispatcher2 method) So the only way to make a memory leak out of it is, to prevent callLaterDispatcher2 from beeing called.
To debug this, you can start to set breakpoints (while you app is running) in the methods callLater (here your instances get created, so somehow it gets called all the time, look at the stacktrace here!), callLaterDispatcher2 (i suppose it wont get called), and check whether UIComponentGlobals.callLaterSuspendCount is != 0, which could be the reason callLaterDispatcher2 doesn't get called.
Should the latter be the case, i suspect, that you have tweens or something else calling UIComponent.suspendBackgroundProcessing but then not calling resumeBackgroundProcessing (because of an exception terminating the code before reaching the resumeBackgroundProcessing call e.g.)

Flex equivalent of ProcessMessages and unresponsive UI during long loops

I find that my Flex application's UI becomes unresponsive during very long processing loops (tens of seconds). For example, while processing very large XML files and doing something per-element...
Is there an equivalent of "ProcessMessages"? That is, a call that would tell Flex to continue responding to UI events, even in the middle of some long loop, so that the UI doesn't become unresponsive?
I'm aware Flex is single threaded by design. That's exactly why I'm looking for something like ProcessMessages() - a function that allows single-threaded reentrant applications (like in VB, or single-threaded message loop based C++ applications) to remain responsive during long operations.
Summary of Answers
There's no built-in function like HandleEvents() or ProcessMessages() in Flex.
Using some sort of callback mechanism to iteratively process chunks of a long computation process, while yielding to the runtime between chunks, thus enabling it to be responsive, is the only way to maintain a responsive UI during long computations.
Ways of accomplishing the above are:
Using the enterFrame event, which is called whenever the Flash "movie" layer below the Flex application refreshes its frame (which is something like 20fps).
Using a timer.
Using UIComponent.callLater() which schedules work to be done "later". (as the docs say: Queues a function to be called later. Before each update of the screen, Flash Player or AIR calls the set of functions that are scheduled for the update.
Using intentionally triggered mouse/keyboard events to create pseudo "worker threads", as in this example.
If there are further suggestions, or if I left out anything, please feel free to edit this (now) wiki piece.
The problem is that Flash is single threaded, i.e. until a part of the code is running, no other processing can be made. You'll somehow need to break up the processing into smaller chunks and execute these chunks, say, on the enterFrame event.
Edit: I'm afraid that downvoting this (or Simon's) answer does not change the fact that this is not doable in AS3. Read this article for more insight on the problem. The article also includes a simple "library" called PseudoThread, which helps in executing long background computations. You still have to break up the problem into smaller pieces yourself, though.
I can tell you definitively that as of Flex 3, there is no built-in construct similar to the ProcessMessages functionality you are describing.
The most common way to work around this is to split whatever work you are processing into a queue of "worker" tasks and a "worker manager" to control the queue. As each "worker" completes its processing, the worker queue manager pops the next worker off the queue and executes it in a callLater() invocation. This will have an effect that is similar to "yielding to the main thread" and allow your UI to receive events and be responsive, while still allowing the processing to continue when control is returned to the worker.
Once you've got this working, you can do some testing and profiling to figure out if your application can get away with executing a run of multiple workers before invoking callLater(), and encapsulate this logic within the worker queue manager. For example, in our implementation of this pattern (with a few hundred workers in the queue), we were able to get the processing done more quickly with a comparable perceived performance by executing 4 workers before "yielding to the main thread" with callLater(), but this is totally dependent on the scope and nature of the work that your workers are doing.
The process model for ActionScript is single threaded, so the answer is no. Best bet is to either defer to an asynchronous task on the server if you can, or pop up a wait cursor while your long loop runs, or break your process into some smaller pieces which are not quite as intrusive to the UI, or perform the long running tasks at a moment when the user is less likely to feel the effect (app startup for instance).
Actionscript is single threaded by design, no amount of downvoting answers will change that.
For compatibility your best bet is to try to split up your processing into smaller chunks, and do your processing iteratively.
If you absolutely need threading it can sort of be done in Flash Player 10 using Pixel Bender filters. These will run on a separate thread and can give you a callback once they are done.
I believe they are well suited for "hardcore" processing tasks, so they might fit your purpose nicely.
However, they will put a whole other set of demands on your code, so you might be better of doing small "buckets" of computing anyways.
There is no equivalent functionality in Flash Player. By design, Flash Player alternates between rendering to the screen and then running all of the code for each frame. Using Event.ENTER_FRAME events on display objects, or Timer objects elsewhere, are the best bet for breaking up very long calculations.
It's worth noting that some events in ActionScript have an updateAfterEvent() function with the following description:
Instructs Flash Player or the AIR runtime to render after processing of this event completes, if the display list has been modified.
In particular, TimerEvent, MouseEvent, and KeyboardEvent support updateAfterEvent(). There may be others, but those are the ones I found with a quick search.

