ASP.NET Empty Web Site template -

I'm trying to find ASP.NET Empty Web Site in Visual Studio 2016 template list, but I can't. It is still exist there or I'm able to use only ASP.NET Web Application?

Open VS2015 > File > New Project > Select ASP.NET web application (.NET framework)
Then press OK to continue. On next template window, select Empty option-
See if this helps.

To create "ASP.NET Web Site" projects in Visual Studio 2016 you need to install the "Additional project templates (previous versions)" ASP.NET Component.
It probably gets missed as this option is only visible if you click on the ASP.NET workload and is not listed on the "Individual components" tab!
See Image 1 here
After installing the component, the templates are now present:
See Image 2 here

Just create an empty folder then "Open Website" option from the startup page.

To create an Empty web site, you need to do the following :
Open VS2015 > File > New Web Site > Visual C# > ASP.Net Empty Web Site


Convert to Web Application in VS 2015.1

I'm running Visual Studio 2015 Enterprise Update 1.
I created an empty Visual Basic ASP.NET Website targeting the .NET Framework 4.5.2. And I want to convert it to an ASP.NET Web Application.
Under the Website's context menu in Solution Explorer there is no "Convert to Web Application" menu-item, nor is there anything under the Website menu in the main-menu bar:
Where has the feature gone? Has it been removed completely in Update 1?
This is the most confusing part of converting websites to web applications. The way you need to do it is to:
Create a new Web Application project
Copy all of your website contents into it (you could create the *.csproj file in the same website directory, then include all files into the project without actually having to move them)
The command will be available on the WebApp project (under the Project menu, at the bottom)
Basically at that point the command looks at the contents of the WebApp project and makes adjustments so that they are more suitable for a WebApp project. 5 preview templates - web site

Very new to visual studio and have been working through tutorials.
When starting a new project it says to select the 5 preview template web site but I only have the options Empty, Web API, and Web Application.
Would I chose Web Application or do I need to download the template "web site"?
File, New Project. Don't do File New Website.
Make sure in the version drop down in the top left you have .NET 4.5 or later selected. For a new project, probably best to go with the latest.
If you still don't see the ASP.NET 5 Preview Templates, you may need to reinstall VS 2015.

Adding web application template in Visual Studio 2010

I am using visual studio 2010. When I click on New website-> Visual C# -> I have numbers of options except ASP.Net WebApplication. How do i get the ASP.Net Web Application option to show up?
Thanks a lot.
Please try File -> New Project from Menu.
In the New Project window, you can see the option to create an ASP.NET WebApplication.
You could find the difference between Web Site and Web Application in the link below:

ASP.NET Web Application template missing in Visual Studio 2012

has anyone else dealt with this? My ultimate goal is to create a new empty web api project. I've been following tutorials and I've encountered the following issue:
My issue is that when I try to create a ASP.NET Web Application project in Visual Studio Pro 2012 I do not see that template as an option. I go to Installed --> Templates --> Visual C# --> Web
All I see is ASP.NET Empty Web Application. So I selected that and then expected the ASP.Net project window to pop up so that I could select "Web Api". However, that dialog never opened.
Does anyone know how/where I can get the ASP.NET Web Application template?
I came across your question as I had the same problem. When I first installed Visual Studio I didn't tick the box to install the Web Components. Here is how I solved the issue:
Close all your instances of Visual Studio.
Run the Visual Studio Installer (I found mine in the Downloads folder still and was named "vs_professional.exe").
For VS 2013 a grey window appears similar to when first installing VS.
When prompted select "Modify" from the list of options.
Tick the list item which I think was named "Web Development" or something similar.
Click update.
Once the installer has finished running launch Visual Studio.
When selecting New Project in Visual Studio I can now see the required templates.
Try to select Framework 4.5.
The Framework 4.0 don't have :)
Jorge Rocha
If you have ASP.NET MVC 4 Web Application as an option under Web when you select it as a new project the project window pops up and you will be able to select Web API.
kale909's solution worked for me. I just added pics here to make it more clear:
then here:

How do you force Visual Studio 2008 to generate designer.cs e.g. Whatever.aspx.designer.cs

I have some webforms in an Asp.Net V2.0 generated using Visual Studio 2005 using Web site technology
Want to import them in to Visual Studio 2008 set to v3.5 (Asp.Net MVC) - where I use Project technology
I'm using Add > Existing Item - Which brings in Whatever.aspx & Whatever.aspx.cs
There is no Whatever.aspx.designer.cs to import
How do you force it to be generated ?
Right-click your aspx file and select Convert to Web Application.
You have to make sure that your project is a Web Application (and not a Website). Then, You can right-click on the file or the project and select "Convert to Web Application". If all goes well, the designer file will be created. If not, then there is a parsing error in the page.
But if you want your project to truly be a MVC application, then you should not be using code-behind files for your webpages (Views), so you need to refactor the codebehind classes into Controllers. See this article why not:
