Find undeclared variables in MethodDeclaration Eclipse JDT - abstract-syntax-tree

How can we find undeclared variables in eclipse's JDT MethodDeclaration body?

I assume you are looking for references that cannot be resolved (because the intended variable has not been declared), right?
You should create your AST with setResolveBindings(true) and then search for Names whose resolveBinding() is null. This will also find unresolved type references, where a SimpleType or QualifiedType contains a Name node. This can be detected by asking name.getParent() instanceof Type. If true then it's not a variable reference.


DelimitedFiles.readdlm(source, ....) modifies source, is that really intended and where in the documentation/definition is this explained?

surprised to find that DelimitedFiles.readdlm(source, ...) changes the source input parameter. surprised because Ι could find no indication hereof in the official documentation is this just a standard assumption about mutability in julia? i thought that somefunction that might change an input parameter would indicate this with somefunction! (adding ! to the function name)?
Ι used the function as follows:
out = DelimitedFiles.readdlm(source,',',header=true)
before the call, source has type Array{UInt8,1} and has several elements. after the call, out has type Tuple{Array{Any,2},Array{AbstractString,2}}, source has type Array{UInt8,1} (unchanged) and source is empty (changed).
The reason is that String(vec::Vector{UInt8}) does not perform a copy but takes ownership of vec (and mutates it).
For now you should write:
out = DelimitedFiles.readdlm(copy(source),',',header=true)
I have asked a question here to clarify what is the intended target behavior (copying or non-copying).

Looking for idea on overwrite a function during frama-c

I'm looking for idea on how to overwrite a function without modify the source. Like if I have foo() in the original source, I want to overwrite it with my own version with the same function name by adding it in a C file, which may also contains other overwrite functions. Sort of like strong/weak compilation. Currently I have to go in the source files and ifdef with __FRAMAC__. I don't want to touch the source files. Is there some kernel option to not use the second instance of foo() function?
Your question does not specify whether you want to replace a function declaration or a function definition. Since they are handled differently by Frama-C, I'm going to detail both.
Duplicate definitions at the kernel level
Currently, at the parsing level, there is no option in Frama-C to completely ignore the definition of a function that is present in one of the files given for parsing. The Frama-C AST will incorporate the definition of all functions it finds.
There is no exact equivalent for strong/weak symbols.
If a second definition for the same function is found, one of the following will happen:
If both definitions occur in the same compilation unit, there is an error.
If each definition happens in a different compilation unit, Frama-C will try to find a plausible solution:
If both occurrences have the same signature, Frama-C will emit a warning such as:
[kernel] b.c:2: Warning:
dropping duplicate def'n of func f at b.c:2 in favor of that at a.c:1
In this case, you just need to ensure the definition you want appears later in the list of sources to be parsed.
If the occurrences have different signatures, but one of the functions is never actually used, you may have a warning such as:
[kernel:linker:drop-conflicting-unused] Warning:
Incompatible declaration for f:
different number of arguments
First declaration was at a.c:1
Current declaration is at b.c:2
Current declaration is unused, silently removing it
However, if both occurrences are used, then you have an error:
[kernel] User Error: Incompatible declaration for f:
different type constructors: int vs. int *
First declaration was at a.c:1
Current declaration is at b.c:2
Duplicate declarations at the kernel level
Considering function declarations, Frama-C will, in accordance with the C standard, accept as many of them as are given, provided they are compatible. If they have ACSL specifications, those specifications will be merged.
Multiple incompatible declarations are handled as before, with warnings or errors depending on whether both versions are used (in which case Frama-C is unable to choose).
Plugin-specific options
Plug-ins may have specific options to override the default behavior of functions in the AST. For instance, Eva has option -eva-use-spec <fns>, which tells the analysis to ignore the definitions of functions <fns>, using only their specifications instead.

