Best practices for API response status codes - http

I am building an API and I am returning this kind of status codes for each method (e.g., "register_user"):
200 (OK) when the user has been registered successfully
403 (forbidden) when there are missing parameters in the request
409 (conflict) when a user was already registered
In addition to the status code, I return a "message" field explaining what happened. Do you consider returning these codes in this example a good practice? Or should I return 200 in all of them but an error in the "message" field?

The 403 (Forbidden) status code indicates that the server understood
the request but refuses to authorize it. A server that wishes to
make public why the request has been forbidden can describe that
reason in the response payload (if any).
-- RFC 7231, 6.5.3
That doesn't sound like what you've got at all. The other two are reasonable. Missing parameters are typically handled with a 400 response code.


What HTTP response code to use for failed POST request?

What HTTP response code should be returned when a POST request was not successful and a request body was correctly formatted?
For successful POST request i am using 201 - Created, but there is no equivalent not created code.
I am thinking either 400 - bad request but that would actually point user that a request is poorly formatted or 304 - not modified.
What HTTP response code should be returned when a POST request was not successful and a request body was correctly formatted?
If you mean the syntax of the request payload is valid but it cannot be processed due to invalid data, you can use 422:
11.2. 422 Unprocessable Entity
The 422 (Unprocessable Entity) status code means the server
understands the content type of the request entity (hence a
415 (Unsupported Media Type) status code is inappropriate), and the
syntax of the request entity is correct (thus a 400 (Bad Request)
status code is inappropriate) but was unable to process the contained
instructions. For example, this error condition may occur if an XML
request body contains well-formed (i.e., syntactically correct), but
semantically erroneous, XML instructions.
Remember to provide a good description in the response payload explaining what's wrong with the payload. Refer to the RFC 7807 for details on how to report problems in HTTP APIs.
Updates (according to the comments)
The reason why a POST request would fail is more of a business logic error, for example "account balance too low to withdraw 5.00 USD".
For the situation described in your comment, 403 or 409 would be a better fit.
6.5.3. 403 Forbidden
The 403 (Forbidden) status code indicates that the server understood
the request but refuses to authorize it. A server that wishes to
make public why the request has been forbidden can describe that
reason in the response payload (if any). [...]
6.5.8. 409 Conflict
The 409 (Conflict) status code indicates that the request could not
be completed due to a conflict with the current state of the target
resource. This code is used in situations where the user might be
able to resolve the conflict and resubmit the request. The server
SHOULD generate a payload that includes enough information for a user
to recognize the source of the conflict. [...]

What's the appropriate HTTP status code when the request is missing a required cookie?

I have an API endpoint and the request should have a cookie (not authentication). What would be the correct HTTP status code to return if it isn't present?
I would assume a 400 Bad Request would be the best.
No much details are provided in your question, but I guess 400 (Bad Request) is a good option:
6.5.1. 400 Bad Request
The 400 (Bad Request) status code indicates that the server cannot or
will not process the request due to something that is perceived to be
a client error (e.g., malformed request syntax, invalid request
message framing, or deceptive request routing).
However, depending on your requirements, you also could consider the 422 (Unprocessable Entity) status code, defined in the WebDAV specification, which is just an extension of the HTTP protocol:
11.2. 422 Unprocessable Entity
The 422 (Unprocessable Entity) status code means the server
understands the content type of the request entity (hence a
415 (Unsupported Media Type) status code is inappropriate), and the
syntax of the request entity is correct (thus a 400 (Bad Request)
status code is inappropriate) but was unable to process the contained
instructions. For example, this error condition may occur if an XML
request body contains well-formed (i.e., syntactically correct), but
semantically erroneous, XML instructions.
Just remember providing a good description in the response payload explaining what's missing in the request.
I would consider a 403 forbidden status code for this situation - where everything else is fine but the request is missing a cookie. To copy its details from the linked reference:
The server understood the request but refuses to authorize it.
If authentication credentials were provided in the request, the server considers them insufficient to grant access
Status 401 unauthorized is for when the request lacks authentication credentials. But 401 also requires the response to contain a WWW-Authenticate header field. Based on the question, the request should have a cookie but doesn't, and it isn't a matter of authentication.
Status 400 is when the client request was erroneous, which might be a bit misleading for the scenario the OP describes.
Status 422 might be appropriate, but I think, a bit too generic since it means something on the lines of everything was okay, but the server is unable to process the request.

Is it suitable to use 200 HTTP status code for a forbidden web page?

