Angular 2 always returns http status code 200 on this.http.get() even if the file doesn't exist - http

i'm trying to check if a pdf file exists on the server with an HTTP get request,for that i am testing if the status code returned by the server's response is different then 200, the problem is that i always get status code 200 and statusText "OK".
here's my Service class
getPdf(year: number,type: number, num: number): boolean{
.subscribe(data => console.log(data));
return true;
in my component i have this code :
and that's the result i get in Chrome dev tools console
any ideas of why that is happening and how i can check the existance of a file if this method is not applicable?

I think your server is redirecting some or all requests for assets not found to your main page. It is somewhat common for a single page app. You need to update your server configurations to make it return a not found response for some folders at least.


What path should I use for Meteor's Webapp API?

I'm using Meteor v1.9 Webapp API to have my app listen to HTTP requests, specifically from a link to the app itself from a website, let's say
The documentation says to use
WebApp.connectHandlers.use([path], handler)
Where the [path] is defined as such:
path - an optional path field. This handler will only be called on
paths that match this string. The match has to border on a / or a ..
For example, /hello will match /hello/world and /, but not
My question:
Let's say my meteor application is hosted on and the POST data being sent over to it is from (where the link to is as well).
For the [path] argument mentioned above, in this case, should I have it as "/example" since is where my app is listening to requests from (getting the POST data)? Or does it have to be a different format? I tried the former, but it doesn't seem to be working for it, so I'm trying to find the root of the issue.
Additional information that might be useful: I know it says 'optional' so I tried omitting it, but when I tested it out via 'meteor run' where it runs off of localhost:3000, it just yielded a blank page, with no errors and a success sent back, probably because it uses a GET request instead of POST.
My code for the webapp in my meteor application is as follows:
WebApp.connectHandlers.use("/[example]", async (req, res, next) => {
userName = req.body;
Also technically my meteor application is built/bundled and deployed as a Node.js application on the website, but that shouldn't affect anything regarding this as far as I could tell.
That path is the path (part of the URL) on your meteor server. So in your example, for instance,
WebApp.connectHandlers.use("/example", async (req, res, next) => {
userName = req.body;
means that you will need to send your POST requests to

Next.JS - localhost is prepended when making external API call

I got a simple Next app where I'm making an external API call to fetch some data. This worked perfectly fine until a couple days ago - when the app is making an API request, I can see in the network tab that the URL that it's trying to call, got Next app's address (localhost:3000) prepended in front of the actual URL that needs to be called e.g.: instead of http://{serverAddress}/api/articles it is calling http://localhost:3000/{serverAddress}/api/articles and this request resolves into 404 Not Found.
To make the API call, I'm using fetch. Before making the request, I've logged the URL that was passed into fetch and it was correct URL that I need. I also confirmed my API is working as expected by making the request to the expected URL using Postman.
I haven't tried using other library like axios to make this request because simply it doesn't make sense considering my app was working perfectly fine only using fetch so I want to understand why is this happening for my future experience.
I haven't made any code changes since my app was working, however, I was Dockerizing my services so I installed Docker and WSL2 with Ubuntu. I was deploying those containers on another machine, now both, the API I'm calling and Next app are running on my development machine directly when this issue is happening.
I saw this post, I confirmed I don't have any whitespaces in the URL, however, as one comment mentions, I installed WSL2, however, I am not running the app via WSL terminal. Also, I've tried executing wsl --shutdown to see if that helps, unfortunately the issue still persists. If this is the cause of the issue, how can I fix it? Uninstall WSL2? If not, what might be another possible cause for the issue?
Thanks in advance.
The code I'm using to call fetch:
export const fetcher = (path, options) =>
fetch(`${process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_API_URL}${path}`, options)
.then(res => res.json());
import { useSWRInfinite } from 'swr';
import { fetcher } from '../../utils/fetcher';
const getKey = (pageIndex, previousPageData, pageSize) => {
if (previousPageData && !previousPageData.length) return null;
return `/api/articles?page=${pageIndex}&limit=${pageSize}`;
export default function useArticles(pageSize) {
const { data, error, isValidating, size, setSize } = useSWRInfinite(
(pageIndex, previousPageData) =>
getKey(pageIndex, previousPageData, pageSize),
return {
You might be missing protocol (http/https) in your API call. Fetch by default calls the host server URL unless you provide the protocol name.
Either put it into env variable:
Or prefix your fetch call with the protocol name:
fetch(`http://${process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_API_URL}${path}`, options)

How to read the apple-app-site-association file on Vapor 4?