robotframework - get all the variables/arguments passed to an execution

Is there a way to access all the variables/arguments passed through the command line or variable file (-V option) during robotframework execution. I know in python the execution can access it with 'sys.args' feature.
The answer for getting the CLI arguments is inside your question - just look at the content of the sys.argv, you'll see everything that was passed to the executor:
${args}= Evaluate sys.argv sys
Log To Console ${args}
That'll return a list, where the executable itself ( is the 1st member, and all arguments and their values present the in the order given during the execution:
['C:/my_directories/rf-venv/Lib/site-packages/robot/', '--outputdir', 'logs', '--variable', 'USE_BROWSERSTACK:true', '--variable', 'IS_DEV_ENVIRONMENT:false', '--include', 'worky', 'suites\\test_file.robot']
You explicitly mention variable files; that one is a little bit trickier - the framework parses the files itself, and creates the variables according to its rules. You naturally can see them in the CLI args up there, and the other possibility is to use the built-in keyword Get Variables, which "Returns a dictionary containing all variables in the current scope." (quote from its documentation). Have in mind though that these are all variables - not only the passed on the command line, but also the ones defined in the suite/imported keywords etc.
You have Log Variables to see their names and values "at current scope".
There is no possibility to see the arguments passed to robot.

Can you have types that refer to each other in Julia?

I get ERROR: LoadError: UndefVarError: Expression not defined for the following code:
struct IntLiteral
struct Plus
struct Minus
const Expression = Union{IntLiteral, Plus, Minus}
If I declare Expression ahead of Plus and Minus, I get a similar error. Wrapping the code in a module doesn't change anything, either.
Is there a way to reference a type ahead of its declaration in Julia? If not, what is the recommended solution for cases like this, where two types depend on each other? Just remove the type annotations?
In this particular case, I believe I could make Expression an abstract type, and have the others be subtypes of it. Is that recommended in this case? What about the general case?
Not currently, no. See issue #269 for more details.

Setting Global variables inside reference class in R

I'm a bit confused on global variable assignments after reading quite a lot of stack overflow questions. I have gone through
Global variables in R and other similar questions
I have the following situation. I have 2 global variables current_idx and previous_idx. These 2 global variables are being set by a method in a reference class.
Essentially, using <<- assignment operator should work right ? But, I get this warning
Non-local assignment to non-field names (possibly misspelled?)
Where am I going wrong ?
Using assign(current_idx, index, envir = .GlobalEnv) works i.e. I do not get the warning. Can some one shed some light on this.
You are confusing "global variables" and Reference Classes which are a type of environment. Executing <<- will assign to a variable with that name in the parent.frame of the function. If you are only one level down from the .GlobalEnv, it will do the same thing as your assign statement.
If you have a Reference Class item you can assign items inside it by name with:
ref_item$varname <- value
Easier said than done, though. First you need to set up the ReferenceClass properly:
This is happening because the default method for modifying fields of a reference class from within a reference class method is to use <<-. For example, in:
methods=list(setA=function(x) a <<- x)
You can modify the a field of your reference class via the setA method. Because this is the canonical way of setting fields via methods in reference classes, R assumes that any other use of <<- within a reference method is a mistake. So if you try to assign to a variable that exists in an environment other than the reference class, R "helpfully" warns you that maybe you have a typo since it thinks the only probably use of <<- in a reference method is to modify a reference field.
You can still just assign to global objects with <<-. The warning is just a warning that maybe you are doing something you didn't intend to do. If you intended to write to an object in the global environment, then the warning doesn't apply.
By using assign you are bypassing the check that reference methods carry out to make sure you are not accidentally typoing a field name in an assignment within the reference method, so you don't get the warning. Also, note that assign actually targets the environment you supply, whereas <<- will just find the first object of that name in the lexical search path.
All this said, there are really rare instances where you actually want a reference method do be writing directly to the global environment. You may need to rethink what you are doing. You should ask yourself why those two variables are not just fields in the reference class instead of global variables.