What is the difference when we use 200 response status code for a forbidden page with an error message saying 'Access Denied' instead of using 403 response status code?
Are there any security implications?
The HTTP Response codes convey information about how the server has processed your request. So, if the server responds with 200, it means: "OK, I have received your request and processed it successfully". If it returns 403, it would mean: "I received your request successfully, but you don't have access to this resource".
However, technically they are both returned in the same format, in the same way in the response HTTP header like this:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
The difference is in the meaning. And the meanings are defined in the standard.
So, when you are responding with code 200, you are telling the client that it is all good and dandy. If you are responding to client with 403, you are saying that the client doesn't have permission to this resource. Remember, there can be different clients: web browsers, crawlers, ajax requests from javascript, etc.
So, if you are sending a login form with 200 code:
Users who are using a web browser would understand that they need to login.
Google crawler will index your members/quality-content URL with the login form and will not understand that actually, the original content is different and it should not index this page with the login form.
Javascript with ajax callback will run success callback, when it should be running error callback function.
So, basically, make us all a favour and follow the standards! :)
Answering your second question, no it does not make your application any less secure.
The reason for this decision might be that error message was not visiable using Internet explorer like described here: How do I suppress "friendly error messages" in Internet Explorer?
Actually the correct way is to use the right HTTP error code and make the error message longer than 512 bytes as described here:
Response status codes are intended to help the client to understand the result of the request. Whenever possible, you should use the proper status codes.
The semantics of the status codes are defined in the RFC 7231, the current reference for HTTP/1.1.
While the 200 status code indicates that the request has succeeded, the 403 status code indicates that the server understood the request but refuses to authorize it:
6.3.1. 200 OK
The 200 (OK) status code indicates that the request has succeeded. The payload sent in a 200 response depends on the request method. [...]
6.5.3. 403 Forbidden
The 403 (Forbidden) status code indicates that the server understood the request but refuses to authorize it. A server that wishes to make public why the request has been forbidden can describe that reason in the response payload (if any). [...]
Returning 200 will work, for sure. But why would you return 200 if you can return a much more meaningful status code? If is there any good reason, this should be added to your question.

When should an API throw a 4xx status code (error) and when a 5xx?

This is a theoretical question.
I believe I know the answer but I've received contradicting answers, so I figured I'd ask here.
On the W3C site it says:
Client Error 4xx
The 4xx class of status code is intended for cases in which the client
seems to have erred.
It also says
Server Error 5xx
Response status codes beginning with the digit "5" indicate cases in
which the server is aware that it has erred or is incapable of
performing the request.
I take this to mean that if a request is syntactically correct, but logically wrong, such as an attempt to create an object with an invalid value on a specific property, then my API should throw a 5xx Error, because the server DID understand the request, but found it to be invalid.
I have, on the other hand, been told that it should be a 4xx error (specifically 400 Bad Request) because the logical error was on the client side, as it sent an invalid value in the first place.
So, what error code SHOULD I be reporting?
5xx error will occur when the problem is on the server side. For example when you make a request with a method or protocol which is not understood by the server, when the proxy did not respond, etc. Per short: when the server was unable to fulfill the request.
In your example a 4xx error is more appropriate, because the request initiator is the source of the problem. More specific, "422 Unprocessable Entity" error is appropriate, because as RFC 4918 states:
The 422 (Unprocessable Entity) status code means the server
understands the content type of the request entity (hence a
415(Unsupported Media Type) status code is inappropriate), and the
syntax of the request entity is correct (thus a 400 (Bad Request)
status code is inappropriate) but was unable to process the contained
From various reasons some API designers are trying to limit themselves to a set of 3 - 5 status codes that will be used. In general this is done to ease the work for the API users, which sounds good, but sometimes this philosophy can have bigger implications.
For example, if I send a request to some API to add a new comment, I would expect a few things to be granted, like (but not limited to):
The request is POST or send me back a 405 status if not.
If the comment was added I will get back 201 response with a link to my new comment in the body.
What do I get sometimes ?
If the request method is not POST, I will get a 400 error.
If the request is POST, I will get back a 200 status and sometimes no link to my new comment.
Sounds confusing ? For me it does.

What http code shall I response if some parameters are not invalid?

I'm creating some restful apis. There is a "register" api, user can POST an "email" and "name" and "password" to register.
On the server side, I will check if the email has been used first. What http code shall I response if I found the email has already been used?
I response 400(bad request) for now, but I don't know if it's correct.
400 Bad Request is correct since there's no specific HTTP code for validation errors.
In a REST API, in general you only ever need to return four HTTP error codes:
401 for unauthorized access
404 for unknown resources
405 for unsupported methods (eg. GET is available but not POST)
400 for everything else