For the auto-fill password to work on the Apple platforms, I am testing out Apple App Site Association (AASA) Validator in this website.
I have added the required json in the Public/.well-known/apple-app-site-association file for the auto-fill password to work on my iOS application.
The result from this test comes back with this error:
Your file's 'content-type' header was not found or was not recognized.
Does anyone have ever encounter this issue? It seems that the AASA file is not being downloading into my device.
Note that on iOS 14, AASA files will be delivered via Apple's CDN, which is different from how AASA files are currently downloaded.
Is there something else to do about it on my Vapor 4 project to make things work?
I meat the same issue, follow by imike's answer and doing some research, here is the solution.
create a custom Middleware
struct UniversalLinksMiddleware: Middleware {
func respond(to request: Request, chainingTo next: Responder) -> EventLoopFuture<Response> {
guard request.url.string == "/.well-known/apple-app-site-association" else {
return next.respond(to: request)
return next.respond(to: request).map { response in
response.headers.add(name: "content-type", value: "application/json")
return response
add this middleware at config.swift file. Be aware of the order you add middleware, you must add it before FileMIddleware. Because the responses leaving your application goes through the middleware in reverse order.

Autodesk forge Webhook API, Error 400 400, VALIDATION_ERROR

using autodesk forge API, I am trying to create a webhook over folder using the following information; unfortunately, I am receiving the following response:
"detail":["Payload is not valid for serialization"]
URL: (for specific folder added event) or: (for all events). Both are returning the same error
I've tried different folders, root and non-root. I can access all the folders i tried using the api
I am sure that my account is US region
I've tried to add hubId and/or projectId, but I received the same error
<MY_DOMAIN>:<MY_PORT>/callback is configured and working fine
Headers and Data are serializing and de-serializing normally using json loads & dumps
Any suggestion/help?
Answering myself :)
I've discovered that my issue is not related to Forge API, it's a general one related to python Requests. The payload (data) of Requests cannot be nested dictionary, only 1 level dictionary is accepted, nested ones will fail. the solution is to stringify the dict (json.dumps) and use that string as request payload.

MSXML2.XMLHTTP Request to validate entered URL in ASP Classic

Thanks in advance for any help received.
I want to allow our client to enter a URL into a text field which then checks whether the URL exists and works.
There are 3 possible outcomes I want to check for:
A status of 200 - OK,
A status of 500 - Server Error,
Or a status of 404 - page not found.
When executing the following code in ASP classic I get a status code of 12007 when I should be getting 404. Is this because it can't find a webserver to return a code of 404?
Function CheckURL(vURL)
Set oXML=Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP") : oXML.Open "POST",vURL,false : oXML.Send()
CheckURL = oXML.status
Set oXML = nothing
End Function
Or is something amiss here. What status codes am I likely to see other than the standard mentioned above.
The 12007 is a Windows HTTP error which means name hasn't been resolved. You can't get a 200, 404, 500 or any such thing if the host name can't be resolved to an IP address or a connection can't be established to that IP address. In these cases you will get error codes in the 12000s range which aren't HTTP status codes but are windows exception numbers.
See this list for a list of these exception numbers.
BTW, XMLHTTP is not a safe item object to use in ASP. Also why are you using a POST? This is the code I would use:-
Function CheckURL(vURL)
On Error Resume Next
Set xhr = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.3.0")
xhr.Open "HEAD", vURL, false
CheckURL = xhr.status
End Function
Using HEAD allows you test the URL without actually downloading a potentially large entity body.
