text() to display a greek letter with subscript in R plot - r

I was wondering how I could make the letter "sigma" appear in Greek with the subscript "m" in the text() part of the R code below?:
sigmam <- dnorm(177.4,175.3,.961)/ dnorm(177.4,176,4)
text(165,.285,paste("sigmam", "=", round(1/sigmam,digits=2)))

Check out ?plotmath for relevant examples of how to piece this sort of thing together. For instance, here's one adapted from the "## How to combine "math" and numeric variables :"
sigmam <- dnorm(177.4,175.3,.961)/ dnorm(177.4,176,4)
text(165,.285, bquote(Sigma[m] == .(round(sigmam,2))))


Expression, bquote and inequality sign

I am trying to print a "greater or equal to" sign an an R base plot. I have tried both with expression() and bquote() and I simply do not understand what is going wrong.
There is no need for long code, according to plotmath documenmtation this
should return a vector of type "expression" containing its arguments (unevaluated). Therefore, it should return expression(>=). As is the case for
> expression(phi)
I keep getting
> expression(>=)
Error: unexpected '>=' in "expression(>="
irrespective of the surrounding code.
You can wrap >= in backquotes, which turns the symbol into a name, but it will be displayed as two symbols, not one. Use expression("" >= "") to get the symbol you probably want. For example,
plot(1, xlab = expression(`>=`), ylab = expression("" >= ""))
Created on 2022-11-25 with reprex v2.0.2

Plotting a sequence of strings using sprintf in R

I want to start using sprintf to plot a series of two strings in R for a title of a figure. Can anyone show me how to do it correctly? The values from HS and score should be plotted as characters behind the terms in quotes.
title = sprintf ("HS %s", as.character(HS), "Score %s", as.character(score))
With sprintf, we can multiple arguments as the usage is
sprintf(fmt, ...)
That implies, there would be a single fmt and any number of inputs
sprintf("%HS %s Score %s", as.character(HS), as.character(score))

How to subset words with certain number of vowels in rstudio?

I try to subset a list of words having 5 or more vowel letters using str_subset function in rstudio. However, can't figure it.
Is there any suggestion for this issue?
Since you are evidently using stringr, the function str_count will give you what you are after. Assuming your "list of words" means a character vector of single words, the following should do the trick.
testStrings <- c("Brillig", "slithey", "TOVES",
"Abominable", "EQUATION", "Multiplication", "aaagh")
VowelCount <- str_count(testString, pattern = "[AEIOUaeiou]")
OutputStrings <- testStrings[VowelCount >= 5]
The part in square brackets is a regular expression which matches any capital or lower case vowel in English. Of course other languages have different sets of vowels which you may need to take into account.
If you want to do the same in base R, the following single-liner should do it:
OutputStrings <- grep("([AEIOUaeiou].*){5,}", testStrings, value = TRUE)

R: How do I write "≥2: n=nrow(x)" in plot legend?

I am doing boxplots and have problems with the legend. Specifically, I want to write "≥2: n=formatC(nrow(x))" but can not combine the commands for the ≥ symbol, the function that calculates nrow(x) and formatC(nrow(x), bigmark=",") that should give the nrow number with a thousand separator.
What I tried so far:
smoke <- matrix(c(1:1200),ncol=1,byrow=TRUE)
colnames(smoke) <- c("High")
smoke <- as.table(smoke)
legend(10,70,bquote(paste(NA>=2, ": n=", .(formatC(nrow(smoke)), big.mark=","))))
which gives: ≥ 2: n=1200
I would like to have: ≥2: n=1,200
It seems that formatC does not work under bquote and I would also like to remove the space after the ≥ symbol.
I also tried:
legend(x,y, legend=c(expression(NA>=2), paste(": n=", formatC(nrow(smoke)), sep="")))
which gives the legend in two lines:
≥ 2
: n=1200
Putting paste before expression gives one line but does not convert the >= to ≥.
I am exporting the graph as pdf, which currently works for the ≥ symbol. I would prefer to keep that. Unicode does not work with pdf in my hands.
Thanks in advance,
You have a ) in the wrong place right after smoke, so it takes the big.mark argument as part of paste and not formatC. Try this:
legend(10,70,bquote(paste(NA>=2, ": n=", .(formatC(nrow(smoke), big.mark=",")))))

R - Plot: How to format in 10-base scientific notation and put it text, mtex, title etc functions?

I have numeric variable, say K=3.5e-5 (its values is calculated throughout my script). I want to write this value somewhere (title, as text in the plot, etc) in my plot as:
K_{root} = 3.5 10^{-5} cm /d
I have tried the functions bquote, substitute and no one worked.
Let's put the question in examples. I have tried the following:
kroot = 3.5e-5
Try my favorite function, paste().
text(4,9,gsub("e",paste("K[root]=",format(k,scientific=TRUE),"cm/d",sep=" "),replacement=" 10^")))
You can replace the "e" here using the function gsub. I've edited my answer to include this.
The output:
> k=.0000035
> k
[1] 3.5e-06
> gsub("e",paste("K[root]=",format(k,scientific=TRUE),"} cm/d",sep=" "),replacement=" 10^{ ")
[1] "K[root]= 3.5 10^{ -06 } cm/d"
You can remove the extra spaces around { -06 } by using the function substr, if it's important, or simply leave out the curly brackets in the gsub statement.
I try to avoid using paste inside expressions. There is generally a cleaner way to approach this:
expon <- floor(log10(kroot)) # returns -5
mantis <- kroot*10^(-1*expon ) # returns 3.5
text(4,9,substitute( italic(K[root]) == mantis %.% pten* expon ~cm/d,
list(expon=expon, mantis=mantis, pten=" 10^")))
