I would like to pass data into annotations in Google Analytics. Is it currenty possible?
I am not quite sure what you are asking, but the only thing that you can put into annotations are text strings via the interface (i.e. you cannot create annotations programmatically via the management API). So the answer is probably "no".
I'm trying to add my country( senegal ) language(wo = wolof) into googletrans. I already build a list of words, so now I want to integrate them in googletrans python library.
I don't think it is possible. The Google Translate APIs are simply a client that send the requests to Google servers where the translation work is actually done. There is no way to add a new language to the API. (You can confirm this by looking at the (unofficial) API source code.)
Besides, you need more than just a word list to do a reasonable job of translating from one language to another. (Word mapping without any context tends to produce nonsense.)
Having said that ... if you believe that you can do reasonable translation based on simple word maps, then you don't need to use Google Translate APIs at all. You can use your word lists / maps directly in your Python program.
I would like to create a user-friendly interface for users to view data collected by Google Analytics. Their Reporting API v4 looks like a good place to start, but I was wondering if anyone knows of anything existing that I could leverage?
If not, does anyone have any suggestions on how to do this?
What do you mean by interface? If you're looking for a report that can be sent out, Supermetrics may be what you're looking for.
If you're looking for a more sophisticated client dashboard, you might be able to leverage PowerBI.
I have a ton of saved places that appear on my Google Maps - but there is no way to manage, filter or search them. Is there a way to access these locations by API?
I scanned the maps api and can't find any reference. Is there another Google API that makes this available?
There do have a REST API can retrieve the saved places.
Visit this link to get more information.
There are also api like:
But seems like they have been deprecated and most of document are not available anymore. Use them as you own risk.
Currently the list of saved places in My Maps is not available via an API. There is a feature request tracking this you can use to follow along # https://code.google.com/p/gmaps-api-issues/issues/detail?id=2953.
2022: I created a gist for parsing saved places from a shared list via python. It is really unstable because its a quick&dirty solution but maybe it will help someone: https://gist.github.com/ByteSizedMarius/8c9df821ebb69b07f2d82de01e68387d
Edit: The above answer did not yet take pagination into consideration. Please see my answer here.
I am using Google Tag Manger; here I can pass dynamic values using “Javascript Vaiables”. Can anybody explain where will be the use of “dataLayer” ? I think, all of those dynamic value requirements can be done by using “Javascript variable” itself.
At least two things come to mind:
The Google Analytics transaction tracking requires a prefined dataLayer; that way you can use a simple tag template provided by Google instead of having to parse your own variable structure into something suitable
it largely avoids variable naming collisions with other scripts; you only need to check if another script or global variable also uses the variable name "dataLayer". With lots of 'simple' variables you'd have to check with each one if them for collisions
So yes, you do not have to use the dataLayer variable, but it's much more convenient and simpler to debug.
Further to Eike's answer, the dataLayer is a javascript variable :-)
The main point as I see it is that some of the user interface bits and pieces are designed to work with a "dataLayer" variable to make your life easier.
For example with some tags/tag templates you can just tell GTM to use values from the dataLayer directly; if you used javascript variables you'd need to manually define macros for each variable and manually assign them to a tag rather than just use the data directly from the data layer.
I am working on a project where I am integrating analytics into a website. I am very interested in using a Data Layer like the one described in this article,
However, this tutorial only defines how to use a data layer when using Google Tag Manager. If I am using a different tag manager, like BrightTag or OpenTag, is there anyway to hook Google Analytics into a Data Layer using just JavaScript?
OpenTag has it's own specification for a data layer - they call it "universal variable", specs are here: https://github.com/QubitProducts/UniversalVariable. Presumably BrightTag uses yet another format
Updated to add: Brighttag is now Signal and they do not seem to use a standardized format, they simply grab global variables - but of course you still can declare an object to create a pseudo-namespace and minimize naming collisions, and pick your values from that object
There seems to be no commom specification which would be compatible with multiple/all Tag Management Systems.
So yes, you can use some kind of data layer with other Tag Management Systems but it might be called differently and how it will be implemented depends on your platform of choice.
Updated to add: Also keep in mind that the GTM dataLayer does not just contain key/value pairs, the GTM code also overwrites the native push method for the dataLayer array. That might be a concern if you plan to use multiple tools that manipulate the dataLayer variable at once.
Often times, tag managers allow full customisation over your Data layer variable. At least Google Tag Manager allows you to rename it: https://developers.google.com/tag-manager/devguide#renaming . If the other vendors are wise, they would probably allow this as well - in case of conflicting variable names.
There's no common standard to use across tag managers but W3C is working on a draft proposal for a standard data layer. It's worth checking out:
Presumably, if you follow this it should make switching to other tag managers easier in the future.