Force Garbage Collection in AS3?

Is it possible to programmatically force a full garbage collection run in ActionScript 3.0?
Let's say I've created a bunch of Display objects with eventListeners and some of the DO's have been removed, some of the eventListeners have been triggered and removed etc... Is there a way to force garbage collection to run and collect everything that is available to be collected?
Yes, it's possible, but it is generally a bad idea. The GC should have a better idea of when is a good time to run than you should, and except for a very specific case, like you just used 500MB of memory and you need to get it back ASAP, you shouldn't call the GC yourself.
In Flash 10, there is a System.gc() method you can call (but please don't, see above) - keep in mind System.gc() only works in the debugging version of Flash player 10+.
In Flash 9, there is an unsupported way to force it via an odd LocalConnection command, but it may not work in all versions. See this post by Grant Skinner.
There is a new API for telling the GC that it might be a "relatively good moment" to collect.
See the Adobe API docs for
And also this Adobe blog post from shortly after the method was introduced in Player version 11
The method takes an "imminence" argument; basically, you feed in a low number (near 0.0) if you really want the collector to run, even if there has not been much activity (currently measured by bytes-allocated) since the last collection, and you feed in a large number (near 1.0) if you only want the collection pause to happen if we were already near the point where a collection would happen anyway.
The motivation here is for situations in e.g. games where you want to shift the point where GC's happen by a small amount, e.g. do the GC during a change of level in the game, rather than two seconds after the player started exploring the level.
One very important detail: This new API is supported by both the Release and the Debugger Flash Runtimes. This makes it superior to calling System.gc().
For all currently released versions, System.gc() only works in the debug version of the Flash player and ADL (the debug environment for AIR apps). Flash player 10 beta currently does work in all flavors.
I agree with Davr, it's a bad idea to do. The runtime will usually have a better idea than you do.
Plus, the specifics of how the garbage collector works is an implementation detail subject to change between flash player versions. So what works well today has no guarantee to work well in the future.
As others said: do not try to GC manually, there are hacks but it's not safe.
You should try recycling objects when you can - you'll save a lot of memory.
This can be applied for instance to BitmapDatas (clear and reuse), particles (remove from display and reuse).
I have a comment on those saying you should never do GC manually. I'm used to manual memory management in C++ and I prefer sharedptr a lot over GC, but anyway.
There is a specific case where I can't find another solution than do a GC. Please consider: I have a DataCache class, the way it work is it keeps result objects for certain method calls that send out updated events when refreshing/receiving data. The way the cache is refreshed is I just clean all results from it and send the event which causes any remaining listeners to re-request their data and listeners that went out of scope should not rerequest which cleans out not needed results. But apparently, if I can't force all listeners that still dangle waiting for GC to be cleaned up immediatly before sending out the "ask you data again" event, those dangling listeners will request data again unnecessarily. So since I can't removeEventListener because AS3 doesn't have destructors I can't see another easy solution than forcing a GC to make sure there's no dangling listeners anymore.
(Edit) On top of that I cannot use removeEventListener anyway for binding which were setup in mxml, for example (using my custom DataCacher class which handles remoteobj)
<mx:DataGrid id="mygrid" dataProvider="{DataCacher.instance().result('method').data}" ... />
When the popup window containing this datagrid is closed, you would expect the bindings to be destroyed. Apparently they live on and on. Hmm, shouldn't flex destroy all bindings (meaning eventlisteners) from an object when it's being marked for GC because the last reference is deleted. That would kinda solve the problem for me.
At least that's why I think, I'm still a beginner in Flex so any thoughts would be appreciated.
try {
new LocalConnection().connect('foo');
new LocalConnection().connect('foo');
} catch (e:*){
trace("Forcing Garbage Collection :"+e.toString());
If you have to, calling the gargabe collector could be useful... so, you have to be carefull how and when you do it, but there is no doubt that there are times when is neccesary.
for example, if you have an app that is modular, when you change from one view to the other, all the deleted objects could represent a large amount of memory that should be available as faster as possible, you just need to have control of the variables and references you are disposing.
recycling doesn't really help. I used one loader that repeatedly loaded the same jpg every 500ms. task manager still reported a non stop increase in memory.
tried and proven solution here.
